Text IDs (2000-3000)
From CloudModding MM Wiki
ID | English | Japanese |
2000 | "[sound 697D]Really? You'll do it for me?" |
"[sound 697D]そうですか やっていただけますか" |
2001 | "I was certain you would tell me that." |
"そういって いただけると カクシンして おりました" |
2002 | "You'll be fine! Surely, you can do it. Believe in your strengths...[sound 697F]Believe..." |
"大丈夫! アナタなら きっと できます 自分の力を 信じなさい・・・ [sound 697F]信じなさい・・" |
2003 | "[sound 697D]You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" |
[sound 697D]大変な目にあいましたねえ・・・・ |
2004 | "[sound 697D]So, did you find that little imp? If you can just get back the precious item that was stolen from you, I'll return you to normal. Surely, you should be able to find him right away. Time continues to pass even as we speak. There is no time to lose. Please do not forget my precious mask..." |
"おや、アナタ あの 小鬼は 見つかりましたか? アナタが盗まれた 大切な物 ソレさえあれば 元の姿に もどしてあげますよ アナタなら きっと すぐに 見つけられるはずです さあ、こうしている間にも 時間は 過ぎていくばかり・・・ もう時間は ありませんよ ワタクシの 大切な仮面も 忘れないで くださいね・・・・" |
2005 | "What are you waiting for? You'll be fine. Surely, you should be able to recover Majora's Mask. I believe in you. Ah, but time passes even as we speak... Your time is almost up. Ho, ho, ho..." |
"どういたしました? 大丈夫 アナタなら きっと ムジュラの仮面をとりかえせるはず ワタクシは 信じていますよ さあ、こうしている間にも 時間は 過ぎていくばかり・・・ もう時間は ありませんよ フォッ フォッ フォッ" |
2006 | "You'll be fine. Surely you should be able to recover Majora's Mask. Yet there's no time left. But time is not eternal. Please value your time. I believe in you. I'll be waiting here for you. Ho, ho, ho." |
"大丈夫 アナタなら きっと ムジュラの仮面を とりかえせるはず もう時間は ありませんよ 時は 永遠では ないのです 時間を 大切にしてください ワタクシは 信じて アナタをココで 待っていますよ フォッ フォッ フォッ" |
2007 | "Now no time remains... And time is not eternal. Please value your time." |
"もう時間はありませんよ 時は 永遠でないのです 時間を 大切にしてください" |
2008 | ......... | ・・・・・・・・ |
2009 | [sound 2926]Sis!!! | [sound 2926]ネエちゃーん!! |
200A | "Ah! Tael! We've been looking for you two. Hey, Skull Kid, what if you gave that mask you're wearing back now? Hey, c'mon, are you listening?" |
"あっ、トレイル! も〜、アンタたち 探したわよ ねえねえ スタルキッド アンタのかぶっている仮面 もう、かえしてあげたら? ねえ ちょっと、聞いてる?" |
200B | "[sound 6851]Swamp. Mountain. Ocean. Canyon. Hurry...The four who are there... Bring them here..." |
"[sound 6851]沼・山・海・谷にいる 4人の人たち・・・はやく ココに・・・連れてきて・・・・" |
200C | "Don't speak out of line! Stupid fairy!!!" |
"よけいなこと言うな! バカ妖精!!" |
200D | "Nooo!! What are you doing to my brother? Skull Kid, do you still think you're our friend after that?!!?" |
"ああっ! 弟に何てことするのよ スタルキッド!! アンタそれでも 友達なの!" |
200E | "...Well, whatever. Even if they were to come now, they wouldn't be able to handle me... [sound 3A76]Hee, hee." |
"・・・まあ いいや いまさら アイツらが 来ても オイラに かなうわけ ないさ [sound 3A76]ヒヒッ" |
200F | Just look above you... | 上をみな! |
2010 | "If it's something that can be stopped, then just try to stop it!" |
止めれるもんなら 止めてみろ! |
2011 | "Tael! Get away from the Skull Kid! You'll be hit!!!" |
"トレイル! スタルキッドからはなれなさい ぶたれるわよ!!" |
2012 | "...I've had enough. [sound 6850]You hit my brother over and over! I'll never forgive you!!" |
"・・・やっぱり・・・・ [sound 6850]何度も何度も 弟をなぐって! 絶対に許さないからね!!" |
2013 | "[sound 3A76]That won't do you any good. Hee, hee." |
"[sound 3A76]そんなコトしてもムダだ ヒヒッ" |
2014 | "Why are you just standing around?! Th-there's no time. You've gotta do something now!" |
"なに、ボーとしてるのよ!! じ、時間がないのよ はやく、アイツを何とかしなさいよ" |
2015 | "Huh? When did you get that instrument?!?" |
"アンタ、・・・その楽器 いつの間に" |
2016 | ...Tael! | ・・・トレイル! |
2017 | "!!! [sound 6850]That's it! I won't let things go the way you expect them to!" |
"!! [sound 6850]もう、アンタの思い通りには させないわ!" |
201D | "You are already leaving this land of Hyrule, aren't you?" |
"あなたは もう、このハイラルから 旅だってしまうのですね・・・" |
201E | "Even though it was only a short time, I feel like I've known you forever. I'll never forget the days we spent together in Hyrule... And I believe in my heart that a day will come when I shall meet you again... Until that day comes, please... Take this..." |
"ほんの短い時でも、 このハイラルで あなたと ともに すごした日のことは 決して忘れません・・・ そしてまた、いつの日か あなたと 出会える日が来ると 私は信じています その時が来るまで あなたに これを・・・" |
201F | "I am praying... I am praying that your journey be a safe one. If something should happen to you, remember this song..." |
"あなたの旅が無事であるよう・・・ 祈っています もし、なにかおこったら この歌を思い出して" |
2020 | "The Goddess of Time is protecting you. If you play the Song of Time, she will aid you..." |
"時の女神はあなたを守っています 時の歌を奏でれば あなたの力に なるでしょう・・・" |
2021 | "[sound 6850]Snap out of it! What are you doing lost in memories?!? Get yourself together! Getting that old ocarina back isn't gonna help us!!!" |
"[sound 6850]なに、思い出にふけってるのよ!! しっかり してよ! オカリナなんか 取り返したって なんの役にも立たないわ!" |
2022 | "Somebody! Anybody!!! Goddess of Time, help us please! We need more time!" |
"あ〜 神様 時の女神様 ダレでもイイから お願い 時間を止めて!!" |
2023 | ||
2024 | ||
2026 | It...It stopped. | と・・・止まったわ |
2027 | [sound 6850]We did it! It stopped! | [sound 6850]やった、止まったのよ! |
2028 | Sis!!! | ネエちゃーん!! |
2029 | [sound 6850]Tael!!! | [sound 6850]トレイル!! |
202A | "Good...We made it in time. The giants' call worked on the Skull Kid." |
"よかった 間に合った 巨人たちの 叫びが スタルキッドに きいたのね" |
202B | "[sound 6850]Hey, Skull Kid! Do you realize what you've been doing to everyone?!?" |
"[sound 6850]ちょっと スタルキッド! アンタ 何しようとしてたのか わかってんの!" |
202C | "I figured it out! So, c'mon...Apologize to everyone!!" |
"気がついたのね! さあ、みんなに 謝りなさい!!" |
202D | "[sound 6847]Wait...Sis...Don't... Don't be so hard on the Skull Kid." |
"[sound 6847]待ってよ・・・ネエちゃん そんなに・・・スタルキッドを ・・・せめないで" |
202E | "Tael! Why are you protecting him! Aren't you mad at him for hitting you so much?" |
"トレイル! なに かばってるのよ! あんなに バンバン ぶたれて アンタ くやしくないの?" |
202F | "[sound 6847]He was lonely... ...the Skull Kid." |
"[sound 6847]さびしかったんだよ・・・・ ・・・スタルキッド" |
2030 | "He was trying to destroy everything around him! That is not the same as a lonely child! We can't allow that!" |
"世界を 滅ぼそうとしたのよ! だだっこの レベルじゃないわ! 許せないわよ!!" |
2031 | "[sound 6847]The power of the mask made him do it. It was too much for the Skull Kid to handle." |
"[sound 6847]仮面の力が そうさせたんだ スタルキッドが 使うには あまりにも 大きすぎたんだよ" |
2032 | "It's 'cause he doesn't know his place! On top of having a weak will and no strength of heart... he's a fool!" |
"身のほどを 知らないからよ 気がちっちゃい クセに ・・・・バカなんだから モウ!" |
2033 | "Certainly, he had far too many weaknesses to use my power." |
"確かに 力を使うには 荷が 大きすぎた ようだ・・・" |
2034 | "Yeah! That's right! Admit your stupidity! ...[sound 6846]Huh?" |
"そうよ バカを認めなさい! ・・・[sound 6846]え?" |
2035 | "A puppet that can no longer be used is mere garbage." |
"使えない道具は タダの ゴミでしかない" |
2036 | This puppet's role has just ended... | "この者の 役わりは もう 終わった・・・" |
2037 | "[sound 2926]It can't be! Then that moon?" |
"[sound 2926]まさか! じゃあ、あの月は?" |
2038 | "I...I shall consume. Consume...Consume everything." |
"オ、オデは・・・食う ぜ、ぜんぶ・・・食う" |
2039 | "[sound 2925]Waahhhhh! This isn't good! Let's go back! Let's go back! Hurry! The Song of Time! The Song of Time!!!" |
"[sound 2925]わああああ もうダメ・・・ はやく アンタ 時の歌よ 時の歌!" |
203A | "Aw, no.... You've got to be kidding. Don't tell me you're going up there..." |
"まさか あそこに行くって いうんじゃ ないでしょうね・・・" |
203B | "I won't do it! You go by yourself! I'm staying here with Tael." |
"私は イヤよ!! アンタ 一人で 行きなさい トレイルといっしょにココに残るわ" |
203C | [sound 6851]I'll go!!! | [sound 6851]ボクが 行く!! |
203D | "[sound 6850]What?! What are you saying, Tael? Is something wrong with you?" |
"[sound 6850]何いってるの トレイル! どうか しちゃったの?" |
203E | "[sound 6851]I don't always want to be running away! If only I had been stronger, the Skull Kid wouldn't have..." |
"[sound 6851]ボク もう、逃げてばっかりは イヤなんだ! ボクがしっかりしていれば スタルキッドだって・・・・" |
203F | [sound 6850]I understand. I'll go! | [sound 6850]わかったわ 私が行くわ! |
2040 | "After all this time, Tael, you've gotten really stubborn... Just like someone else I know..." |
"しばらく見ないうちに ダレかみたいに ナマイキな ことを 言うようになったわね" |
2041 | "You know, you guys are really stupid..." |
"ホントに アンタたちは バカなんだから・・・" |
2042 | [sound 6850]It stopped. | [sound 6850]止まったわ |
2043 | I think we're getting used to this! | 手なれた もんね! |
2044 | "Well...Now you should be awake... Stand up!!!" |
"さあ、気がついているんでしょ 立ち上がりなさい!!" |
2045 | "[sound 6847]Wait...Sis... The Skull Kid...Don't blame him!" |
"[sound 6847]待ってよ・・・ネエちゃん スタルキッドを・・せめないで!" |
2046 | "Yeah, yeah. I know... The Skull Kid was lonely 'cause nobody would be his friend. Blah, blah, blah..." |
"わかってるわ スタルキッドは 相手にされなくて さびしかったんでしょ" |
2047 | "And the power of the mask made him do it 'cause it was too much for him to handle..." |
"それに 仮面の力が そうさせて スタルキッドが使うには 力が 大きすぎた" |
2048 | "How? ...How did you know that, sis?" |
ネエちゃん どうして ソレを? |
2049 | Get back, Tael! | さがってなさい トレイル! |
204A | "[sound 6850]Don't worry. Just leave it to your sister!" |
"[sound 6850]安心しなさい ネエちゃんに まかしときな!" |
204B | Well? You're going in, aren't you? | やっぱり、行くんでしょ! |
204C | "...We can't do anything down here. Let's go!" |
"・・・・しょうがない さっさと 行くわよ!" |
204D | "I've been thinking this ever since I joined you... You never want to give up. You always want to try. I admire you!" |
"アンタとずっといて 思っていたけど・・・・ なんでも、やりつくさなきゃ 気がすまないようね ホトホト 感心するわ!" |
204E | "Are you ready? All right, but if something bad happens to you, don't blame me..." |
"もう、キモチの整理は ついた 後で 泣き見たって 知らないわよ!" |
206C | "[sound 6846]Wait...Listen... It seems to be saying something..." |
"[sound 6846]ねえ、ちょっと なんか 言ってるみたいよ" |
206D | "Could that crying be its way of teaching us some sort of melody?" |
"もしかして あの 鳴き声 何かの曲を 伝えようと してるんじゃないの・・・?" |
206E | "Don't just stand there... Get your instrument..." |
"ボサ〜としてないで 早く 楽器だして 楽器" |
206F | """Call us."" ...That's what it's saying." |
"よ・ん・で だって" |
2070 | ||
2076 | [sound 6850]W-What exactly are all of you? | "[sound 6850]ねえ、アンタたちは ナニモノなの?" |
2077 | """Guardians."" Guardians?" |
"ま・も・る・も・の 守る者?" |
2078 | "So...You're protective gods? That's why you're in the temples... But...why are the protective gods...?" |
"じゃあ、アンタたちは守護神なの? だから、神殿に・・・ だけど、その守護神がなんで・・?" |
2079 | "No, wait! Are you listening to me? Hey! Wait..." |
"ねえ、ちょっと 聞いてる? ねえ、ちょっと・・・" |
2080 | "[sound 6850]Hey, listen. We want you to lend us your power! If you just leave things as they are, something terrible will happen to this world! Surely, you're the only ones who can stop it! That's what Tael was trying to tell us!" |
"[sound 6850]ねえ、聞いて アンタたちの力を かして欲しいの! このまま ほうっておけば この世界は大変なことになるのよ! きっと、それを止められるのは アナタたちしかいないのよ! トレイルは それが 言いたかったんだわ!" |
2081 | "Help our friend." | "と・も・を・た・す・ け・て" |
2082 | "I get it. We have to help the last one!" |
"わかっているわよ 後 1人 助ければいいんでしょ" |
2083 | "Then promise us this... You'll cooperate with us..." |
"そのかわり、約束してよ 私たちに 協力して・・・" |
208A | "[sound 6850]Well, we've helped all of you. That's all we can do." |
"[sound 6850]さあ、アンタの友達は みんな 助けたわ 私たちのできることは ココまでよ" |
208B | """Call us."" That's what they're saying." |
"わ・た・し・た・ち・を・ よ・ん・で だって" |
208C | "Without being told, we understand. So now you'll help us out in exchange! We'll call you from atop the Clock Tower, so do something about him, all right?" |
"いわれなくても わかっているわよ 今度は 逆に アンタたちに しっかり 働いてもらうわよ! 時計塔の上で 呼ぶから アイツを 何とかしてよ! わかってる?" |
208D | "What? Their voices sound sad... You don't want to?" |
"なに? 悲しそうな声を出して イヤなの・・・?" |
208E | """Forgive your friend."" Forgive our friend? What do you mean by forgive? Huh? What friend?" |
"と・も・を・ゆ・る・せ 友を ゆるせ? [sound 6845]ゆるせって・・何を? えっ、友・・・" |
2093 | [sound 6846]What's that? | [sound 6846]なに、アレ? |
2094 | Ye who hold my remains... | 我が 亡骸を持つ者よ・・・ |
2095 | "Return to the appointed place to face me..." |
"ワレと 相まみえし かの地に戻れ・・・" |
20B0 | "It seems the crows that fly near the town walls are fond of musical instruments..." |
"町の外壁のまわりを 飛んでるカラスは 音楽がスキらしい・・・" |
20B1 | "The Swamp Tourist Center will not accept pictographs taken outside the swamp. But if you bring a pictograph of the guide's son, he'll give you something nice..." |
"沼の観光ガイドの 写し絵コンテストでは、 沼の写し絵以外は受付けてくれないが 息子の写し絵を持っていけば イイモノを くれるらしい・・・" |
20B2 | "The frogs that are supposed to gather in the mountains when spring arrives are elsewhere. You need Don Gero's mask to bring them together. The frogs in Clock Town, the swamp, Woodfall Temple and Great Bay Temple make four..." |
"山里が春になったら 集まるはずのカエルたちは、 山里以外の場所にいて ゲーロのお面で 集めなければならないが クロックタウン・沼 ウッドフォールの神殿の中 グレートベイの神殿の中と 全部で4匹いるらしい・・・" |
20B3 | "The gold dust won as the prize in the Goron Races in spring can be used by the smithy to forge a sword. Or it can be sold to the smithy for 40 Rupees, but the Curiosity Shop will buy it for 200 Rupees..." |
"春になったら始まる ゴロンレースの賞品の砂金は カジ屋で剣をきたえる以外に カジ屋に売れば 40ルピーだが マニ屋に売れば 200ルピーで 買いとってくれるらしい・・・" |
20B4 | "To get Evan to listen to Mikau and Japas's song from their music session, you should not try demonstrating it as Mikau. It seems if you pose as someone unrelated to the band and begin playing it, you just might get him to lend an ear." |
"ミカウとジャバスのセッションを エバンに聞いてもらうには ミカウのままではダメで バンドに関係ない人のふりをして 聞かせてみれば いいらしい・・・" |
20B5 | "If you use the Lens of Truth near here and speak to the man you find... you may earn a mask that can enable you to blend into backgrounds and move about without being noticed." |
"このあたりで まことのメガネを使って 発見できる男と話せば まわりのものに 気づかれずに 行動できるお面が手に入るらしい" |
20B6 | "It seems the ReDeads that appear in Ikana Castle start dancing when the Captain's Hat, Gibdo Mask or Garo's Mask are worn. But that does not change things much..." |
"イカーナの城に出没する リーデッドは、 隊長のボウシ・ギブドのお面・ ガロのお面で踊りだすらしい だから、どうという こともないが・・・" |
20B7 | "Pamela, who lives in the music box house, comes out every two minutes when the music box is playing. But it seems she will also come out if she hears a bomb explode..." |
"オルゴールハウスに住む パメラは オルゴールが鳴り出せば 2分おきに外に出てくるが バクダンを爆破させても 外に出てくるらしい・・・" |
20B8 | "It seems you can become a Milk Bar member if you do a good deed at the ranch." |
"ミルクバーの会員証は 牧場でイイコトすると もらえるらしい・・・" |
20B9 | "The symbol of marriage, the Couple's Mask seems to have the power to calm and silence arguments." |
"結婚のあかし めおとの面は 争いをしずめ、なごませる フシギな力があるらしい・・・" |
20BA | "Anju, the woman at the inn, is known for being careless and frequently mixes up guests..." |
"宿屋の娘 アンジュは そそっかしくて有名で よく客をまちがえるらしい・・・" |
20BB | "It seems the hideout of Sakon, the thief, is tucked away at the edge of Ikana Canyon..." |
"スリのサコンのアジトは イカーナ渓谷のはずれに ひっそり あるらしい・・・" |
20BC | "The animal bandleader's mask seems to have the strange power of making young animals mature." |
"動物楽団のリーダーのお面は 小さな動物を成長させる かわった力があるらしい・・・" |
20BD | "It seems that Kafei, whose whereabouts are unknown, is awaiting a letter from Anju..." |
"行方不明のカーフェイは アンジュからの手紙を 待っているらしい・・・" |
20BE | "The spirit of a charismatic dancer who died in Termina Field dances there night after night." |
"タルミナ平原で死んだ カリスマダンサーの霊が 夜な夜な踊りをおどるらしい・・・" |
20BF | "The reward for Romani's nighttime assistant seems to be something that holds milk..." |
"牧場の少女ロマニーの 夜の助っ人のお礼は ミルクを入れるモノらしい・・・" |
20C0 | "It seems the veranda door of the town's Stock Pot Inn has carelessly been left unlocked..." |
"町の宿屋 ナベかま亭は 不用心にも ベランダのドアに カギがないらしい・・・" |
20C1 | "The postman puts his delivery schedule before everything else, but priority mail is of even greater importance." |
"配達人 ポストマンは スケジュール第一だが 速達だけは 例外らしい・・・" |
20C2 | "A torture device of insomnia called the All-Night Mask seems to be available at the Curiosity Shop..." |
"不眠のゴウモン道具 夜更かしのお面は 昔 マニ屋に流れたらしい・・・" |
20C3 | "It seems that drinking Chateau Romani makes your magic power last for three days..." |
"シャトー・ロマーニは 飲むと3日間 魔力が 減らなくなるらしい・・・" |
20C4 | "It seems Keaton, the ghost fox, plays tricks in the grass..." |
"化けキツネ キータンは 草でイタズラをするらしい・・・" |
20C5 | "The Fierce Deity Mask, a mask that contains the merits of all masks, seems to be... somewhere in this world..." |
"鬼神の仮面という すべてのお面を飲み込むお面が この世には・・・あるらしい・・・" |
20C6 | "A small, lost horse seems to have been taken in by Romani Ranch, south of town..." |
"小さな まよい馬が 町の南にある ロマニー牧場に 引き取られたらしい・・・" |
20C7 | "The mask that can see into people's hearts and minds also seems to work on animals as well..." |
"人の心を 見透かす お面は 動物の心も みぬくらしい・・・" |
20D0 | "[sound 6845]It's like my heart is being peered right into. That's a disturbing eye!" |
"[sound 6845]なんか いかにも心の中を 見透かされてるみたいな いやらし〜目ね!" |
20D1 | "The mystical stone responds to the mask and speaks to you. ...But its words are heard in secret..." |
"お面に 反応して 奇妙な石が 語りかけてくる ・・・こっそり 聞いた話だが・・" |
20D2 | Only [hours remaining CF] remaining! | あと、[hours/minutes remaining] です! |
20D4 | "The mask that sees into people's hearts seems to be near the strange, shining, gold spiders..." |
"人の心を 見透かす お面は ブキミな金色に輝くクモの 近くに あるらしい・・・" |
20D5 | "The cute boy's mask seems to have been made by an important man's wife..." |
"かわいい男の子の お面は エライ人の奥さんが 作らせたらしい・・・" |
20D6 | "The weird mask that disrupts sleeping habits seems to be found in a suspicious shop that opens only at night..." |
"寝つきが悪くなる ブキミなお面は 夜ひらく あやしい店の 掘り出しもん らしい・・・" |
20D7 | "It seems the animal-loving young man with the scary face but kind heart has the wild ears that hear well..." |
"よく聞こえる 野生の耳は 顔はコワイが 心はやさしい 動物好きの兄ちゃんが 持っているらしい・・・" |
20D8 | "It seems an animal mask that was popular with children long ago is being cherished by the owner of the suspicious shop..." |
"むかし、子供たちに人気のあった 動物のお面は あやしい店の主人が 大切に 持っているらしい・・・" |
20D9 | "The suspicious brothers seem to have a mask once used for spying activities..." |
"隠密活動に使われた お面は うさんくさい 兄弟が 持っている らしい・・・" |
20DA | "It seems the girl who smells of the ranch has a mask that only adults have..." |
"オトナだけが持っているお面は 牧場の香りのする 女の人が 持っているらしい・・・" |
20DB | "The mask that trickles out troubles from its face seems to be held by the greatest of traveling men..." |
"顔に 苦労がにじみ出たお面は 旅回りをしている 一番えらい人が 持っているらしい・・・" |
20DC | "It seems the person who is conscientious about being on time... can see into the boxes that enable people to keep in touch with other people's feelings." |
"思いを相手に伝える箱を見れるのは 時間にきびしい とってもまじめな 人が 持っているらしい・・・" |
20DD | "It seems the two who have most reason to have it are indeed the ones who have the mask that is full of a man and woman's love..." |
"男女の愛が みなぎっているお面は わけありな 二人が 持っているらしい・・・" |
20DE | "A large and colorful being seems to have a mask that calms those scattered in temples..." |
"神殿にいるバラバラになった者を 安心させるお面は、大きな色っぽい 人が 持っているらしい・・・" |
20DF | "It seems the father of the girl who's devoted to her parent is being forced to wear a frightening mask..." |
"怖くて 恐ろしい顔のお面は 親思いの娘の 父が ムリヤリ 被っているらしい・・・" |
20E0 | "He who is troubled by cold and hunger seems to have a mask that gathers voices to sing..." |
"声をそろえて歌わせる お面は 寒さと 空腹でこまっている者が 持っているらしい・・・ ゴロ" |
20E1 | "The dancer's spirit that appears night after night in the great field seems to have a mask which causes one to dance." |
"体が思わず動き出す お面は ひろい平原に 夜な夜な現われる ダンサーの霊が 持っているらしい" |
20E2 | "It seems the mystical item that the skulls obey is in the fiercely burning flame in the graveyard of an accursed land..." |
"ドクロたちが従うフシギなモノは 呪われた土地の墓場にある 燃えさかる 炎の中に あるらしい" |
20E3 | "It seems a man so inconspicuous he can be seen only through the Lens of Truth has a mask which also is completely inconspicuous..." |
"ぜんぜん 目立たないお面は 真実の目で見ないと見えないぐらい 目立たない人が 持ってるらしい" |
20E4 | "He who plays music as he travels about seems to have a mask that animals follow obediently..." |
"動物たちが すなおに従う お面は 音楽をならしながら 旅回りをする 人が 持っているらしい・・・" |
20E5 | "The old woman with knowledge of explosives has a dangerous mask filled with gunpowder..." |
"火薬がつまった キケンなお面は 火薬にくわしい おばあさんが 持っているらしい・・・" |
20E6 | "He of high class and manners who lives in the swamp has a useful mask that distinguishes scents..." |
"ニオイをかぎわける便利な お面は 沼に住む 身分の高い お方の お世話係が 持っているらしい・・" |
20E7 | "A mask that contains gigantic power seems to be resting in the temple of the accursed land..." |
"巨大なパワーを 秘めた 仮面は 呪われた土地の神殿に 眠っているらしい・・・" |
20F3 | "It seems all the strange stones that are arranged in a row wish to be the same color." |
"なかよく並ぶ 奇妙な石は みんな 同じ色を 好むらしい" |
20F7 | "It seems the face of the slightly larger, strange stone changes when the guitar of waves is played..." |
"少し 大きな 奇妙な石は 潮騒のギターを きかせると 顔色が 変わるらしい・・・" |
20F8 | "It seems the face of the slightly larger, strange stone changes when the pipes of awakening are played..." |
"少し 大きな 奇妙な石は 目覚めのラッパを きかせると 顔色が 変わるらしい・・・" |
20F9 | "It seems the face of the slightly larger, strange stone changes when the drums of sleep are played..." |
"少し 大きな 奇妙な石は 眠りのタイコを きかせると 顔色が 変わるらしい・・・" |
2103 | "It seems the one cursed by the strange, sparkling gold spiders had the Mask of Truth..." |
"まことのお面 は ブキミな金色に輝くクモに呪われた 人が 持ってたらしい・・・" |
2104 | "It seems his mother, Madame Aroma, had Kafei's Mask..." |
"カーフェイのお面 は 母親の アロマ夫人が 持ってたらしい・・・" |
2105 | "It seems the All-Night Mask was being sold at the Curiosity Shop..." |
"夜更かしのお面 は マニ屋で 売ってたらしい・・・" |
2106 | "It seems Grog of the Cucco Shack had the Bunny Hood..." |
"ウサギずきん は コッコ小屋のナデクロさんが 持ってたらしい・・・" |
2107 | "It seems the owner of the Curiosity Shop was keeping the Keaton Mask..." |
"キータンのお面 は マニ屋の主人が 大切に 持っていたらしい・・・" |
2108 | "It seems the Gorman Brothers were using Garo's Mask for ill..." |
"ガロのお面 は ゴーマン兄弟が 悪さに 使っていたらしい・・・" |
2109 | "It seems Cremia, the owner of Romani Ranch, had Romani's Mask..." |
"ロマーニのお面 は 牧場の当主 クリミアが 持っていたらしい・・・" |
210A | "It seems the leader of the Gorman Troupe had the Circus Leader's Mask..." |
"座長のお面 は ゴーマン一座の ゴーマン座長が 持っていたらしい・・・" |
210B | "It seems the postman had the Postman's Hat..." |
"ポストハット は ポストマンが 使っていたらしい" |
210C | "It seems Kafei and Anju had the Couple's Mask..." |
"めおとの面は カーフェイとアンジュが 持っていたらしい・・・" |
210D | "It seems the Great Fairy in town had the Great Fairy's Mask..." |
"大妖精のお面 は 町の大妖精が 持っていたらしい・・・" |
210E | "It seems the Gibdo Mask could fall from Pamela's father's cursed face..." |
"ギブドのお面 は パメラの父から はがれ落ちたらしい・・・" |
210F | "It seems the hungry Goron was wearing Don Gero's Mask..." |
"ゲーロのお面 は お腹をすかせた ゴロンが かぶっていたらしい・・・" |
2110 | "It seems Kamaro, the spirit dancer, had Kamaro's Mask..." |
"カマロのお面 は 幽霊ダンサー カマロが 持っていたらしい・・・" |
2111 | "It seems Skull Keeta, Captain of the Skull Knights, had the Captain's Hat..." |
"隊長のボウシ は 騎士団の隊長 スタル・キータが 持っていたらしい・・・" |
2112 | "It seems Shiro, the unseen stone soldier, had the Stone Mask..." |
"石コロのお面 は 石コロ兵士 シロウくんが 持っていたらしい・・・" |
2113 | "It seems Guru-Guru, the traveling musician, had the Bremen Mask..." |
"ブレー面 は 旅の楽士 グル・グルが 持っていたらしい・・・" |
2114 | "It seems the old woman with the Bomb Bag had the Blast Mask..." |
"バクレツのお面 は ボム袋の おふくろさんが 持っていたらしい・・・" |
2115 | "It seems the Deku Scrub butler had the Mask of Scents..." |
"ブーさんのお面 は デクナッツの執事が 持っていたらしい・・・" |
2116 | "It seems the Giant's Mask was dormant in Stone Tower Temple..." |
"巨人の仮面 は ロックビルの神殿に 眠っていたらしい・・・" |
2134 | "Anju the innkeeper was added to your notebook!" |
"宿屋の娘 アンジュさん 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2135 | "The mysterious youth, Kafei, was added to your notebook!" |
"フシギな少年カーフェイ 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2136 | "The man from the Curiosity Shop was added to your notebook!" |
"マニ屋のおじさん 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2137 | "The old lady from the Bomb Shop was added to your notebook!" |
"バクダン屋のおふくろさん 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2138 | "Romani, the ranch girl, was added to your notebook!" |
"牧場の少女 ロマニー 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2139 | "Cremia, the ranch owner, was added to your notebook!" |
"牧場の当主 クリミアさん 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
213A | "Mayor Dotour was added to your notebook!" |
"町長 ドトール氏 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
213B | "Madame Aroma, the mayor's wife, was added to your notebook!" |
"町長の奥さん アロマ夫人 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
213C | "Toto, the band manager, was added to your notebook!" |
"マネージャー トトさん 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
213D | "Gorman, leader of the traveling troupe, was added to your notebook!" |
"旅一座の座長 ゴーマンさん 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
213E | "The postman, whose priority is delivery, was added to your notebook!" |
"配達第一 ポストマン 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
213F | "The Rosa sisters, twin dancers, were added to your notebook!" |
"旅の踊り子 ローザ姉妹 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2140 | "???...Who? Well, that person was added to your notebook!" |
"??・・・ダレ? 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2141 | "Anju's grandmother was added to your notebook!" |
"アンジュのおばあさん 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2142 | "The spirit dancer, Kamaro, was added to your notebook!" |
"幽霊ダンサー カマロ 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2143 | "The cucco-loving Grog was added to your notebook!" |
"コッコ大スキ ナデクロさん 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2144 | "The suspicious Gorman Brothers were added to your notebook!" |
"うさんくさい ゴーマン兄弟 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2145 | "Shiro, the stone soldier, was added to your notebook!" |
"石コロ兵士 シロウくん 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2146 | "Guru-Guru, the traveling musician, was added to your notebook!" |
"旅の楽士 グル・グルさん 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2147 | "The Bombers Secret Society of Justice, was added to your notebook!" |
"正義の秘密結社 ボンバーズ 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2152 | "This is fortunate! It was added to your notebook!" |
"これは、ラッキーだ! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2153 | "You promised to meet her at night! It was added to your notebook!" |
"夜 会う 約束をした! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2154 | "You made an important promise! It was added to your notebook!" |
"大事な約束をした! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2156 | "You sent the letter! This was added to your notebook!" |
"とりあえず 手紙を出した! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2157 | "You've been entrusted with a precious item! This was added to your notebook!" |
"大切な あずかりものだ! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2158 | "That face looks so happy! This was added to your notebook!" |
"幸せそうな 笑顔だ! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2159 | "You helped Kafei! This was added to your notebook!" |
"カーフェイの手助けをした! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
215A | "You've taken on the job of nighttime assistant! This was added to your notebook!" |
"夜の助っ人を 引き受けた! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
215B | "You helped the ranch girl and saved the cows! This was added to your notebook!" |
"牧場のウシと少女を助けた! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
215D | "You guarded the ranch's milk! This was added to your notebook!" |
"牧場のミルクを守った! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
215E | ||
215F | "You listened to his memories! This was added to your notebook!" |
"思い出話を 聞いてやった! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2160 | "You were asked to deliver priority mail! This was added to your notebook!" |
"速達を ことづかった! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2161 | "You delivered a son's sentiment to his mother! This was added to your notebook!" |
"ムスコの気持ちを母に届けた! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2162 | ||
2163 | "You were taught the secret code! This was added to your notebook!" |
"ヒミツの暗号を教えてもらった! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2164 | "You saved the mayor from a tedious meeting! This was added to your notebook!" |
"町長を会議地獄から 救った! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2165 | "You stole the hearts of the dancers! This was added to your notebook!" |
"踊り子の ハートを奪った! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2166 | "You helped ??? out of a jam! This was added to your notebook!" |
"XXXの ピンチを救った! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2167 | "You were praised by the old woman! This was added to your notebook!" |
"おばあさんに ほめられた! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2168 | "You were praised by the old woman! This was added to your notebook!" |
"おばあさんに ほめられた! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2169 | "You showed your wild instincts! This was added to your notebook!" |
"野生の本能を みせてやった! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
216A | "You took the work of a pro! This was added to your notebook!" |
"プロの仕事を 引き受けた! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
216B | "You bought a weird mask! This was added to your notebook!" |
"あやしいお面を 買い取った! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
216C | "You fulfilled the wishes of youth! This was added to your notebook!" |
"青年の望みを かなえてやった! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
216D | "You rubbed the Gorman Brothers' noses in it! This was added to your notebook!" |
"ゴーマン兄弟のハナを あかしてやった! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
216E | "You saw the tears of circus leader, Gorman! This was added to your notebook!" |
"ゴーマン座長の 涙を見た! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
216F | "You saved a troubled public servant! This was added to your notebook!" |
"なやめる公務員を 救った! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2170 | "The two gave you a happy mask! This was added to your notebook!" |
"二人は 幸せのお面をくれた! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2171 | "You guarded the old woman's luggage! This was added to your notebook!" |
"オババの荷物を 守った! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2172 | "You became the dancer's successor! This was added to your notebook!" |
"ダンスの後継者になった! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2173 | "You helped the inconspicuous soldier! This was added to your notebook!" |
"目立たない兵士を 救った! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2174 | "You listened to his confession of guilt! This was added to your notebook!" |
"罪の告白を 聞いてやった! 団員手帳に 書きこんだ!" |
2198 | "Received Room Key Inn Lobby Got it by mistake. Enter at night." |
"宿のカギ もらう 宿屋のロビー カン違いでもらう 夜間の出入りもOK" |
2199 | "Secret Night Meeting Inn Lobby Promised to meet in kitchen at 11:30" |
"深夜密会の約束 宿屋のロビー 夜11時半に厨房で会う約束をした" |
219A | "Promised to meet Kafei Inn Kitchen Promised to meet Anju's boyfriend" |
"カーフェイと会う約束 宿屋の厨房 アンジュの彼と会う約束をした" |
219B | "Received Letter to Kafei Inn Kitchen Asked to drop in postbox in morning" |
"カーフェイへの手紙預かる 宿屋の厨房 朝早くポストに手紙を出すように頼まれた" |
219C | "Deposit Letter to Kafei Postbox Deposited letter for delivery" |
"カーフェイの手紙受付 町のポスト 頼まれた手紙を配達してもらう" |
219D | "Pendant of Memories Backroom Promised to deliver it to Anju" |
"思い出のペンダント マニ屋裏部屋 アンジュに届ける約束をした" |
219E | "Delivered Pendant Inn Conveyed Kafei's intentions to Anju" |
"思い出のペンダントを届ける 宿屋 カーフェイの気持ちをアンジュに伝えた" |
219F | "Escaped from Sakon's Hideout Ikana Helped Kafei recover stolen mask" |
"サコンのアジトから脱出 イカーナ地方 カーフェイを助け、盗まれた面を取り戻した" |
21A0 | "Became ranch hand Romani Ranch Help get rid of ghosts at 2:30 a.m." |
"牧場の助っ人を引き受ける ロマニー牧場 夜2時半にオバケ退治の助っ人" |
21A1 | "Saved cows from ""them"" Romani Ranch Protected cows and Romani 'til morn" |
"オバケからウシを守る ロマニー牧場 朝までウシとロマニーを守りぬいた" |
21A2 | "Milk Bottle Romani Ranch Thanks for saving cows from ghosts" |
"ミルク入りビン ロマニー牧場 オバケからウシを守ったお礼" |
21A3 | "Protected milk delivery Romani Ranch Saved milk from bandits" |
"野盗からミルクを守る ロマニー牧場 野盗からミルクを守り抜いた" |
21A4 | "Romani's Mask Romani Ranch Shows Cremia considers you an adult" |
"ロマーニのお面 ロマニー牧場 クリミアからオトナと認められたあかし" |
21A5 | "Keaton Mask Backroom Kafei and Curiosity Shop's mask" |
"キータンのお面 マニ屋裏部屋 カーフェイとマニ屋の思い出のお面" |
21A6 | "Letter to Mama Backroom Letter to Kafei's mom: High Priority" |
"母への速達 マニ屋裏部屋 カーフェイの母へのお届けもの 速達扱い" |
21A7 | "Chateau Romani Milk Bar Thanks for delivering letter to mom" |
"シャトー・ロマーニ ミルクバー カーフェイからの手紙を届けたお礼" |
21A8 | "Secret code: [bombers code] North of town Code for entering Bombers' hideout" |
"暗号は [bombers code] 町の北 ボンバーズのアジトへ入る暗号" |
21A9 | "Bombers' Notebook North of Town Members-only schedule book" |
"ボンバーズ団員手帳 町の北 団員と認められたあかし スケジュール帳" |
21AA | "Dotour's Thanks Mayor's Residence Thanks for ending a looong meeting" |
"ドトール町長のお礼 町長公邸 長〜い会議を終わらせたお礼" |
21AB | "Rosa sisters' thanks West of Town Thanks for teaching the dance" |
"踊り子 ローザのお礼 町の西 踊り子にダンスを教えたお礼" |
21AC | "Thanks for the paper Inn Restroom Thanks for helping person in toilet" |
"カミのお礼 宿屋のトイレ トイレで困っていた人を助けたお礼" |
21AD | "Reading Prize 1 Inn Study Prize for not sleeping through story" |
"読破のごほうび1 宿屋の書斎 長いお話を眠らずに聞いたごほうび" |
21AE | "Reading Prize 2 Inn Study Prize for not sleeping through story" |
"読破のごほうび2 宿屋の書斎 長いお話を眠らずに聞いたごほうび" |
21AF | "Training Award Post Office Prize for getting time exactly right" |
"トレーニングの景品 ポストハウス 時間をピッタリあてた景品" |
21B0 | "Kafei's Mask Mayor's Drawing Room Show it to help with the search" |
"カーフェイのお面 町長公邸の応接間 人探しのてがかり 人に見せて探す" |
21B1 | "All-Night Mask Curiosity Shop Strange mask at a bargain. Valuable." |
"夜更かしのお面 マニ屋 掘り出し物の変なお面 高価" |
21B2 | "Bunny Hood Cucco Shack Thanks for turning chicks into cuccos" |
"ウサギずきん コッコ小屋 ヒヨコをコッコにしたお礼" |
21B3 | "Garo's Mask Gorman Track Prize for winning Gorman horserace" |
"ガロのお面 ゴーマントラック ゴーマン兄弟に馬レースで勝った戦利品" |
21B4 | "Circus Leader's Mask Milk Bar Thanks for moving Gorman with song" |
"座長のお面 ミルクバー 楽器演奏でゴーマン座長を感動させたお礼" |
21B5 | "Postman's Hat Town: Near Milk Bar Thanks for enabling him to flee" |
"ポストハット 町 ミルクバー前 ポストマンに逃げる口実をあげたお礼" |
21B6 | "Couple's Mask Inn's Employee Room Sign of Anju and Kafei's happiness" |
"めおとの面 宿屋の従業員室 アンジュとカーフェイの幸せのあかし" |
21B7 | "Blast Mask North of Town Thanks for guarding bag from thief" |
"バクレツのお面 町の北 スリから荷物を守った危険なお礼" |
21B8 | "Kamaro's Mask Termina Field Sign of taking over for ghost dancer" |
"カマロのお面 タルミナ平原 悩める舞踏家幽霊の後継者のあかし" |
21B9 | "Stone Mask Road to Ikana Thanks for giving strength to a soldier" |
"石コロのお面 イカーナへの道 目立たない兵士を元気づけたお礼" |
21BA | "Bremen Mask Town Laundry Pool Thanks for hearing confession" |
"ブレー面 町の洗濯場 過去にあった罪の告白を聞いたお礼" |
21CA | "Anju, Stock Pot Inn's innkeeper A courteous woman" |
"アンジュさん 宿屋ナベかま亭の一人娘 礼儀正しい女の人" |
21CB | "Kafei Strange youth seen near Laundry Pool " |
"カーフェイ 町の洗濯場にあらわれる フシギな少年" |
21CC | "Man from Curiosity Shop, buys and sells stolen goods. Open at night only." |
"マニ屋のおじさん 盗品を売り買いする人 夜だけやっている" |
21CD | "Old Lady from Bomb Shop Runs town Bomb Shop. Always open." |
"バクダン屋のおふくろさん 町のバクダン屋さん 年中無休" |
21CE | "Romani Young girl living at ranch with sister" |
"ロマニー 姉と二人で 牧場に住んでいる娘" |
21CF | "Cremia, manager of Romani Ranch Milk is her specialty" |
"クリミアさん ロマニー牧場の経営者 ミルクが自慢" |
21D0 | "Mr. Dotour Mayor of Clock Town. V.I.P." |
"ドトール氏 クロックタウンの町長 エライ人らしい" |
21D1 | "Madame Aroma, the Mayor's Wife In charge of town performances" |
"アロマ夫人 町長の奥さん兼 町の興行担当係" |
21D2 | "Toto Famed manager of The Indigo-Go's" |
"トトさん バンド ダル・ブルー 専属マネージャー" |
21D3 | "Gorman, leader of a traveling troupe Has fine clothes, but a frightful face" |
"ゴーマン座長 旅一座の座長 こわい顔で派手な服の人" |
21D4 | "Postman, town's postal carrier A very serious public servant" |
"ポストマン 町の郵便配達人 とってもまじめな公務員" |
21D5 | "Rosa Sisters, twin dancers Members of the Gorman Troupe" |
"ローザ姉妹 双子のダンサー ゴーマン一座の一員" |
21D6 | "??? (Person living in the inn's restroom) Details are unknown." |
"?? 宿屋の便所に住んでいる人 詳細不明" |
21D7 | "Anju's Grandmother Storyteller and grandmother at inn" |
"アンジュのおばあさん 宿屋のおばあさん 本を読んでくれる" |
21D8 | "Kamaro, ghost of a charismatic dancer. Enjoys moonlight." |
"カマロ カリスマダンサーの幽霊 月夜が好き" |
21D9 | "Grog, Cucco Shack's breeder His crest is frightful." |
"ナデクロさん コッコ小屋の飼育係 トサカ頭がこわい" |
21DA | "Gorman Brothers Horse trainers. Suspicious..." |
"ゴーマン兄弟 馬の調教師の兄弟 うさんくさい" |
21DB | "Shiro, the inconspicuous soldier He really doesn't stand out" |
"シロウくん 目立たない兵士 ほんとに目立たない" |
21DC | "Guru-Guru Musician in the Gorman Troupe" |
"グル・グルさん ゴーマン一座の音楽係 作曲も可" |
21DD | "Bombers, Secret Society of Justice Helping people 24 hours a day" |
"ボンバーズ 正義の秘密結社 24時間作戦展開中" |
21FC | "Will you play...with me? Yes No" |
"オレと・・・あそぶ か? はい いいえ" |
21FD | You're a boring kid. | つまんないヤツだな オマエ |
21FE | "You have only weak masks... So...you'll play? Yes No" |
"弱そうな お面ばかりだな・・・ 本当に・・・いいんだな? はい いいえ" |
21FF | ...You're a coward. | ・・・弱虫なんだな オマエ |
2200 | Well... | じゃあ |
2201 | Shall we go? | いこうか |
2202 | "...Everyone has gone away, haven't they?" |
・・・だれも いなくなったな |
2203 | "Will you play...with me? Yes No" |
"オレと・・・あそぶ か? はい いいえ" |
2204 | You're a boring kid. | つまんないヤツだな オマエ |
2205 | "You don't have any masks left, do you?" |
"オマエ もう、お面 ないんだな・・・" |
2206 | Well, let's do something else. | じゃあ、別のあそびを しよう |
2207 | "Let's play good guys against bad guys... Yes. Let's play that." |
"オニごっこ・・・か、いいな そうだ、それがいい" |
2208 | "Are you ready? You're the bad guy. And when you're bad, you just run. That's fine, right?" |
"いいか・・・オマエが オニだ オニは 逃げるだけだ それでも いいよな" |
2209 | Well... | じゃあ |
220A | Shall we play? | いこうか |
220B | "Your real face... Show it to me..." |
"ほんとの顔・・・ 見せてよ・・・" |
220C | "... Ahhh... Nice weather...Isn't it?" |
"・・・・ やあ・・・ いい天気・・・だね" |
220D | "Masks...You have...a lot. You, too...Will you be... a mask salesman?" |
"たくさん・・・お面・・持ってるね キミも・・・お面屋に・・なるの?" |
220E | "Then I'll play with you. So...The masks...Give me some..." |
"ねえ、あそんでやるから・・・ お面・・・ちょうだい" |
220F | "The kid sitting beneath the tree... He's calling you..." |
"木の下に すわってる カレが・・・ 呼んでいるよ・・・" |
2210 | That's...wrong... | それ・・・チガウ・・・ |
2211 | "Not that! Hurry...Put it away..." |
"それは ダメ! 早く・・・しまって・・・" |
2212 | More... | もっと・・・ |
2213 | "Thanks... You...You're nice person... Aren't you?" |
"ありがと・・・ キミ・・・いいヒト・・・だね" |
2214 | "Hide-and-seek...Let's play. All right...I'll...hide..." |
"かくれんぼ・・・しよう・・・ ボク・・・かくれる・・・から" |
2215 | "...Shall we...play again? Yes No" |
"・・・また・・・あそぶ? はい いいえ" |
2216 | "You won't...play? Oh..." |
"あそばない・・・の? そう・・・" |
2217 | "Hide-and-seek...Let's play... All right...I'll...hide." |
"かくれんぼ・・・しよう・・・ ボク・・・かくれる・・・から" |
2218 | "That mask... Take it off..." |
"そのお面・・・ はずしてよ・・・" |
2219 | "Well...Shall we go back? Yes No" |
"もう・・・かえろうか・・・ はい いいえ" |
221A | You're not...going back? | かえらない・・・の? |
221B | "... You found me..." |
"・・・ みつかっちゃった・・・" |
221C | "Hey... I want...more...masks..." |
"ねえ・・・ お面・・・もっと・・・ほしい" |
221D | That's...wrong... | それ・・・チガウ・・・ |
221E | "...No? Oh... Are you...going back? Yes No" |
"ダメ・・・なの? そう・・・ ・・・もどる? はい いいえ" |
221F | You're not...going back? | かえらない・・・の? |
2220 | "Not that! Hurry...Put it away..." |
"それは ダメ! 早く・・・しまって・・・" |
2221 | More... | もっと・・・ |
2222 | "Heh, heh...Thanks... You're...nice." |
"へへ・・・ありがとう・・・ キミ・・・やさしいね" |
2223 | "Umm... Can I ask...a question?" |
"ねえ・・・ 聞いて・・・いい?" |
2224 | "Your friends... What kind of...people are they?" |
"キミの 友だち は・・・ どんな・・・ひと?" |
2225 | "I wonder... Do those people... think of you...as a friend? " |
"そのひとは・・・ キミのことを・・・ 友だちと 思ってるのかな・・・" |
2226 | "You... What makes you...happy?" |
"キミの しあわせって どんな・・・こと?" |
2227 | "I wonder... What makes you happy... Does it make...others happy, too?" |
"キミの しあわせは・・・ ほかのひとも・・・ しあわせ なのかな・・・" |
2228 | The right thing...What is it? | "正しいことって・・・ どんな・・・こと?" |
2229 | "I wonder... If you do the right thing... Does it really make... everybody...happy?" |
"正しいことすると・・・ 本当に みんな・・・ よろこぶのかな・・・" |
222A | "Your true face... What kind of...face is it?" |
"キミの・・・ 本当の顔は・・・ どんな・・・顔?" |
222B | "I wonder... The face under the mask... Is that...your true face?" |
"お面の・・・・下の顔が 本当の顔・・・ なのかな・・・" |
2328 | "[sound 6953]No using masks in the store because of past indiscretions!" |
"[sound 6953]防犯のため 店内での お面の着用は やめてや!" |
2329 | "Kafei! No, I don't know any such kid. I kid you not!" |
"カーフェ・・・ いや、知らんで そんな子" |
232A | "[sound 6953]If you wear something like that, you'll never be able to sleep. I kid you not!" |
"[sound 6953]そんなん かぶってたら ホンマに 眠れなくなるで マジで!" |
232B | "Hey, that's nice... Maybe I can start carrying that in my store... I kid you not!" |
"ええなあ ソレ・・・ ウチの店でも 入荷しようかなあ マジで!" |
232C | "This isn't ""members-only,"" so take that thing off. I kid you not!" |
"ここは、会員制ちゃうから そんなん とりや マジで!" |
232D | "[sound 6952]That's great for a young kid. Delivery is hard work." |
"[sound 6952]えらいなあ 若いのに 配達 ごくろうさんやなあ" |
232E | "[sound 6952]Oh! Who's the lucky lady? Congratulations." |
"[sound 6952]おっ、ダレのや? めでたいなあ〜" |
232F | "[sound 6953]My shop is small, so don't go dancing up a storm in here!" |
"[sound 6953]店 小さいんやから こんな せまいところで 踊らんといてや!" |
2330 | "That is one bizarre getup you've got on your head. Take it off..." |
"なんや けったいなもんつけて はよ とりや・・・" |
2331 | "That's weird! I thought somebody had walked in here. Ah, well. I have to get ready for the night shift, anyway." |
"おかしいなあ? 人が入ってきたと 思ったんやけど まあ、ええわ はよ 夜の店の 準備せなかんなあ" |
2332 | "[sound 6953]Don't go leading some parade through a little place like this." |
[sound 6953]こんなところで 行進せんといてや |
2333 | "[sound 6953]Careful! Don't go blowing yourself up in a place like this... I kid you not!" |
"[sound 6953]あぶないなあ〜 こんなところで バクハツ させんといてや・・・マジで" |
2334 | "Nah, I don't know that kid. And, the manager's not here now, so I really can't help you." |
"いや、そんな子 知らないッスよ それに、店長 今いないから わからないッスよ・・・・" |
2335 | "[sound 696C]I'm, like, embarrassed to wear that, so I'm not gonna be a member..." |
"[sound 696C]それ かぶるの 恥ずかしいから オレ あそこの会員に ならないんッスよ・・・" |
2336 | "I entered to win some concert tickets...Don't ya have anything to deliver to me?" |
"コンサートのチケット プレゼント に応募したんッスけど・・・・ オレ宛に 何か届いてないッスか?" |
2337 | "[sound 696D]Ahh, I wanna find a girlfriend and get married soon, too..." |
"[sound 696D]ああ、オレも早く 彼女つくって 結婚したいッスよ・・・" |
2338 | "[sound 696D]Whoa! Is that a skull? That's cool!" |
"[sound 696D]ドクロ ッスか? シブイッスねえ〜" |
2339 | "... We don't get many customers, so why does the boss have so much money?" |
"・・・・・ ここ、あんまり 客来ないけど 何で 店長は あんなにお金 持ってんだろう・・・?" |
233A | Isn't that, like, kind of dangerous? | それ、あぶなくないッスか? |
233B | "[sound 692A]Oh my! You've collected some weird masks!" |
"[sound 692A]あら、変わったお面が 集まったわね!" |
233C | "Oh, Kafei? The mayor's son... Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him lately." |
"あら、カーフェイね 町長の息子さんの・・・ そういえば 最近見かけないわね?" |
233D | "Oh...You've collected some nice masks!" |
あら、いいお面が 集まったわね! |
233E | "[sound 692B]Oooh! That's sooo cute! I want to eat it!" |
"[sound 692B]あら、かわいいわね〜 食べちゃいたい ぐらい!" |
233F | "Oh! You've collected some cute masks!" |
"あら、かわいらしいお面が 集まったわね!" |
2340 | "Oh, are you a member of Latte, little guy? That's great!" |
"ボク、「ラッテ」の会員なの? スゴ〜イ!" |
2341 | "Oh, the Circus Leader's Mask! He comes here a lot. He always says how his brothers are at the ranch..." |
"あら、座長さんの お面ね! よく ココに来るのよ 何でも、兄弟が 牧場に いるんだって・・・" |
2342 | "[sound 692B]Oh, nice job on those deliveries. So, do you wanna play? But not when you're on the job, right?" |
"[sound 692B]あら、配達ごくろうさま どう、遊んでいかない? でも、仕事中だもの ダメよね!" |
2343 | "[sound 692A]Oh, that's nice. Who's getting married?" |
"[sound 692A]あら、いいわね ダレが 結婚するの?" |
2344 | "Oh, you're quite pretty... But aren't I prettier? Just kidding..." |
"あら、キレイな人ね・・・ だけど、お姉さんの方が もっと キレイでしょ! ウソよ・・・" |
2345 | "[sound 692C]Well, you've collected some frightful masks!" |
"[sound 692C]まあ、こわいお面が 集まったわね!" |
2346 | [sound 692C]I can't stand...frogs. | [sound 692C]お姉さん、カエル・・・苦手なの |
2347 | "What should I do for today's treasure chest prize? ...I know, I'll give a good prize to someone who pays a lot..." |
"今日の 宝箱の中身は どうしようかなあ・・・・? そうだ、高い ルピーを 払ってくれた人に いい賞品を あげよっと・・・" |
2348 | "Hey, where did you get that mask? C'mon, tell me!" |
"ねえねえ、そのお面 どこで 手に入れたの? ねえねえ、教えてよ!" |
2349 | "I used to see him by the Laundry Pool sometimes. Hey, who is he? What did he do?" |
"洗濯場で たまに見かけたよ ねえねえ、ダレそれ? 何やったの?" |
234A | "I'm full of energy without even wearing that mask!" |
"そんなお面 かぶらなくても 元気だもんね〜!" |
234B | I have that too! | オレも それ持ってる〜! |
234C | You're a grown-up! | オトナ じゃん! |
234D | "You can look in the postboxes... I wish I could!" |
"ポストのぞけるんだ・・ いいな〜!" |
234E | We're too young for that mask! | ボクたちには まだ早いよ! |
234F | ........? | ・・・・・・? |
2350 | "I don't need a weird mask like that!" |
そんな 変なお面 いらない! |
2351 | Where did you get that mask? | "そのお面 どこで手に入れたでしゅか?" |
2352 | I dunno! | 知らないでしゅ! |
2353 | I don't have that one! | ボク 持ってないでしゅ! |
2354 | I want one, too! | ボクも ほしいでしゅ! |
2355 | I have it, too! | ボクも 持ってるでしゅ! |
2356 | "It's scary! Take it off!" |
"コワイでしゅ! はずしてくだしゃい!" |
2357 | "If I have to wear that thing when I become a grown-up, then I just wanna stay a kid..." |
"オトナになったら そんなの かぶらなくっちゃ いけないのなら コドモのままで いいでしゅ・・・" |
2358 | "I wanna be one when I grow up, too." |
ボクも 将来なりたいでしゅ |
2359 | My mom and dad have that! | "ボクの おとうさんやおかあさんも 持っているでしゅ!" |
235A | "That's sc-scary! You surprised me..." |
"コ、コワイでしゅ! ちびっちゃったでしゅ・・・" |
235B | I-Is s-someone...there? | ダ、ダレか・・いるでしゅか? |
235C | I don't need that weird mask! | "そんな 変なお面 いらないでしゅ!" |
235D | "[sound 6926]Say... Where did you get that mask? That's Romani's Mask. Only adult customers can get that mask. But ""adults"" isn't really the right term. It's not based on age, but on a person's way of thinking and acting... Hee, hee. Somewhere, there's a person who thinks of you as an adult." |
"[sound 6926]へえー あんた そのお面どこで もらったの? それ、ロマーニのお面といってね オトナのお客さまだけが もらえるものなのよ オトナっていってもね 年齢じゃなくて そのヒトの 行いとか 考え方とか・・ フフ あんたのコトを オトナとみとめてくれたヒトが ドコカにいるんだね" |
235E | "Umm... That... Do you...?" |
"あの・・・ それ・・・ もしかして・・・・" |
235F | "Ah...You. Did some middle-aged woman put you to work? Kafei isn't here..." |
"あ・・・あんた おばさんに やとわれたの? ここには・・・ カーフェイは いないよ" |
2360 | "Oh my? The Couple's Mask? Someone got married. My friend is going to be married soon, too...Soon..." |
"あら? めおとの面ね? だれか結婚したんだ わたしの友達も もうすぐ結婚するんだ・・・ もうすぐ・・・" |
2361 | "That mask? Oh, that's right. The town should be having its carnival soon." |
"それ、お面? そうか、町はもうすぐ カーニバルだもんね" |
2362 | "[sound 690C]Oh, Dotour... If they pick on you, you come tell teacher, OK?" |
"[sound 690C]おや ドトールくん いじめられたら 先生に言うんだよ わかったね" |
2363 | "!!! The mayor's son? No good runnin' off before the ceremony! ...I wish I could get mad, but my own sons ran off in a hurry before the carnival... What a shame! I could cry!" |
"!!町長のご子息か 式を前にして逃げ出すとは なっとらん! ・・・と 怒りたいが ワシの弟子たちも 祭りを前にして スタコラ逃げちまった・・・ なさけねえ! 涙が出るぜ!!" |
2364 | "Hey! We have a no-mask policy... Wha?? I didn't think I'd see nobody wearin' a mask like that no more, but here's one. So Dotour's wife is makin' you search for him with this, eh? Doesn't look a thing like 'im, really. Then again, I guess it does, so...um... Hey...uh...I want you to leave now." |
"ふく面 オコトワリ・・・? 最近 その面つけた賞金かせぎ おらんようになった おもてたのに まだ、おったんかい しかし、ドトールの ヨメはん この面で ヒトさがしさせとんのか ぜんぜん 似てへんやん ・・・まあ、今は似てなくもないか 知らん!知らん! 帰ってや!" |
2365 | "[sound 6969]Lookee here! Don't be in'erfer'in with my dear Anju!!! You 'fraid o' my fists? Don' go findin' that Kafei!" |
"[sound 6969]うおらあ! いとしのアンジュさんに 手え出しやがって!! オラのコブシが怖いかあ!! カーフェイ 出てきやがれ!!" |
2366 | "I saw him somewhere... It was somewhere around here... Sorry, I'm busy." |
"どこかで 見たなあ・・・ どこかって このへんだけど ごめんな 忙しいんだわ" |
2367 | "Ohh, how many people are gonna ask me that? That lady is so persistent. Soooo, doesn't Kafei want to break off his engagement to Anju? Why not let him? That's what he wants... Some people..." |
"やっだ〜 なんにん目? おばさん シツコ〜イ だ・か・ら〜 カーフェイ アンジュとのケッコン ペケ したいんじゃないですか? いいんじゃな〜い? カレ そうしたいんだから ブスイですよ もう" |
2368 | "You're the one my wife has hired? So Kafei still hasn't...hmmm. This is a secret, so don't tell my wife. Go ask at the Curiosity Shop, the store in the west part of town that only opens at night. That guy is a bad influence on me..." |
"ヨメさんに やとわれたヒト? カーフェイまだ・・・なのね ヨメさんには ないしょだよ 町の西にある 夜だけ開く店 マニ屋に聞いてみな アイツ わしの悪友なの" |
2369 | "...I don't know where he is. Even if I knew, it would be a secret." |
"・・・・知らないのだ 知ってても ヒミツなのだ" |
236A | "Kafei? I can recall when he was in the Bombers. Don't see his face much anymore, though...Well, what could he be doing? Try asking the children. The Bombers know all about what goes on in town." |
"[sound 6946]おお、その青毛 その髪形 カーフェイじゃな? あの子が ボンバーズにいた頃を 思い出すのう あまり顔を出さなくなったが・・・ はて どうしておるのか 子供たちに 聞いてみるといい ボンバーズは 町の事情通じゃからな" |
236B | "I used to see him at the Laundry Pool a lot." |
"あっ そいつなら 洗濯場でよく見かけたぜ" |
236C | "[sound 6900]What? Oh, a mask? I've seen a real Keaton near the slide!" |
"[sound 6900]なんだ、お面か? オレ スベリ台で 本物のキータン 見たことあるもんね〜!" |
236D | "Act your age! Don't be a crybaby!" |
いいトシして 泣くなよ〜! |
236E | [sound 6902].........??? | [sound 6902]・・・・・?? |
236F | "You can't aim for the targets when you're wearin' a mask, sonny. Take it off." |
"ボーヤ お面かぶりながら マトは ねらえねえから はずしてきな" |
2370 | "Ah, Kafei, eh? He hasn't come here." |
"ああ、カーフェイね ここには 来てねえよ" |
2371 | "Eeesh! You can't aim for the targets wearin' somethin' like that monstrosity on your head, sonny. Take it off." |
"ボーヤ そんなのかぶってちゃ マトは ねらえねえから はずしてきな" |
2372 | ......... | ・・・・・・・・ |
2373 | "C'mon! Play the game wi'out wearin' a mask like that!" |
"そんなお面かぶっとらんで 遊んでってちょ〜よ!" |
2374 | "I don' know that kid. Nevah seen 'im b'foah in me life." |
"そんな子 知らんねえ〜 見たことないわ" |
2375 | "[sound 694B]Aye, Congratulations! Who's gettin' married? Awn't they gonna 'ave a big ceremony?" |
"[sound 694B]めでたいがね ダレがするの? 結婚式は ハデにせえへんの?" |
2376 | [sound 694B]Nice! Tha's a beauty! | [sound 694B]えらい ベッピンさんのお面だがね |
2377 | "[sound 694C]C'mon! Play the game wi'out wearin' a mask like that! Yoiks!" |
"[sound 694C]そんなんかぶっとらんで 遊んでってちょ〜よ!" |
2378 | "[sound 6960]............ Nobody's comin' at awl..." |
"[sound 6960]・・・・・・・・・ ぜんぜん 客来おせん・・・" |
2710 | "This training center has friendly, polite, 24-hour, one-on-one training that will noticably improve your sword skills! From now until the end of the carnival, join at a special discount." |
"この道場は、親切ていねい 24時間マンツーマン指導で、 みるみる 剣の腕前が上達するぞ! 今ならカーニバルの日まで、 特別割引でお得じゃぞ" |
2711 | "From now until the end of the carnival, join at a special discount." |
"今ならカーニバルの日まで、 特別割引でお得じゃぞ" |
2712 | "When you sharpen your sword skills, your mind is sharpened naturally. With the moon getting closer in recent days, the number of the weak and frightened has increased. But when you attain a master's level of training as I have, there is nothing to fear! By learning at this training center, you too can attain such a strong mind and will." |
"剣の技をきたえることは おのずと 精神もきたえられる 近ごろは、月が近づくだけで おびえる軟弱なヤツラがふえているが ワシのような、きたえぬかれた 達人クラスになると 怖いものなど何もない! この道場で習えば、そんな強い精神を 持つことができるぞ" |
2713 | "When you sharpen the sword skills, your mind is sharpened naturally." |
"剣の技をきたえることは おのずと 精神もきたえられる" |
2714 | "Rumors are spreading which suggest the moon is falling, but you can breathe easier as long as I am in town. Tonight, I shall cut the moon into pieces! If one does not have such skill, he cannot teach the way of the sword to others. If you wish to be as powerful as I am, then I shall teach you until nighttime." |
"月が落ちてくる というウワサが たっているようだが、ワシがこの町に いるかぎり 安心しなさい ワシが今夜 月を たたき斬って くれるわ! それぐらいの腕前が なければ 人に剣など教えんよ ワシのように強くなりたければ 夜までなら 特別に 教えてやらんでもないぞ" |
2715 | "If you wish to be as strong as I am, then, until nighttime, I shall teach you many lessons in the way of the sword." |
"ワシのように強くなりたければ 夜までなら 何度でも教えてやるぞ" |
2716 | "So, will you try it? Novice Course 1 Rupee Expert Course 10 Rupees No thanks" |
"どうじゃ、やってみんか? 初心者コースなら 1ルピー 上級者コースなら 10ルピー やらない" |
2717 | "Is that so? Regrettable. Truly regrettable." |
"そうか・・・おしい じつに、おしいのぉ〜" |
2718 | "[sound 695B]You don't have enough Rupees to take that course!" |
"[sound 695B]そのコースを受けるには ルピーが たりん!" |
2719 | [sound 695A]Hmm...The Novice Course! | [sound 695A]うむ、初級コースじゃな! |
271A | "Now then, before you draw your sword, I shall teach you the basics of unarmed combat. I'll start with sideways jumps. After pressing [Z] to lock onto that log with Z-Targeting, press [A] while pushing [Control Stick] left or right. Try it yourself." |
"では、剣をぬく前に基本を教える まずは、横っとびから その丸太に [Z]を押して注目してから[Control Stick]を 左右にたおして 移動しながら[A] では、やってみろ" |
271B | "Jump sideways by pressing [A] while pushing [Control Stick] left or right after you have used [Z] to target something. Try it once more!" |
"横っとびは、 [Z]を押して注目してから[Control Stick]を 左右にたおして 移動しながら[A] わかったら、もう1度!" |
271C | "Next is the roll attack. After pressing [Z] to Z-Target, press [A] while pushing [Control Stick] forward to roll. Begin!" |
"次は、回転アタック [Z]注目してから[Control Stick]を 前にたおして 移動しながら[A] はじめ!" |
271D | "After Z-Targeting with [Z], press [A] while pressing [Control Stick] up to move and perform a roll attack." |
"回転アタックは、 [Z]注目してから[Control Stick]を 前にたおして 移動しながら[A]" |
271E | "Next is the backflip. Lock on and Z-Target the log with [Z], then press [A] while pushing [Control Stick] down to jump. Begin!" |
"次は、バック宙 同じように[Z]注目してから[Control Stick]を 後ろにたおして 移動しながら[A] はじめ!" |
271F | "Perform the backflip by pressing [A] while pushing [Control Stick] down after you've locked onto your target with [Z]." |
"バック宙は、 [Z]注目してから[Control Stick]を 後ろにたおして 移動しながら[A]" |
2720 | "All right, now think of that log as an enemy and practice your sword skills! First is the horizontal cut. Simply press [B]. Now then... Begin!" |
"よし、では その丸太を敵と見たてて 剣の練習! まずはヨコ斬り [B]を押す では、はじめ!" |
2721 | "Just press [B] for a horizontal cut." |
ヨコ斬りは[B]を押すだけ |
2722 | "Next is the vertical cut. Press [B] after Z-Targeting with [Z]. Now then...Begin!" |
"次はタテ斬り [Z]注目してから[B]を押す では、はじめ!" |
2723 | "Press [B] after Z-Targeting with [Z] to execute a vertical cut." |
タテ斬りは[Z]注目してから[B]を押す |
2724 | "Next is the thrust. After pressing [Z] to Z-Target, push [Control Stick] forward and press [B]." |
"次は突き [Z]注目してから[Control Stick]を 前にたおして [B]" |
2725 | "After Z-Targeting with [Z], push [Control Stick] forward and press [B] to perform a thrust." |
"突きは[Z]注目してから [Control Stick]を前にたおして [B]" |
2726 | "And finally, the jump attack. Press [A] after drawing your sword and Z-Targeting with [Z]. Begin." |
"いよいよ最後は ジャンプ斬り 剣を抜いて[Z]注目してから[A]を押す はじめ" |
2727 | "Draw your sword, press [Z] to Z-Target, then press [A] to perform the jump attack." |
"ジャンプ斬りは 剣を抜いて[Z]注目してから[A]を押す" |
2728 | "[sound 695A]Well done! Do not forget what I have taught you thus far and do not neglect your daily practice! Ah, yes, you can press [R] to defend yourself with your shield. Did you know that?" |
"[sound 695A]よーし! 今まで教えたコトは忘れず 日々、練習をおこたらんように! そうそう、盾(たて)は [R]で かまえる ことが できるんじゃ 知っとった?" |
2729 | [sound 695B]Wrong! | [sound 695B]ちがーう! |
272A | "You must release [Z] and press [A] to put away your sword!" |
"その前に [Z]注目をはずして [A] を押して 剣をしまいなさい!" |
272B | Do not Z-Target! | [Z]注目は しないの! |
272C | "[sound 695B]Fool! What can I teach to one who has no sword?!?" |
"[sound 695B]こら! 剣を 持ってないヤツに 何を 教えるんじゃ!" |
272D | "...Hmmm. Impressive. I must give you something. Here!" |
"・・・・うむ、しかたがない オマエになんか やろう・・・ ほれ!" |
272E | "Your training is insufficient. You must jump more! Start over from the beginning." |
"修行がたりんのぉ〜 もっと、飛ぶんじゃ! もう1度、いちからでなおせ" |
272F | "Unbelievable... Cherish it well..." |
"ったく・・・ 大切にするんじゃぞ・・・・" |
2730 | "[sound 6980]What? Have you some kind of complaint?" |
[sound 6980]なんじゃ、なにか文句 あるんか! |
2731 | "This is a training center for learning the sacred way of the sword. It is no place for children!" |
"ここは、神聖なる剣の道場じゃぞ 子供がくるところではない!" |
2732 | "[sound 695B]This is a place for studying the way of the sword. It is no place for children to play!" |
"[sound 695B]ここは、剣を習うところじゃ 遊ぶ ところじゃないぞ!" |
2733 | "If you wish to study the way of the sword at this training center, come after you've become an adult." |
"この道場に習いにきたいのなら 大人になってから きなさい" |
2734 | "[sound 695C]Umm...Excuse me, but this is a training center for studying the way of the sword... I can't help those without a sword." |
"[sound 695C]あの・・・すいませんが、ここは 剣を習う道場でして・・・ 剣をもっていない方は、ちょっと" |
2735 | "[sound 695C]This training center is for studying the lowly sword...It is no place for one of your stature, sir." |
"[sound 695C]ここは しがない剣の道場でして ・・・アナタ様のような方が来られる ところでは・・・" |
2736 | "[sound 695C]Here...those who have no sword... cannot...I'm sorry, but it's the regulations." |
"[sound 695C]ここは、その・・・ 剣を持ってない方は・・・ちょっと ・・・すいません、規則なもんで" |
2737 | "How unfortunate it is, since you seem to have good skill, but this is a center for studying the way of the sword. If you don't have one... But if you have a friend who wants to study, tell them we have a special discount going on." |
"おしい〜、いい素質をもっておる ようだが、ここは剣を習う道場 剣を持っていないとのぉ〜 知りあいに、剣を習いたい者が おったら、宣伝しておくれ 今なら、特別割引でお得じゃぞ" |
2738 | "Regrettable. If only you had a sword, you could become a sword master, like myself... And it's even a bargain now with our special discount..." |
"おしいのぉ、オマエさんが剣さえ 持っておれば、ワシのような 剣の達人になれるのに・・・・ 今なら特別割引で お得なのにのぉ おしいのぉ〜" |
2739 | "At my training center, you could become a master right away... Too bad you have no sword." |
"ワシの道場にかよえば、すぐに 剣の達人になれるのに・・・・ 剣を持っていないとはのぉ〜" |
273A | "[sound 695A]The Expert Course is a practice session! Cut down the 10 logs using the highly difficult techniques!" |
"[sound 695A]上級者コースは 実践コースじゃ! 次々、出てくる10本の 丸太を 難易度の高いワザで 倒すのじゃ!" |
273B | "If you score a perfect 30 points, you shall be taught all the secrets! Have you prepared?" |
"見事 30点満点なら 免許かいでん じゃ かくごは いいな!" |
273C | "Uuuuurgh...I'm scared! I can't take it! I don't want to die!" |
"うううううっ コワイよ〜! いやじゃ〜! 死にたくない!!" |
273D | "[sound 695B]This is a training center for the sacred sword! What is that mask? Is that the manner of one who wishes to study the sword?! Come when you are ready!" |
"[sound 695B]ここは、神聖なる剣の道場じゃぞ! なんじゃ そのお面は? それが剣を 習おうとする者の態度か! 出なおして来い!" |
273E | I do not know that child. | ワシゃ、そんな子は 知らん |
273F | "[sound 695B]Why do you wear the All-Night Mask? Are you suggesting that my instructions will put you to sleep? How rude! Be gone!" |
"[sound 695B]なんじゃ 夜更かしのお面なんか かぶって! ワシの 剣の教え方が眠いと いいたいのか! ふゆかいじゃ 帰れ!" |
2740 | "Ohh, how adorable! Let me tug on your long ears... Ahem...If you study the way of the sword here, you'll get your bunny dirty, so put it away." |
"わお、かわい〜のお! 長い おみみ ピクピクさせて この道場で剣を習いたいのなら ウサギさん 汚しちゃ かわいそうだから 置いてきなさい" |
2741 | "......... [sound 695C]This is a training center for studying the way of the sword, so I will teach anyone who has a sword... But first, leave that mask at home..." |
"・・・・・・・ [sound 695C]ここは、剣の道場じゃから たしかに 剣を持っておれば ダレでも 教えてやるがな・・・ まずは、そのお面を おウチに 置いてから きなさい・・・・" |
2742 | "Why do you wear a ninja's mask? Do you wish to become a ninja in the future? How nice. The innocence of children..." |
"なんじゃ 忍者のお面なんかつけて 将来 忍者にでも なりたいのか? いいのお、コドモは 無邪気で" |
2743 | "...... [sound 695C] Do you really wish to study the sword? I can't find the will to teach you when their milk has no freshness..." |
"・・・・・ [sound 695C]お前 本当に 剣を習いたいのか? 気がぬけて 教える気にもならん・・・・" |
2744 | "This is a training center for studying the sacred sword! Why that mask? How ugly and sorrowful. If you wish to study the sword, first remove that strange plaything." |
"ここは、神聖なる剣の道場じゃぞ! なんじゃ そのお面は? しかし ブサイクな 泣き顔じゃな 剣を習いたければ まずは その変な おもちゃを はずしてきなさい" |
2745 | "Ahh...You always do a wonderful job delivering the mail." |
"はい、いつも 郵便配達 ごくろうさん" |
2746 | "Oh, congratulations. Did a friend get married? Mmm...To be young..." |
"おお、めでたいのお 知り合いが 結婚するのか? ええの〜 若い者は" |
2747 | "Hey, that's not bad. That girl's mask is very beautiful! I'll lose my focus if I try to instruct you while you're wearing that. Leave it at home. Or...I could keep it for you." |
"ええの〜 セクシーじゃのう〜 その オナゴの お面は まさに ビューテ フォー! 剣を教えるのに ワシの 気が散るからウチに置いてきなさい 何ならワシ、あずかってもいいがな" |
2748 | "Frightening! That mask! It's frightening!!! That scares me. Take it off! Take it off!" |
"こわー そのお面! こわー!! 気持ち悪いから はずして! はずして! もう〜!" |
2749 | "I'm no good at singing, so I won't sing. Not even if you wear that!" |
"ワシゃ 歌は 苦手だから そんなのつけても 歌わんぞ!" |
274A | "...... Why that mask? Are you making fun of me? If you're making fun of me, be gone!" |
"・・・・・・ なんじゃ そのお面は? ワシを バカにしとるのか? ひやかしなら 帰れ!" |
274B | "Waaah! If you wish to study the way of the sword, remove that mask! It looks like something I saw in a bad dream..." |
"わあっ! 剣を習いたいなら そのお面は はずさんか! ったく ユメに みそうじゃ・・・" |
274C | "Hmm? ...Is someone there???" |
ん?・・・ダレかおるのか??? |
274D | "[sound 695B]This is a training center for the sacred sword! Do not wear that mask and march around in here! If you wish to do that, go outside!" |
"[sound 695B]ここは、神聖なる剣の道場じゃぞ! そのお面つけて 室内で行進するんじゃないぞ! するなら、外にでんか!" |
274E | "[sound 695B]This is a training center for teaching the sacred sword! Why do you wear that mask? I cannot allow such an evil weapon in here. Come back when you are ready!" |
"[sound 695B]ここは、神聖なる剣を教える 道場じゃぞ! なんじゃ、そのお面は? ワシは そんな 邪道な武器は みとめん! 出なおして来い!" |
274F | "[sound 695B]This is the training center of the sacred sword! Why do you wear that mask? I am not stinky! I take a bath at least once a month!" |
"[sound 695B]ここは、神聖なる剣の道場じゃぞ! なんじゃ そのお面は? ワシゃ クサく なんかないぞ! ちゃんと、月に 一度は フロに入っとる!" |
2774 | "[sound 696F]I'm currently on the job. If I stop to talk, it will disrupt my schedule." |
"[sound 696F]ただいま 仕事中なのだ 話をすると 予定がくるうのだ" |
2775 | "[sound 696F]According to my schedule, it is now my nap time. If my schedule is disrupted by even a few seconds, letter delivery will be delayed... Public service is very hard." |
"[sound 696F]ボクの予定では 今は昼寝時間なのだ コンマ ん秒でも 予定がくるうと 手紙が届くのが遅れてしまう・・・ 公務員はつらいのだ・・・" |
2776 | [sound 696F]あなたに、いつもの人から手紙なのだ | |
2777 | "This is a problem...A real problem. Not a single letter was mailed... What should I do this afternoon... I wish someone would tell me." |
"こまったのだ・・実に こまったのだ ポストに手紙が 1通も 投函されていなかったのだ・・・ 午後から、いったい ナニをしたら いいのか・・・ ダレか 教えて欲しいのだ" |
2778 | "[sound 696F]ボクは ナニをしてたらいいのかな? 仕事がないとき ナニをしてたらいいのかな?" | |
2779 | ...You're disrupting me! | ・・・ジャマなのだ! |
277A | "Last night, I wrote a letter to myself and deposited it in a post box... I just retrieved it. This afternoon, I shall deliver that letter! Hrr, hrr!" |
"ゆうべ、自分に手紙を書いて ポストに出したのだ・・・ さっき、ソレを回収したのだ 午後は その手紙を配達するのだ! ククッ・・" |
277B | "[sound 696F]To Myself, You have been doing a great job delivering the mail. I have a request for my hard-working self. All of the townsfolk have taken refuge. I want myself to flee, too. Even if it is not written on the schedule, I want myself to flee. Please... From Me" |
"[sound 696F]ボクへ いつも配達 ごくろうさんなのだ そんな、ガンバリ屋のボクにお願い 町の人は みんな ひなんしたのだ ボクも 逃げて欲しいのだ 予定表に書いていなくても 逃げて欲しいのだ お願いします ボクより" |
277C | "Ohhh...I want to flee! B-but, it's not written on the schedule. T-to me, the delivery schedule... It's the h-highest priority." |
"そりゃ・・・に、逃げたい! け、けど、そんなの予定表に 書いてないのだ ボ、ボクには 配達の予定表が さ・・最優先なのだ" |
277D | "T-to me, the delivery schedule... It's the h-highest priority." |
"ボ、ボクには 配達の予定表が さ・・最優先なのだ" |
277E | "Th-this is a priority mail seal! This is the highest of priorities. I shall deliver it!" |
"こ、これは 速達のハンコ! 最優先で お届けするのだ!" |
277F | "[sound 696F]I have a delivery for you, Postmaster!!!" |
"[sound 696F]お届け物です 局長どの!!" |
2780 | "I have decided to flee. It is an order from the Postmaster. I am now free! I can set my own schedule!" |
"ボク、ひなん することにしたのだ 局長どの の命令なのだ ボクは もう自由なのだ! 予定も自分で決めるのだ!" |
2781 | "There was only one letter today. It is so sad... But I shall deliver it perfectly." |
"今日は、1通しか手紙がなかったのだ とても、さびしいのだ・・・・ でも、キッチリ お届けするのだ" |
2782 | [sound 696F]I have a letter for you. | [sound 696F]アナタに お手紙なのだ |
2783 | ...It seems he is out today. | ・・・今日は 留守みたいなのだ |
2784 | "Deposit mail here. [sound 284C]Ka-ching!" |
"イラッシャイマセ [sound 284C]ガッピー!" |
2785 | "I cannot accept anything other than letters. [sound 284C]Ka-ching!" |
"テガミ以外 受付ケ デッキマセン [sound 284C]ガッピー!" |
2786 | "Thank you for using the postal system. [sound 284C]Ka-ching!" |
"ゴ利用 アッリガトウ [sound 284C]ガッピー!" |
2787 | "Your letter has been received. [sound 284C]Ka-ching!" |
"確カニ ウケトリ マッシタ [sound 284C]ガッピー!" |
2788 | "It shall be delivered this afternoon. [sound 284C]Ka-ching!" |
"オッ届ケハ 今日午後ニナリマシタ [sound 284C]ガッピー!" |
2789 | "It shall be delivered tomorrow. [sound 284C]Ka-ching!" |
"オッ届ケハ 明日ニナリマシタ [sound 284C]ガッピー!" |
278A | 4, 5, 6... | 4・5・6・・・ |
278B | "[sound 696F]Whaa! ...You startled me. Do not disrupt my training!" |
"[sound 696F]わぁ! ・・・ビックリした! トレーニングのジャマを しないのだ!" |
278C | "In my mind, I am running for exactly 10 seconds without looking at a clock. I was in the middle of mental training!" |
"今は 時計を見ないで 頭の中で 10秒ピッタリに走る イメージトレーニングを していたところなのだ!" |
278D | "You may make fun of me, but this is quite difficult!" |
"バカにするかもしれないけど これが、ケッコウ難しいのだ!" |
278E | "Will you try? Yes No" |
"やってみる? はい いいえ" |
278F | Then you are disrupting me! | じゃあ、ジャマなのだ! |
2790 | "Press [A] to start. Count 10 seconds, and the precise moment you think you've hit 10 on the dot, press [A] again." |
"[A]でスタート 10秒数えて、ピッタリだと思った ところで、もう1度[A]を押すのだ" |
2791 | Your time was [postman timer]. | "ただいまのタイムは [postman timer] なのだ〜" |
2792 | "Huh?!? 10 seconds?!?" |
"え−!! 10秒〜!!!" |
2793 | "That is amazing! You have reflexes suitable for a postman! As thanks for showing me something impressive, I give you this." |
"すごいのだ! キミは、ポストマンにふさわしい 運動神経を持っているのだ! いいものを見せてもらったお礼に キミにコレをあげるのだ" |
2794 | "I can't be like this! I'll have to train more! More!" |
"こうしちゃ〜いられない! ボクも もっともっと トレーニングをするのだ!" |
2795 | "Oh! Almost! That was a close one... ...Oh, nothing. Just talking to myself." |
"ん〜おしいのだ! あぶなかった・・・ ・・・・いやいや、こっちの話" |
2796 | See! I told you it's difficult! | ほら、やっぱり 難しいのだ! |
2797 | "You're past 10 seconds! My, you're a slow one." |
"とっくに 10秒すぎてるのだ! なんか、にぶいヤツだなぁ〜" |
2798 | "You look like you want to try again..." |
"もう1度 やりたそうな顔 してるのだ・・・" |
2799 | "I'll let you try, but it will cost 2 Rupees!" |
"やらしてあげてもいいけれど 2ルピー もらうのだ!" |
279A | "Will you still try again? Yes No" |
"それでも、もう1度やる? はい いいえ" |
279B | "Grr! You're disrupting my training! Shoo, shoo!" |
"じゃあ、トレーニングの ジャマなのだ! シッ、シッ!" |
279C | "You don't have enough Rupees! Hrrrrr...You're disrupting my training!" |
"ルピー たりないのだ! もう〜、トレーニングの ジャマなのだ!" |
279D | "[sound 696F]Whaa! What...You again?!? Don't keep disrupting my training!" |
"[sound 696F]わぁ! なんだ・・・またキミか?! トレーニングの ジャマばかりしないのだ!" |
279E | "So... In my head, I run for exactly 10 seconds without looking at a clock. I'm in the middle of mental training!" |
"だから〜・・・ ボクは、時計を見ないで 頭の中で 10秒ピッタリに走る イメージトレーニングを しているところなのだ!" |
279F | "I can let you do it, but it will cost 2 Rupees!" |
"やらしてあげてもいいけれど 2ルピー もらうのだ!" |
27A0 | "Whaa! Those ears!!! Oh, they're fake... You startled me! Don't disrupt my training!" |
"わぁ! その耳!! 作り物か・・・ビックリした! トレーニングのジャマを しないのだ!" |
27A1 | "You are doing a great job. [sound 284C]Ka-ching!" |
"オツトメ ゴックロウサマデス [sound 284C]ガッピー!" |
27A2 | "Some item other than a letter has been deposited. [sound 284C]Ka-ching!" |
"テガミ 以外ノ イブツ ガ トウカン サレテイマス [sound 284C]ガッピー!" |
27A3 | "Nice work. [sound 284C]Ka-ching!" |
"ゴクロウ サマデス [sound 284C]ガッピー!" |
27A4 | "Please take priority mail to the Post Office. It will even be accepted late at night. [sound 284C]Ka-ching!" |
"ソクタツハ ポストハウスへドウゾ 深夜デモ 受付ケマス [sound 284C]ガッピー!" |
27A5 | "[sound 696F]I have a delivery for you, Postmistress!" |
"[sound 696F]お届け物なのだ 局長どの!" |
27A6 | "Oh my, it can't be! You're still here?" |
"あらヤダ! あなた、まだ残ってたの?" |
27A7 | "To...to...to...tomorrow's delivery is still scheduled!" |
"あ、あ、あ、 あしたの配達が あるのだ!" |
27A8 | "What are you saying?!? Did you see the sky? It's terrible!" |
"なに言ってるの! お空見たの? 大変でしょ!" |
27A9 | But, but... | けど、けど・・・ |
27AA | "Oh, my! Well!!! What shall we do?!? It's from Kafei!" |
"あら! まあ!!! どうしましょ!!! カーフェイからなのね!" |
27AB | [sound 696F]It's priority mail. | [sound 696F]速達なのだ |
27AC | "I'm so happy! To think something good would come in the end! Thank you. You flee now. That's an order!" |
"うれしいわ! 最期に いいこと あるなんて! ありがとね あなた もう逃げなさい 命令よ!" |
27AD | Understood. | 了解なのだ |
27AE | "I don't need this anymore, so here...I'll let you have it!" |
"もう、いらなくなったから コレ、キミに ゆずるのだ!" |
27D8 | "[sound 3881]Ehhhh, I'm sorry... Only Deku Scrubs can play here." |
"[sound 3881]え〜、申し訳ないんですけど・・・ ここは、デクナッツしか 遊べないッピ" |
27D9 | "[sound 3AD2]Young [Link], you will compete against your best time." |
"[sound 3AD2][あ?] ぼっちゃん 自分のベストタイムに挑戦するッピ" |
27DA | "[sound 3AD2]How about it? Will the young one play?" |
[sound 3AD2]どお?ぼっちゃん 遊んでいくッピ |
27DB | "[sound 3AD2]Young [Link], you will compete against your best time." |
"[sound 3AD2][あ?] ぼっちゃん 自分のベストタイムに挑戦するッピ" |
27DC | "[sound 3AD2]Try setting a new record again today, young [Link]." |
"[sound 3AD2][あ?] ぼっちゃん 今日も 記録だしてみるッピ" |
27DD | "[sound 3AD2]How about it? We're open only until the carnival, which is the day after tomorrow. So will the young one play?" |
"[sound 3AD2]どお? ぼっちゃん ここは あさってのカーニバルまでだよ 遊んでいくッピ" |
27DE | "[sound 3AD2]Young [Link], you will compete against your best time." |
"[sound 3AD2][あ?] ぼっちゃん 自分のベストタイムに挑戦するッピ" |
27DF | "[sound 3AD2]Good luck, young [Link]. Now you can try for three straight days of new records." |
"[sound 3AD2][あ?] ぼっちゃん がんばって 今度は3日連続で 記録だしてみるッピ ヒヒッ" |
27E0 | "[sound 3AD2]Even though today is actually the eve of the carnival, it's quiet above and no one's come down here yet. Will you play, young [Link]?" |
"[sound 3AD2]ホント、今日は カーニバル前日 なのに やけに 上はしずかで ダレも来なくて ヒマだッピ・・ [あ?] ぼっちゃん 遊んでいくッピ" |
27E1 | "[sound 3AD2]Even though today is actually the eve of the carnival, no one has come in. That's quite rare. Now is your chance, young one. Will you play?" |
"[sound 3AD2]ホント、今日はカーニバルの前日 なのに、ダレも来ないなんて めずらしいッピ ぼっちゃん 今がチャンスだよ 遊んでいくッピ" |
27E2 | "One game is 10 Rupees. I'll play No thanks" |
"1回 たったの10ルピーだッピ やる やらない" |
27E3 | [sound 3880]Come again. | [sound 3880]また、来るッピ |
27E4 | [sound 3881]You don't have enough Rupees! | [sound 3881]ルピー 足りないッピ! |
27E5 | "[sound 3880]All right, then. Use this Deku Flower and have fun." |
"[sound 3880]そんじゃ、このデク花使って 楽しんでってね" |
27E6 | "If the time it takes you to get all the Rupees is faster than the current record, you get an extravagant prize. But if you fall down below just once, it's over!" |
"すべてのルピーをとった時間が 今までの記録より はやかったら ゴウカ賞品プレゼントだッピ ただし、1度でも下に落ちたら ダメだッピ!" |
27E7 | "The best time for today's game is [deku highscore]. Get all the Rupees faster than that." |
"今日のゲームのベストタイムは [deku highscore] コレより 早くルピーを全部とるッピ" |
27E8 | "The best time for today's game is [deku highscore]. Get all the Rupees faster than that." |
"今日のゲームのベストタイムは [deku highscore] コレより 早くルピーを全部とるッピ" |
27E9 | "The best time for today's game is [deku highscore]. Get all the Rupees faster than that." |
"今日のゲームのベストタイムは [deku highscore] コレより 早くルピーを全部とるッピ" |
27EA | "[sound 3880]Time's up. You're done!" |
"[sound 3880]時間切れ 終了〜ッピ!" |
27EB | "Too bad. You can compete as many times as you like, though. Hee, hee." |
"ざんねん また、何度でも 挑戦するッピ ヒヒッ" |
27EC | "[sound 3881]Too bad. You're done!" |
"[sound 3881]ざんねん 終了〜ッピ!" |
27ED | "You can compete as many times as you like, though. ...If you have Rupees. Hee, hee." |
"また、何度でも挑戦するッピ ルピー持ってね ヒヒッ" |
27EE | "[deku score] Amazing...It's a new record!" |
"[result time?] スゴイ・・・新記録だッピ" |
27EF | [sound 3880]...Take this. | [sound 3880]・・・コレやるッピ |
27F0 | [sound 3880]Come again, young [Link]. | "[sound 3880][あ?] ぼっちゃん また、来るッピ" |
27F1 | "[sound 3881]I'll record this time. So what's your name, young one?" |
"[sound 3881]この記録 登録しておくから ぼっちゃん 名前はなんていうッピ?" |
27F2 | "Hmm, hmm...[Link]? ...That's a strange name for a Deku Scrub." |
"フン、フン [あ?] ? ・・・デクナッツにしては 変わった名前だッピ" |
27F3 | "[sound 3880]If you can, come by again tomorrow." |
"[sound 3880]よかったら、また 明日も 遊びに来るッピ" |
27F4 | "[deku score] ...[sound 3881]Amazing. A new record... And for three days straight?!? Wow...We've been had. Well, you're obviously a pro, and pros can't play here. Take this and don't come back." |
"[result time?] ・・・[sound 3881]スゴイ、新記録だッピ それも 3日連続で・・・!? くそ〜 やられた さては お前 プロだッピ ウチは プロは お断りだッピ! コレやるから、もう来ないでくれッピ" |
27F5 | "[sound 388B]Such a youthful face... ...But we were really dealing with a fierce competitor!" |
"[sound 388B]あどけない顔して・・・ ・・・・まったく オレたちは 恐ろしいヤツを相手にしてたッピ!" |
27F6 | "[sound 3882]Ahh! It's [Link]! Hide!" |
"[sound 3882]うわっ! [あ?] だ! かくれろ!" |
27F7 | "It's time to change the setup! Go home!" |
"モヨウ替えの 時間だっピ! もう、帰るッピ!" |
27F8 | [sound 3880]OK, it's all over! | [sound 3880]はい、おしま〜い だッピ! |
27F9 | "[deku score] Well, that's the way it goes." |
"[result time?] まあ、こんなもんだッピ" |
27FA | "OK, burrow into the Deku Flower. The game begins the moment you jump out!" |
"じゃあ、デク花にもぐって 飛び出したら スタートだッピ!" |
283C | "[sound 6970]It looks like we have a visitor, Honey." |
[sound 6970]お客さんのようだよ・・・・ハニ〜 |
283D | "[sound 692A]I wonder if it's a customer, Darling?" |
[sound 692A]お客さんかしら? ダーリン |
[sound 6970]お客さんのようだね・・・ハニー | ||
"[sound 692C]イヤイヤ ダーリン もうすぐ 2人っきりの時間よ ふ・た・り・っ・き・り・の" | ||
・・・かえって | ||
2841 | "[sound 6971]But from what I see, he doesn't have a bow, Honey." |
"[sound 6971]だけど、見たところ 弓を持って いないようだよ・・・ハニー" |
2842 | "[sound 692C]Oh...Then he can't play, can he, Darling?" |
"[sound 692C]あら・・・それじゃあ 遊べないわね ダ〜リン" |
2843 | "[sound 6971]What should we do, Honey? Surely this one doesn't have a bow, so he can't play here..." |
"[sound 6971]どうしよう、ハニ〜 きっと このコ 弓を持っていない から ここで 遊べないよ・・・" |
2844 | "[sound 692C]Oh...Too bad. But, Darling, even if he doesn't have a bow, he could play if he had some sort of way of shooting at things..." |
"[sound 692C]あら・・・ザンネンね 弓がなくても 何か飛ばすコトが できれば よかったのに・・・" |
2845 | "[sound 6971]What shall we do, Honey? I don't think this one can use a bow..." |
"[sound 6971]どうする? ハニ〜 きっと このコ 弓をあつかえない と思うんだけど・・・・" |
2846 | "[sound 692A]But it looks like he can shoot bubbles, so let's let him play, Darling." |
"[sound 692A]だけど このコ シャボンを 飛ばすことが できるみたいだから 特別に 遊ばしてあげましょうよ〜" |
2847 | "[sound 695F]Oh, will the little Deku Scrub play again?" |
"[sound 695F]あっ デクナッツのコか また 遊んでいく?" |
2848 | "[sound 692B]Target shooting runs until tonight, so why don't we let him play, Darling?" |
"[sound 692B]マト当ては 今日の夜までだし いいんじゃない ねっ ダ〜リン" |
2849 | "[sound 695F]Would you like to play? This time it's special..." |
"[sound 695F]よかったら 遊んでいく? 今回は 特別だけど・・・・" |
284A | "[sound 692A]Today is Target Shooting day, isn't it Darling?" |
"[sound 692A]今日は マト当ての日なのよ ねっ ダーリン" |
284B | "[sound 6971]But from what I can see, he doesn't seem to have a bow, Honey." |
"[sound 6971]だけど、見たところ 弓を持って いないようだよ・・・ハニー" |
284C | "[sound 692C]Oh my...Then he can't play today, can he, Darling?" |
"[sound 692C]あら・・・それじゃあ 今日は遊べないわね ダ〜リン" |
284D | "[sound 695F]Oh, is this the one who got a perfect score, Honey? Do you want to play again?" |
"[sound 695F]あっ、パーフェクトをとったコか? また、遊んでいく?" |
284E | "[sound 692B]The Bombchu Gallery runs until tonight, doesn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692B]ボムチュウ当ては 今日の夜までよ ねっ、ダ〜リン" |
284F | [sound 6970]Oh, would you like to play? | "[sound 6970]あっ よかったら 遊んでいく?" |
2850 | "[sound 692A]The Bombchu Gallery runs until tonight, doesn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692A]ボムチュウ当ては 今日の夜までよ ねっ、ダ〜リン" |
2851 | [sound 6970]Oh, would you like to play? | "[sound 6970]あっ よかったら 遊んでいく?" |
2852 | "[sound 692B]Today is Bombchu Gallery day, isn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692B]今日は ボムチュウ当ての日なのよ ねっ、ダ〜リン" |
2853 | "[sound 6971]But from what I can see, he doesn't seem to have a Bomb Bag, Honey." |
"[sound 6971]だけど 見たところ ボム袋を 持っていないようだよ・・・ハニ〜" |
2854 | "[sound 692C]Oh my...Then he can't play today, can he, Darling?" |
"[sound 692C]あら・・・それじゃあ 今日は 遊べないわね ダ〜リン" |
2855 | "[sound 695F]Did you just get a perfect score? Do you want to play again?" |
"[sound 695F]あっ、 さっきパーフェクトとったコか? また 遊んでいく?" |
2856 | "[sound 692A]Basket Bomb runs until tonight, doesn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692A]バクダン・バスケットは 今日の夜までよ ねっ ダ〜リン" |
2857 | "[sound 695F]Oh, are you the one who got a perfect score yesterday? Do you want to play again?" |
"[sound 695F]あっ、昨日 パーフェクト とったコか? また、遊んでいく?" |
2858 | "[sound 692B]Basket Bomb runs until tonight, doesn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692B]バクダン・バスケットは 今日の夜までよ ねっ ダ〜リン" |
2859 | "[sound 695F]Oh, are you the one who got a perfect score yesterday? Would you like to play again?" |
"[sound 695F]あっ、昨日 パーフェクト とったコか? よかったら、遊んでいく?" |
285A | "[sound 392A]Today is Basket Bomb day, isn't it Darling?" |
"[sound 692A]今日は バクダン・バスケット の日なのよ ねっ、ダ〜リン" |
285B | [sound 6970]Oh, would you like to play? | "[sound 6970]あっ よかったら 遊んでいく?" |
285C | "[sound 692B]Basket Bomb runs until tonight, doesn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692B]バクダン・バスケットは 今日の夜までよ ねっ ダ〜リン" |
285D | [sound 6970]Oh, would you like to play? | "[sound 6970]あっ よかったら 遊んでいく?" |
285E | "[sound 392A]Today is Basket Bomb day, isn't it Darling?" |
"[sound 692A]今日は バクダン・バスケット の日なのよ ねっ、ダ〜リン" |
285F | "Ahh! You again? You still want to play?" |
"わあっ!またキミか? まだやるの?" |
2860 | ......... | ・・・・・・・・・・・ |
2861 | "[sound 695F]Oh, are you the one who just got a perfect score? Would you like to play again?" |
"[sound 695F]あっ、さっき パーフェクト とったコか? また、遊んでいく?" |
2862 | "[sound 692A]Target Shooting runs until tonight, doesn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692A]マト当ては 今日の夜までよ ねっ ダ〜リン" |
2863 | "[sound 695F]Oh, are you the one who got a perfect score two days in a row? Do you want to play again?" |
"[sound 695F]あっ、2日連続で パーフェクト とったコか? また、遊んでいく?" |
2864 | "[sound 692B]Target Shooting runs until tonight, doesn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692B]マト当ては 今日の夜までよ ねっ ダ〜リン" |
2865 | "[sound 695F]Oh, are you the one who got a perfect score two days in a row? Do you want to play again?" |
"[sound 695F]あっ、2日連続で パーフェクト とったコか? また、遊んでいく?" |
2866 | "[sound 692A]Today is Target Shooting day, isn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692A]今日は マト当ての日よ ねっ ダ〜リン" |
2867 | [sound 6970]Oh, do you want to play again? | "[sound 6970]あっ、 また、遊んでいく?" |
2868 | "[sound 692B]Target Shooting runs until tonight, doesn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692B]マト当ては 今日の夜までよ ねっ ダ〜リン" |
2869 | "[sound 695F]Oh, aren't you... You're the one who got a perfect score before, right? Want to play again?" |
"[sound 695F]あっ、たしか前に・・・ パーフェクトだしたコ? よかったら、遊んでいく?" |
286A | "[sound 692A]Today is Target Shooting day, isn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692A]今日は マト当ての日よ ねっ ダ〜リン" |
286B | [sound 6970]Oh, do you want to play again? | "[sound 6970]あっ、 また、遊んでいく?" |
286C | "[sound 692B]Target Shooting runs until tonight, doesn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692B]マト当ては 今日の夜までよ ねっ ダ〜リン" |
286D | [sound 6970]Oh, do you want to play? | "[sound 6970]あっ、 よかったら、遊んでいく?" |
286E | "[sound 692A]Today is Target Shooting day, isn't it, Darling?" |
"[sound 692A]今日は マト当ての日よ ねっ ダ〜リン" |
286F | "[sound 6971]What shall we do, Honey? From what I can see, he doesn't seem to be able to carry bombs." |
"[sound 6971]どうする? ハニ〜 見たところ バクダンを あつかえない みたいなんだけど" |
2870 | "[sound 692C]Oh my...Then he can't play, can he, Darling?" |
"[sound 692C]あら・・・それじゃあ 遊べないわね ダ〜リン" |
2871 | "[sound 695F]One game is 10 Rupees. I'll play I won't play" |
"[sound 695F]1回 10ルピーだけど 遊ぶ 遊ばない" |
2872 | [sound 6971]Honey, he says he isn't playing... | [sound 6971]ハニー 遊ばないってさ・・・ |
2873 | "[sound 6971]It looks like he doesn't have enough Rupees. What shall we do, Honey?" |
"[sound 6971]ルピーが 足りないみたいだけど どうする? ハニー" |
2874 | Goodbye! | かえって! |
2875 | "[sound 692A]Hit all the targets in the time it takes us to dance through one song." |
"[sound 692A]ボクたちが 1曲 踊っている間に すべての マトに 当ててごらん" |
2876 | "[sound 692C]But if you fall from this platform, you're out. Isn't he, Darling?" |
"[sound 692C]だけど、この台から 落ちちゃ ダメなのよ ね、ダ〜リン" |
2877 | "[sound 6970]Hit all the targets in the time it takes us to dance through one song." |
"[sound 6970]ボクたちが 1曲 踊っている間に すべての マトに 当ててごらん" |
2878 | "[sound 692C]But if you fall from this platform, you're out. Isn't he, Darling?" |
"[sound 692C]だけど、この台から 落ちちゃ ダメなのよ ね、ダ〜リン" |
2879 | "[sound 6970]Get a bomb inside every basket in the time it takes us to dance through one song." |
"[sound 6970]ボクたちが 1曲 踊っている間に バクダンを すべてのカゴの中に いれてごらん" |
287A | "[sound 692C]If you throw with too much power, you'll fall off this platform, so be careful. Right, Darling?" |
"[sound 692C]投げる時に いきおいあまって 台から落ちゃうから注意しなきゃ ダメなのよ ね、ダ〜リン" |
287B | "[sound 6970]Hit each target with a Bombchu in the time it takes us to dance through one song." |
"[sound 6970]ボクたちが 1曲 踊っている間に すべての マトに、 ボムチュウを当ててごらん" |
287C | "[sound 692C]But if you fall off this platform, you're out. Right, Darling?" |
"[sound 692C]だけど、この台から 落ちちゃ ダメなのよ ね、ダ〜リン" |
287D | "[sound 695F]Are you ready? Start the music!" |
"[sound 695F]じゃあ、いいかい? ミュージック スタート" |
287E | "[sound 6970]Did you see that? Honey, he got a perfect score... We have to share our happiness with him, Honey." |
"[sound 6970]見たかい? ハニー パーフェクトだって・・・ ・・・しかたがない カレに ボクたちの しあわせを わけてあげよう・・・・ハニ〜" |
287F | "That's annoying, so let's show off even more for him, Darling." |
"くやしいから、もっと 見せつけちゃいましょ ダ〜リン" |
2880 | "[sound 692C]H-H-Honey!!! He...He got a perfect score three days in a row. This is all we have left to give him, Honey." |
"[sound 692C]ハ、ハ、ハニー!! み・・・3日連続パーフェクトだよ もうカレに あげられるモノって これぐらいしかないよ ハニ〜" |
2881 | "I wonder... Are we truly happy? ...Darling?" |
"私たちって・・・ 本当に しあわせなのかしら・・・ ダ〜リン" |
2882 | "I wonder... Are we truly happy? ...Darling?" |
"私たちって・・・ 本当に しあわせなのかしら・・・ ダ〜リン" |
2883 | "Honey, It's a perfect score again..." |
"ハニー また、パーフェクトだって・・・" |
2884 | ......... | ・・・・・・・・ |
2885 | All done. | 終了〜 |
2886 | [sound 695F]It's already over, Honey. | [sound 695F]もう、終わりだよ・・・ハニ〜 |
2887 | "For a while, it was like a dream, Darling." |
"ユメのような 一時だったわ ダ〜リン" |
2888 | [sound 6971]Oh, that's why I told you... | [sound 6971]あっ、だからいったのに・・・・ |
2889 | [sound 695F]We've already won, Honey. | [sound 695F]もうかっちゃったね ハニ〜 |
288A | I'm happy, Darling. | しあわせよ ダ〜リン |
288B | That hurts! | イタイなあ! |
28A0 | Welcome to the Stock Pot Inn... | "いらっしゃいませ ナベかま亭にようこそ・・・" |
28A1 | "[sound 6922]Um....Are you...staying the night? Yes No" |
"[sound 6922]あの・・・お泊り・・・ですか? はい いいえ" |
28A2 | "[sound 6923]...Eh?!? You are...staying the night?" |
"[sound 6923]・・・えっ!? やっぱり、お泊り ・・・なんですね" |
28A3 | "I'm terribly sorry! There are no vacancies today... We've been booked solid with reservations. It's always this way before the carnival. I'm sorry. I recommend making a reservation the next time you wish to stay here." |
"申し訳ございません! 本日は 満室でして・・・ ご予約の方で いっぱいなんです カーニバル前は いつも こんな感じなんです ごめんなさいね 次回 ご利用の際は ご予約を おすすめしますわ" |
28A4 | "[sound 6924]Oh, really...That's good... We're always totally booked right before the carnival. We're sorry we have to turn people away... I recommend making a reservation if you plan to stay with us during this season." |
"[sound 6924]そうですか・・・よかった・・・ カーニバル前は、いつも 満室で、お断りするのが 申し訳なくって・・・ お客さんも この季節に 当宿をご利用の際には ご予約を おすすめしますわ" |
28A5 | "Please pay the Stock Pot Inn a visit in the future." |
"今後とも、 ナベかま亭をごひいきに!" |
28A6 | "[sound 6922]Umm...Are you...staying the night? Oh my! I wonder...Did I by chance ask you the same thing earlier? My mother is always telling me to remember our customer's faces, but I tend to forget them..." |
"[sound 6922]あの・・・お泊り・・・ですか? あら・・・? ひょっとして・・・前にも 同じことを言っちゃったかしら お客さんの顔を覚えなさいって 母に言われるんですけど 忘れっぽいもので・・・" |
28A7 | [sound 693A]Please enjoy the Carnival of Time. | "[sound 693A]刻のカーニバル 楽しんでってくださいね" |
28A8 | "[sound 6922]Umm...Did you...have a reservation? Yes No" |
"[sound 6922]あの・・・ご予約の方・・ですか? はい いいえ" |
28A9 | "[sound 6924]You do have a reservation? That's good..." |
"[sound 6924]ご予約・・おありでしたか よかった・・・" |
28AA | "Mr. [Link], is it? One moment, please." |
"[あ?] 様ですね 少々、お待ちください" |
28AB | "Mr. [Link], I have you down for an afternoon arrival. Your room is our ""Knife Chamber"" on the second floor. Here is your key." |
"[あ?] 様 午後に お着きのご予約を うけたまわって おります お部屋は、2階 「ナイフの間」 こちらが お部屋のカギで ございます" |
28AC | "[sound 693A]Have you been to the Clock Tower plaza yet? They are now putting together what has become the carnival's custom. It should be wonderful this year, too. I hope you enjoy our tradition." |
"[sound 693A]お客さん 時計塔広場には 行きましたか? カーニバル恒例の アレが 組み立て中だったでしょう 今年のアレも すごいんでしょうね 楽しみですね アレ" |
28AD | Please relax... | ごゆっくり・・・・ |
28AF | Good night... | おやすみなさいませ・・・ |
28B0 | "[sound 391C]The city is so busy it's hard to find one's way-goro..." |
"[sound 391C]都会は ごちゃごちゃしてて わかりにくいゴロ・・・" |
28B1 | "[sound 6922]I'm terribly sorry. There are no vacancies today...We're booked solid with reservations." |
"[sound 6922]申し訳ございません 本日は、満室でして・・・ ご予約の方でいっぱいなんです" |
28B2 | "I should have a reservation-goro. The name is [Link]. [sound 38FC]Don't you have it-goro?" |
"予約したはずゴロ [あ?] という名前 [sound 38FC]ないゴロか?" |
28B3 | "[sound 6925]Mr. [Link]. Ah! I do have your reservation. Your room is our ""Knife Chamber"" on the second floor. This is your room key." |
"[sound 6925][あ?] 様 あっ! うけたまわっております お部屋は、2階 「ナイフの間」 こちらが、お部屋のカギで ございます" |
28B4 | "[sound 391C]This place is falling apart. The floor looks like you could pull it up-goro..." |
"[sound 391C]ココ、ボロくて 床がヌケそうゴロ・・・" |
28B5 | "[sound 3ABB]I made a reservation... The name is [Link]-goro!" |
"[sound 3ABB]予約したはずなんだけど・・・ 名前は [あ?]ゴロ!" |
28B6 | "[sound 6923]Mr. [Link]-goro? I don't have a reservation under that name. There is one close to that, but..." |
"[sound 6923][あ?]ゴロ 様? という方は うけたまわって おりません 近いのは、1つありますが・・・" |
28B7 | "What?!? Really-goro? Well, it's nice weather, so I'll just sleep outside-goro." |
"え・・・?? そうゴロ・・・ まあ、天気いいから外で寝るゴロ" |
28B8 | [sound 6922]I'm terribly sorry. | [sound 6922]申し訳ございません |
28B9 | [sound 391C]It's a hard world to live in-goro... | [sound 391C]セチガライ 世の中 ゴロ・・・ |
28BA | "[sound 6925]Ah! Uh, uh, uh, umm, umm... What is this?" |
"[sound 6925]あ!・・・ あ、あ、あ、あの、あの コレは?" |
28BB | [sound 696F]I have delivered this to you! | [sound 696F]確かに お届けしたのだ! |
28BC | "Ah! Wait! This letter, wh-where did you?!?" |
"あ!待って! この手紙は、ど、どこで!!" |
28BD | [sound 696F]From the postbox. | [sound 696F]ポストなのだ |
28BE | "Th-that's not what I mean! From the postbox where?!?" |
"そ、そうじゃなくて! どこのポストで!" |
28BF | [sound 696F]From the postbox somewhere. | [sound 696F]どこかの ポストなのだ |
28C0 | [sound 6939]That's not what I mean! | [sound 6939]そうじゃなくて! |
28C1 | "[sound 6924]It will be lunchtime soon. I must hurry up and cook. ...Grandmother is surely waiting." |
"[sound 6924]そろそろ お昼ね いそいで作らなきゃ おばあちゃんたち きっと 待ってるわ" |
28C2 | "[sound 6925]I must hurry! The guest arriving in the afternoon will come. Skip this, skip that!" |
"[sound 6925]急がなきゃ! 午後に お着きのお客様が 来ちゃうわ 省略、省略!" |
28C3 | "We used to be a cafeteria, but after my father died, the room rentals that were part of our service became our main focus. We're just a small inn with only 2 rooms, but people from all over come here at this time of year... See the performers practicing outside? The second floor bunk room guests are very spirited at night with songs and dancing." |
"うち、もとは食堂やっててね 先代が亡くなってから サービスでやっていた 「間貸し」を本業にしたの 客室2部屋の小さな宿だけど この時期は、いろいろな地方から 人がおとずれて・・・ ほら、外で 芸人さんが 練習してたでしょ 2階の大部屋のお客さんで 毎晩 歌と踊りで にぎやかよ" |
28C4 | "[sound 6922]The customer coming this afternoon will be staying next door to them, so I hope it'll be all right." |
"[sound 6922]午後から来る 予約のお客さん お隣だから、きのどくね" |
28C5 | Mmm...Mmm? | ・・・ん ・・・ん? |
28C6 | "Please don't talk to me... I'm about to drop this plate..." |
"話しかけないで・・・ お皿を 落としちゃいそう・・・" |
28C7 | "[sound 690C]Oh, Tortus. I've already had lunch." |
"[sound 690C]おや、トータス わたしゃ、お昼は もう いただいたよ" |
28C8 | "[sound 6922]Grandmother...I am Anju! Tortus was my dad... And you haven't had lunch yet!" |
"[sound 6922]おばあちゃん・・・ 私は、アンジュよ! トータスは、私のパパ・・・ それにお昼は、まだでしょ!" |
28C9 | "I've already had lunch. Now be quick and take that away." |
"わたしゃ、お昼は もう いただいたよ それを、さっさと さげておくれ" |
28CA | "Not eating is bad for you. Please eat..." |
"食べないと体にドクよ お願い 食べて・・・" |
28CB | "Didn't I say that I already ate lunch, Tortus?!? Impossible child!" |
"お昼は もう食べたと いってるじゃないか トータス! この 親不孝モノ!" |
28CC | "Then don't eat my food. I give up..." |
・・・しょうがないわねえ |
28CD | Whew! | ・・・ほっ! |
28CE | [sound 6923]"Whew?" | [sound 6923]ほっ? |
28CF | "Er... W-W-Whewwwould you like me to read you a story?" |
ほ、ほんを読んでやろう |
28D0 | "[sound 6922]Oh...That mask... You, too... You're also looking for Kafei." |
"[sound 6922]あ・・・・そのお面・・・ アナタも、カーフェイを探して ・・・いるんですね" |
28D1 | [sound 6925]You're also looking for Kafei? | "[sound 6925]アナタも カーフェイを探して いるんですね" |
28D2 | "I have a request! Kafei...I have a clue...that will help you find him." |
"お願いがあるんです! 彼を・・・カーフェイさんを・・・ 探す手がかりが あるんです" |
28D3 | "Tonight at 11:30, please come to our kitchen. We'll talk then..." |
"今夜、夜の11時30分に ウチの厨房(ちゅうぼう)に 来てください 話は、その時に・・・" |
28D4 | "I will try to find him myself. Asking someone else to do it... I can't do that!" |
"私、自分で探してみます ダレかに 頼っちゃ・・・ ダメですよね!" |
28D5 | "[sound 6924]I can't find him... Kafei... Where... I wonder where he could have gone... And there's only a little time left before... our wedding..." |
"[sound 6924]見つからないんですね・・・ カーフェイ・・・ どこ・・・ いっちゃったのかな・・・ 結婚式・・・もうすぐなのに・・・" |
28D6 | [sound 6925]Ah! ...Umm...Never mind! | "[sound 6925]あ!・・・いえ どうも!" |
28D7 | "I am sorry to trouble you late at night. It's about him...Kafei." |
"夜おそくに すいません 彼・・・カーフェイさん なんですけど・・・" |
28D8 | "I received a letter from...him. Strange...Isn't it? Getting a letter from a missing person... But there's absolutely no mistaking it's from him! It's clear...to me..." |
"彼から・・・ 手紙が来たんです へん・・・ですよね 行方不明の人 から手紙が来るなんて・・・ でも、絶対 間違いない 彼からなんです! 私には・・・わかります・・・" |
28D9 | Please! | お願い! |
28DA | "Here is my letter. Please put this in a postbox. When this is delivered...When he receives my letter... You should be able to meet him! Please tell him that Anju is waiting for him. And please, after you've seen him... Tell me how he looked. I'm scared...I...I can't go." |
"ココに、私の手紙があります これを ポストに入れてください コレが届く時 手紙を受け取る時・・・ アナタは、彼に会えるはず 彼に伝えてください アンジュは 待っていますって そして、その時・・・ 彼がどんな様子だったか 私に教えてください 私には・・・怖くて・・・ できないから" |
28DB | "Can I ask this of you? Yes No" |
"お願いできますか? はい いいえ" |
28DC | Thank you...very much. | ありがとう・・・ございます |
28DE | "Please mail it immediately in the morning." |
朝、早くに 出してください |
28DF | "[sound 6922]...Uh, umm...Aren't you going to take refuge?" |
"[sound 6922]・・・あ、あの 避難 なさらないんですか?" |
28E0 | "[sound 6922]...Ah...Today's weather is unfortunate, isn't it?" |
"[sound 6922]・・・あ、今日は あいにくの天気ですね" |
28E1 | "I have decided to wait for him. I've made my promise... I'm fine with this. I believe him." |
"私、待つことにしました 約束しましたから・・・ これでいいんです 彼を 信じます" |
28E2 | "[sound 6922]Oh... Did you...see him? ...I'm sorry. It's too late, isn't it?" |
"[sound 6922]あ・・・ 彼に・・・会えましたか? ・・・ごめんなさい もう、手遅れですよね" |
28E3 | "[sound 6922]Oh... Did you...see him? ...I'm sorry. It's probably too soon to ask..." |
"[sound 6922]あ・・・ 彼に・・・会えましたか? ・・・ごめんなさい すぐには、ムリですよね" |
28E4 | "[sound 6922]Oh... Did you meet him?" |
"[sound 6922]あ・・・ 彼に、会えましたか?" |
28E5 | [sound 6925]Ah! | [sound 6925]はっ! |
28E6 | "...It's from Kafei. Th...Th...Thank you... Very much!" |
"・・・カーフェイからです あ・・・あ・・・ありがとう ございます!" |
28E7 | [sound 6923]Umm...What's that? | [sound 6923]あの・・・なにか? |
28E8 | "Excuse me. Have you seen a man in this area?" |
"すいません このあたりに、男の人 見かけませんでしたか?" |
28E9 | He looks like this... | こんな人、なんですけど・・・ |
28EA | "He...disappeared about one month ago with his wedding ceremony mask." |
"彼・・・ひと月ほど前から 婚礼の面を 持ったまま 行方が わからないんです" |
28EB | "I'm...actually...afraid to meet him... and to hear the reason why he wanted to disappear... It might be because of... me..." |
"私は・・・ホントは・・・ 彼に会うのが怖いんです 姿を みせない理由を聞くのが・・ ひょっとして、私のコト・・・" |
28EC | "There are only two days until the carnival... Should I wait? Kafei..." |
"カーニバルまで、あと2日・・・ 待っていいの? カーフェイ・・・・" |
28ED | "[sound 6925]Ah! That mask... You're looking for him, too." |
"[sound 6925]あっ! そのお面・・・ アナタも 彼を 探しているんですね" |
28EE | "I came here thinking I would look for him myself, but..." |
"自分で探そうと思って ココまで来たんですけど・・・" |
28EF | "[sound 6845]What a ramshackle inn. Is this room first-class? You can hear whoever's next door for cryin' out loud! Well, whatever...We're staying for free, so we can't expect much." |
"[sound 6845]ボロ宿ね これが1等の部屋? これじゃ となりの声がツツヌケよ ま、いいわ! タダで 泊まれるんだから ぜいたくは 言わないけどね" |
28F0 | "[sound 6845]See, everything here is falling apart...You can hear the voices next door." |
"[sound 6845]やっぱり ボロね となりから話し声が 聞こえるもん" |
28F1 | "OK, Anju, we're leaving in the evening for the ranch. Cremia will take us in. She is your best friend, right?" |
"いいね、アンジュ、私たちも 夕方には 牧場に発つからね クリミアも 受け入れてくれるさ アンタの 大の親友じゃないか" |
28F2 | "I wonder if Kafei is really at Cremia's place..." |
"カーフェイは 本当に クリミアの所にいるのかしら・・・" |
28F3 | "[sound 6911]If Kafei is there, your mother will give him a smack. Besides, think about Cremia. She needs strength from a partner and business support from Madame Aroma. If Kafei really has run off with Cremia, she'll get both. Please don't be sad. How happy could you possibly be... marrying a man who runs off when he's about to be married? It would make your life unhappy ...just like your mother's." |
"[sound 6911]そこに、カーフェイがいたら かあさんが、ぶん殴ってやるよ でもね・・・ クリミアのことは、わかっておあげ 彼女には、ささえが必要なんだ カーフェイや、町長夫人がね それに、結婚前に逃げるような男と いっしょになったって 苦労する だけさ・・・かあさんみたいにね" |
28F4 | "But in the letter it said he definitely would come back..." |
"手紙には、かならず戻るって 書いてあったわ・・・" |
28F5 | "[sound 6910]Come back to what?? Won't this town be crushed beneath the moon the morning after tomorrow? Forget about that letter. For now, just try to survive. Everything else will follow..." |
"[sound 6910]戻るって、どこにだい? あさっての朝には、 この町は、月の下じゃないか そんな手紙は、忘れておしまい とにかく、生き残ろう それからだよ・・・" |
28F6 | "Yes... Mother, Thank you." |
"うん・・・・ かあさん ありがとう" |
28F7 | "Everyone will be taking refuge first thing in the morning. Everything was supposed to be all so...spirited...It's sad." |
"みなさん、朝一番で 避難しました あんなに・・・にぎやかだったのに さみしいわ" |
28F8 | "We'll be going to Romani Ranch in the evening to take refuge. I think you should all hurry too." |
"私たちも、夕方には ロマニー牧場へ 避難します お客さんも、急いだ方がいいですよ" |
28F9 | Perhaps I was wrong... | 私、間違っていたのかも・・・・ |
28FA | "But he said so... The morning of the ceremony... He'd come meet me in my room..." |
"彼、言ったわ 式の日の朝・・・ 部屋まで むかえにいくって・・・" |
28FB | "And I promised him I would wait... But...already...it's too late, isn't it?" |
"私も 待っているって 約束したの・・・でも ・・・もう・・・おそいよね" |
28FC | "Anju stayed in her room to wait for Kafei... It's foolish to believe a man like that. I too believed my husband would return out of the blue... Oh, Anju... That child's naive sense of trust may be my fault." |
"アンジュは、カーフェイを待って 宿に残ったよ・・・ バカな話さ、あんな男 信じちまうなんてね あたしも、亭主が いつか ひょっこり帰ってくる・・ そう、信じてたよ あの子の お人よしは わたし ゆずりかもね・・・" |
28FD | !!! | !! |
28FE | "...I've been a little harsh on Anju. ...But, it's fine this way. Right now, surviving is the important thing." |
"・・・アンジュには かわいそうな ことをした・・・ けどね、これでいいんだ 今は、生き残ることが 大事なのさ・・・・" |
28FF | "I'm sorry. We're going to be taking refuge in the evening like the others. You should run, too. It seems it's going to fall tomorrow morning." |
"ごめんなさいね 夕方には わたしらも 避難するんです お客さんも 逃げた方がいいですよ 明日 朝には 落ちるらしい ですからね" |
2900 | "I'm sorry. Our rooms are filled." |
"ごめんなさいね 部屋は、いっぱいなの" |
2901 | "[sound 690C]Oh, Tortus, you're late... Tomorrow is another early day, so good night. I'll read you a story tomorrow." |
"[sound 690C]おや、トータス 遅かったね・・・ 明日も早いから、もう おやすみ お話は、あした 読んであげるからね" |
2902 | "[sound 690C]Oh, Tortus. Did you finish helping father? Then let mother read you a story." |
"[sound 690C]おや、トータス 父ちゃんの手伝いは、 すんだのかい? じゃあ、今日も、かあちゃんが お話を読んであげよう" |
2903 | "Now, which story would you like to hear? I'll pass Carnival of Time (2 hours) Four Giants (Til morning)" |
"さあ、どの話にしよう やめる ときのカーニバル 2じかん 4にんのきょじん あさまで" |
2904 | "The Carnival of Time, is it? The carnival is almost here, so it's good for you to learn its meaning. It's a little long, but I'll read it with some enthusiasm. Ahem... ""The Carnival of Time."" Each year, the season of harmony begins when the sun and moon are in alignment. Paying homage to the way that both nature and time are tirelessly in the process of progressing... the Carnival of Time is when the peoples of the four worlds celebrate that harmony and request fruitfulness for the year." |
"ときのカーニバル だね? カーニバル前だからね おまつりの いみを学ぶのは とてもいいことだ 少し長いけど、気合をいれて 読むからね・・・ え・・・「ときのカーニバル」 毎年、太陽と月が 同じ カサに入る 和の季節 たゆみない 自然に驚き たゆみない刻を とうとび その年の ほうじょうをねがって ときのカーニバル は 四界の民の手によって ひらかれる" |
2905 | "For ages, people have worn masks resembling the giants who are the gods of the four worlds. Now, it has become a custom for each person to bring a handmade mask to the Carnival of Time. It is said that if a couple united on the day of the festival and dedicated a mask as a sign of their union, it would bring luck. The centerpiece of the carnival is the clock tower, and on the eve of all the festivities, the doors to its roof are opened... From atop the clock tower roof, a ceremony to call the gods is held and an ancient song is sung. All of these festivities for the Carnival of Time are held so that we may ask the gods for a rich harvest in the year to come!" |
"そのむかし 四界の神である 巨人の顔を かたどった面を 祭りで かぶったことから ときのカーニバルでは おのおの手作りの 「お面」を 持ちよる習慣に なっている カーニバルの日に 結ばれた男女は そのあかしを お面で奉納するのは 最良の吉と されている カーニバルの シンボルである 時計塔では、前夜に屋上を開き 祭壇をしたため いにしえの ならわしに したがい いのりの歌を うたって 神を呼ぶ儀式が おこなわれる ときのカーニバルは 四界の収穫の 願いを 神に いのる祭りなのである!" |
2906 | "[sound 690A]You did a good job! That's all for Tortus! Now, when does the clock tower roof open? On the eve of the festival I dunno" |
"[sound 690A]がんばったね! トータス タメになっただろ 時計塔の屋上が開くのはいつだい? 祭りの前夜 わかんない" |
2907 | "[sound 690A]Well in that case, you try again with mother." |
"[sound 690A]おやおや、ならば もう1度、かあちゃんと 挑戦しようね" |
2908 | "[sound 690A]You did a good job remembering. That's the boy I'm proud of." |
"[sound 690A]よくおぼえたね さすが、自慢の息子だよ" |
2909 | "I'll give you some candy as a prize." |
ごほうびに アメをあげよう |
290A | "[sound 690A]Oh, are you awake? I guess that story was a little boring for Tortus, wasn't it? Don't give up. Try again sometime." |
"[sound 690A]おやおや、お目覚めかい? やっぱり、この話は トータスには、退屈 だったかね これに こりず、また挑戦しようね" |
290B | "The Four Giants, is it? This is quite long, but it is a good story for you to hear, so I'll read it with some extra gusto. Ahem... ""The Four Giants."" This tale's from long ago when all the people weren't separated into four worlds like they are now. In those times all the people lived together, and the four giants lived among them. On the day of the festival that celebrates the harvest, the giants spoke to the people... ""We have chosen to guard the people while we sleep..."" ""100 steps north, 100 steps south, 100 steps east, 100 steps west."" ""If you have need, call us in a loud voice by declaring something such as, 'The mountain blizzard has trapped us.'"" ""Or 'The ocean is about to swallow us.' Your cries shall carry to us...""" |
"4にんのきょじん だね? これは、かなり長いけど タメになる お話だから 力いっぱい 読むからね え・・・・「4にんのきょじん」 民が 今のように 四界にわかれず ともに暮らしていた むかしの話 そのころは、4人の巨人たちも 民とともに 暮らしていた ある、収穫をいわう 祭の日 巨人たちは 民にいった われらは、眠りながら 民を 守ることにした 東に百歩、西に百歩 北に百歩、南に百歩 ことあれば、大きな声で呼べ たとえ、山の雪に閉ざされようと たとえ、海原に飲みこまれようと 叫びはとどくだろう・・・" |
290C | "Now then...There was one who was shocked and saddened by all this. A little imp. The imp was a friend of the giants since before they had created the four worlds. ""Why must you leave?"" ""Why do you not stay?"" The childhood friend felt neglected, so he spread his anger across the four worlds. Repeatedly, he wronged all people. Overwhelmed with misfortune, the people sang the song of prayer to the giants who lived in each of the four compass directions. The giants heard their cry and responded with a roar. ""Oh, imp. Oh, imp. We are the protectors of the people."" ""You have caused the people pain. Oh, imp, leave these four worlds! Otherwise, we shall tear you apart!"" The imp was frightened and saddened. He had lost his old friends. The imp returned to the heavens, and harmony was restored to the four worlds. And the people rejoiced and they worshiped the giants of the four worlds like gods. And they lived happily...ever after..." |
"さて・・・これを聞き おどろき 悲しんだモノがいた 小鬼だった 小鬼は、巨人たちが 大地を創る前からの 友であった なぜ、去りゆくのか! なぜ、とどまらぬのか! 幼なじみに おざなりにされた その怒りは 四界におよんだ 小鬼は 民に 悪さをくりかえした 民は ほとほと こまりはて 四方に眠る 巨人たちに いのりの歌を うたった それを聞いた巨人たちは 怒号をあげた 小鬼よ 小鬼よ われらは、民を 守護するモノなり おまえは 民を 苦しめた 小鬼よ 四界から され! さもなくば 民にかわり われらが、おまえを ひきさこう! 小鬼は おびえ 悲しんだ 幼きころの友を 失ったのだ 小鬼は 天界に帰っていった こうして、四界に 和が戻った 民は 喜び 四界の巨人を 神として まつったとさ めでたし・・・めでたし・・・" |
290D | "[sound 690A]Good job! Wasn't that fun, Tortus? What did the people do to call the giants? Sing a song I dunno" |
"[sound 690A]がんばったね! トータス 面白かっただろう 巨人を呼ぶには どうするんだい? うたを 歌う わかんない" |
290E | "[sound 690A]Oh, really? But you listened hard, so mother is happy." |
"[sound 690A]おやおや、そうかい でも、がんばったからからね かあちゃん うれしいよ" |
290F | "I'll give you some candy as your prize." |
ごほうびに アメをあげよう |
2910 | "That's right, but you couldn't just sing that song anywhere. 100 steps north, 100 steps south, 100 steps east, 100 steps west. The spot at which those giants parted is right in the middle of this very town." |
"そうだね、でも その歌は どこで歌っても いいわけじゃないんだよ 東に百歩、西に百歩 北に百歩、南に百歩 そう、巨人たちが別れた場所 このクロックタウンの まんなかさ" |
2911 | "[sound 690A]Oh, are you awake? I guess that story was a little hard for Tortus. But don't give up. Try again later." |
"[sound 690A]おやおや、お目覚めかい? やっぱり、この話は トータスには、難しかったね これに こりず、また挑戦しようね" |
2912 | "[sound 690C]Oh, Tortus, are you ready? It's been a long time since we've had a picnic at Romani Ranch, hasn't it?" |
"[sound 690C]おや、トータス もう、よういは できたのかい? ロマニー牧場へピクニックなんて ひさしぶりだねえ" |
2913 | "Isn't her bridal dress lovely? We promised each other when we were children that we'd marry on the day of the Carnival of Time. ...But my promise... I couldn't keep it." |
"彼女の花嫁衣裳 きれいだろ 子供のころ 約束したんだ 刻のカーニバルの日に 結婚しようって ・・・約束 守れなかった" |
2914 | "I...I have met you before. What a familiar scent. Long, long ago...Yes. We were still young. We made a promise... Didn't we? The masks of the sun and the moon... We were to exchange them on the day of the Carnival of Time..." |
"私・・・あなたに 会ったことあるわ なつかしい 匂いがする 遠い昔・・・そう まだ、小さかったころ 私たちは 約束したわね 月と太陽のお面を・・・ 刻のカーニバルの日に 交わそうって・・・ 結婚しようって・・・ うれしかった・・・" |
2915 | "Anju... I'm sorry I was late." |
"アンジュ おくれて ごめん" |
2916 | ...Welcome home. | お帰りなさい |
2917 | "[sound 6846]...Tee-hee! They're lovers, but they look just like a mother and child." |
"[sound 6846]・・へへ 恋人同士なのに まるで 親子みたい" |
2918 | "Let us exchange the promised masks." |
約束のお面を 交わそう |
2919 | "We have exchanged our oaths and have become a couple." |
"ボクらは 誓いを交わし 夫婦(めおと)に なった" |
291A | "You are our witnesses. Please accept this mask." |
"アナタたちは 証人よ このお面を 受け取ってください" |
291B | "Please take refuge. We are fine here. We shall greet the morning... together." |
"アナタたちは 逃げてください 私たちは もう大丈夫です 明日を・・・二人いっしょで 迎えられるんですもの" |
291C | "[sound 691C]Hmmm...Ah, well, that won't work... No...That's too basic... " |
"[sound 691C]う〜ん ああじゃ ダメよ でも、それも マンネリね・・・" |
291D | "[sound 691E]We have to be ready without any rehearsal this time...Every time..." |
"[sound 691E]ブッツケ本番 かくごね 今回も・・・毎回ね・・・" |
291E | "[sound 691C]We need a new step...Maybe with more jumping..." |
"[sound 691C]もっと 飛び出すような 新しい ステップなのよね・・・" |
291F | "[sound 691E]Marilla likes this choreography, but she doesn't get into it at all..." |
"[sound 691E]今の 振り付けは マリラ好みだけど あの子も のれてないし・・・" |
2920 | "[sound 691C]Judo's very good at it... Maybe we should add some spins..." |
"[sound 691C]ジュドは 得意だから・・・ 回転 まぜるか" |
2921 | "[sound 691E]If we do a poor job of extending it, the audience will get bored..." |
"[sound 691E]ヘタに 長くしたら お客 ダレるだろうな・・・" |
2922 | "[sound 691C]Maybe I'll blame it on the troupe leader and go back to the village... But Judo wouldn't like it." |
"[sound 691C]もう、座長のせいにして 里に 帰ろうかな・・・ ジュドは いやがるけど" |
2923 | "[sound 691E]We shouldn't change the song now...Guru-Guru is scary when he gets mad..." |
"[sound 691E]曲 いまから変更 ムリよね グルさんの上がり メチャ おそいから・・・" |
2924 | "We're pretty prepared, but our troupe leader seems to be acting strange for some reason. Well, we haven't even seen the stage yet...It looks like we're going straight to the big show without any rehearsal." |
"ウチらは、準備OKだけど 座長が なんか変なのよね まだ ステージ見てないし やっぱり本番 ブッツケ みたいな・・・" |
2925 | "[sound 691D]Master! Please come to our performance!" |
"[sound 691D]マスター! ウチらのステージ 見てくださいね!" |
2926 | [sound 6920]Don't bother us!!! | [sound 6920]ジャマしないで!! |
2927 | "Thank you for teaching us those steps." |
"あの! ステップを ご伝授 ありがとう ございます" |
2928 | [sound 691F]You are our master! | "[sound 691F]あなたは、ウチらの マスターです!" |
2929 | [sound 6921]Master! You're so cool! | [sound 6921]マスター! かっこいい! |
292A | "[sound 6959]Doo-doo-doooo... Don't speak to her right now. She hasn't finished her new dance for the town's carnival Doo-da-daa... Even though the song is finished." |
"[sound 6959]るるる〜 今 彼女に話しかけるのは〜 やめときなさいよ〜 カーニバルで踊る 新作ダンスが まだ できてないんだって るらら〜 もう、曲は 完成しているのに〜" |
292B | "[sound 6959]Doot-doo-dooo... No time is left. The dance isn't finished yet. The song is now done, but the dance is not. I wish someone would teach them one...A fancy step for these girls. ...Do-dee-do..." |
"[sound 6959]るるる〜 もう、時間ないのに ダンスは まだできない〜 曲は もうできているのに〜 ダンスは まだできない〜 ダレか おしえてあげてよ〜 彼女たちに ステキなステップを〜 るりるり〜" |
292C | "[sound 6959]La-la-la... They said I was much too loud when I practiced in my room. They got mad. Sigh...Now I'm sad I'll just stay here all night and away from their pad." |
"[sound 6959]らら〜 部屋で演奏していたら うるせーって おこられちゃった〜 ああ〜 悲しいから〜 ひとばん中 ここにいよ〜う〜" |
292D | "[sound 6959]La-la-la... They said I was much too loud when I practiced in my room. They got mad. Sigh...Now I'm sad. I'll just think about the past to keep my mind off the bad. Ah, yes, I'll do that..." |
"[sound 6959]らら〜 部屋で演奏していたら うるせーって おこられちゃった〜 ああ〜悲しいから〜 むかしのこと 思い出そう ああ〜 そうしよう〜" |
292E | "Dear guest...Long ago, I was in an animal troupe, with dogs and donkeys and such." |
"お客さん・・・ボクはね 昔 動物楽団にいたんですよ イヌとか ロバとかの" |
292F | "[sound 6959]Why could a...? Why could a...? Why could a man join?!? That's 'cause a man is an animal, too, my boy!" |
"[sound 6959]なんで ヒトがいるのか〜 なんで ヒトがいるのか〜 それは、ヒトも 動物だからさ〜" |
2930 | "They were all great. But there was one thing I didn't like about it..." |
"みんな、いいヤツだったよ でもね、気に入らないことが ひとつ あったんだ・・・それは" |
2931 | "Why was the...? Why was the...? Why was the dog the leader?!? Was it 'cause something was wrong with me, sir???" |
"[sound 6980]なんで、イヌが リーダーなのさ〜 なんで、イヌが リーダーなのさ〜 それは、ボクが 悪いのか〜" |
2932 | "Oh, that dog was an amazing leader! He always had a stellar troupe no matter what animals he had to work with..." |
"そのイヌがさ、すごいヤツで どんな動物相手でも りっぱな 楽団にしちまうんだ" |
2933 | "[sound 6959]That's why I...That's why I... That's why I stole it... The dog's mask. I stole it." |
"[sound 6959]だから、ボクは 盗んだのさ〜 イヌの お面を 盗んだのさ〜" |
2934 | "I wanted it because it was the leader's mask..." |
"リーダーの お面だから ほしかったのさ・・・・" |
2935 | "But I no longer need it... I give it to my guest." |
"でも、もういらないや・・・ お客さんに あげるよ" |
2936 | "The leader was a good instructor. His members matured quickly and they became adults in an instant." |
"リーダーは おしえじょうずでね 団員の 成長 はやかったな あっという間に 一人前さ" |
2937 | "[sound 6957]My, my! Funny things are happening in town, aren't they? Funny. Funny." |
"[sound 6957]あら、かわいい みみたぶ カミカミ したくなっちゃうわ" |
2938 | "You're telling me! Like the rumors about the swamp to the south? Did you hear about the kidnapping?" |
"[sound 6956]じゃあ、あなたは 右みみ わたしは そうねえ 左を いただこうかしら" |
2939 | "Oh, my! The kidnapping?" |
"いやあねえ あなた ホッペが あかく なってるわよ" |
293A | "Yep! But then the kid woke up. Get it? Kid napping? [sound 6956]Hooo...I got a million of 'em!" |
"あら、はずかしいのね おじさん おヒゲで チクチク したくなっちゃうわ" |
293B | [sound 6956]Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! | [sound 6956]ホホホホホホホッ |
293C | "[sound 6957]We're the twin jugglers from the Gorman Troupe! We're practicing for the big carnival! It happens once in a blue moon!" |
"[sound 6956]おじさんたち タマを フワフワする 練習しているの" |
293D | "[sound 6956]Or in this year's case, once in a really, really scary, red-eyed moon!" |
"[sound 6957]あら、あなたも フワフワしてほしいの?" |
293E | "[sound 6957]Ho! Ho! I hear it's gonna fall harder than the way my clumsy brother is always dropping our juggling balls!" |
"いやあねえ あなた、ホッペが あかく なってるわよ" |
293F | "You see, we're entertainers. We must keep people smiling. No matter how grim things get, we must always be optimistic!" |
"あら、はずかしいのね おじさん ムナゲで ゾリゾリ したくなっちゃうわ" |
2940 | "[sound 6956]Did you meet the Rosa sisters, our fellow performers from the troupe? They're twins, too!" |
"[sound 6957]ちょっと〜 少しは 手加減してよ! イジワルね!" |
2941 | "[sound 6957]They're twins just like us! Can you believe it? I think they're practicing somewhere in West Clock Town right now." |
"[sound 6956]だめよ アカ! あまえんぼう さんね 次は わたしの番よ" |
2942 | "There are two sets of twins traveling in Gorman's troupe of entertainers! I mean, what are the chances?" |
"いやあねえ・・・でも ゴウインな アオも ス・テ・キ" |
2943 | "I'd say the chances are about one in a million! No, wait... [sound 6956]Make that four in a million!" |
"朝まで まだあるわ いい アカ 今夜は 寝かさないわよ" |
2944 | "[sound 6956]Would you like to join our little card game?" |
"[sound 6956]あら、あなた ゲームに まぜて ほしいの?" |
2945 | "You're joking, aren't you, brother? He'll make our game too complex!" |
"[sound 6957]きっと そうよ! そんな目 してるもの" |
2946 | What ever do you mean? | "そうよねえ ちょっと 息抜き したいものねえ" |
2947 | "[sound 6956]It's easy playing against you! You look just like me, so I already know what you look like when you're bluffing!" |
"でも、ごめんなさい わたしたち 朝まで 二人っきりで したいの ザンネンねえ まぜて あげられなくて・・・" |
2948 | [sound 6974]Pa-Pa-Pa-Paper, please! | [unk 0135][sound 6974]か か か カミくれ! |
2949 | [sound 6974]N-Not that! | [sound 6974]ち がーう! |
294A | [sound 6976]Yeah! | [sound 6976]イエーッ! |
294B | "Ho! You saved me..." |
"ほっ たすかった・・・" |
294C | "This fell down here... I'll give it to you." |
"これ、おちていた・・・ おまえに やる" |
294D | "[sound 6959]La-la-la...They said I was too loud when I practiced in my room. They got mad. Sigh...Now I'm sad. I'll just stay here all night and away from their pad. And you are a child, so you must go to bed." |
"[sound 6959]らら〜 部屋で演奏していたら うるせーって おこられちゃった〜 おじさんは オトナだから ひとばん中 ここにいよう〜 ボクは 子供だから おウチの ベッドに はいろう〜" |
294E | "[sound 6959]La-la-la...They said I was too loud when I practiced in my room. They got mad. 'Til morn, I'll stay here. 'Til the pain is gone, I'll stay here. Do-da-da, do-dee, do-dee..." |
"[sound 6959]らら〜 部屋で演奏していたら うるせーって おこられちゃった〜 朝日が出るまで ここにいよう〜 苦情が出るまで ここにいよう〜 るらら〜 るりるり〜" |
294F | "Oh, what a cute guest. Do you have a reservation? Where's your mother?" |
"あら、かわいい お客さま ご予約 おありですか? お母さんは、どちら?" |
2950 | "I'm sorry. We're totally booked with reservations. Please tell that to your mother." |
"ごめんなさい うち、予約客で いっぱいなの お母さんに そういって下さいね" |
2951 | "I'm sorry. We're totally booked with reservations. Please tell that to your mother." |
"ごめんなさい うち、予約客で いっぱいなの お母さんに そういって下さいね" |
2952 | "Hello, Mr. Scrub. How about this rain? Do you scrubs feel sad on rainy days, too? .... But Deku Scrubs are supposed to like rain. At least one of us has reason to be happy..." |
"こんにちは ナッツさん 今日は、雨ふりですね・・・ ナッツさんたちも 雨ふりの日には ユウウツな気分に なるんですか? ・・・・ めぐみの雨ですもの うれしいに 決まってますよね" |
2953 | I need to be happier, don't I? | "・・・元気 出さなきゃ ダメですよね" |
2954 | "Don't speak to me wearing such an unpleasant mask!" |
"ふゆかいな お面で 話しかけないでおくれ!" |
2955 | "Please take refuge. We are fine here. We shall greet the morning... together." |
"アナタたちは 逃げてください 私たちは もう大丈夫です 明日を・・・二人いっしょで 迎えられるんですもの" |
2956 | You really don't have it-goro? | ホントに ないゴロ? |
2957 | I really don't have it. | ホントに ないです |
2958 | Really-goro? | ホントゴロ? |
2959 | [sound 6922]I'm terribly sorry. | [sound 6922]申し訳ありません |
295A | "Umm, Anj.. We'll be leaving right away... Mumble, mumble...." |
"う〜ん アンちゃん・・・ すぐ 帰るからさ・・・ むにゃむにゃ・・・" |
295B | "The wind has gotten damp-goro... Tomorrow is rain-goro... Goro-goro..." |
"風がしめってきたゴロ 明日 雨ふるゴロ・・・ ゴロゴロ・・・" |
295C | Please tell me! | 教えてください! |
295D | [sound 696F]It's a secret. | [sound 696F]ヒミツなのだ |
295E | [sound 6939]I must know! | [sound 6939]そうじゃなくて! |
295F | "[sound 6959]Doo-doo-doooo... Don't talk to her right now. Although the dance for the carnival is ready, the troupe leader won't come to view it. Though the song is ready, the troupe leader won't come to hear it." |
"[sound 6959]るるる〜 今 彼女に話しかけるのは〜 やめときなさいよ〜 カーニバルで踊る 新作ダンスが できたのに〜 座長が 見てくれない〜 もう、曲は 完成しているのに〜 座長は 聞いてくれない〜" |
2960 | "[sound 6959]Doo-doo-doooo... Though we're running out of time, the troupe leader won't wake up. In time's like this, it means the leader has something he's hiding from us. Do-dee-da-da... But the song is done..." |
"[sound 6959]るるる〜 もう、時間ないのに 座長は まだ起きない〜 こんな時の 座長は〜 隠し事があるのよ〜 るりらら〜 もう、曲は 完成しているのに〜" |
2961 | We'll talk in the kitchen... | お話は 厨房で・・・ |
2962 | "I have decided we will leave the town tomorrow. We can't expect anyone to attend our show. Aren't you going to flee? If you have nowhere else to go, you should seek refuge at the Gorman Track in the south. That is my brothers' ranch. My older brother...He's a nice guy." |
"わしらは 明日 町を 出ることにしたよ ・・・客も期待できないしな おまえさん 逃げないのかい? 逃げるところが ないんだったら 南のゴーマントラックにでも 行くといい わしの兄弟の牧場だ アニキたちは やさしいぞ" |
2968 | ......... | ・・・・・・・ |
2969 | "Green hat... Green clothes... Anju wrote about you in her letter. It seems you are looking for Kafei." |
"・・・・ミドリの帽子・・・ ミドリの服・・・ アンジュの手紙に オマエのことが 書いてある カーフェイを 探してるらしいな" |
296A | "...Can you keep a secret? Yes No" |
"・・・オマエ 秘密 守れるか? はい いいえ" |
296B | "...Listen, when someone asks you that, you say yes." |
"・・・オマエなあ こうゆう時は ハイって 答えるもんだぜ" |
296C | "Anju trusted you. I shall also trust you." |
"アンジュは オマエを信用した ボクも 信用しよう" |
296D | I am Kafei. | ボクが カーフェイだ |
296E | "[sound 6845]The Kafei we're looking for is an adult. When I look at you, I just see a child." |
"[sound 6845]アンタねえ、私たちが探している カーフェイは オトナなの アンタ、どう見ても 子供じゃない" |
296F | "I was turned into this by a strange imp wearing a mask... But I'm not hiding because I look this way." |
"お面を かぶった変な小鬼に こんな姿に させられたのさ・・・ でも かくれてるのは この姿の せいじゃない" |
2970 | "When I was turned into this, I went to see the Great Fairy in the shrine near the North Gate... But on the way, my precious mask --a wedding ceremony mask--was stolen from me by some prancing man with a grinning face!" |
"ボクは、この姿に された時 北門の ほこらに住む 大妖精に 相談しに行った・・・ その途中、ヒョコヒョコ歩く 笑い顔の男に 大切なお面 婚礼の面 を盗まれたんだ!" |
2971 | "[sound 6845]Well...You're just careless. You're like my partner..." |
"[sound 6845]アンタ・・・ドジねえ 私の 相棒みたい・・・" |
2972 | "Before my wedding ceremony I was quite happy. I was targeted because of what I had been turned into." |
"結婚式を前にして 浮かれてたんだ そのスキをねらわれた・・・" |
2973 | [sound 6845]Oh my. I pity you. | "[sound 6845]あら、そう お気の毒さま" |
2974 | "I know Anju is worried...but I can't go out yet. I made a promise to her that I would bring the wedding mask and greet her." |
"アンジュが心配しているのは わかってる・・・ でも、今は まだ出ていけない 彼女に約束したんだ・・・ 婚礼の面をもって 絶対 むかえに いくって" |
2975 | "This pendant... Give it to Anju." |
"この ペンダント・・・・ アンジュに わたしてくれ" |
2976 | "Keep what we just talked about a secret from everyone." |
"今、話したこと みんなには ナイショだよ" |
2977 | "Things that get stolen in this town always make their way to the Curiosity Shop. I'm waiting for that to happen." |
"この町で 盗まれたモノは たいてい マニ屋に 流れる ボクは、それを待ってるんだ" |
2978 | "Stand on that crate and peek into that hole." |
"その台に乗って 穴を のぞいてみな" |
2979 | "From here, I check on the Curiosity Shop's customers." |
"ここから マニ屋の客が チェック できるんだ" |
297A | "That guy will definitely appear. I'll be waiting when it happens." |
"ヤツは 絶対あらわれる その時を 待っているのさ" |
29CC | [sound 6951]Come in. | [sound 6951]いらはい |
29CD | "T'night... I got nuthin' to sell. I kid you not. Can I buy somethin'?" |
"今夜は・・・ 売れるもん ないなあ・・・ なんか、買い取り まひょか?" |
29CE | "I'll pay ya good for it! Show it to me with [C]." |
"高値で 買い取りまっせ! [C]で 見せて おくんなはれ" |
29CF | Sorry, but I can't sell that here. | "すんまへん それな ウチでは あつかえまへんねや" |
29D0 | "Can I buy somethin'? Yes No" |
"なんか、買いまひょか? はい いいえ" |
29D1 | "[sound 6952]Thanks. Come in again." |
"[sound 6952]おおきに また、寄ったってや" |
29D2 | "You gotta look around. I'm doin' a special sale. Check it out." |
"もう アカンよって 特別セール してまんのや 見てってな" |
29D3 | "[sound 6952]Tonight's special bargain was just stolen. It just came in seconds ago. This is really hot! I kid you not! Actually, it's somethin' sold over at the Bomb Shop, but a thief sold it to me... It's a Bomb Bag. Check it out! Buy it!" |
"[sound 6952]今夜の 掘りだしモン 盗みたて ホヤホヤやで 湯気がでるわ マジで ホンマは、バクダン屋で 売られるモンやけどな ケチな スリが 売りにきてん ボム袋 これや! 買うたってーな" |
29D4 | "[sound 6952]Tonight's bargain is the All-Night Mask for use at bedtime. I forgot when this was made, but it sure is a freaky mask...See? When you put it on, you can try and try to fall asleep, but you won't be able to. Pretty creepy, huh?" |
"[sound 6952]今夜の 掘りだしモン 夜更かしのお面ゆうてな もう、いつの品物かも 忘れてしもたんやけど ケッタイな お面やで〜 お面を顔につけたなら どない 眠うても、眠うても 眠られへんのや コワイやろ" |
29D5 | "What'll it be? Check the bargain Sell a [C] Item" |
"どないしまひょ? 掘りだしモノを 見る [C]のアイテムを 売る" |
29D6 | "Use [Control Stick] to browse. Talk to shopkeeper Quit shopping" |
"[Control Stick]で 品物が見れます 店主と話す 買い物をやめる" |
29D7 | "[sound 6952]Tonight's special bargain was just stolen. It just came in seconds ago. It's really hot! I kid you not. Actually, it's somethin' sold over at the Bomb Shop, but a thief sold it to me. It's a Bomb Bag. Check it out! Buy it!" |
"[sound 6952]今夜の 掘りだしモン 盗みたて ホヤホヤやで 湯気がでるわ マジで ホンマは、バクダン屋で 売られるモンやけどな ケチな スリが 売りにきてん ボム袋 これや! 買うたってーな" |
29D8 | "[sound 6952]Tonight's bargain is the All-Night Mask for use at bedtime. I forgot when this was made, but it sure is a freaky mask. See? When you put it on, you can try and try to fall asleep, but you won't be able to. Pretty creepy, huh?" |
"[sound 6952]今夜の 掘りだしモン 夜更かしのお面ゆうてな もう、いつの品物かも 忘れてしもたんやけど ケッタイな お面やで〜 お面を顔につけたなら どない 眠うても、眠うても 眠られへんのや コワイやろ" |
29D9 | "All-Night Mask: 500 Rupees You won't get sleepy if you wear this mask." |
"夜更かしのお面 500ルピー つけたら 眠れなくなる ケッタイな お面や" |
29DA | "All Night Mask: 500 Rupees I'll buy it No thanks" |
"夜更かしのお面 500ルピー かう やめとく" |
29DB | "Bomb Bag: 100 Rupees This is just between us, but this is actually the Bomb Shop's." |
"ボム袋 100ルピー ここだけの話 ホンマは、 バクダン屋のやけどな" |
29DC | "Bomb Bag: 100 Rupees I'll buy it No thanks" |
"ボム袋 100ルピー かう やめとく" |
29DD | [sound 6953]You already got one! | [sound 6953]もう、持ってるやん! |
29DE | "Oh! I don't have nuthin' else to sell. I kid you not. So...Can I buy somethin'? Yes No" |
"おっ! もう、売るモン あれへんがな ほな・・・なんか 買いまひょか? はい いいえ" |
29DF | "[sound 6952]Thanks. Take care, buddy!" |
"[sound 6952]おおきに あんちゃん 元気でな!" |
29E0 | "Huh? You the green hat kid?" |
"あん? キミが ミドリの帽子くんか?" |
29E1 | I got a message from Kafei. | "ワシな カーフェイから ことづかっとんのや" |
29E2 | "Now Kafei... I've known him since he was real little... But when he showed up looking all young in that little brat body, I didn't know what I was seeing! All it took was one glance at that Keaton Mask he was carrying for me to realize that I was looking at my old friend. I gave him that mask a long time ago when he was just li'l Kafei. Didn't know he kept it that well for so long..." |
"カーフェイな・・・ ワシ、ちっちゃいころから 知ってんねんけど ガキの姿であらわれた時は ビックリしたで〜 けどな、持ってた キータンのお面で 一発で わかったんや そのお面、大昔に まだ、ちっこいカーフェイに ワシが あげた お面やねん まだ、大事に 持ってて くれたんやな・・・" |
29E3 | "I'm not sure why, but...I want to give this to you." |
"なんや よう わかれへんけど これ、オマエにやるわ" |
29E4 | "A customer came to my shop last night... Now Kafei sees him, and Kafei's color just changes and he goes runnin' after the guy. The guy's a regular... A greedy thief named Sakon. I think he's from Ikana Village..." |
"カーフェイな ゆうべ 店に客がきてんけど それ見てな 血相かえて 追いかけて 行きよったんや そいつ、常連客でな サコンゆう ケチなスリや たしか、イカーナの村 出身ちゃうかな?" |
29E5 | ...100. | ・・・100 やな |
29E6 | "Don't be such a Rupee pincher, you miser. 200!" |
"アシモト みてんなー 200!" |
29E7 | "[sound 6980][sound 6980]Well, why don't I just offer you even less? And y'know, this is the Bomb Shop's! How 'bout if I tell 'em all about you?" |
"[sound 6980]なんや、まだ 下げて欲しいんか! ホンマはバクダン屋で売るモンやろ バクダン屋に チクるど!" |
29E8 | "All right. Fine. I'll take it, but you're guilty, too!" |
"わかった、それで手をうつよ でも、おっちゃんも 同罪だね!" |
29E9 | "[sound 6980]Don't be a fool! A seller of stolen goods is just a middleman who's trying to provide his customers with good product. Look, I know nothing. If it comes to me, I buy it! I'm a charitable organization that helps people in need!" |
"[sound 6980]アホぬかせ! 故買(こばい)は 善意の第三者や ワシは なんも 知らんのや 流れてきたから 買う! こまっとる お人を 助ける 慈善事業や、ボケ!" |
29EA | "I...I understand. Then the total is..." |
"わ、わかったよ じゃあ、お会計・・・・" |
29EB | "It's 50 now. So there ya go." |
"ほな、50 たしかに 渡したで" |
29EC | "What? You said 100..." |
"えっ? 今、 100って・・・" |
29ED | "[sound 6980]Ohhhh...So you don't want me to take it off your hands..." |
[sound 6980]まだ、下げて ほしいんか・・・ |
29EE | W-W-Wait! It's a deal! It's a deal! | けっ、ケッコウです! |
29EF | "For that, I'll give you [item worth]. I'll take it No thanks" |
"それやったら [item worth]やね 売る やめとく" |
29F0 | [sound 6953]You don't have enough Rupees! | [sound 6953]ルピー たりへんがな! |
29F1 | "Now Kafei... He says he wants you to take this to his mother." |
"カーフェイな コレを カーフェイのオカンに 届けてほしい いうてたで" |
29F2 | "Nice Sword: 100 Rupees Just got this sword in. It's a deal. I kid you not." |
"ナイスな剣 100ルピー 入荷したての 剣や お買い得やで" |
29F3 | "Nice Sword: 100 Rupees I'll buy it No thanks" |
"ナイスな剣 100ルピー かう やめとく" |
29F4 | "Good Sword: 50 Rupees You don't have a sword, buddy. At this price, this one's a steal. Heh-heh..." |
"グッドな剣 50ルピー あんちゃん 剣持ってないやん これに しとき 安いで" |
29F5 | "Good Sword: 50 Rupees I'll buy it No thanks" |
"グッドな剣 50ルピー かう やめとく" |
"イカス盾(たて) 20ルピー あんちゃん 盾も必要やで これにしとき〜な" | ||
"イカス盾(たて) 20ルピー かう やめとく" | ||
29F8 | "Cool Bottle: 20 Rupees Isn't it nice? Put anything in it. Brand new, too." |
"かっこいいビン 20ルピー いいやろ 何でも入れれるで 新品やしな" |
29F9 | "Cool Bottle: 20 Rupees I'll buy it No thanks" |
"かっこいいビン 20ルピー かう やめとく" |
29FA | "We've got the goods tonight. They came through good channels." |
"今夜は モノあるで〜 さるスジから仕入れたんや" |
29FB | "We've got the goods tonight. They came in through good channels." |
"今夜は モノあるで〜 さるスジから仕入れたんや" |
29FC | "[sound 6953]Hey, boy! Shouldn't you be with your parents? Go on! Get!" |
"[sound 6953]ボウズ! 道あやまったら お母ちゃん 泣くで! はよ かえり!" |
29FD | "[sound 6953]Eesh. You frighten me. I keep special hours for folks like you. Try comin' back at half past never." |
"[sound 6953]コワそな ニイさんやな ワシ コワイひと キライやねん おととい来てや ホンマ" |
29FE | "[sound 6953]...Sorry. I don't serve masqueraders." |
"[sound 6953]・・・すんまへん ふく面 おことわり してますねん" |
29FF | "[sound 6952]Buddy, you are lucky! I got this stolen product in from this shady character who walks kinda funny. Actually, he's my trade secret, but...C'mon, take a look!" |
"[sound 6952]あんちゃん めちゃ運ええわ! あやしいヤツがな チンタラ歩いとったヤツから 盗んだモン流しにきよったんや あっ、ホンマは企業秘密 なんやけどな・・・ どや、見たってや!" |
2A00 | [Control Stick] Move [B] Quit | [Control Stick]動かす [B]やめる |
2A01 | "I've got the goods tonight. They came in through good channels." |
"今夜は モノあるで〜 さるスジから仕入れたんや" |
2A02 | "This Curiosity Shop guy's takin' advantage of me...I just want my fair share..." |
"オヤジ 足元みやがって!" |
2A30 | [sound 6907]Ouch! Watch out! | [sound 6907]あいたた! アブナイじゃないか! |
2A31 | "[sound 6908]Stop! Thief!!! Give the old lady her luggage back!!!" |
"[sound 6908]モッ、モノ取りじゃ!! ババの荷物 返しておくれ!!" |
2A32 | "[sound 6909]Oh my. And I thought we would finally be able to stock Bomb Bags in our store. What a shame..." |
"[sound 6909]やれやれ、やっとウチでも ボム袋をあつかえると思ったのに ザンネンだねえ・・・" |
2A33 | "[sound 6909]Oh my. You think it'll never happen to you. Well, now I've learned my lesson. And I thought we would finally be able to stock Bomb Bags in our shop. It's too bad..." |
"[sound 6909]やれやれ、悪いことはできない とは、このコトじゃな あやつも これで こりたじゃろ しかし、やっとウチでも ボム袋を あつかえると思ったのに ザンネンだねえ・・・" |
2A34 | "[sound 690A]Thank you. Since he didn't make off with them, I can finally stock Bomb Bags at our shop. Maybe I'll put 'em out tomorrow." |
"[sound 690A]ありがとよ、やっとウチでも ボム袋をあつかえるよ 明日にでも 店にならべようかね" |
2A35 | "[sound 690C]Yes, I must thank you. It's a dangerous mask, but maybe you could use it to throw your own festival fireworks show." |
"[sound 690C]そうそう、お礼をしなきゃね ちょっと アブナイ お面だけど 祭りの花火だと思って 使っとくれ" |
2A36 | "Well, thanks for helping me. Take care..." |
"助けてもらって いうのも なんだけど 命を大切にね・・・・" |
2A37 | "[sound 690B]Ah, well... That's a small customer. Be careful during the fireworks. You can use bombs once you become an adult." |
"[sound 690B]あれまあ・・・ ちいさい お客さんだこと 火遊びは 気をつけてね バクダンは オトナになってからね" |
2A38 | "Take care during the fireworks. You can use bombs once you become an adult." |
"火遊びは 気をつけてね バクダンは オトナになってからね" |
2A39 | I'm sorry. | はい ごめんなさいよ |
2A3A | "I'm not doing anything suspicious... Really." |
"あ、別にね あやしいモノじゃ ないですから わたし ホント" |
2A94 | [sound 6950]Are the fins damp lately? | "[sound 6950]最近どう? ヒレのしめり具合は" |
2A95 | "What? Mikau??? Am I wrong?" |
"あれ! ミカウ?? ・・・ちがうの?" |
2A96 | "You look so much like him... So sorry, so sorry. Are you here buying fish? With the ocean the way it is... All we can do is put up with the town's smelly fish, you know... When you get back to Zora Hall, give everyone my regards. You sure do look like him, though..." |
"あんまり 似てたんで・・ ゴメン ゴメン キミは サカナの買い付けかい? 海が あんなんじゃね・・・ 町の くさいサカナでガマン するしかないよな ゾーラホール に帰ったら みんなに よろしく言ってくれ しかし、よく似てるね・・・" |
2A97 | "With the ocean the way it is, the professor at the lab has started raising fish. See, we don't catch fish anymore. We eat them after raising them... It's like cultivating vegetables. I'm thankful and all, but he feeds fish to his ""crops."" Feeding fish to fish...That's a scary thought." |
"海が あんな具合だからさ 研究所の博士が サカナの 養殖を はじめたらしい サカナ とるんじゃなくて 育ててから 食べる・・・ 野菜と いっしょだな アリガタイんだが そいつの エサって・・・ サカナ なんだろ? サカナにサカナ食わすってのは・・ トモグイって やつだよな おそろしい 話だ" |
2A98 | "[sound 6950]That's the greeting used among us Zoras." |
"[sound 6950]あっ、これは われわれゾーラ族の 業界のあいさつ" |
2A99 | "Oh, forgive me. I am Toto, manager of the band, The Indigo-Go's. I'm out of business cards, so a Zora greeting will have to do." |
"失礼、ワタクシ バンド 「ダル・ブルー」の マネージャー トトです めいし 切らしちゃってるんで アイサツだけ" |
2A9A | "The Indigo-Go's is the popular group that we Zora are so proud of. They've put out a lot of songs. One of their hits is ""Ballad of the Wind Fish."" You know that song, don't you? Huh? You don't? Really? Even one that famous? Hmmm... You'd be able to hear it if the show wasn't canceled. It's such a shame." |
"[sound 6950]ダル・ブルーは、わがゾーラ族の 誇る スーパーバンドでね 多くの 名曲を世に送りだした 有名なところで言えば・・・ 「風のさかな」って曲 知ってるよね え! 知らない? ホントに? あんな 有名なのに?? ・・・・ 今回の公演が キャンセルに ならなきゃ キミに 聞いて もらえたんだけどね ザンネンだね" |
2A9B | "[sound 6950]Canceling the show isn't something I want to do at all. It was the first performance at the carnival for The Indigo-Go's in a while, so I'm sorry for the fans. But with the diva the way she is right now, a show would be... Urr...Lately, only bad things have been happening at Zora Hall..." |
"[sound 6950]ワタクシとしても ショーの キャンセルは とても ザンネンなこと ダル・ブルー 久々の カーニバル公演 だったから ファンのみなさんに 申し訳ない でも、歌姫が、あの状態じゃあ ショーは とても・・・ ああ・・・ 最近 ゾーラホール は 良くないこと ばかりだ・・・" |
2A9C | "[sound 690D]Oh my, you... You're the one I asked to search for Kafei. So did you find anything? ...What? What's this? You've got nothing?!? Tsk. Tsk. Oh, please keep trying!" |
"[sound 690D]あら、あなた・・・・ カーフェイを探すように お願いした方ね それで、なにかわかったの? ・・・え?なんなの? 収穫 ゼロ!? いやねえ もう・・・ がんばって ちょうだいね!" |
2A9D | "[sound 690D]Oh dear, are you on a field trip? This is my office. The Mayor's office is next door. If you need to speak to me about the carnival performances, make an appointment, please." |
"[sound 690D]あら、あなた 見学の方? ここは、わたくしの事務所よ 町長執務室は と・な・り カーニバル興行のことで わたくしに お話があるのなら アポイント とってちょうだいね" |
2A9E | "[sound 690D]Oh dear, are you on a field trip? ...Or are you the expert person- finder I hired? Yes, yes, yes. I say, you have the face of a pro. The characteristics of the person I want you to find.. Yes, yes. I know them." |
"[sound 690D]あら、あなた 見学の方? ・・・それとも、お願いしていた 人探しのプロの方かしら? そうね、そうね、そうよね だって、あなた プロの顔しているもの あらやだ!忘れていたわ! 探す人の 特徴よね そうそう、わかっているわ" |
2A9F | "The person I want you to locate is my son, Kafei. You know him, don't you? ...You don't? Really? He disappeared about a month ago. It's terrible! I'm so very worried... I can't get food down my throat, and I've lost five pounds. You haven't anything, though? Oh, dear..." |
"捜索を依頼したいのは わたくしの息子の カーフェイよ 知ってるでしょ? ・・・・知らないの? そうなの? ひと月前に 姿が見えなくなったの 大変なの!! わたくし、心配で 心配で・・・ 食べ物が ノドにつかえて 体重が 2キロも 減りましてよ そんなことは 聞いてない? あら、ごめんあそばせ・・・" |
2AA0 | "Well? Could you look for him? Yes No" |
"どうなの?探してくださる? はい いいえ" |
2AA1 | "[sound 690E]Oh, that won't do. I cannot accept that." |
"[sound 690E]あら、いけずねえ 奥さん もらえないわよ" |
2AA2 | "[sound 690E]Oh my, of course. You are an expert. Well, I'm counting on you!" |
"[sound 690E]あら、そうよねプロだもの じゃあ、お願いね!" |
2AA3 | [sound 6980]Bah! Bother! Bother! I'm busy! | "[sound 6980]ああ? じゃま!じゃま! わしは 忙しいんだよ!" |
2AA4 | "[sound 6952]I am of the Gorman Troupe. I have an appointment to meet with Madame today..." |
"[sound 6952]ゴーマン一座の者ですが 今日、奥サマに お会いする約束が・・・・" |
2AA5 | "Oh, really? Then that should be fine if you just go in." |
"はあ、そうですかあ〜 いいんじゃないですかあ〜 はいっても" |
2AA6 | "Madame Aroma, I am Gorman. It has been some time... Thank you for letting us perform at this year's Carnival of Time." |
"アロマ奥サマ ゴーマンで ございます おひさしぶりで ございます 今回の 刻のカーニバル 興行 よろしく お願いいたします" |
2AA7 | "Oh, dear me... Gorman! There's a problem!" |
"あら、ヤダ・・・ ゴーマン!ちょっと大変よ!" |
2AA8 | Meaning? | と、申しますと・・・ |
2AA9 | "The opening performance I've asked you to do..." |
"あなたの所にお願いした ステージの前座だけど・・" |
2AAA | Ah, yes... | は、はあ・・・ |
2AAB | "They've canceled! Just now!" |
"キャンセルに なったの! たった今!" |
2AAC | W-Wha-What's this?!? | な、な、なんですと!!! |
2AAD | "Allow me to explain. Oh, excuse me...I am to work at this year's show ...Or that was the plan." |
"ワタクシから 説明しましょう いや、失礼・・・・ワタクシは 今回、ショーをつとめさせて頂く ・・・・予定でした" |
2AAE | "I am Toto, manager of the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's." |
"ゾーラバンド ダル・ブルーの マネージャーの トトです" |
2AAF | He arrived this morning. | けさ、おつきになったの |
2AB0 | "[sound 6950]Actually, there's been an unusual accident in Great Bay... And due to this unusual accident, Lulu, the diva in The Indigo-Go's, has lost her voice." |
"[sound 6950]実は グレートベイの海岸で 異変が おこりまして・・・ ワタクシどもダル・ブルーの歌姫 ルルが 異変のため 声を失って しまったのです" |
2AB1 | Why? | なぜ? |
2AB2 | [sound 690D]Why? | [sound 690D]なぜなの? |
2AB3 | "The details are quite long, so I'll spare you. At any rate... I must cancel our performance at this year's Carnival of Time." |
"くわしくは 長くなりますので さしひかえます とにかく・・・ 今回の 刻のカーニバル 興行 キャンセル させていただきます" |
2AB4 | See! | ほらね! |
2AB5 | "Then this means... the Gorman Troupe's... jo-job is..." |
"ということは・・・ ゴーマン一座は・・・ お、お仕事は・・・・" |
2AB6 | [sound 690E]It's off... | [sound 690E]出番なしってコト・・・ |
2AB7 | Bu-but that's! | そ、そんな・・・! |
2AB8 | "That's all, Gorman. There's always next year. I'm busy with other matters." |
"以上よ ゴーマン また、来年ね わたくし 別件で忙しいの" |
2AB9 | "[sound 6980]Bah! Bother! Bother! I'm busy!" |
"[sound 6980]ああ? じゃま!じゃま! わしは 忙しいんだよ!" |
2ABA | "[sound 6980]I'm angry now! Don't speak to me. ...They must be joking. Now what am I to do?!?" |
"[sound 6980]今、気が立ってんだ! はなしかけんな! ・・・ふざけやがって これから どうすりゃいいんだ!" |
2ABB | [sound 696E]All must take refuge!!! | [sound 696E]全員 避難だ!! |
2ABC | [sound 694F]On with the carnival!!! | [sound 694F]カーニバル 続行だ!! |
2ABD | "[sound 696E]Most of the townsfolk already have taken shelter without waiting for the Mayor's orders. The only ones left are public servants and committee members... Mr. Mayor and Carnival Committee Members, please order those who remain to evacuate!" |
"[sound 696E]すでに、ほとんどの住人は 自主的に 避難をしました! 町長の指示を 待ちきれずにね 残るは 公務員と町衆だけ・・・ 町長! ならびに カーニバル実行委員にお願いします 町にいる すべての人たちに 避難勧告を 出してください!" |
2ABE | [sound 6958]Ahh...hmm...well... | [sound 6958]あーうん まー |
2ABF | "[sound 694F]You cowards! Do you actually believe the moon will fall? The confused townsfolk simply caused a panic by believing this ridiculous, groundless theory. The soldiers couldn't prevent the panic, but outside the town walls is where the danger is! You want answers? The answer is that the carnival should not be canceled!" |
"[sound 694F]コシヌケどもめ! 本気で 月が落ちてくると 思っておるのか? おかしなデマを信じて あわてた住人が パニックをおこして 逃げただけだ 町兵は パニックをふせげなかった 町の外こそ キケンだぞい! 事態のハアクだと? カーニバルの中止こそ あってはならない事態だ!" |
2AC0 | Isn't that right, Mr. Mayor? | そうですな 町長! |
2AC1 | "[sound 696E]Are you serious, Mutoh?!? It seems that giant chunk of rock above us hasn't caught your eye! At this time every year, we are overrun by tourists! So why is the town empty? Clearly, it's your job to ensure the carnival's operation, but that's if people are here for it! Don't drag the merchants and soldiers into this!" |
"[sound 696E]本気で いっているのか ムトー! キサマの目には、 あの ブキミな 岩のカタマリが 入らないようだな! 毎年 今ごろなら 観光客で ごったがえしている時期だ! それがどうだ! 町はガラガラだ! カーニバルの運営を 守るのは たしかに お前の仕事だ! だが、人あってのカーニバルだろう 商人や町兵を まきこむのは やめてもらおう!" |
2AC2 | [sound 6958]Mmm...Hmm... | [sound 6958]うん、うん |
2AC3 | "[sound 694F]If the soldiers wish to run, then run, Viscen! We councilmen will stick to tradition. This carnival will be a success! I've never heard of a defense unit abandoning its town! Madame Aroma would surely say the same thing, wouldn't she, Mayor Dotour?" |
"[sound 694F]町兵は 逃げたければ 逃げろ! われわれ 町衆は いにしえ の シキタリにしたがい カーニバルを成功させるわい! 町をすてる 自警団など 聞いたことないな バイセンよ アロマ奥さま も そう、おっしゃるでしょうな ドトール町長・・・" |
2AC4 | ...Let's not bring my wife into this. | "・・・ヨメさんの話は やめようよ" |
2AC5 | You take refuge, too. | あんたも 避難しな |
2AC6 | Ah! | あ! |
2AC7 | Ah! | あ! |
2AC8 | Ah! | あ! |
2AC9 | "The Couple's Mask. What a nice reminder...So, a young couple has been married." |
"めおとの面か なつかしいな 若いカップルが 結婚したんだね" |
2ACA | I wonder...Did my wife flee? | "かあちゃん、ちゃんと 逃げたかな・・・・" |
2ACB | "What!?! What did you just say?!?" |
"なに! いま、なんていった?!" |
2ACC | "Yes, yes, everyone. We are all worried for our families. Why don't we end this meeting?" |
"うん、うん みなさん 家族のことが 心配でしょ 少し 会議を 中断しませんか?" |
2ACD | But, Mr. Mayor! | しかし、町長! |
2ACE | "This will do. Whether you're stubborn and will stay and guard your family, or if you'd prefer to run far away and seek shelter... That is for people to decide on their own." |
"いいじゃないですか 意地で残るも 家族を守って 遠くへ逃げるのも・・・ それは、みなさんの自由ですよ" |
2ACF | ........! | ・・・・・! |
2AD0 | "Thank you for allowing me to put an end to all that pointless bickering. Adults are all so stubborn... It is shameful. Here is a token of my gratitude." |
"ありがとね・・・ 会議 終わらせてくれて オトナは みんな 意地っぱり だから・・・ みっとも ないよね これは、お礼だよ" |
2AD1 | "Well, I may be an unreliable Mayor, but at least my family can depend on me. I want to protect my wife." |
"そりゃあ あたしゃ たよりない 町長だけど ヨメさんぐらいは 守りたいね" |
2AD2 | "...I tell you...It's hard to figure which way things will go." |
"・・・だって なんとなく そうなっちゃったんだもん" |
2AD3 | "[sound 6958]...I tell you...It's hard to figure which way things will go. See, because Mutoh said he would call my wife..." |
"[sound 6958]・・・だって なんとなく そうなっちゃったんだもん ムトーが、ヨメさん 呼ぶって いうから・・・・" |
2AD4 | The carnival is...on. | カーニバル・・・続行・・・ |
2AD5 | Captain Viscen! | バイセン隊長! |
2AD6 | ...The Mayor's orders are absolute! | ・・・町長 命令は、絶対だ! |
2AD7 | "So the gate guards are still standing by..." |
"それじゃあ、門兵たちも 待機ですか・・・" |
2AD8 | "...Standing by! Cripes!" |
"・・・待機だ! クソッ!" |
2AD9 | "[sound 692A]Welcome Do you have some business?" |
"[sound 692A]いらっしゃ〜い なにか ご・よ・う?" |
2ADA | "The room on the left is the Mayor's room... It sounds like they're having some kind of meeting, I think." |
"左の部屋があ 町長さんの お部屋・・・ なんかあ カイギっていうの? してるみたいなんですよお" |
2ADB | "The room on your right is the drawing room and it's also Madame Aroma's office. " |
"右の部屋があ 応接間兼 アロマ夫人の事務所 アポなしで入ったら オバサンに おこられますよ" |
2ADC | "...My directions... Do you want to hear them again?" |
"・・・何度も 聞きたいの? あたしの セツメイ" |
2ADD | So... | だ・か・らあ〜 |
2ADE | "The room on your left is the Mayor's Office... And the room on your right is the drawing room and it's also Madame Aroma's office." |
"左の部屋があ 町長さんの お部屋でえ 右の部屋があ 応接間兼 アロマ夫人の事務所 もう カッタルイなあ" |
2ADF | "The room on your left is The Mayor's office... It sounds like their... whatchamacallit... meeting ended. A lot of tough guys walked out." |
"左の部屋があ 町長さんの お部屋・・・ なんかあ カイギ終わったみたい オトコくさ〜い ヒトタチ 部屋から たくさん出てきたよ" |
2AE0 | "The room on your right is the drawing room and it's also Madame Aroma's office. Don't go in there without an appointment. The lady will get mad at you." |
"右の部屋があ 応接間兼 アロマ夫人の事務所 アポなしで入ったら オバサンに おこられますよ" |
2AE1 | [sound 6950]Are the fins damp lately? | "最近どう? ヒレのしめり具合は" |
2AE2 | "[sound 6950]Oh. That's the greeting used among us Zora." |
"あっ、これは われわれゾーラ族の 業界のあいさつ" |
2AE3 | "Where's your momma, sonny? Huh? You came here by yourself? Well, aren't you a big boy?" |
"ぼっちゃん ママはどこかな? え? 一人で見学に来たの? ふ〜ん えらいねえ" |
2AE4 | "Once you get older, sonny, come see The Indigo-Go's perform live at Zora Hall." |
"ぼっちゃん 大きくなったら ダル・ブルーのライブ ゾーラホール まで 見においで" |
2AE5 | "Oh dear, are you a student of Deku Elementary? Where's your teacher? You shouldn't be here. Field trips go next door. Tell your teacher that." |
"あら、ボウヤ デク小学校の 生徒さん? 先生は どこ? ここは 入っちゃダメよ 見学は となりだけなの 先生に そういってね" |
2AE6 | "Did you find your teacher? Your teacher's not here??? Well, then I don't know what to do with you..." |
"先生は 見つかった? いないの?? しょうがないわねえ もう・・・" |
"いやねえ もう・・・ がんばって ちょうだいね!" | ||
"あらやだ!忘れていたわ! 探す人の 特徴よね そうそう、わかっているわ" | ||
"・・・・知らないの? そうなの? ひと月前に 姿が見えなくなったの 大変なの!! わたくし、心配で 心配で・・・ 食べ物が ノドにつかえて 体重が 2キロも 減りましてよ そんなことは 聞いてない? あら、ごめんあそばせ・・・" | ||
2AEA | "Just what should I, I mean the Gorman Troupe, do?" |
"わし・・・いや ゴーマン一座は いったい どうしたら・・・" |
2AEB | "Oh, Gorman, I wish it was only your face that was annoying me right now." |
"ゴーマン クドイのは 顔だけにしときなさいよ いやあねえ モウ" |
2AEC | ...So I may enter, miss? | "・・・入って よろしいですな? お嬢さん" |
2AED | Ahh...I think so. | はあ・・・タブン |
2AEE | .... | ・・・・ |
2AF8 | That's that... | それが、なんだね・・・ |
2AF9 | "The bar opens at night, sir. And it's members-only. We refuse people who don't have proof of membership. Well, now I'm getting things ready, so as long as you don't get in the way of my cleaning, you can stay." |
"お客さん・・・店は 夜からだよ それから、ココは 会員制でね 会員証が ないひとは おことわりなんだ ま、今は、準備中だから・・・ そうじのジャマに ならんのなら お相手しますがね" |
2AFA | "We're called a Milk Bar, and we serve the milk of the night. Our most popular, of course, is Chateau Romani. It's a vintage milk. It comes from Romani Ranch, and the current price is 200 Rupees! ...You're not surprised?" |
"ウチは ミルクバー でしてね お客さんに 夜のミルクを お出ししてるんです 一番人気は、やはり シャトー・ロマーニ ですね ビンテージミルクです ロマニー牧場産で 値段も 時価で およそ 200ルピー! ・・・驚かないの?" |
2AFB | "There is one more surprising thing about this milk... It depends on who you ask, but there are those who consider this milk as a source of Magic Power! It takes just one gulp they say! It's expensive, but thankfully, it's the one we serve the most." |
"このミルク おどろくコトが もう1つ あってね 一口飲むと・・・ 体の中から、フシギな力が わきだしてくるんだ お客さんによっては あれは、魔力だ! とか いう人も いるけどね 高いけど まあ一番 でるかな おかげさまで" |
2AFC | "Last night, we got some fresh milk in for the first time in quite a while. Finally, we can feel good about our drinks' quality again. But that moon...Our regular customers have all fled. So there really isn't any good news." |
"ゆうべ 新鮮なミルクが ひさしぶりに 入ってね やっと、まともに お出し できるんだが・・・ あの月じゃあね・・常連客も みんな、逃げちまったよ いいこと ないね" |
2AFD | "To make things worse, we're short on stock." |
"でもね、困ったことに わけあって 品薄でね・・・" |
2AFE | "There is a road to the south of town called Milk Road. This could be someone's prank... You see, the road is blocked by a huge boulder. I can't get any milk in from the ranch now, so I can't please my customers. It's terrible!" |
"町の南に ミルクロードっていう 牧場への道が あるんだけど ダレが、イタズラしたのか 大岩で 道がふさがれててね 牧場から ミルクが届かないんで 満足にお出しできない状態なのさ ・・・まったく!" |
2AFF | "...Are you looking for young Kafei, too? It seems Madame Aroma still doesn't know where he is... But he's not the type to just run off! He must have a reason for not showing himself. Just wait...When the time is right and he's ready...he'll show himself." |
"・・・あんたも カーフェイぼっちゃんを 探しとるのか まだ、わかっておられない様子だな アロマ奥サマは・・・ ぼっちゃんは、 逃げるようなコじゃない! 姿を 現さないのは きっと、理由がある 待つのさ・・・時間が来たら かならず 姿を見せる・・・ ・・・まあ、それが待てないのが 母親というものか" |
2B00 | "The young one's mask, eh? I think it's a waste to look for him." |
"ぼっちゃんの お面か・・・ 探すだけ、ムダだと思うがね" |
2B01 | What are you staring at?!? | なに、ジロジロ見てやがる!! |
2B02 | "Sounds like your show has been canceled. You don't really need to be here anymore." |
"あんたたちの ショーは キャンセルだそうだな じゃあ、ここには 用がないはずだ" |
2B03 | "I came to drink! I...I'm a customer!!!" |
"わしは、飲みに来たんだ! きゃ、客だ!!" |
2B04 | "Well then, customer, the bar opens at 10 o'clock at night. Please wait 'til then. And besides that..." |
"じゃあ、お客さん 開店は、夜の10時です それまで、お待ち下さい それに・・・" |
2B05 | "This bar is for members only. Those without proof of membership will be refused entry." |
"当店は、会員制です 会員証のない方は お引取りください" |
2B06 | "Well, then I don't need milk! I just want to sit and think for a while... Just give me a place to do that..." |
"じゃあ、ミルクはいらん! しばらく 考え事がしたい 場所をかしてくれ・・・" |
2B07 | Fine. Be my... guest. | どうぞ・・・ |
2B08 | "Ohhhh...What am I going to say to the troupe members?" |
"クソッ・・・団員たちに なんて言ったら、いいんだ" |
2B09 | "Sir...It's the rules. Please wear your Romani's Mask inside the bar." |
"お客サマ・・・ルールですので 店内では ロマーニのお面 を おつけください" |
2B0A | "Welcome... Speak to shopkeeper Have a drink" |
"いらっしゃいませ・・・ 店主とはなす イッパイ やる" |
2B0B | "What'll it be? Regular Milk: 20 Rupees Chateau: 200 Rupees Nothing" |
"なんに なさいますか? ふつうのミルク 20ルピー シャトー・ロマーニ 200ルピー やめとく" |
2B0C | You don't have enough Rupees, sir. | "お客さま、 ルピーが たりないようで・・・" |
2B0D | "Give me a call when you make up your mind." |
"決まりましたら、 声を おかけください" |
2B0E | "Members of this club bring their own glasses. We ask that you have an empty bottle to drink out of when you order." |
"当店では、会員様には マイグラスを 持参して いただいております 空のビンを ご持参のうえ お求めください" |
2B0F | "There is a road to the south of town called Milk Road. Someone must've pulled a prank out there, because the road is blocked by a huge boulder. I can't get any milk in from the ranch, so I'm not sure if I should recommend the Chateau Romani to you." |
"町の南に ミルクロードっていう 牧場への道が あるんですが ダレが、イタズラしたのか 大岩で 道がふさがれていまして 牧場から ミルクが届かないんです 今夜の シャトー・ロマーニは あまり おすすめできません ザンネンですが・・・" |
2B10 | "...As you can see, all of our customers have taken refuge. It may be my undoing, but I'm the sort of fellow who'll stay at his business through thick and thin. And I continue standing here at the counter hoping one of my favorite customers will appear... And I wasn't wrong. See? You stopped in." |
"・・・見ての通り お客は みな避難しました わたしは 損なタチなのか 仕事場から 離れたがらない方でね 物好きな客が 現れるのでは・・・ と考えると ついつい カウンターに 立ってしまう でも、間違っていなかった ほら、あなたが こうやって 訪れたでしょ" |
2B11 | "We've got some good milk in tonight. Would you like some Romani for your final moon viewing?" |
"今夜は いいミルクが 入ってますよ 最期の月見に ロマーニは いかがですか" |
2B12 | "I remember when I was back at the ranch. My brothers... I wonder how they are..." |
"牧場にいたころを 思い出したぜ アニキや弟・・・ 元気にしてるかな・・" |
2B13 | "Hey ...You! Milk... It's miiiilk... Can you get tipsy from something like milk?!? Hic!" |
"おい、・・・おまえ! ミルクだぞ・・・ ミルクなんだぞ・・・ ミルクなんぞで 酔えるか!! ヒック!" |
2B14 | "...What? Hic! ...Don't look at me! Hic!" |
"・・・・なんだよ ヒック! ・・・見るなよ ヒック!" |
2B15 | "Anyway, I'm just the despised second son! I can't handle horses like my older brother! I can't take care of horses like my younger brother!" |
"どうせ、わしは キラワレ者の 次男坊だよ! アニキのように 馬のあつかいは うまくない! 弟のように 馬の面倒は 見れない!" |
2B16 | "I left the ranch, came to know the world of show business... Traveled around... But for what?" |
"牧場飛び出して 興行の世界を 知って・・・ あちこち 旅して・・・ でも、いったい そこに、なにがあった?" |
2B17 | [sound 6855]...For nothing!!! | [sound 6855]・・・・なんにも ねえ!! |
2B18 | "Oh, I just had to enter the world of entertainment, didn't I? It's cold...Soooo cold..." |
"ああ、なんで 芸の世界に 入っちまったんだ・・・ さむい、さむいぜ・・・" |
2B19 | "Oh dear, are you all right with not fleeing? It looks like this is it for this town, you know. You saw the moon, didn't you? It's gotten so huge. All the townsfolk have fled. You should flee, too. Far away..." |
"あら、あなた 逃げなくていいの? この町は、もうダメみたいよ お月さまを 見たでしょ? あんなに 大きくなって 町の人は みんな 逃げたわ あなたも お逃げなさい 遠くへね・・・" |
2B1A | "Oh dear, you're the one searching for Kafei. How is it? Have you found him?" |
"あら、カーフェイを 探している方ね どうですの? 見つかりまして?" |
2B1B | "...Oh dear, is that so? You haven't found him... Well, that's enough. Good work... Now you flee, too..." |
"・・・あら、そう 見つからないの・・・ もう、いいわ ごくろうさま・・・ あなたも お逃げなさい" |
2B1C | "And what does that have to do with anything?" |
それが、どうかなさって? |
2B1D | Oh dear...Priority mail? | あら、・・・速達なの? |
2B1E | "This!!! It's from Kafei! Correct? Correct?" |
"これは!! カーフェイね! そうね? そうなのね?" |
2B1F | "Wonderful! You really are an expert! Yes, yes, I'm sorry. My thanks. Yes, yes, it is your job, after all." |
"すごいわ! さすがプロの方ね! そうそう、ごめんなさい お礼ね そうね、そうね お仕事ですものね" |
2B20 | "I'm sorry. At this point in time, I can give you only something like this. Actually I wanted to give this to you sooner... Really!" |
"ごめんなさいね いまさら、こんなものしか あげられなくて 本当は、もっとはやく お渡し したかったのよ ほんとよ!" |
2B21 | "[sound 6950]Hey, are you going to play for us again?" |
[sound 6950]やあ、また聞かせてくれるかい? |
2B22 | "I wanted you, too, to hear Lulu's voice on this stage." |
"キミにも、ルルの歌声を このステージで 聞いてもらいたかったな" |
2B23 | "We were scheduled to do a show, but it got canceled. This place has a reputation for being a great live venue, so it's a shame. I'd like to do a sound check, though. I just want to see what it would have been like... Hey, you!" |
"・・・・・ ショーをやる予定だったんだが 中止に なってしまってね ここは、いいホールだって評判 だったから ザンネンだな 記念に サウンドチェックしたい んだが・・・ねえキミ" |
2B24 | "Could you help me with a performance? Yes No" |
"演奏 手伝って もらえるかな? はい いいえ" |
2B25 | Oh, that's too bad. | そうか、ザンネンだな |
2B26 | "OK! You play guitar, right? Stand beneath the spotlight on the right." |
"OK! ギター だな 右のスポットライトの 下へ" |
2B27 | "Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! The guitar goes on the right, the right!" |
"ちがう! ちがう! ギターは 右のライトだ!" |
2B28 | "OK! Play your guitar like this..." |
"OK! ギターは、こう演奏してくれ" |
2B29 | "OK! You play the pipes, right? Go stand under the front-left spotlight." |
"OK! ラッパ だな 左したのスポットライトの 下へ" |
2B2A | "Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! The pipes go under the front-left spotlight!" |
"ちがう! ちがう! ラッパは 左したのライトだ!" |
2B2B | "OK! Now, play your pipes like this..." |
"OK! ラッパは、こう演奏してくれ" |
2B2C | "OK! You play the ocarina, right? Go stand under the center spotlight." |
"OK! オカリナ だな 真ん中のスポットライトの 下へ" |
2B2D | "Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! The ocarina goes under the center spotlight!" |
"ちがう! ちがう! オカリナは 真ん中のライトだ!" |
2B2E | "OK! Play your ocarina like this..." |
"OK! オカリナは、こう演奏してくれ" |
2B2F | "OK! You play the drums, right? Go stand under the rear-left spotlight." |
"OK! ドラム だな 左うえのスポットライトの 下へ" |
2B30 | "Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! The drums go under the rear-left spotlight!" |
"ちがう! ちがう! ドラムは 左うえのライトだ!" |
2B31 | "OK! Play your drums like this..." |
"OK! ドラムは、こう演奏してくれ" |
2B32 | "OK! That feels good!" |
"OK! いい感じだ!" |
2B33 | "What feels good?!? That wretched, senseless racket?!" |
"なにが いい感じ だ! ワケのわかんねえ ヘボイ 演奏しやがって!!" |
2B34 | Bravo!!! That was the best!!! | ブラボー! 最高だ!! |
2B35 | Tha-That melody... | こっ、このメロディー・・・・ |
2B36 | "[sound 6962]That melody...It brings back so many memories!" |
"[sound 6962]このメロディーは、 わしの 思い出の曲!" |
2B37 | "It's their old standby... ""Ballad of the Wind Fish."" That's the song that members of the previous generation of The Indigo-Go's made famous!" |
"スタンダードナンバー 風のさかな 先代、ダル・ブルーの 名曲だ!" |
2B38 | "I entered show business because I heard this song at the Carnival of Time long ago... By doing performances, I thought maybe I'd get to meet the singers of that song..." |
"芸の世界に 身を投じたのも 昔、刻のカーニバルで この曲を 聞いたから・・・ 芸を やってりゃ いつか 歌の主に 出会えるんじゃねえか そう、思ってたが・・・ そうかい・・・" |
2B39 | "The one you heard singing must have been the original Lulu, mother of the current lead singer who's also named Lulu." |
"あんたが、聞いたのは 初代 ルル ルルの 母親だろう" |
2B3A | "So her daughter is singing now... Is that so? I'd like to hear that..." |
"今は 娘が 歌っているのか そうかい・・・ 聞いてみてえなあ・・・" |
2B3B | "I'm sorry I booed you... Please, take my mask." |
"あんた、ヤジって悪かったな 欲しかねえだろうけど もうすぐ、カーニバルだ わしの面 受け取ってくれ" |
2B3C | "You've done good work... Now you flee, too..." |
"ごくろうさま・・・ あなたも お逃げなさい" |
2B3D | "Ah, yes, you are a member... I'm sorry, but the bar opens at 10 o'clock at night. I'm getting things ready now. If you just want to talk, I'll let you stay..." |
"あ、会員の方ですか・・・ すいませんねえ 店は 夜10時 からです 今は 準備中でね まあ、話ぐらいだったら お相手しますが・・・" |
2B3E | "I don't think I need to explain this to a member, but..." |
"会員さんなら ご説明するまでも ないと思いますが・・・・" |
2B3F | "Listen, buddy... This is a place adults come to. Come back once you're an adult." |
"ボウズ・・・ ここは オトナの 来る場所だよ オトナになったら、またおいで" |
2B40 | "Sorry, buddy. I'd like to serve you milk, but those are our rules..." |
"すまんな ボウズ ミルクを出してやりたいが ウチの きまりなんだ・・・" |
2B5C | "Would you like the chance to buy your dreams for 10 Rupees? Pick any three numbers, and if those are picked, you'll win 50 Rupees. It's only for the first person!" |
"お客さん 10ルピーで ユメ 買わない? 好きな 3ケタの数字を入れて 当たれば 賞金 50ルピー 今なら 先着 1名サマのみ!" |
2B5D | "Well? I'll buy it No thanks" |
"どうです? 買う やめとく" |
2B5E | "Too bad. Now's your chance..." |
"ざんねん 今が チャンスなのに・・・" |
2B5F | "OK. Enter your number. [lottery prompt] Select numbers with [Control Stick]. Press [A] to confirm." |
"好きな 数字を 入れてください [lottery prompt] [Control Stick]で数字を動かし [A]で決定" |
2B60 | "We will announce the selected numbers here. We'll do it tonight from 6 o'clock to 11 o'clock. Your lottery ticket is good only through tonight." |
"当選番号の発表は ここで おこないます 今日の夜6時〜11時までですから 忘れないように来てください くじは、本日のみ 有効です" |
2B61 | "We've finished selling tickets today. Please come back tomorrow. Please note that the winning numbers will be announced tonight from 6:00 to 11:00." |
"本日は 完売いたしました また、明日 おこしください なお、当選番号の発表は 本日 夜6時〜11時まで" |
2B62 | "Mmm, sir, if you don't have any Rupees, you can't buy your dreams." |
"ん〜 お客さん ルピー がなければ ユメは 買えないよ・・・" |
2B63 | "Sir, we are now exchanging winning tickets. If you'd like to buy a ticket, we'll start selling them tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock." |
"お客さん、ただいま 当選くじの 引き換え時間です くじを購入希望の方は 明日 朝6時から 販売いたします また、どうぞ" |
2B64 | "We shall now announce the winning numbers!" |
当選番号を発表します! |
2B65 | "Your numbers are [ticket numbers]. Today's winning numbers are [winning numbers]." |
"お客様の番号は [ticket numbers] 本日の当選番号は [winning numbers]" |
2B66 | "[sound 4853]Congratulations! You win a prize of 50 Rupees!" |
"[sound 4853]おめでとう ございます! 賞金 50ルピー です" |
2B67 | "Too bad. If you wish to buy a ticket, you can buy one tomorrow morning at 6 o'clock. Come again." |
"ざんねん でした くじを購入希望の方は 明日 朝6時から 販売いたします また、どうぞ" |