From CloudModding OoT Wiki
This is a sub-page of Notes.
Terms and Definitions

* All hexadecimal values are big endian
* binary values are prefixed with %
     eg. %00000101 is binary for 5
* hexadecimal values are prefixed with $
     eg. $10 is 16
* decimal values either have no prefix or are prefixed with #
     eg. 5 or #5 is 5
* groups of bytes that are the same value types are surrounded
  by brackets with a type prefix.
     eg. %{00000000 00000010 00000101}	would be 3 binary values
         #{0, 1, 5}			would be 3 decimal values
         ${00 01 05}			would be 3 hexadecimal values

BYTE      = 1 byte   = 8 bits   =       $00 -       $FF
HALFWORD  = 2 bytes  = 16 bits  =     $0000 -     $FFFF
WORD      = 4 bytes  = 32 bits  = $00000000 - $FFFFFFFF

   $00 code			$01 code (same as $00)
   $02 current scene		$03 current map
   $04 gameplay keep		$05 field keep / dungeon keep
   $06 current object		$07 link animation
   $08 texture bank 1		$09 texture bank 2
   $0A ???			$0B ???
   $0C actor bank		$0D limb matrices
   $0E ???			$0F ???


$00F03000 - $00F5ECE0	gameplay_keep.zdata
$00F5F000 - $00F6C330	gameplay_field_keep.zdata
$00F6D000 - $00F84AF0	gameplay_dangeon_keep.zdata
$00F86000 - $00FBD800	object_link_boy.zobj
$00FBE000 - $00FEAF80	object_link_child.zobj
$00A87000 - $00B8AD30	code.zasm

  Offset   Size  Description
   $00045E20   write the following data here to force game to check for
               all 6 medallions [UNTESTED:  PORTED FROM DBG ROM]
                      ${ 8E0200A4 3049003F 392A003F 1540001A }
                      ${ 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 }
   $00045F9E  2  $0000 = create normal files, $0001 = create 64dd files
   $0007F01A  2  default water temple water level
   $0007FBAE  2  intro custscene exit number
   $0007FBB3  2  start as $01=child link,  $00=adult link
   $0007FBBA  2  intro cutscene number  $FFF? or $0000 (no cutscene)
   $000D7184  4  navi normal color
   $000D7194  4  navi npc color
   $000D719C  4  navi enemy color
   $000D71A4  4  navi sign color
   $000D71AC  4  navi checkable color
   $000D71BC  4  navi boss color
   $000D7530     actor table
   $000DEC64     cutscene table
                 Entry Format:  ${ee ee ff ff oo oo oo oo}
                    e = entrance index
                    f = flags
                    o = pointer to cutscene

   $000E64DC  2  green rupee value
   $000E64DE  2  blue rupee value
   $000E64E0  2  red rupee value
   $000E64E2  2  purple rupee value
   $000E64E4  2  orange rupee value
   $000E6A38  3  kokiri tunic color
   $000E6A3B  3  goron tunic color
   $000E6A3E  3  zora tunic color
   $000E7C2E  2  small quiver capacity
   $000E7C30  2  medium quiver capacity
   $000E7C32  2  large quiver capacity
   $000E7C36  2  small bomb bag capacity
   $000E7C38  2  medium bomb bag capacity
   $000E7C3A  2  large bomb bag capacity
   $000E7C4C  2  child wallet capacity
   $000E7C4E  2  adult wallet capacity
   $000E7C50  2  giant wallet capacity
   $000E7C56  2  small deku seed bag capacity
   $000E7C58  2  medium deku seed bag capacity
   $000E7C5A  2  large deku seed bag capacity
   $000E7C5E  2  small deku stick capacity
   $000E7C60  2  medium deku stick capacity
   $000E7C62  2  large deku stick capacity
   $000E7C66  2  small deku nut capacity
   $000E7C68  2  medium deku nut capacity
   $000E7C6A  2  large deku nut capacity
   $000E7F58     object table
   $000EA440     scene table

$00BB11E0 - $00BCDB70	ovl_kaleido_scope.zactor
  Offset   Size  Description
   $000165B4     item selectable table
   $000165DC     item icon mode table

$00BCDB70 - $00BF40D0	ovl_player_actor.zactor
   $000004E0  4  link's voice changer. value is ${34 18 ?? ??}
         $0000 - $001F  adult link
         $0020 - $003F  young link with some adult link sounds
         $0043 - $004F  navi
         $0050 - $0053  talon
         $0054 - $0057  ingo
         $0058 - $0059  great fairy
         $005A - $0066  ruto with some navi sounds
         $0067 - $0068  cursed skulltalla person
         $0069 - $006E  young zelda
         $006F - $0074  sheik with some navi sounds
         $0075 - $0079  adult zelda
         $007A - $007A  king zora

   $00015C12  2  player state %{00000000 0000t0c0}
                    t - is z-targetting
                    c - is falling
                 if you enable t at the same time as c, link
                 swaps between falling and standing every frame,
                 which has the neat effect of letting you walk
                 through walls, and pressing 'z' will make you
                 fall through the floor.

   $00018A54  8  force link to be ${3C 0E 00 00 25 CE ?? ??}
         $0000 - adult    $0001 - child

$00DD1A00 - $00DD34B0	ovl_Obj_Oshihiki.zactor
  Offset   Size  Description

   $00001186  2  block pushing speed
   $000011CE  2  block pushing distance
   $00001326  2  block pushing delay


Important Addresses
   $800110A0	code
   $8011A5D0	savedata
   $8011DC44	??? [possible memory pool for alloc]
   $80120C38	segment table

   $80003BCC	Used as a delay, called continously throughout
                the entire game. <HOOKABLE>
   $80002E80	DMA Transfer
		   Arguments:	a0=ramAddr, a1=romAddr, a2=size

; miscellaneous
$8005703C	create file type $0000 = normal		HALFWORD
                                 $0001 = 64DD
$800900BC	default waterlevel for water temple	HALFWORD

; savestate stuff
$8011A600	health (20*16)				HALFWORD
$8011A5FE	max health (20*16)			HALFWORD
$8011A605	number of rupees			HALFWORD
$8011A6A1	skulltulas killed			BYTE
$8011A699	number of small keys			BYTE

; item slots
$8011A644	item slot 0  (default:deku sticks)	BYTE
$8011A645	item slot 1  (default:deku nuts)	BYTE
$8011A646	item slot 2  (default:bombs)		BYTE
$8011A647	item slot 3  (default:fairy bow)	BYTE
$8011A648	item slot 4  (default:fire arrow)	BYTE
$8011A649	item slot 5  (default:din's fire)	BYTE
$8011A64A	item slot 6  (default:fairy slingshot)	BYTE
$8011A64B	item slot 7  (default:ocarina)		BYTE
$8011A64C	item slot 8  (default:bombchus)		BYTE
$8011A64D	item slot 9  (default:hookshot)		BYTE
$8011A64E	item slot 10 (default:ice arrow)	BYTE
$8011A64F	item slot 11 (default:farore's wind)	BYTE
$8011A650	item slot 12 (default:boomerang)	BYTE
$8011A651	item slot 13 (default:lens of truth)	BYTE
$8011A652	item slot 14 (default:magic beans)	BYTE
$8011A653	item slot 15 (default:megaton hammer)	BYTE
$8011A654	item slot 16 (default:light arrow)	BYTE
$8011A655	item slot 17 (default:nayru's love)	BYTE
$8011A656	item slot 18 (default:bottle 1)		BYTE
$8011A657	item slot 19 (default:bottle 2)		BYTE
$8011A658	item slot 20 (default:bottle 3)		BYTE
$8011A659	item slot 21 (default:bottle 4)		BYTE
$8011A65A	item slot 22 (default:adult trade item)	BYTE
$8011A65B	item slot 23 (default:child trade item)	BYTE

; ammmunition
$8011A65C	deku stick ammo				BYTE
$8011A65D	deku nut ammo				BYTE
$8011A65E	bomb ammo				BYTE
$8011A65F	arrow ammo				BYTE
$8011A662	slingshot ammo				BYTE
$8011A664	bombchu ammo				BYTE
$8011A66A	number of magic beans			BYTE

; controller
$801C84B4	control pad %{abzstgfh 00qwikjl}	HALFWORD
		   a = a button		b = b button
		   z = z trigger	s = start button
		   q = l trigger	w = r trigger
		   t = d-up button	g = d-down button
		   f = d-left button	h = d-right button
		   i = c-up button	k = c-down button
		   j = c-left button	l = c-right button

$801C84B6	analog stick x-axis			BYTE
$801C84B7	analog stick y-axis			BYTE

Item Slot Values

$00 deku sticks		$01 deku nuts		$02 bombs
$03 fairy bow		$04 fire arrow		$05 din's fire
$06 fairy slingshot	$07 fairy ocarina	$08 ocarina of time
$09 bombchus		$0A hookshot		$0B longshot
$0C ice arrow		$0D farore's wind	$0E boomerang
$0F lens of truth	$10 magic beans		$11 megaton hammer
$12 light arrow		$13 nayru's love	$14 empty bottle
$15 red potion		$16 green potion	$17 blue potion
$18 fairy		$19 fish		$1A full lon lon milk
$1B ruto's letter	$1C blue flame		$1D bugs
$1E big poe		$1F half lon lon milk	$20 poe
$21 weird egg		$22 chicken		$23 zelda's letter
$24 keaton mask		$25 skull mask		$26 spooky mask
$27 bunny hood		$28 goron mask		$29 zora mask
$2A gerudo mask		$2B mask of truth	$2C sold out
$2D pocket egg		$2E pocket cucco	$2F cojiro
$30 odd mushroom	$31 odd potion		$32 poacher saw
$33 broken goron sword	$34 prescription	$35 eyeball frog
$36 eye drops		$37 claim check		$38 powered fire arrow
$39 powered ice arrow	$3A powered light arrow	$3B kokiri sword
$3C master sword	$3D giant's knife	$3E deku shield
$3F hylian shield	$40 mirror shield	$41 kokiri tunic
$42 goron tunic		$43 zora tunic		$44 kokiri boots
$45 iron boots		$46 hover boots		$47 small bullet bag
$48 medium bullet bag	$49 large bullet bag	$4A small quiver
$4B medium quiver	$4C large quiver	$4D small bomb bag
$4E medium bomb bag	$4F large bomb bag	$50 goron bracelet
$51 silver gauntlets	$52 golden gauntlets	$53 silver scale
$54 golden scale	$55 broken giants knife	$56 adult wallet
$57 giant wallet	$58 deku seeds		$59 fishing rod

a few more miscellaneous things
$01795300	160x160 rgba32		main logo
$017AEB00	192x192 i4		logo mask; a 3x3 grid of 64x64 tiles
   $017AEB00	64x64 i4		top-left of logo mask
   $017AF300	64x64 i4		top of logo mask
   $017AFB00	64x64 i4		top-right of logo mask
   $017B0300	64x64 i4		left of logo mask
   $017B0B00	64x64 i4		center of logo mask
   $017B1300	64x64 i4		right of logo mask
   $017B1B00	64x64 i4		bottom-left of logo mask
   $017B2300	64x64 i4		bottom of logo mask
   $017B2B00	64x64 i4		bottom-right of logo mask
$017B3700	72x8 i8			"the legend of"
$017B3940	96x8 i8			"ocarina of time"

Usage Tables:  00 = adult, 01 = child, 09 = both
::: NOTE :::
   slots != items and with the exception of the last 3 values values in
   the item usage table, they're all listed in the same order as their
   item value.

   $00BC7794	select item slot usage table
   $00BC77AC	equipment slot usage table
   $00BC77BC	item usage table
      $00BC77D0 bottled items
      $00BC77F7	swords
      $00BC77FA	shields
      $00BC77FD tunics
      $00BC7800	boots
      $00BC7803	deku seed bags
      $00BC7806	quivers
      $00BC7809	bomb bags
      $00BC780C	bracelets / gauntlets
      $00BC780F	scales

$00B67390	change to below to enable map select
	${00 00 00 00 00 B9 E4 00 00 BA 11 60 80 80 09 C0}
         {80 80 37 20 00 00 00 00 80 80 1C 14 80 80 1C 08}

here's some rips of the logo stuff I did in case people need it. (you probably will since Rice's plugin screws up the texture formatting a bit)

NOTE: the below is actually 9 textures arranged in a 3x3 grid of 64x64 i4 textures!!!

(and because some people prefer to use the debug rom)

some extra notes the debug rom:
$017F7000	160x160 rgba32		main logo
$01817000	192x192 i4		logo mask; a 3x3 grid of 64x64 tiles
   $01817000	64x64 i4		top-left of logo mask
   $01817800	64x64 i4		top of logo mask
   $01818000	64x64 i4		top-right of logo mask
   $01818800	64x64 i4		left of logo mask
   $01819000	64x64 i4		center of logo mask
   $01819800	64x64 i4		right of logo mask
   $0181A000	64x64 i4		bottom-left of logo mask
   $0181A800	64x64 i4		bottom of logo mask
   $0181B000	64x64 i4		bottom-right of logo mask
$0181BC00	72x8 i8			"the legend of"
$0181BE40	96x8 i8			"ocarina of time"

EDIT: almost forgot, here's a patch for the 1.0 rom that enables file select. i did it because I was tired of having to retype it in every time I made a new nemu cheat file