From CloudModding OoT Wiki
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Actor 0x0000
Version VRom VRam Size
Debug 00C010B0 00C27940 {{{ram-start}}} {{{ram-end}}} 26890
NTSC 1.0 00BCDB70 00BF40D0 {{{ram-start}}} {{{ram-end}}} 26560
PAL MQ 00BB8E30 00BDF540 {{{ram-start}}} {{{ram-end}}} 26710

ovl_player_actor is the main overlay file that drives the Link actor.


NTSC 1.0 Debug Size Type ID Notes
St. End St. End
013C 1 s8 Equipped Tunic 0 = Kokiri Tunic, 1 = Goron Tunic, 2 = Zora Tunic
013D 1 s8 Equipped Sword? Uses C-Item Index
013E 1 s8 Equipped Shield 0 = none, 1 = Deku, 2 = Hylian, 3 = Mirror
013F 1 s8 Equipped Boots 0 = Kokiri, 1 = Iron Boots, 2 = Hover Boots
0140 1 s8 Held Item (Button Index)
0141 1 s8 Held Item (Action Parameter)
0142 1 s8 Held Item (C-Item Ordering)
0144 1 s8 Held Item (Action Parameter)
0148 1 u8 1 if ? (possibly shield needs to go on Child Link's Back), 0 = neutral
014B 1 u8 1 possibly if shield in hand?
014D 1 u8 Right hand item? 08 = neutral, 09 = too heavy to shield, 0A = shielding
014F 1 u8 Current Mask 0 = None, 1 = Keaton Mask, 2 = Skull Mask, 3 = Spooky Mask, 4 = Bunny Hood,
0150 0154 0160 0164 4 ptr Pointer to Link Display List Offset - Right Hand
0154 0158 0164 0168 4 ptr Pointer to Link Display List Offset - Left Hand
0158 015C 0168 016C 4 ptr Pointer to Link Display List Offset - Sheath
015C 0160 016C 0170 4 ptr Pointer to Link Display List Offset - Torso
01A0 4 ptr Pointer to Title Card/Get Item Object File allocated space
01A4 01A5 01B4 01B5 1 byte Value: 16. Game loads 5 * this byte into 0x1F0.
01F0 0276 0200 0286 86 bytes Link's Current Animation - Raw Data I [?]
0280 0290 Link's Current Animation - Raw Data II [?] Possibly sword related?
039C 4 Actor* Held Actor Hookshot for example
0424 0425 0434 0435 1 sbyte Get Item ID - Chest Item obtained upon opening nearby chest.
Chests set this to negative values when Link is near.
0426 2 s16 Get Item Face Direction Rotates Link to face this direction
0428 4 Actor* Interact Range Actor Getting items, bushes, rocks, bugs
0430 4 Actor* Riding Actor
0434 1 u8
0438 0448 struct Actor Collision Struct 1 - [?]
0488 0498 struct Actor Collision Struct 2 - Body [?]
04D4 04E4 struct Actor Collision Struct 3 - Sword Attacks I [?]
0554 0564 struct Actor Collision Struct 4 - Sword Attacks II [?]
05D4 05E4 struct Actor Collision Struct 5 - Shield
0664 0668 0674 0678 4 ptr State Function Pointer
0668 066C 0678 067C 4 ptr Age Properties Collision, Sound Effects, Other
066C 067C bitfield Link State I
0670 0680 bitfield Link State II
067C 0680 068C 0690 4 ptr Pointer to Navi Instance
0680 0682 0690 0692 2 Navi Alert Message ID ID of quest message Navi will display on C-Up.
0682 0683 0692 0693 1
0683 0684 0693 0694 1 byte Exchange Item ID Item desired by/offered to NPC. Set when Link is within target range.
0684 0688 0694 0698 4 ptr Pointer to Actor in Target Range of Navi
0688 4 f32 distance from actor within talk/target range
06BC 06C0 06CC 06D0 4 ptr
06BC 06C0 06CC 06D0 4 ptr
06C0 06C4 06D0 06D4 4 Link's Current Animation ID
06D8 06DC 06E8 06EC 4 ptr
06DC 06E0 06EC 06F0 4 ptr
06E8 06EC 06F8 06FC 4 ptr
0700 0784 0710 0794 84 bytes
081C 0820 082C 0830 4 ptr
0832 0833 0842 0843 1 byte Sword Animation index [?]
084C 0850 085C 0860 4 float Deku Stick Size Full Size: 3F80000 (1)
Half Size: 3F00000 (0.5)
0850 0852 0860 0862 2 short Deku Stick Flame Timer When non-zero, Deku Stick can be used to burn webs.
0852 0853 0862 0863 1 byte Get Item ID - Obtain Item ID of item Link holds over his head.
089C 08A0 08AC 08B0 4 float Fan Wind Speed
08A0 08A2 08B0 08B2 2 short Fan Wind Direction
08A8 08B4 08B8 08C4 C floats X, Y, Z of Sword & Deku Stick Tip
Base Coordinates for Deku Stick Flame
0A68 0A69 0A78 0A79 1 sbyte Invincibility Frames When non-zero, take no damage.
Positive Values: Visible Damage Invincibility
Negative Values: Invisible Invincibility (i.e. Rolling)

Debug ROM


See Data page.

ROM: 0xC238A4 (0018182A) - Item Received when Fairy is Captured.
(The first part of the 0018, when changed, no longer allows you to catch fairies, the second 18 when changed changes the item)

ROM: 0xC238AA (0021191F) - Item Received when Fish is Captured.
(The 0021 when changed, no longer allows you to catch fish (as the actor it belongs to would then be consider changed) To change
the item, you would alter 19 and change it to what you will)

ROM: 0xC238B0 (00F01C20) - Item Received when Blue Fire is Captured
(The 00F0 when changed, no longer allows you to bottle Blue Fire (as the actor it belongs to would then be consider changed) To
change the item you would alter 1C and change it to what you will.)

ROM: 0xC238B6 (00201D21) - Item Received when Bugs are Captured
(As above in descriptions)

NTSC 1.0


0x664 State Function Pointer Values
Address Purpose
80396E74 Z-Targeted + Neutral (Enemy Stance?)
803971F0 Z + Neutral/Tossing Boomerang (Neutral Stance?)
803975EC Ground Idle/Default State
8039780C Z + BackRight/BackLeft, Decelerate while Z-Targeted
80397F28 Z + Back/Tossing Boomerang
80398148 Z?
80398238 Z?
80398378 Z-Targeted + Right/Left, Z+Full Right/Left
803985DC Entering "Ess Position"/Surfacing Water/"Spin" to snap into dir. when walking
80398BC0 Walking/Running
80398CC4 Walking/Running Forward + Z
80399BF8 Crouch Shielding/Crouch Stabbing
8039A034 Deflecting with Shield
8039A180 Hurt?/Bombed?
8039A1F4 Damage Knockback, launched into air
8039A3D0 Damage Knockback, On Ground
8039A4B8 Damage Knockback, Picking Self up off ground
8039A760 Died (Ground, Child)
8039AB68 Falling?/Detach from Vines/Backflipping/Sidehopping
8039B15C Rolling
8039B548 Jump Attack
8039B8C8 Holding Spin Attack
8039BA60 Holding Spin Attack + Walking Forward/Backward
8039BD68 Holding Spin Attack + Walking Left/Right
8039C0C8 Jump Climb Tall Ledge (Child)
8039C334 Complex Interaction:
Mounting Vines or Ladder, Touching Liftable Collectible Item, Opening Chest, Enter Crawlspace, Initiate Talk with Shopkeeper, Climb Horse, Talk Ingo
8039C718 Spawning into new area (Idle Walk?)/Touching a scene exit
8039CAD0 Lifting a Cucco
8039CE98 Failed Grab?
8039CF40 Launching Bombchu
803A1BE8 First Person View (C-Up, Slingshot, Bombchus, Boomerang)
803A1F48 Talking to Navi/Reading Sign
803A2610 Hanging from Ledge/Grabbing top of Vines
803A2824 Climbing from Ledge
803A2944 Climbing Vines/Ladder
803A3024 Climbing up from Ladder
803A318C Crawling in Crawl Space
803A3248 Exiting Crawl Space
803A36D4 Riding on Epona/Horse
803A3E24 Climb off Horse
803A4068 Float in Water (Idle)
803A42A8 Water (Swim)
803A46A8 Diving
803A4C54 Water (Surfacing?)
803A4DD4 Water Death (Child)
803A4E34 Pulling Ocarina
803A5144 Holding Collectible Item/Opening Chest
803A554C Drinking Potion (Red/Green/Blue)
803A5BA0 Holding Ruto's Note/Weird Egg
803A6AA4 Swing sword/Initiate Jump Attack
803A6FCC Casting Din's Fire/Farore's Wind
803A967C Stepping on Button/Cutscene


See Data page.

Common Data


Exchange Item IDs

ID Item
00 [Nothing]
01 Zelda's Letter
02 Weird Egg
03 Chicken
04 Magic Bean
05 Pocket Egg
06 Pocket Cucco
07 Cojiro
08 Odd Mushroom
09 Odd Potion
0A Poacher's Saw
0B Goron's Sword (Broken)
0C Prescription
0D Eyeball Frog
0E Eye Drops
0F Claim Check
10 Skull Mask
11 Spooky Mask
12 Keaton Mask
13 Bunny Hood
14 Mask of Truth
15 Goron Mask
16 Zora Mask
17 Gerudo Mask
18 Fish
19 Blue Fire
1A Bug
1B Poe
1C Big Poe
1D [Ruto's] Letter

Player States

(Figure out the rest of these using the Debug ROM code below. Toggle it on with C-Left on Controller 2, and off with L on Controller 1. Use the D-Pad on controller 1 to scroll between them.

D0166B09 0002
80222957 0003
81115DC0 8022
81115DC2 4C2C
81115DC4 8015
81115DC6 7770
81115DC8 8022
81115DCA 4C2E
81115DCC 8015
81115DCE 7780
81115DD0 8022
81115DD2 4C30
81115DD4 8015
81115DD6 7790
81115DD8 8022
81115DDA 4C32
81115DDC 8015
81115DDE 77A0
81157770 4C69
81157772 6E6B
81157774 2053
81157776 7461
81157778 7465
8115777A 2030
81157780 4C69
81157782 6E6B
81157784 2053
81157786 7461
81157788 7465
8115778A 2031
81157790 4C69
81157792 6E6B
81157794 2053
81157796 7461
81157798 7465
8115779A 2032
811577A0 4C69
81157AA2 6E6B
81157AA4 2053
81157AA6 7461
81157AA8 7465
81157AAA 2033

Link State I

Value Purpose Notes
00000001 scene transition?
00000002 used when transforming
00000004 climb onto higher ground
00000008 holding ranged weapon? bow?, hookshot
00000010 locked onto enemy?
00000080 Death
00000400 Getting an Item Chests, standalone collectibles, also awards item when surfacing water
00000800 Holding object over head Bushes, Bombs, Zora Princesses etc.
00001000 charging sword
00002000 hanging from ledge
00008000 z targeting
00010000 Locked onto target Z-Targeting something
00020000 Camera Fixed Forward
00040000 Jumping
00100000 First-Person View
00200000 Climbing
00400000 Shielding
00800000 Riding Epona
04000000 Damaged Flashing Red
08000000 Swimming
10000000 Using Non-Weapon Item [?] Ocarina, Event Item, Bottle, Spells
20000000 Environment Frozen/Invulnerability Used in cutscenes. Also differentiates between falling into a grotto and falling into a void
80000000 Disable Floor Collision Used for falling into grottos/short voids

Link State II

Value Purpose Notes
00000020 Hookshotting?, grabbing onto surfaces?
00000040 (0x00000060 set on grabbing vine state
00000400 Is below water surface?
00000800 Is diving?
00040000 Crawling In crawlspace, used for collision check
00080000 Crawling
00100000 Navi Out
00200000 Navi Alert
00800000 Ocarina Event Will lock the player and let actors take control if the Ocarina is pulled.
01000000 In Idle Animation
08000000 Playing Ocarina
10000000 Idling Animation