Text IDs (1000-2000)
From CloudModding MM Wiki
ID | English | Japanese |
1004 | "[sound 6973]Unghhh... Somebody..." |
"[sound 6973]・・・うぐっ ダレか・・・・" |
1005 | "[sound 6972]Unghh... Please..." |
"[sound 6972]・・・ぐふっ オレを・・・・" |
1006 | "[sound 6973]G-gu-hu... Get me..." |
"[sound 6973]・・・げふっ 岸まで・・・" |
1007 | [sound 6972]...to shore... | [sound 6972]運んで くれないか・・・ |
1008 | "[sound 6973]Uuungh...I am Mikau of the Zora people......guitarist in the Zora band..." |
"[sound 6973]ううっ、オレは ゾーラ族のミカウ ・・・ゾーラバンドの ギタリスト" |
1009 | "[sound 6972]I think this is it for me... My final message..." |
"[sound 6972]オレは、もうダメだと思う・・・ オレの最後のメッセージを・・・" |
100A | "[sound 6973]...Will you listen to it? I'll listen I won't listen" |
"[sound 6973]聴いてくれないか・・・? 聴く 聴かない" |
100B | One! Two! Three!!! | ワン トゥー スリー! |
100C | "[sound 6974]Oh, baby, baby, listen to me! The carnival's beginning soon. We're the ones they're waiting to see." |
"[sound 6974]oh ベイべェー 聞いておくれ もうすぐ ごきげんな カーニバル みんな オレたち まっている" |
100D | "But that girl, our vocalist... She laid some strange eggs. And she's lost her voice, You can't hear what she says." |
"[sound 6975]だけど、ボーカルのあの娘(こ)は ヘンなタマゴを産んで 声をなくしちまったのさ〜" |
100E | "Whoa-oh! In Great Bay now somethin' is a-happenin'. Is it now?" |
"[sound 6974]oh oh 近ごろグレートベイで 何かが 何かが 起きている〜 (そうなの?)" |
100F | "Oh! [sound 6975]Baby, listen to me. I don't wanna beg. Gerudo Pirates! They stole that girl's eggs." |
"oh [sound 6975]ベイべェー 聞いておくれ そして あの娘(こ)の タマゴは みんな 海賊ゲルドに 盗まれた" |
1010 | "[sound 6974]I went to stop the Gerudo Pirates, then pow and bam! I got knocked down, and here I am!" |
"[sound 6974]すぐに オレは〜 海賊ゲルドを 追いかけたが のされちまって このザマさ" |
1011 | "[sound 6975]Baby! If I die like this... Even if I die... It won't be in peace... That's for suuure!" |
"[sound 6975]oh oh このままくたばるのは 死んでも 死んでも 死にきれね〜 (そりゃ、そうだ!)" |
1012 | "[sound 6974]Somebody, please rescue her eggs before the pirates take their toll. Oh, somebody, somebody, please heal my soul." |
"[sound 6974]ダレか、あの娘(こ)のタマゴを つれもどしておくれ〜 ダレか オレの魂をいやしておくれ" |
1013 | "That's all... [sound 6976]Thank you!" |
"ジャ〜ン [sound 6976]ありがとう!" |
1014 | "[sound 6972]Gugh-hunh... M-my eyes...Everything's all hazy..." |
"[sound 6972]ぐふっ・・・ め、目が かすんできた・・" |
1015 | "[sound 6973]Soon, I'll be just another wave in the ocean...destined to disappear." |
"[sound 6973]もうすぐ、オレは 海のアワになって 消える運命さ" |
1016 | "[sound 6974]Oh, yeah! That hot sound shoots right to my heart." |
"[sound 6974]oh イェー 熱いサウンドが オレのハートにビン、ビンくるぜ" |
1017 | "Carve my farewell song on my grave... I'm depending on you to help that singer girl..." |
"オレの 唄を 墓にきざんでくれ あの娘(こ)のコト たのんだぜ・・・" |
1018 | "Herein lies Mikau, the legendary guitarist of the Zora tribe. He is to be remembered in song, and his lyrics are written here." |
"ゾーラ族の伝説のギタリスト ミカウ ここに眠る カレの唄を ここに しるさん" |
1019 | "Will you try to sing Mikau's lyrics? 1. We the Zora 2. Zora Fight Song I won't sing" |
"ミカウの歌詞を唄ってみる? 1、われら ゾーラ族 2、地上で戦え ゾーラ 唄わない" |
101A | "[sound 6976]Sharp fins are the mark of the Zora. We swim, speeding through the seas with [A] and [Control Stick]. If [R] is pressed when swimming, a shield is produced to deflect enemies. (Spoken) If you have magic. We can even dive by pressing [B]! Oh-oh...We the Zora." |
"[sound 6976]たなびくヒレは ゾーラのあかし [A]と[Control Stick]でギューン ギュン 泳ぐ すばやく 泳いで [R]を押せば シールド発生! テキをけちらせ (セリフ)けど、魔法力があればね [B]で 沈むこともできるんだ! オー オー われらゾーラ族" |
101B | "[sound 6976][sound 6976]For my punch of anger, hit [B]. Press [B] repeatedly for a flurry of attacks! Yeah, yeah. For my deadly move, press and hold [B]. Now release! It's the final blow. My double cutters!" |
"[sound 6976]怒りのパンチだ! [B]ボタン〜 連続攻撃だ! (くりかえし押し) 必殺技は [B]を 押しつ〜づけ〜 今だ はなせ! とどめの ダブル カッター" |
101C | Lulu's Diary | ルルの日記 |
101D | "It has been two days since I have lost my voice. I don't want Mikau to know, so I talked to Evan about it. He recommended that I take the eggs to the Marine Research Lab to have them checked. I think I will take them right away." |
"今日で 声が出なくなってから もう 2日がたちました ミカウに知られるのが イヤで エバンに 相談したら タマゴは 海洋研究所に 持って行き、調べてもらうよう すすめられました 明日 さっそく 行ってみようと 思います" |
101E | "Such a terrible thing has happened today that I don't even know where to begin writing. I heard a sound late at night, and when I opened my eyes, I saw strangers in my room. I tried to fight, but they were able to steal my precious eggs. It seems I lost consciousness after that." |
"今日は、あまりに恐ろしい出来事が あったため なにから 書いて いいのか まとまりません 夜中に 物音に気づいて 目をさますと 目の前に 見知らぬ人たちが たっていました 私は とっさに抵抗しましたが 大事なタマゴをうばわれ そこから 先は 気を失ってしまったようです" |
101F | "Today, I told everything to Mikau, the one person whom I didn't want to know about it. At first, I was too embarrassed and too sad to do anything. And with the words that Mikau said at that moment, I felt that all hope had been lost. But please, Mikau, I'm begging you, don't do anything rash." |
"今日、1番 知られたくない ミカウに 全てを 知られて しまいました 最初は はずかしくて 悲しくて どうしようもなかったけど その時 ミカウが いった言葉に 私の心は 救われた 思いがしました だけど、ミカウ お願いだから ムチャなことはしないで" |
1020 | ......... | ・・・・・・・・ |
1021 | "That sad face is trying to tell you something. ...You can see it in her expression!" |
"あの、悲しげな顔は アンタに ナニかを つたえたい ・・・そんな表情ね!" |
1022 | "Mikau, what's going on? And my voice..." |
"ミカウ、コレは いったい? それに、私の声・・・" |
1023 | What happened to me? | 私 どうしちゃったの? |
1024 | "Who are you? Mikau...Where's Mikau?" |
"アナタは・・・・? ミカウ、ミカウはどこ?" |
1025 | "Mm...Mm...Yeeeaaawn! I slept quite well!" |
"ふわぁ〜 あ〜っ よく眠ったぞ〜い!" |
1026 | "I just realized this when I opened my eyes. The passing of days is quite quick. Isn't it, Lulu?" |
"ついこの間 目覚めたと 思っておったが、月日がたつのは 早いものじゃ のう、ルルよ・・・" |
1027 | "Yes, Lulu. It's nothing to be surprised at. Although my eyes were closed in sleep, I still see everything that occurs in this ocean..." |
"うん? おどろくことはない ぞい ワシは 眠っていても この海で起きた事は 全て お見通しなのじゃ・・・" |
1028 | "...Hmm. It seems Lulu is confused. Regrettably, there is no time for idle conversation. Now then, proud Zora warrior..." |
"・・・ふむ どうやら ルルは混乱している ようじゃな まあ、ムリもないが・・・ さてさて、残念じゃが あまり、ゆっくり話をしている 時間は ないんじゃ さあ、ゾーラの ほこり高き 戦士の子よ・・・" |
1029 | "The open seas of Great Bay have need of your might. Quickly. Climb onto my back." |
"沖のグレートベイが お前の力を 必要としておる 早く、ワシの背中に 乗るのじゃ" |
102A | "Why so slow? Hurry up and fire your hookshot into the palm tree on my back, [Link]." |
"ナニを モタモタしておるのじゃ 早くしないと ゾーラの海を 救うことは できんぞ [あ?] !" |
102B | "Heh, heh, heh. Of course I know your name. Didn't I say that all is seen by me?" |
"ふぇふぇふぇっ ワシには 全て お見通しだと 言ったじゃろ?" |
102C | "You seem to be having a bit of trouble... Are you still not used to your Zora body? Perhaps it would be quicker to give up." |
"なかなか てこずっている ようじゃな・・・ ゾーラの体には、まだ なれて おらぬか・・・? じゃが あきらめるのは 早いぞい" |
102D | "If you are once again ready to depart, then climb onto my back. Ready, [Link]?" |
"ふたたび、出発する準備ができたら ワシの背中に 乗るのじゃ よいか、[あ?] !" |
102E | "What's wrong? Returning to shore? Hyeh, hyeh." |
"どうした? 陸に もどるか? ふぇっふぇっ" |
102F | "It is not shameful to retreat. That in and of itself is a strategy. All right. Climb onto my back." |
"しりぞくことを 恥じてはいかん それも また 戦術の一つじゃ さ、早く ワシの背中に乗るのじゃ" |
1030 | "Now I can continue resting in peace. I too must abide the laws of ancient times and again merely watch from my deep slumber. But the evil that haunts this land has not completely vanished, [Link]. I shall depart after enjoying Lulu's voice a bit longer. I think the gods can permit that. Hyeh, hyeh, hyeh." |
"よくやった [あ?] よ コレで ゾーラの戦士の魂も 安心して 眠りにつけるじゃろ・・ ワシも古(いにしえ)のおきてに したがい ふたたび 長い眠りに つかねばならん じゃが、このあたりに ただよう 邪気は 完全には 消えたわけではなさそうじゃ もう少し ここで ルルの歌声を 楽しんでから お別れすると しようかのう・・・ それくらい 神様も おゆるしに なるじゃろう ふぇふぇふぇっ" |
1031 | "Pleased to meet you. I'm Lulu. Please come to our concert in town." |
"はじめまして 私 ルル 町のコンサート 必ず来てくださいね" |
1032 | "I guess being able to sing is a wonderful thing, after all..." |
"やっぱり 歌が歌えるって すばらしい ことね・・・" |
1033 | "Mikau! You came back safely! That's good..." |
"ミカウ! 無事に もどってきてくれたのね! よかった・・・" |
1034 | "I was surprised when my voice turned that lonely island into a turtle... " |
"私の歌声で 離れ島が 大きなカメになった時は ビックリしたけれど・・・" |
1035 | "But that song you played for me...My mother used to sing it often...long ago..." |
"アナタの ひいてくれた曲 昔 母が 私によく歌ってくれた曲 だったの・・・" |
1036 | "Those eggs were laid to remind me of that." |
"あのタマゴは それを 思い出させるために 生まれてきたのね" |
1037 | "That song was from when I was a very young child, so I had forgotten it..." |
"小さい頃の ことだったから 忘れちゃってた・・・" |
1038 | "I've put you through some horrible experiences, Mikau. But I'm all better now!" |
"ミカウには ずいぶん 大変な思いを させちゃったね だけど、私 もう大丈夫よ!" |
1039 | "Well, the town's concert is very soon. Let's start our rehearsal!" |
"さあ、町のコンサートは もうすぐよ! リハーサル はじめましょ!" |
103A | One... two... three... | ワン・トゥー・スリー |
103B | "...Are you going to the temple again? If there is something left to do, then quickly climb onto my back." |
"・・・また、神殿に行きたいのか? やり残したことがあると言うのなら いつものように 早く、ワシの背中に 乗るのじゃ" |
103C | "P--p-please... My soul... Heal it..." |
"た、たのむ・・・ オレの魂を・・・ いやして、く、れ・・・" |
1068 | "You have strange powers, [Link]. I have a request for you. Please follow me." |
"[あ?] さん フシギな力をもっている アナタに お願いがあります どうか、ワタシのあとに ついてきて ください" |
1069 | "Here in the depths of Pinnacle Rock live many dangerous sea snakes... My friend is trapped here. [Link], can you please find a way to rid the area of all the sea snakes and help my friend?" |
"この トンガリ岩の タテ穴には それはもう、恐ろしい 海ヘビが たくさんいて・・・ ワタシのトモダチが つかまっているのです [あ?] さん どうか、 海ヘビたちを すべてたおして ワタシのトモダチを助けてください" |
106A | "Please do this for me. Please defeat all the vicious sea snakes and save my friend." |
"おねがいします 恐ろしい 海ヘビをすべてたおして トモダチを助けてあげてください" |
106B | "Please follow me closely without making any missteps." |
"ワタシのあとを 間違えないように ついてきてください" |
106C | "If you try to go beyond Pinnacle Rock, you'll get lost in the murky water. Before you know it, you'll find yourself back where you started, so be careful." |
"トンガリ岩の外に 出ようとすると キリにまかれ 知らないうちに 元の場所に もどっていたりするので 気をつけてください" |
106D | "Thank you, [Link]. This is a symbol of my deepest gratitude." |
"ありがとう [あ?] さん 心ばかりの 感謝のしるしです" |
106E | "Help me... Please, take me back to the waters near Pinnacle Rock..." |
"たすけて・・・・ 早く、トンガリ岩の海に かえして・・・" |
106F | "[sound 694C]Are you interested in that fish? It's a rare fish, isn't it? It's called a sea horse." |
"[sound 694C]そのサカナに キョウミあるのか? めずらしい サカナだろ〜? そいつは、タツノオトシゴって 言うんだ" |
1070 | "I caught it swimming around here. Just off of Pinnacle Rock." |
"目の前の海の トンガリ岩の あたりで ウロウロしているところ を、とっつかまえたんだけどな" |
1071 | "Since it's rare, I was thinking of selling it at the town carnival, which should be starting soon." |
"めずらしいから もうじきはじまる 町のカーニバル で売ろうと 思ってよ" |
1072 | "If you want, I'll give it to you. On one condition..." |
"ほしいんなら ゆずってやっても いいぜ まあ、条件しだいだけどな・・・" |
1073 | "Do you have a pictograph of the female pirates?" |
"オマエ、女海賊の写し絵を 持ってないか?" |
1074 | "If you want that sea horse, bring me a pictograph of a female pirate." |
"その タツノオトシゴが 欲しいなら女海賊の写し絵を 持ってきな" |
1075 | "[sound 694D]Oh! That's my hookshot that the pirates stole!" |
"[sound 694D]おおっ ソレは海賊に盗られた オレのフックショット!" |
1076 | "...If you have it, then that means you've been to the Pirates' Fortress." |
"・・って オマエがソレを持ってる ってことは、海賊の砦に 行ってきたってことだよな" |
1077 | "In that case, you've got one, don't you? Don't hide it!" |
"そんなら 持ってるんだろ? かくすなよ!" |
1078 | "[sound 6960]What's this? I guess you don't have one after all." |
[sound 6960]なんだ、やっぱり持ってないか・・ |
1079 | "Technically, I do have a pictograph of a female pirate, but it's all blurry and it's not that great..." |
"いや、オレも女海賊の写し絵を 持っているには持っているんだが いまいちピンボケでさ・・・・" |
107A | "The all-important face...I can't see it very well!" |
"かんじんのお顔がねえ〜 よく見えないわけよ!" |
107B | "[sound 694D]Oh! That's it! That's it! I had a picture like that. Well, aren't you a crafty one?" |
"[sound 694D]おおっ それそれ! その写し絵を 待ってたんだよ なんだよ オマエ よくわかってるじゃないか!" |
107C | "You'll give that to me, won't you? In exchange, I'll give you this!" |
"それ、オレにくれるよな? かわりに コレやるから!" |
107D | "Thank you. Hurry! Take me back to the waters near Pinnacle Rock..." |
"ありがとう 早く ワタシを トンガリ岩の 近くまで つれてって・・・" |
107E | "With pictographs, the sepia tone conveys a lot more emotion than color. Isn't it great? This picture you gave me is gonna be one of my treasures." |
"写し絵はさ、カラーよりセピアの ほうが情緒(じょうちょ)があって いいよな〜 オマエからもらった写し絵 オレの宝にするよ" |
107F | "[sound 694B]Well, if it isn't a Zora? How have things been going lately?" |
"[sound 694B]よう、ゾーラじゃねえか 最近 景気はどうだ?" |
1080 | "Har-harrr! ...Could you be coming to see me 'cause you can't catch any fish?" |
"はは〜ん・・・もしかして サカナ とれねえから オレのところでも来たのか?" |
1081 | "[sound 694E]It's not good out there... Lately, I've been coming back empty-handed myself." |
"[sound 694E]ダメ、ダ〜メ オレさまも 最近さっぱり オケラなんだよ" |
1082 | "Why, I was almost hoping you were coming to share with me!" |
"こっちが わけてもらいたい ぐらいだよ!" |
1083 | "Sorry, but I don't have any fish to share with you." |
"悪いけど オマエにわけてやる サカナは ないよ" |
1084 | "I've been catching fish in these seas for 30 years. When it comes to catching fish, I'm even better than the Zoras." |
"オレさまは この海で 30年間 サカナをとっているんだ サカナをとることだったら ゾーラにも 負けねえ" |
1085 | "[sound 694E]...That's what I'd like to be saying, anyway." |
"[sound 694E]・・・・といいたいところ なんだけどな" |
1086 | "Lately, the seawater has gotten really warm. It hasn't helped my fishing at all..." |
"最近は 海の水が えらく あったかくなりやがって イキのいい サカナがとれなく なっちまったし・・・" |
1087 | "And what's worse, this water has gotten murky, so when I ship out, I always lose my way and somehow end up back at shore." |
"おまけに へんなキリがでて 船を出すと いつのまにか 岸にもどされちまうんだ" |
1088 | "We fishermen--and even the fish--are in a real predicament!" |
"漁師かぎょう も 大ピンチよ!" |
1089 | "If the seas don't return to normal soon... The Zoras...and even I...will be all dried up!" |
"早く 海が元どおりに なってくれないと・・・ ゾーラ族も オレさまも 日干しに なっちまうぜ!" |
108A | "[sound 694B]Heh-heh! Isn't she pretty? But, you know..." |
"[sound 694B]へへッ いい女だろ? でもな・・・" |
108B | "Those female pirates are so frightening, they could scare a crying baby into silence..." |
"そいつは、泣く子も だまる おっそろし〜 女海賊なんだ" |
108C | "See, it was long ago when I used to use this thing called a hookshot to catch fish off the coast..." |
"昔 オレは沖で サカナをとるのに フックショットっていう道具を 使っていたんだが・・・" |
108D | "But I was attacked by these pirates, and they took it away with them." |
"こいつらに おそわれて 持って行かれちまった" |
108E | "They say... it's a legendary treasure.." |
"なんでも・・・ 伝説の宝だとかで・・・" |
108F | "And I just happened to swipe it from the bottom of the sea, so I hold no grudge against 'em." |
"オレも たまたま 海に落ちていたのを くすねただけ だし、おしくは なかったけどな" |
1090 | "It may be a treasure resting somewhere in the Pirates' Fortress at the edge of this coast." |
"今ごろは この海岸の はしっこにある海賊の砦に 宝として眠っているかもな・・・" |
1091 | "The security at the Pirates' Fortress is tight. Sneaking in is no easy task. If you're set on meeting those beautiful pirates, try going to the valley on the other side of town!" |
"海賊の砦には 見張りがきびしくて 忍びこもうったって カンタンには いかないらしいぜ どうしても ベッピンの海賊に 会いたいっていうなら 町の向こうの谷に 行ってみな!" |
1092 | "I've heard there's a mask there that lets the wearer escape detection." |
"なんでも 人に気づかれずに 動きまわれるお面があるって 話を聞いたことがあるぜ" |
1093 | "Come to think of it, there was a Zora floating lifelessly out in the bay... But there's probably no helping him now..." |
"そういや 沖のほうで ぐったりして 浮いている ゾーラが いたけれど・・・ あら、もうダメだな・・・" |
1094 | "Oh, sorry! Evenings and the first thing in the morning are my break times. Come back later." |
"おっと、すまねえな! 夕方と朝一は 休憩タイムなんだ また来てくれよ" |
1095 | "[sound 694C]Now that the seas are back to normal, I've started a little business aimed at tourists." |
"[sound 694C]海の水が 元どおりになったから 観光客相手に チョットした 商売を はじめたんだ" |
1096 | "If you pay 20 Rupees, I'll invite you to a jumping game that has a really big prize!" |
"20ルピー 払ったら とっても ビッグな賞品が当たる ジャンプゲームに ご招待だ!" |
1097 | "If you're up for it, go to that island in the center." |
"やる気が あるんなら その島の 真ん中へ 行ってくれ" |
1098 | "[sound 694B]Oh, you're up for it! Now then, I'll explain the rules, so listen carefully." |
"[sound 694B]おっ、やる気だね! それじゃあ ルールを説明するから よく 聞いてくれよ" |
1099 | "I'm going to light the torches on each of the surrounding four islands in a particular order. Jump to the island that has the lit torch. If you can jump to it before the torch goes out, you'll get one point!" |
"今から まわりの 4つの島にある しょく台に 順番に火をつけるから 火のついた島に ジャンプしてくれ かがり火が 消える前に ジャンプできたら 1ポイントだ!" |
109A | "If you get 20 or more points within the time limit, you'll get a big prize! But it'll cost you 20 Rupees for one try." |
"時間以内に 20ポイント以上なら ビッグな賞品 プレゼント! でも、1回 20ルピーいただくぜ" |
109B | "[sound 694B]How about it? Will you give it a try? Sure No thanks" |
"[sound 694B]どうだ、やってみるか? はい いいえ" |
109C | "[sound 694B]Aw, that's too bad! And it's so fun, too. You're missing out..." |
"[sound 694B]おっ、そりゃ ザンネン! おっもしれ〜のになあ〜 あ〜 ザンネン!" |
109D | "[sound 694E]Hmmm... You don't have enough Rupees. Maybe next time." |
"[sound 694E]あらら・・・ ルピーが 足りねえぜ! また、今度な" |
109E | "[sound 694B]Great! In that case, I'll start." |
"[sound 694B]よっしゃ! そんなら はじめるぜ" |
109F | "Oh, that's out of bounds. That's against the rules! Huh? Didn't I tell you?" |
"おっと、そこは場外だ ルール違反だぜ! あれっ? 言ってなかったっけ?" |
10A0 | "[sound 694E]Oh, yeah... If you fall, then that's that. You'll have to try again." |
"[sound 694E]あらら・・・ 落ちちまったら しょうがねえや! また、挑戦してくれよな" |
10A1 | All right...That's it! | はい、おしま〜い! |
10A2 | "[sound 694B]What do you think? It's harder than it seems, isn't it? Some things in this world just look easy until you try them. But I know you'll try again!" |
"[sound 694B]どうだい? いがいと ムズカシイだろ! 世の中 カンタンそうなものほど ムズカシイものなのさ まあ、また挑戦してくれよな!" |
10A3 | "[sound 694E]Uh-oh! That was a little too easy... Oh well, here's your prize!" |
"[sound 694E]あちゃ〜! ちょっと、カンタンすぎたなあ・・ しょうがねえ、賞品を受け取りな!" |
10A4 | "And I was thinking of saving up to buy a big ship... Now it looks like I may go bankrupt!" |
"デッカイ船を買うんで かせごうと 思ったのに・・・ これじゃあ、こっちが はさん しちまいそうだぜ!" |
10A5 | "Thank you for saving me. I know it may be asking too much, but I have a request for you, brave one. Please bring back my friend who was caught by the fisherman. I beg you. You're the only one I can rely on." |
"助けてくれて ありがとう あの・・ずうずうしい お願いなのは わかっているんです・・・けど 勇敢なアナタに お願いがあります 漁師に捕まった ワタシのトモダチを 助けだし ココに連れて来てください お願いします アナタだけが 頼りなんです" |
10A6 | "Any good picture of a pirate will do--even a snapshot of a guard. Can't you help me out?" |
えっ わからない? |
10A7 | "Oh, and if you're going to the Pirates' Fortress, don't forget to take your pictograph box. ...Ah, well, it's not that you have to take it... Heh, heh, heh..." |
"あっ、それと もし海賊の砦に行くんなら 写し絵の箱を忘れないようにな ・・・いや 別にどうしてもって いうわけじゃねえけどな・・・ へへへッ" |
10A8 | "Oh, too bad. You don't have an empty bottle to keep the sea horse in!" |
"おっと、ザンネン タツノオトシゴを入れる あきビンが ないようだぜ!" |
10A9 | "Umm... Well, this certainly is a pirate... But I can't be pleased with a shot that looks like this. Bring me one that's a better shot of a pirate." |
"う〜ん たしかに海賊が写ってるけど・・・ そんなハンパな絵じゃ オレは満足できねえな もっと、海賊がちゃんと 写っているのを持ってきな" |
10CE | "[sound 291A]You again? You can't fool me with your green clothes!" |
"[sound 291A]また、オマエか・・・? そんな 緑の服着たって ダマされないからな!" |
10CF | "[sound 291A]You want an empty bottle, don't you? You never learn your lesson!" |
"[sound 291A]オマエ、あきビン 欲しいんだろ? こりないヤツだ!" |
10D0 | "[sound 291A]Koo, koo, koo. OK, I'll give you one. But..." |
"[sound 291A]クックック いいよ あげても ただし・・・" |
10D1 | "[sound 291A]Only if you can swim through all the rings in the river in under two minutes." |
"[sound 291A]川の中にある ウキワを 2分以内に 全部くぐり抜けたらな" |
10D2 | "So, do you wanna try? Sure No thanks" |
"どう、やってみる? はい いいえ" |
10D3 | [sound 291A]The way out is over there! | [sound 291A]お帰りは あちら! |
10D4 | "[sound 291A]Koo, koo, koo. If you want an empty bottle, I can give you one... But only if you can swim through all the rings in the river in under two minutes." |
"[sound 291A]クックック あきビンが 欲しいのなら 川の中にある ウキワを 2分以内に 全部くぐり抜けたら あげても いいよ" |
10D6 | "[sound 291A]There's a total of 20 rings. You must swim through them in the right order for it to count. Swim through the ring that's flashing. I'll show you the way, so follow me and don't get separated!" |
"[sound 291A]ウキワは 全部で 20コ 光っているウキワから 順番にくぐれよ! 案内するから ついてきな はぐれるなよ!" |
10D7 | OK...Time's up! | はい、時間切れ〜 |
10D8 | "Want to try again? Sure No thanks" |
"もう、1回 する? はい いいえ" |
10D9 | The way out is over there! | お帰りは あちら! |
10DA | "[sound 291A]You cheated, didn't you? You didn't get all the rings!" |
"[sound 291A]オマエ ずるしたな? ウキワ まだ残っているのに!" |
10DB | "Wanna try again? Sure No thanks" |
"もう、1回 する? はい いいえ" |
10DC | [sound 291A]The way out is over there! | [sound 291A]お帰りは あちら! |
10DD | "[sound 291A]Uh...That was perfect. That's not good..." |
"[sound 291A]あっ、パーフェクト まずい・・・" |
10DE | [sound 2919]Did you call me, little brother? | [sound 2919]よんだか、弟? |
10DF | "[sound 291A]I called you, big brother! Actually..." |
"[sound 291A]よんだよ、兄さん! 実は・・・・" |
10E0 | "[sound 2919]What? An empty bottle?" |
"[sound 2919]なに? あきビンを・・・・" |
10E1 | "[sound 291A]Yeah... An empty bottle." |
"[sound 291A]うん あきビンを・・・・" |
10E2 | "...... [sound 2919]Don't worry, little brother!" |
"・・・・・ [sound 2919]心配するな 弟!" |
10E3 | "[sound 2919]To us, empty bottles are a treasure. I can't give you one just because you beat my little brother." |
"[sound 2919]あきビンだって オレたちにとっては お宝だ 弟に 勝ったぐらいで わたすわけには いかないな" |
10E4 | [sound 291A]We can't just give you one. | [sound 291A]わたすわけには いかないな |
10E5 | "[sound 2919]I'll give you one after you race once more against me. So, will you try? Sure No thanks" |
"[sound 2919]オレと もう1度 勝負して 勝ったら わたしてやる どうだ やるか? はい いいえ" |
10E6 | "[sound 2919]He says he won't do it, little brother!" |
[sound 2919]やらないってさ 弟! |
10E7 | "[sound 291A]He's no fun. He's just a stick in the mud." |
[sound 291A]あんがい ノリが悪いよね 兄さん |
10E8 | "[sound 2919]The rules are the same, but this time there are 25 rings. Don't fall behind!" |
"[sound 2919]ルールは いっしょだけど ウキワは 25コ あるからな はぐれるなよ!" |
10E9 | "[sound 2919]You cheated, didn't you? You didn't get all the rings!" |
"[sound 2919]オマエ ずるしたな? ウキワ まだ残っているのに!" |
10EA | [sound 291A]You didn't clear them all! | [sound 291A]まだ、残っているのに! |
10EB | "Want to try once more? Sure No thanks" |
"もう、1回 する? はい いいえ" |
10EC | "[sound 2919]Koo, koo, koo. He says he won't do it, little brother!" |
"[sound 2919]クックック やらないってさ 弟!" |
10ED | "[sound 291A]Koo, koo, koo. That's right, big brother!" |
"[sound 291A]クックック そのようだね 兄さん!" |
10EE | [sound 2919]He did it, little brother. | [sound 2919]やられたな 弟 |
10EF | [sound 291A]Yeah, he did it, big brother. | [sound 291A]そのようだね 兄さん |
10F0 | "[sound 2919]There's nothing we can do, little brother." |
[sound 2919]しょうがないよ 弟 |
10F1 | "[sound 291A]...... This is a mess, big brother." |
"[sound 291A]・・・・・・ だらしがないよ 兄さん" |
10F2 | We underestimated you. | おみそれしました |
10F3 | [sound 2919]He's back, little brother. | [sound 2919]また来たよ 弟 |
10F4 | [sound 291A]Yeah, he's back, big brother. | [sound 291A]また来たね 兄さん |
10F5 | "[sound 2919]But we don't have any more empty bottles...do we, little brother?" |
"[sound 2919]でも、もうあきビンはないのに・・ なあ、弟" |
10F6 | "[sound 291A]No, we don't have any, big brother." |
[sound 291A]ないのにね 兄さん |
10F7 | "[sound 2919]If you say you still want to race, though, that's fine." |
"[sound 2919]それでも、勝負するって言うんなら やってもいいけど" |
10F8 | "What will you do? I'll Race I won't race" |
"どうする? やる やらない" |
10F9 | The way out is over there! | お帰りは あちら! |
10FA | "[sound 2919]First, you have to start with my little brother. This time, the limit is 1:50. Don't fall behind!" |
"[sound 2919]最初は 弟からだ 今度は 1分50秒 以内だけどな はぐれるなよ!" |
10FB | [sound 2919]He did it again, little brother. | [sound 2919]またやられたな 弟 |
10FC | [sound 291A]He did it again, big brother. | [sound 291A]またやられたよ 兄さん |
10FD | "[sound 2919]...That's shameful, little brother. Now race me!" |
"[sound 2919]・・・・なさけないぞ 弟 次は オレと勝負だ!" |
10FE | "What will you do? I'll race I won't race" |
"どうする? やる やらない" |
10FF | "[sound 2919]I guess he's just a stick in the mud, little brother." |
[sound 2919]あんがい、ノリが悪いよな 弟 |
1100 | "[sound 291A]Surprising, isn't it, big brother?" |
[sound 291A]あんがいね 兄さん |
1101 | "[sound 2919]The time limit is the same as it was for my little brother--1:50. ...But there are 25 rings this time. Don't fall behind!" |
"[sound 2919]時間は 弟と同じ 1分50秒 ウキワは 25コ はぐれるなよ!" |
1102 | "[sound 2919]He's a formidable opponent, little brother!" |
[sound 2919]手強い 相手だったよ! 弟 |
1103 | "[sound 291A]You're all just talk, eh, big brother?" |
[sound 291A]クチだけだね・・・兄さん |
1104 | "[sound 2919]If we give THAT to him, I wonder if he'll leave us alone, little brother." |
"[sound 2919]アレ あげたら もう来ないでくれるかな? 弟" |
1105 | [sound 291A]Yeah, I want to quit, big brother. | [sound 291A]もう、やめたいねえ・・・兄さん |
1106 | Please! Let it be over. | もう、カンベンしてください |
1107 | "[sound 2919]First, you must race my little brother. This time around, you have to beat 1:40. Don't fall behind!" |
"[sound 2919]最初は 弟からだ 今度は 1分40秒 以内 はぐれるなよ!" |
1108 | "[sound 2919]The time limit is the same as it was for my little brother--1:40. But now there are 25 rings. Don't fall behind!" |
"[sound 2919]時間は 弟と同じ 1分40秒 ウキワは 25コ はぐれるなよ!" |
1109 | Please! Let it be over. | それで、かんべんしてください |
1130 | Huh? The moon? | あれ・・・月が? |
1131 | "It's gotten bigger again. Th-this is bad..." |
"また、でかくなってる ま、まずいなあ・・・" |
1132 | "I thought I heard some loud noises inside, and I came in to check it out... This place... Is this some sort of underground shelter?" |
"中で何やら さわがしい音がすると 思って 来てみれば・・・・ こんなところが・・・ もしかして、地下シェルター?" |
1133 | Did you find this place? | ここは、キミが見つけたのか? |
1134 | ||
1135 | ||
1136 | "I beg you! Let me have this place! Not for free, of course. I hope this will do..." |
"たのむ! ココをゆずってくれ! タダとは いわない これで、なんとか・・・" |
1137 | "I'm just glad it was something you needed... Anyhow, I won't be needing it much longer anyway... " |
"キミが ちょうど持っていない物で よかった・・・・ どうせ、もうじき 必要 なくなるものだ・・・" |
1138 | "That's my life's fortune. If you'll let me have this place for that much, it'll be worth it. Anyhow, the need for Rupees will soon be gone..." |
"それは オレの全財産だ それぐらいで ココを ゆずってもらえるなら 安いもんだ どうせ、ルピーなんて もうじき、必要なくなる・・・" |
1139 | "I thought I heard loud noises coming from here, and when I came to take a look... I had no idea this place was here...I'll be safe here for sure. I'm glad I found it early." |
"中で何やら さわがしい音がすると 思って 来てみれば・・・・ こんなところが あったなんて・・ きっと、ココなら 大丈夫だ 早めに 見つかってよかった" |
113A | "I had no idea there was a basement here..." |
"こんなところに地下室が あったなんて・・・・" |
113B | "If only you could have done something about this place yesterday... I could have given you a wallet that holds more Rupees..." |
"しかし、おしいなあ〜 キミが きのうまでに なんとかしてくれていたら・・・ キミに もっとルピーが入るサイフ を あげれたのに・・・・" |
113C | "That's my life savings. If I can buy safety with it, then it's worth it." |
"それが オレの全財産だ それで 安全が 買えるなら 安いもんだ" |
113D | "That's my life savings. If I can buy safety with it, then it's worth it." |
"それが オレの全財産だ それで 安全が 買えるなら 安いもんだ" |
113E | "I had no idea this place was here...Perhaps, it just might keep me safe. I'm just glad I found it." |
"こんな ところがあったなんて・・ もしかしたら、助かるかも 何とか見つかって、よかった" |
113F | "I heard loud noises coming from inside and was worried, but when I came to check it out... I never thought I'd find a place like this..." |
"中で何やら さわがしい音が するからまさかと思って 来てみたが・・・ 最後に こんなところが 見つかるなんて・・・・" |
1140 | "But dang, if only you could have done something two days ago... I could have given you a wallet that holds more Rupees..." |
"しかし、おしいなあ〜 キミが 2日前に なんとかしてくれていたら・・・ キミに もっとルピーが入るサイフ を あげれたのに・・・・" |
1141 | "Well, that's all I have on me... I hope it's enough." |
"もう、それだけしか 持ち合わせが ないんだ かんべんしてくれ・・・" |
1142 | "Well, that's all I have on me. I hope it's enough..." |
"もう、それだけしか 持ち合わせが ないんだ かんべんしてくれ・・・" |
1143 | "There's no time left. Hurry! We have to hide..." |
"もう、時間がないな 早く、かくれなくては・・・" |
1144 | "Only a little more than two days left...Oh, Goddess of Time, please save me..." |
"あと 2日ちょっとで・・・ ああ、刻の女神よ どうか、私を お助けください・・" |
1145 | "Only a little more than one day left...Oh, Goddess of Time, please save me..." |
"あと 1日ちょっとで・・・ ああ、刻の女神よ どうか、私を お助けください・・" |
1146 | "Only a little time left...Oh, Goddess of Time, please save me..." |
"あと ちょっとで・・・ ああ、刻の女神よ どうか、私を お助けください・・" |
1147 | Huh? | うん? |
1148 | "[sound 3AA8]Ah! Captain, sir! It's been a long time since we've seen you! As you have ordered, sir, we are investigating the secrets of this place." |
"[sound 3AA8]あっ、コレは 隊長どの! おひさしぶりです 隊長の命令に したがい 我が情報部隊はこの場所のヒミツを 探りだしたでありますデス!" |
1149 | "According to the information I have obtained, it seems [skull color] should be shot first!" |
"ワタクシが入手した情報によりますと 1番は [skull color]を撃て! ということらしいデス" |
114A | "According to the information I have obtained, it seems [skull color] should be shot second!" |
"ワタクシが入手した情報によりますと 2番は [skull color]を撃て! ということらしいデス" |
114B | "According to the information I have obtained, it seems [skull color] should be shot third!" |
"ワタクシが入手した情報によりますと 3番は [skull color]を撃て! ということらしいデス" |
114C | "According to the information I have obtained, it seems [skull color] should be shot fourth!" |
"ワタクシが入手した情報によりますと 4番は [skull color]を撃て! ということらしいデス" |
114D | "According to the information I have obtained, it seems [skull color] should be shot fifth!" |
"ワタクシが入手した情報によりますと 5番は [skull color]を撃て! ということらしいデス" |
114E | "According to the information I have obtained, it seems [skull color] should be shot sixth!" |
"ワタクシが入手した情報によりますと 6番は [skull color]を撃て! ということらしいデス" |
114F | "Have I fulfilled my duties, sir? Yes No" |
"これで 任務は 完了でしょうか? はい いいえ" |
1150 | "Ahh! Thank you, sir! I hope the information I have provided will be of assistance to you, sir. Now, as you ordered, sir, I will finish the last of my duties." |
"クーッ! ありがとうございます 情報が隊長どののお役に立つことを 祈っておりますデス それでは、隊長どのの 命令にしたがい ワタクシ、 任務を終了させていただきますデス" |
1151 | Yessir! | イエッ サー! |
1152 | "I-Is that so, sir? Uh...I apologize, sir! I shall continue my investigation!" |
"そ、そうですか し、失礼いたしました! 調査 続行いたしますデス!" |
1194 | "Hey, you! Halt!!!" |
"おい、そこのヤツ! 止まれ!!" |
1195 | "I've been waiting for you! And, did you find the rest of the eggs?" |
"待ちかねたよ! それで、残りのタマゴは 見つかったのかい?" |
1196 | "...N-No. B-But...that's beca..." |
"・・・いえ、 それが まだ・・・" |
1197 | "What are you trying to pull here?!? If people hear the great pirates have lost the treasure they stole, we'll become the laughing stock!" |
"何やってんだい! 海賊様が、盗んだお宝 なくしちまったなんて 人に聞かれたら 大笑いされるよ!" |
1198 | "Yes, b-but Aveil... The sea is strangely murky where we were attacked by the sea snakes..." |
"ですが、アベール様 アタイらが 海ヘビのヤツラに 襲われた海は へんなキリが発生していて・・・・" |
1199 | [sound 6915]Silence! | [sound 6915]おだまり! |
119A | "That's why the Zoras can't send for any help!" |
"だから、ゾーラだって 手が出せないんだろ!" |
119B | "Now that the eggs are gone, the Zoras should be frantically searching for them. If we don't hurry, the Zoras will get to them before we do!" |
"タマゴがなくなって ゾーラたち だって、今ごろはチマナコになって 探しているはずなんだ 急がないと ゾーラたちに 先をこされるよ!" |
119C | "There are four eggs here now. Hurry! Go find the other three eggs before those sea snakes eat them!" |
"タマゴは今 ここに 4つある 残りの 3つのタマゴを 海ヘビのヤロウに食われる前に 早く 探し出すんだよ!!" |
119D | ...Understood... | ・・・わかりました・・ |
119E | Wait!!! | お待ち!! |
119F | "The Zora eggs are the only clue we have about that dragon cloud floating over the bay..." |
"ゾーラのタマゴはね あの沖に浮かぶ 竜神雲の ゆいいつの 手がかりなんだよ" |
11A0 | "If what that strange, masked one says is true..." |
"あの へんな仮面をかぶったヤツの 言うことが ホントなら" |
11A1 | "[sound 6916]And if we can get our hands on the treasure that lies sleeping in the temple in that dragon cloud... Then we can spend the rest of our lives living the good life!" |
"[sound 6916]竜神雲の中の神殿に 眠っている お宝を 手に入れれば アタイらは、一生 遊んで 暮らせるんだよ" |
11A2 | "So get a move on and go find them! Now!!!" |
だから、気合入れて 探しな! |
11A3 | Understood!!! | わかりました!! |
11A4 | Halt! | 待ちな! |
11A5 | "[sound 3A71]It takes courage to come thieving in the Pirates' Fortress! I'm going to love doing this to you!" |
"[sound 3A71]海賊のアジトに 盗みに入るなんて いい度胸だ! たっぷり、かわいがってやるよ!" |
11A6 | "Ugh. Don't think it ends here!" |
"クッ このままで すむと思うなよ!" |
11A7 | "[sound 3A72]Hmph! You're nothing to talk about...Come back and try me again!" |
"[sound 3A72]フン、 口ほどにもない 出直してきな!" |
11A8 | That's as far as you go! | そこまでだ! |
11A9 | "How unfortunate. You won't be getting past here!" |
"ザンネンだねえ ここから 先には 通さないよ!" |
11AA | "Ugh! Not bad... But don't think it ends here!" |
"クッ やるじゃないか・・・ だけど、これですむと 思うなよ" |
11AB | "[sound 3A72]Hmph! We're not to be made fools of!" |
"[sound 3A72]フン アタイらを、ナメんじゃないよ!!" |
11AC | [sound 3A71]We aren't fooled by that mask! | "[sound 3A71]アタイは そんなお面じゃあ ダマされないよ!" |
11AD | "[sound 3A71]Do you think you can trick us with that mask?" |
"[sound 3A71]そんな お面で ごまかされると 思っていたのかい?" |
11AE | "Halt! Everyone!!! A rat has snuck in!" |
"待ちな! みんな!! ネズミが一匹 はいりこんでるよ!" |
11AF | "Halt! Everyone! A rat wearing a strange mask has snuck in!" |
"待ちな! みんな! 変な お面をかぶった ネズミが一匹 はいりこんでるよ!" |
11F8 | "[sound 696B]What's with you? This room belongs to Japas, the genius bassist of the Zora Band." |
"[sound 696B]なんだ オマエ? ここは ゾーラバンドの 天才ベーシスト ジャパス様の 部屋だぜぃ" |
11F9 | "Go through my manager if you want my autograph." |
"サインが欲しいなら マネージャーを通してくれよな・・" |
11FA | "The concert's coming soon. Let's forget about our bandmates and their messed-up problems and have a jam session of our own." |
"もうすぐ コンサートだしよ わけのわからない メンバーのことは ほっといて オレたちで セッションしようぜ" |
11FB | "[sound 696B]Mikau!!! Where've ya been?" |
"[sound 696B]ミカウ!! オマエ どこ行ってたんだ?" |
11FC | "I'm all, like, ""Hey, where's Mikau? The concert's comin' up soon!"" And now our band leader has pulled a vanishing act--Evan's all holed up in his room just writin' songs..." |
"もうすぐコンサートだっていうのに オマエは いなくなるし リーダーの エバンは曲作りで 部屋に こもりっぱなし・・・" |
11FD | "And to top it off, Lulu just stands out back starin' at the sea. She doesn't even respond when ya talk to her." |
"おまけに ルルのやつは 毎日 裏の海に つっ立ってて 話しかけても 返事もしてくれねぇ" |
11FE | "If you guys think it's just 'cause Lulu's not interested in me, I'd understand, but I'm tellin' ya, it looks like somethin's really wrong." |
"そりゃー ルルが オレにキョウミ がないコトぐらい オマエらを見てたら わかるけど それにしたって 様子がおかしい" |
11FF | "Is there somethin' you're trying to hide from me?" |
"オマエ 何かオレに かくし事でも あるんじゃないのか・・・?" |
1200 | "I'm not runnin' an inquiry or anything... But, look...If we don't start rehearsin' real soon, we're not gonna be ready for the concert." |
"まあ、あんまり センサクはしねえけど・・・ そろそろ、本気でリハーサルを 始めないと コンサートに 間に合わなくなっちまうぜぃ" |
1201 | "What were the other band members doing?" |
他のメンバーたちは どうしてた? |
1202 | "You do know that if we don't start rehearsing, we're not gonna be ready for the concert, right?" |
"そろそろ、リハーサルを始めないと コンサートに間に合わないって ホントに わかってんのか?" |
1203 | "Hey...Why don't we forget about waiting for Evan to write a song and just write one ourselves?" |
"なあ、エバンの曲ができるのを 待ってないで オレたちで 曲を作らねえか・・・?" |
1204 | "If you feel up to it, let's have a little jam session." |
"その気があるなら セッションしようぜぃ" |
1205 | "Did you play our song for Evan? What did he say? Don't tell me... You didn't forget the song, did you? Yeah, I did No, I didn't" |
"エバンに オレたちの曲 聞かせたか? あいつ なんて・・・? ・・・オマエ もしかして 曲 忘れたんじゃねえのか? はい いいえ" |
1206 | "Well, in that case, hurry up and play Evan our song." |
"そうか、そんなら早く エバンに オレたちの曲 聞かせてきてくれよ" |
1207 | "Oh, man. In that case, I guess we have to have another jam session. Are ya ready?" |
"しょうがねえな〜 そんなら もう1回 セッションするぜぃ 準備はいいか?" |
1208 | "[sound 696B]Huh? You wanna have a jam session?" |
"[sound 696B]おっ? セッションするか?" |
1209 | "Try following this phrase I wrote on your guitar." |
"オレの作ったフレーズの後を そのギターで 弾いてみてくれ" |
120A | Here we go... | いくぜぃ |
120B | "[sound 696B]Whoooa... That's niiiice." |
[sound 696B]イイ感じだぜぃ |
120C | "I got it! I got it! I got it! Here I go!" |
"きた きた きた いくぜ〜" |
120D | "[sound 696B]That's got a good feel to it! Even Evan should like this." |
"[sound 696B]いい感じの曲ができたぜぃ! これだったら エバンのヤツも きっと 気にいるはずだ" |
120E | "But... He's so proud...He'd resent the fact that we wrote somethin' on our own. I don't think he'd even let the others try it out." |
"・・・でも アイツ、プライド高いから オレたちが 作ったって言ったら イイ顔 しねえだろうなぁ・・・" |
120F | Whaddya think we should do? | "オマエ なんかイイ方法 思いつかないか・・・?" |
1210 | "How can we, like, make sure that Evan doesn't find out that it was us who wrote this song? Can't you think of anything?" |
"オレたちが作った曲だって エバンに言わない方法・・・ なにか ねえかなぁ〜?" |
1211 | "That melody's bogus, man! What's wrong? You're not jammin' like you usually do!" |
"そんなメロディーじゃ しっくりこないな・・・ どうした? いつものオマエらしくないなぁ ノリが悪いぜぃ!" |
1212 | "You wanna stop? Yeah No" |
"やめとくか? うん いいや" |
1213 | "You in a slump? Don't worry about it... Those were the kind of notes an amateur would play while tryin' to figure out the notes as he goes..." |
"スランプなんだろ? 気にすんなって・・・・ まるで シロートみたいに 音符を確認しながら弾いたような 音だったからなぁ・・・・" |
1214 | "[sound 696B]Once you're back in the groove, we'll write a song that'll knock Evan off his flippers!" |
"[sound 696B]また、ノリのいい時に エバンが おどろくような曲を オレたちで つくってやろうぜ!" |
1215 | "When you're in a slump, all ya can do is go back to your room and sleep on it." |
"スランプの時は 部屋にもどって 寝ちまうのにかぎるぜぃ" |
1216 | "That's uncool, man... What are you tryin' to do, walkin' into people's rooms like that?" |
"おいおい 人の部屋に勝手に入ってきて いったい 何しようってんだい?" |
1217 | "[sound 696B]Do you wanna have a jam session with me usin' that instrument?" |
"[sound 696B]もしかして その楽器で オレと セッションでも したいのかい?" |
1218 | Sorry, but try somethin' else. | 悪いけど 他をあたってくれ |
1219 | "[sound 6967]Mikau? Where've you been? Where've you been? I was worried." |
"[sound 6967]ミカウ? どこ行ってたんだよ〜? ボク 心配しちゃったよ〜" |
121A | "The concert in town is coming up, but it seems like all the band members are in a funk. I betcha didn't know that, huh?" |
"なんかさ〜 もうすぐ 町のコンサートだっていうのに メンバーのフンイキ 最悪でさ〜" |
121B | "Especially Lulu. I haven't heard her voice in a long time." |
"とくに ルルがさ〜 ず〜っと 口きいてくれないんだよ" |
121C | She's usually in good spirits, too. | いつもは、元気いっぱいなのにね〜 |
121D | "Ooh! Ooh! I wonder if this is related to the ocean turning all weird..." |
"これって、やっぱり 海が変になっているのと 関係あるのかなぁ〜?" |
121E | "[sound 6968]Actually... I know a little bit of Lulu's secret." |
"[sound 6968]・・・・実はさぁ〜 ボク ルルの秘密 ちょっとだけ、知ってるんだけど" |
121F | "Do you wanna hear it? I wanna hear it Not really" |
"聞きたい〜? 聞きたい 別に" |
1220 | "There's a rumor that the ocean is getting weird 'cause there's trouble off shore at Great Bay Temple." |
"海がおかしくなってきてるのは 沖のグレートベイの神殿に 何かが 起こっているって言う ウワサだよ" |
1221 | "And they say when that happens, something bad will befall the Zora descendant who's been protecting the temple." |
"そんでもって、そんな時は 必ず 神殿を守ってきたゾーラの末えいに 何かよくないことがおこるんだって" |
1222 | "Do you catch my drift? And lately, Lulu has been looking kind of weird. Maybe Lulu's the..." |
"ボクが 言いたいこと わかる? 最近、ルルの様子がおかしいのは もしかして、ルルって・・・" |
1223 | "[sound 6967]Oh, yeah, that's right. There aren't any secrets between you and Lulu." |
"[sound 6967]そっか、そうだよね〜 ミカウと ルルに秘密なんて ないもんね〜" |
1224 | "Ooh! Ooh! Don't tell Lulu that I've been saying stuff about her..." |
"あっ! ボクが 変なこと言っているなんて ルルに 言わないでくれよ〜" |
1225 | "[sound 6968]Um... Don't get mad, but I want you to hear this... I tried to climb up the other ladder to your practice area, and it broke. I'm gonna go on a diet now, so just forgive me, OK?" |
"[sound 6968]あのね〜 怒らないで 聞いてほしいんだけど・・・ ミカウの練習場所に 上がるハシゴ ちょっと、登ろうとしたら 壊れちゃったんだ〜 ボク、ダイエットするからさ〜 ゆるして!ねっ、ねっ!" |
1226 | "[sound 6967]Ooh! Ooh! How's Lulu? Is she talking to you? Look... It's about Lulu's secret..." |
"[sound 6967]ルル どうしてる〜? ミカウとは 口きいてくれるの? ねえねえ ルルの秘密のこと なんだけどさ〜" |
1227 | "[sound 6967]Huh? Who are you? You can't just come walkin' in here. I don't have a problem, but I think my roommate might get mad." |
"[sound 6967]あっ、ダレ? かってに入ってきちゃ 困るよ〜 ボクはいいけど・・・ ルームメイトの ミカウが怒るよ〜" |
1228 | "Just follow the rules if you're one of our fans." |
"ボクらのファンなら ルールは守ってよ〜" |
1229 | "[sound 6948]This is a problem. You just can't come in and hang out in our room!" |
"[sound 6968]困るんだよ〜 かってに ボクらの部屋で うろうろ しないでよ〜!" |
122A | [sound 6845]Can you read Zoran script? | [sound 6845]アンタ、ゾーラの字 読めるの? |
122B | "Mikau My Diary Today, Japas and I had a jam session. He's not good with words, but he writes great riffs." |
"ミカウ マイ ダイヤリー 今日 ジャパスとセッションした アイツは 言葉は悪いけど やっぱり いいフレーズを作る" |
122C | Here's what I played: | ボクの演奏はこうだった |
122D | "Today, I had Lulu listen to my session with Japas. She seemed to like it a lot. Lulu's a pretty great girl, after all." |
"今日は、ジャパスのセッションを ルルに聞いてもらった すごく 気に入ってもらえたみたい ルルって やっぱり いい子だ" |
122E | "Today, I had another jam session with Japas. Evan was in a bad mood 'cause the two of us are writin' songs on our own." |
"今日も ジャパスとセッション ボクらが勝手に曲を作っているので エバンは 不機嫌だった" |
122F | Here's what I played: | ボクの演奏はこうだった |
1230 | "Evan called me over this morning. It was something about Lulu. He was in a real rush. I wonder what it could be? By the way, it seems my lucky color this week is green." |
"朝から エバンに ルルのことで 呼び出された すごく あわてていたけれど いったい 何があったんだろう? PS 今週のラッキーカラーは グリーンだそうだ" |
1231 | "Mikau! How was it? Did you get the eggs back?" |
"ミカウ! どうだった? タマゴは 取り戻せたのか?" |
1232 | "You did it, Mikau! OK...Take that egg straight to the professor at the Marine Research Lab." |
"やったな ミカウ! じゃあ、さっそく そのタマゴを 海洋研究所の博士 まで 届けてくれ" |
1233 | "I've already talked to the professor. Leave the rest up to him." |
"博士には もう話はしてあるし 後は 博士に まかせるんだ" |
1234 | "Oh, thank goodness! Lulu's voice has been brought back to normal!" |
"おお、神よ! ルルの歌声を もとどおり よみがえらせたまえ!" |
1235 | "I've already talked to the professor, so after delivering the eggs, you can leave the rest up to him." |
"博士には もう話はしてあるし タマゴを 届けたら 後のことは まかせるしかない" |
1236 | "How was it? Did the professor at the Marine Research Lab figure out the mystery of the eggs?" |
"どうだった? 海洋研究所の博士は タマゴの謎が わかったのか?" |
1237 | "Oh... You couldn't do it, after all." |
"そうか・・・ やっぱり ダメか" |
1238 | "Have you been to see Lulu out in back by the ocean? Ever since the pirates stole her eggs, she's just been standing out there gazing at the sea and sighing..." |
"裏の海にいる ルルには もう会ったのか? 海賊たちに タマゴを盗まれてから ルルは ああして 沖をながめて ため息ばかり ついているのさ・・" |
1239 | "...Mikau! We need those eggs safe so Lulu can get her voice back." |
"・・・・ミカウ! ルルの歌声を 取り戻すには あの タマゴが必要なんだ" |
123A | "We've grown accustomed to life in a peaceful sea... The only one among the Zora tribe who is still able to go to blows with those wild pirates..." |
"平和な海で暮らすことに なれてしまった 今のゾーラ族の中で 荒くれ者の海賊たちと 対等に わたりあえるのは" |
123B | "It is you, with the blood of Zoran heroes flowing within you." |
"ゾーラ族の勇者の血を受け継ぐ オマエ だけなんだ" |
123C | "I'm still keeping Lulu's problem a secret from the other band members." |
"ルルのことは まだ、バンドのみんなには 内緒にしてある" |
123D | "They've all been looking forward to our Carnival of Time concert. And I can't tell them it's canceled 'cause Lulu can't sing, can I?" |
"刻のカーニバルのコンサートは みんな 楽しみにしてる ことだからな・・・・ ルルが 歌えないから 中止だなんて 言えないだろ?" |
123E | "Anyway, Mikau, did you get an empty bottle that you can use to carry the eggs in?" |
"それはそうと ミカウ タマゴを入れて持ち帰るのに使う あきビンは手に入れられたのか?" |
123F | "One bottle can only hold one egg, so you can never have too many empty bottles." |
"1コのビンに入れられるタマゴは 1つだけだから あきビンは 多いにこしたことはない" |
1240 | "I told you that the beavers above the waterfall on the Zora Hall coast have empty bottles, right? If you don't have any yet, Mikau, you should go there before heading off to the Pirates' Fortress." |
"ゾーラホールのある海岸の 滝の上のビーバーが あきビンを持っている話はしたよな もし、まだなら 海賊の砦に行く 前に行ってみるといい たのんだぞ ミカウ" |
1241 | "The Carnival of Time concert is quickly approaching... Hurry up and get those eggs back from the pirates." |
"刻のカーニバルのコンサートまで もう、時間がない はやく海賊から タマゴを全部 取り戻すんだ" |
1242 | "I already told you the beavers above the waterfall have empty bottles, right? If you don't have any yet, you should go there before going to the Pirates' Fortress." |
"ゾーラホールのある海岸の 滝の上のビーバーが あきビンを持っている話はしたよな もし、まだなら 海賊の砦に行く 前に行ってみるといい" |
1243 | "What is this? You can't just come into people's rooms and make yourself at home!" |
"こまるんだよ かってに 人の部屋で うろうろ しないでくれ!" |
1244 | "Ahh... If Lulu's voice doesn't return, I don't know what we can do..." |
"ハァ・・・ ルルの 歌声が戻らなければ どうしようもないな・・・・" |
1245 | "Hey! How did you get in here?" |
"あっ、 ど、どこから入ってきたんだ?" |
1246 | "I shouldn't have to put up with this...People not associated with the band aren't allowed in here." |
"こまるよ〜 ここは 関係者以外 立ち入り禁止だよ" |
1247 | "If you want an autograph, we'll be giving them out at the town's carnival, so wait until then." |
"サインなら 町のカーニバルで してあげるから コンサートの後まで 待っててくれ" |
1248 | "Were you guys secretly writing a song behind my back again?" |
"オマエたち またオレにナイショで 曲を作っていたのか?" |
1249 | "Isn't songwriting the job of the bandleader? What, you're not happy with my songs?" |
"曲を作るのは リーダーのオレの仕事じゃないか! オレの曲じゃ 不満なのか!" |
124A | "I heard that song. If you write any other good songs, I'd like to hear them." |
"その曲は 聞いたよ また いい曲ができたら 聞かせてくれ" |
124B | "Huh? That song?" |
"おやっ? その曲は・・・・" |
124C | "Hmmm... It works, it works, it works!" |
"んんん いける いける いける!" |
124D | "Not bad... That's a pretty good song I just made up!" |
"ふ〜っ いい曲ができた!" |
124E | "You've got a good sense of melody! We'll play my new song at our next show! Take this in thanks!" |
"キミ いい感性してるね この曲は 次のライブで 使わせてもらうよ! お礼に これを受け取ってくれ!" |
124F | "You're not thinking I'm stealing your song, do you? " |
"まさか、盗作だなんて 思っていないよね・・・" |
1250 | "If you want an autograph, I'll give you one after our rehearsal." |
"サインなら リハーサル後に してあげる" |
1251 | "What have you been doing? You're late, Mikau! Ooh! Ooh! Guess what! Lulu's voice... She's gotten it back!" |
"何してたんだよ〜 おそいよ ミカウ! ルルのね ルルの声が 戻ったんだよ!" |
1252 | Hurry up and go see Lulu. | 早く ルルに 会ってあげなよ〜 |
1253 | "And with that, we're all ready. I can't wait for the town's concert." |
"これで 準備完了だね 町のコンサートが 楽しみだな〜" |
1254 | "We've kept you waiting! Just a little bit longer and we'll play our hot sound for you!" |
"またせたな! もうすぐ アツイ サウンドを 聞かせてやるぜ!" |
1255 | "You're late, Mikau! Where were you while you were skippin' practice? Lulu's been waiting for you." |
"おそいぜ ミカウ! 練習さぼって どこ行ってたんだ! さっきから ルルがお待ちかねだぜ" |
1256 | "What were you doing? Hurry up and go talk to Lulu!" |
"なにしてんだ! はやく ルルのところに いってやりな!" |
1257 | "Hey, Mikau... That song Evan wrote sounds just like the one we played at our jam session, doesn't it?" |
"なあ、ミカウ・・・ エバンの作った曲って オレたちがセッションしてた曲と そっくりだよな・・・?" |
1258 | "I've written a great song, so just be patient." |
"やあ、いい曲が できたから 楽しみに しててくれ" |
1259 | "You did great, Mikau. Lulu's voice has returned. Well, it looks like Lulu wants to talk to you, so go see her now." |
"ミカウ よくやってくれた ルルの声が もどったよ さあ、ルルが オマエに 話したいことが あるようだ 早く いってこい" |
125A | "Well, hurry up! We're about to start rehearsal." |
"さあ、はやく! リハーサル もう、始めるよ" |
125B | "I'm glad I got this new song done in time for the concert. You did great, Mikau. And even without any practice. You really are a musical genius..." |
"コンサート前に 新曲が 間に合ってよかったよ でも、ミカウ 練習なしで よく演奏できたな ったく オマエは 天才だよ・・・" |
125C | "You're an unusual sight to see in this neck of the water... You came to see the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's, didn't you?" |
"お、めずらしい ゾーラの海岸なんかに・・・ そうか、ゾーラバンドの ダル・ブルー 目当てだろ?" |
125D | "The members of The Indigo-Go's are in Zora Hall up ahead... But the entrance is underwater, so if you aren't a good diver, you probably won't make it in." |
"さっきも、聞かれたんだけど ダル・ブルーのメンバーは、 この先のゾーラホールにいるけど ゾーラホールは 入り口が 海の中だから、もぐりに 自信が ないと ムリだと思うよ・・・" |
125E | "The members of The Indigo-Go's are up ahead in Zora Hall... But if you can't dive deep underwater, you won't get in." |
"ダル・ブルーのメンバーだったら この先のゾーラホールにいるけど 海にもぐれないと 中には入れないよ" |
125F | "Hey, aren't you Mikau? Were you able to get an empty bottle from the beavers on top of the waterfall?" |
"よう、ミカウ じゃないか? 滝の上のビーバーから あきビンを もらうことはできたかい?" |
1260 | "Those guys are quick, so it's pretty tough, isn't it?" |
"あいつら すばしっこいから けっこう ムズカシイだろ?" |
1261 | "But what do you need an empty bottle for, Mikau?" |
"でも、ミカウ オマエ なんであきビンなんか 必要なんだい?" |
1262 | "Can you break all those jars behind me in one try? Among us Zora, there are some who can." |
"後ろの ツボを 1回で 全部割ることは キミに できるかい? われわれ、ゾーラ族の中には それが できる者がいるんだ" |
1263 | "If you do it, I'll give you something good." |
"もし、できたなら イイモノをあげるよ" |
1264 | "Anything's worth a try! Think it over and give it a shot." |
"ものは ためしだ よく 考えて やってごらんよ" |
1265 | "Hey, Mikau... You wanna do that thing you used to always do?" |
"よう、ミカウ いつもやってた アレ ひさしぶりに やってくかい?" |
1266 | "You just can't play guitar all the time. You gotta get out and move your body once in a while." |
"ギター ばっかり 弾いていないで たまには 体 動かしなよ" |
1267 | "Clock Town's carnival is coming soon and business there is good. That'd be nice...Things here aren't picking up yet." |
"クロックタウンの方は もうすぐ カーニバルで 景気が良くて いいなあ・・・ こっちの方はそれどころじゃ ないんだ" |
1268 | "We haven't been able to catch any fish in the ocean, so we have to go to town to buy them. We never had a need for Rupees until now." |
"海でサカナが とれなくなったから 町の方に 買いにいってるんだ 昔は ルピーなんて ボクらに 必要なかったのに" |
1269 | "I have a shop inside Zora Hall, so actually I'd like you to go there and buy a lot of stuff..." |
"ゾーラホールの中に お店がある から ホントなら イロイロ買って いってほしいんだけどなあ・・" |
126A | "I don't want to sound greedy, but I need to make money for the jars." |
"ホントは ツボ代なんて ケチくさいコト 言いたくは ないんだけどさ" |
126B | "We can't fish in the ocean anymore, so everyone's going into town to buy them instead." |
"海でサカナを とれなくなったから みんな 町まで買いに 行っているんだよ" |
126C | "But I just can't get used to the taste of fish from a river. But a Zora's gotta eat, so there's no way around it." |
"川のサカナの味って ちょっと なじめないんだけど・・・ 生きるためには しかたないよね" |
126D | "If your band does well with its concert in town, it'll bring tourists here and... I won't have to ask for jar money." |
"オマエたちの バンドが町でライブ して かせいでくれたら もう、ツボ代よこせ なんて いわないですむよね" |
126E | "Way to go, Mikau! You've got a big smirk on your face..." |
"さすが、ミカウ! 顔が ニヤけてるぜ" |
126F | "Well, here's 100 Rupees. Except... Jar replacement costs 10 Rupees, so I'll have to deduct that." |
"じゃあ、100ルピー やるよ だけど・・・ ツボ代の10ルピーは 引かせてもらうよ" |
1270 | You get 90 Rupees! | 90ルピー もらった! |
1271 | Take the challenge again sometime. | また、チャレンジ してくれよ |
1272 | "Whoa! There are others besides Zoras who can do it..." |
"へ〜 ゾーラ族 以外でも できる 人がいたんだ・・・" |
1273 | "What's wrong? Have you lost your touch from playing too much guitar, Mikau?" |
"どうした?ミカウ ギター ばっかり 弾いてて 腕がなまっちゃったんじゃないか?" |
1274 | "Didn't you used to be able to break all these pots at once? Your motion was all stiff like someone who's not used to doing this..." |
"昔のオマエだったら こんなツボ カンタンに全部割って みせたじゃないか まるで、なれてないヤツみたいに 動きが ぎこちないゾ" |
1275 | "Sorry, but I have to take 10 Rupees for those broken jars." |
"悪いけど、壊したツボ代として 10ルピー もらっとくよ" |
1276 | "Hey, that's a problem...Don't go breaking my jars. Those jars aren't free, you know." |
"あっ、困るな〜 勝手に ツボを割らないでくれよ ツボだって タダじゃないんだから" |
1277 | "What? You don't even have 10 Rupees? I guess there's nothing I can do... I'll just have to eat the loss." |
"なんだよ、10ルピーも 持ってないの? しょうがないなあ・・・ まけとくよ" |
1278 | "If you break them all at once, I'll give you something good. Take the challenge again sometime." |
"全部 一気に壊せたら いいものあげるよ また、チャレンジしてくれよな" |
1279 | "This is the room of Mikau and Tijo, the guitarist and drummer for the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's." |
"ここは、ゾーラバンド ダル・ブルーのギタリスト ミカウ と ドラマーのディジョの部屋だ" |
127A | "They don't meet with ordinary people." |
"一般の人の面会は 受け付けられないよ" |
127B | "No way. If you want to meet Mikau and Tijo, you'll have to go through their manager." |
"ダメ、ダメ ミカウとディジョに 会いたかったら マネージャーを 通してくれよ" |
127C | "Hey, Mikau... I haven't seen you in a while. Where have you been?" |
"よう、ミカウ しばらく 見かけなかったけど どこ 行ってたんだい?" |
127D | "Oh, that's right. Evan, your bandleader, is looking for you." |
"そういえば、リーダーのエバンが お前を探していたよ" |
127E | "Evan came by several times looking for you. Have you seen him yet?" |
"さっきから 何度も エバンが お前を探していたけど もう、会ったかい?" |
127F | "This is the room of Japas, bassist for the Zora band, The Indigo-Go's." |
"ここは ゾーラバンドの ダル・ブルーのメンバー ベーシストの ジャパスの部屋だよ" |
1280 | "I'm sorry, but he's busy practicing for the concert, so I can't let you see him." |
"悪いけど 彼はコンサートの練習で 忙しいから 会わせられないよ" |
1281 | "If you're not a band member, you can't go in...Even if you're an acquaintance." |
"バンドのメンバー以外は たとえ、知り合いでも 入れる ことはできないんだ" |
1282 | "Mikau... Do you need to see Japas?" |
"ミカウ・・・ ジャパスに用かい?" |
1283 | "You're gonna have another jam session with him, aren't you? I can't wait!" |
"また、ヤツとセッションするんだろ いつもの クールな演奏 楽しみにしてるよ!" |
1284 | "I'm expecting a cool performance in your jam session with Japas." |
"ジャパスとのセッション クールな演奏を 期待してるぜ" |
1285 | "This is the room of Evan, the leader of the Zora Band, The Indigo-Go's." |
"ここは ゾーラバンド ダル・ブルーのリーダー キーボードの エバンの部屋だ" |
1286 | "He's a nervous guy, so nobody's allowed inside unless they're on official business." |
"彼は 神経質なヤツだから コンサート前は 関係者以外 入れないよ" |
1287 | "Unless you have official business, it's impossible to see him until after the concert." |
"関係者以外は 会いたくても コンサートが終わるまではムリだね" |
1288 | "Ah! Mikau! What have you been doing this whole time?" |
"あっ、ミカウ! 今まで 何してたんだい?" |
1289 | "Evan the bandleader has been waiting for you for a while now. Hurry! Go in! Go in!" |
"リーダーのエバンが お前のこと ずっと待ってたんだよ 早く 入って 入って" |
128A | "Stop worrying the bandleader like you do..." |
"あんまり リーダーに 心配かけるなよ" |
128B | "Shut up! I'm busy. Don't talk to me!" |
"う、うるさいな〜 今 忙しいんだ 話しかけるな!" |
128C | Shut up. I'm busy right now... | うるさいな〜 今 いそがし・・・ |
128D | "Ah! Mikau! You caught me!" |
"あっ、ミ ミカウ し、しまった!" |
128E | "Eee...I...uh...er, L-Lulu's been l-looking kinda weird lately... I was w-worried..." |
"いや、ボ、ボクは ル、ルルの様子がへんだから・・・ し、心配で・・・" |
128F | "It's not like I was s-spying on her or anything... I-I'm not some k-kind of weirdo or some sorta slimy fish or anything. ...Um, yeah." |
"べつに、の、のぞいていた わ、わけじゃないんだ・・・ ボ、ボクは そ、そんな ヘンな シュミは ないよ し、しっけいだな・・・" |
1290 | "Uh...I just r-remembered that I have somewhere to be...What time is it? Um, yeah. I hafta be there, like, now. Uhhh...See ya!" |
"あっ、き、急用を 思い出した そうだ、そうだった ボク もう行かなきゃ!" |
1291 | "Did you come to see The Indigo-Go's rehearse, too?" |
"もしかして ダル・ブルーの リハーサルを 見に?" |
1292 | No? | ちがうの? |
1293 | "Have you heard of The Indigo-Go's? Of course No" |
"キミ、ダル・ブルーは 知ってる? もちろん 知らない" |
1294 | "I thought so. The Indigo-Go's are pretty big now, aren't they?" |
"だよね〜 ダル・ブルーは 今じゃ メジャーグループの仲間入り だもんな" |
1295 | "Their rehearsal is about to begin, so I thought you came to see them." |
"彼らの リハーサルが もうすぐ始まるから 見に来たんだと思ったよ" |
1296 | "But even though their concert in town is tomorrow, they still haven't started rehearsing." |
"でも、明日は もう町のコンサート だって言うのに なかなか リハーサルが 始まらないんだ" |
1297 | I wonder what they're doing? | 何してんのかなあ〜? |
1298 | "Huh? You don't know them? The Indigo-Go's is that popular band that's going to be doing a concert in town soon!" |
"えっ、知らないの? 今度 町でコンサートを開く あの 有名な ダル・ブルーだよ" |
1299 | "They've got Evan, the keyboard king, the thumping bass of Japas, the cool drum beat of Tijo..." |
"キーボードの魔術師エバンと 骨太のベースのジャパス それに ドラムのディジョのクールなビート" |
129A | "But above all, Mikau's weeping guitar and the shimmering voice of Lulu make the best songs!" |
"でも、なんといっても ミカウの 泣きのギターと 七色ボイスのルルの歌が最高なんだ" |
129B | "Ah, you're Mikau, right? Good luck practicing for the concert!" |
"あ、ミ、ミカウさん ですよねえ? コンサートの 練習 がんばってください!" |
129C | "I'm looking forward to your rehearsal." |
リハーサル 楽しみにしています |
129D | Aren't you going to rehearse? | "リハーサル しないんですか?" |
129E | "Or are you just gonna hit the stage without any practice?" |
"あっ、もしかして リハーサル なしの ぶっつけ 本番?" |
129F | "Hohhh! That's a real genius guitarist! So bold!" |
"か〜! さすが、天才 ギタリスト シブイっすね〜!" |
12A0 | "The stage lights turned on! The rehearsal's gotta start soon." |
"あっ、ステージの照明がついた いよいよ リハーサルが始まるな" |
12A1 | "Ahh...Lulu! Hurry up and show your face on stage!" |
"ああ、ルル〜 早く ステージに顔を だしてちょうだい!" |
12A2 | "Did you come here to see The Indigo-Go's 'cause you couldn't wait for the concert?" |
"ダル・ブルーのコンサート 待ちきれなくて 見に来たのか?" |
12A3 | "I heard they were having a rehearsal, and I've been waiting here ever since." |
"オレは、リハーサルがあるって 聞いてから ここで ずっと 待ってんだ!" |
12A4 | "But the stage lights aren't even lit, so it looks like it'll be a while before rehearsals start." |
"ステージに 照明もついてないから まだまだ リハーサルは始まらない みたいだな" |
12A5 | "I wonder when they're gonna start? C'mon, I want to see my Lulu." |
"もう、いつになったら 始まるんだ 早く オレのルルに会わせてくれよ" |
12A6 | "Ah! Mikau! Hey, what's Lulu doing now?" |
"あ〜っ ミカウだ! なあ、なあ、ルルって 今 何してるの?" |
12A7 | "I'm so jealous of you! To always be able to breathe the same air as Lulu..." |
"うらやましい ヤツだ いつも ルルと同じ空気 吸ってるんだろ?" |
12A8 | "And you know a side of Lulu that I don't...You know her private side, don't you?" |
"それに オレの知らない ルルのプライベートな顔も 知ってるんだろ?" |
12A9 | "That's wonderful. I won't ask you to introduce me. A pictograph will do. Show me Lulu's private side." |
"いいな〜 会わせろとは いわない 写し絵でいいから ルルの プライベートな顔を 見せてくれよ" |
12AA | "Did you by chance bring something of Lulu's?" |
"もしかして ルルの なんか持ってきてくれた?" |
12AB | "If it's about Lulu, I want to know everything. I'll take anything...You know? I'm the consummate fan!" |
"ルルのことなら 何でも知りたいし 何でも ほしいんだ わかるだろ? ファンの心理が" |
12AC | "Hmmm...This isn't that great, but I'll buy it off you anyway." |
"う〜ん いまいちだけど いいや 買ってやるよ" |
12AD | "Next time, bring me a better shot that really captures Lulu. If you do that... I'll do you no wrong." |
"今度はもっと ルルが ちゃんと 写ってる 写し絵をたのむよ そしたら ホラ・・・ 悪いようには しないからさあ〜" |
12AE | "Oh! Lulu's face. It's irresistible!" |
"あっ、この ルルの顔 た、たまらんな〜!" |
12AF | "Please let me have this! OK? OK?" |
"これ、オレにゆずってくれ! な、な!" |
12B0 | "Keep the change. For this kind of pictograph, I'll take as many as you have, so bring more!" |
"おつりは とっといてくれ こういう写し絵だったら いくらでも 買ってあげるから また、たのむよ!" |
12B1 | "Hey, you can't do that. No climbing up on the rehearsal stage." |
"あ〜 ダメだよ リハーサル ステージに 上がっちゃ〜" |
12B2 | "We're doin' the sound check right now, so don't make any noise." |
"今、音の調整中だから ドタバタしないで" |
12B3 | Hurry up and get off the stage. | はやく ステージから おりて |
12B4 | "Mikau, you're just in time. I want to check the levels on your guitar." |
"ミカウ ちょうどよかった ギターの音を 確認したいんだけど" |
12B5 | Can you play me a note? | ちょっと、音 もらえるかなあ? |
12B6 | "Mikau, can you play me a quick note?" |
"ミカウ ちょっと ギターの音 ちょうだい" |
12B7 | "Ack! That's a little too loud." |
"うわっ! ちょっと 大きすぎた" |
12B8 | "I guess I'll turn it down a bit... OK. Thanks, Mikau." |
"もう少し、下げるか・・・ OK ミカウ ありがとう" |
12B9 | "Huh? That's a little too quiet..." |
"あれっ? ちょっと 小さいか・・・" |
12BA | "I guess I'll turn it up a bit... OK. Thanks, Mikau." |
"もう少し、上げるか・・・ OK ミカウ ありがとう" |
12BB | "Wha? They're off again. That's a problem..." |
"あれっ? また消えてるよ まいったなあ・・・・" |
12BC | "Are you free? If you have a sec, could you go light the second floor's seating lights?" |
"キミ ヒマ? ヒマなら 2階の客席の照明 つけてきて くれないか?" |
12BD | "Unless those are on, the stage lights won't come on. Thanks." |
"アレが つかないと ステージの 照明がつかないんだ よろしく" |
12BE | "Are you the one who turned those lights on? You saved me. Here...Go buy whatever you like!" |
"照明をつけてくれたのは キミか? 助かったよ これで スキなもの 買って!" |
12BF | "All right...The lights are all good. Now we just have to wait... But they'll probably go out again pretty soon..." |
"よし 照明の準備は これでOKだ あとは、リハーサルを 待つばかりだな・・・・ でも・・・ またすぐ 消えるんだろうなあ・・" |
12C0 | "What do you want, Mikau? Are you checking the stage?" |
"なんだよ ミカウ ステージの チェックかい?" |
12C1 | "I don't know why, but there's something wrong with the lighting..." |
"なんでか わからないけど 照明の調子が 悪くって・・・" |
12C2 | The lighting isn't working right. | 照明の 調子がよくないんだ |
12C3 | "Mikau... How do you like it? The lights are perfect." |
"ミカウ どうだい 照明は カンペキだよ" |
12C4 | "Now hurry up and do start your rehearsal before the lights go out. Hurry! Hurry!" |
"さあ、照明が消えないうちに さっさと、リハーサルを やっちゃってくれ! 早く 早く" |
12C5 | "Hurry and start your rehearsal before the lights go out." |
"照明が 消えないうちに 早く リハーサルを はじめてくれ" |
12C6 | "Huh? Here too? This is a problem. Rehearsal hasn't started yet, so I guess it's OK, but..." |
"あっ、ここにも! こまるな〜 まだ、リハーサルが 始まってないから いいけど" |
12C7 | "Once rehearsal starts, you'll have to buy a ticket!" |
"リハーサルが 始まったら チケット 買ってもらうよ!" |
12C8 | "The Indigo-Go's is a wildly popular band right now. If we don't sell tickets to their rehearsals, too, we'll end up with tons of people showing up." |
"ダル・ブルーは 今や 超メジャー バンドだからね リハーサルでもチケット売らないと かえって 人がおおぜい来ちゃって 大変なんだよ" |
12C9 | "Once the rehearsal starts, you'll have to buy a ticket. You just can't go and take a seat." |
"リハーサル 始まったら チケット 買ってもらうからね! 勝手に 席とらないでね" |
12CA | "Oy! Mikau! What's up with the rehearsal?" |
"おい、ミカウ リハーサルは どうなってるの?" |
12CB | "I've been told that rehearsal is about to begin..." |
"もう、リハーサル始めるからって 言われているんだけど・・・" |
12CC | "But the band members are still shut away in their rooms... And Lulu's just hanging around by that lone island out back. What's going on?" |
"メンバーは、部屋にとじこもった ままだし・・・ ルルなんか、ウラの離れ島の前で ぼーっと してるし いったい、どうなってるんだ?" |
12CD | "Is Lulu all right? She was just staring out at the lone island in back...She looks kinda strange." |
"ルル大丈夫か? ウラの離れ島の前にいたけど なんだか様子が ヘンだったよ" |
12CE | "Welcome. What are you looking for?" |
"いらっしゃい なに 探してるの?" |
12CF | We didn't have what you wanted? | 欲しいもの なかった? |
12D0 | "Welcome. Did you come to buy something, little guy?" |
"いらっしゃい ボク、なに買いにきたの?" |
12D1 | "Didn't the big guy's shop have what you were looking for?" |
"おにいちゃんの店で 探してるのは なかったかい?" |
12D2 | Welcome. | いらっしゃい |
12D3 | Did you find something? | なにか 見つかりました? |
12D4 | "Ah! Mikau. Welcome!" |
"あ、ミカウ いらっしゃい!" |
12D5 | "You don't quite seem like yourself today, Mikau." |
なんか、よそよそしく ない? |
12D6 | "View products by moving [Control Stick] left or right. Speak to shopkeeper Quit shopping" |
"[Control Stick]左右で 品物を見てよ 店主とはなす 買い物をやめる" |
12D7 | "You came to see The Indigo-Go's, too, didn't you? I can tell." |
"キミも ダル・ブルー めあてで 来たんだろ? わかってるって" |
12D8 | "The celebrities' dressing rooms are near here. Maybe you can take a peek... Just don't get caught." |
"近くに 有名人の 部屋があるから チョットだけ のぞいてみたら ・・・見つかんないようにね" |
12D9 | "Lately, I've had a hard time even getting fish in stock, so this is all I have." |
"最近、魚も 手に入りにくくて こんなモノしか おいてないんですよ" |
12DA | "Your band's popularity is amazing. We've had all kinds of people coming into the shop lately." |
"キミらの 人気は スゴイね ウチの店にも さっきから いろんな人が 来るよ" |
12DB | "Hero's Shield: 90 Rupees This is the shield that heroes use, but it doesn't sell very well here." |
"勇者の盾(たて) 90ルピー 勇者が使っていた盾らしいんだけど ココでは あまり売れてないな" |
12DC | "Hero's Shield: 90 Rupees I'll buy it No thanks" |
"勇者の盾(たて) 90ルピー かう やめとく" |
12DD | "10 Arrows: 20 Rupees These fly well when shot from a bow, and you need one if you want to buy any of these." |
"矢(10本) 20ルピー 弓を使えば けっこう 飛ぶよ 弓を持ってないと、売れないけど" |
12DE | "10 Arrows: 20 Rupees I'll buy it No thanks" |
"矢(10本) 20ルピー かう やめとく" |
12DF | "Red Potion: 60 Rupees Drink this when your energy is low to ease your weariness." |
"赤いクスリ(1パイ) 60ルピー 体力が弱っているなら、 コレ飲めば 疲れがとれるよ!" |
12E0 | "Red Potion: 60 Rupees I'll buy it No thanks" |
"赤いクスリ(1パイ) 60ルピー かう やめとく" |
12E1 | 弓が 使えないと 売れないんだ | |
12E2 | "あっ、これは アブナイから バクダンを入れるモノがないと 売れないんだ" | |
12E3 | You can't hold anymore. | これ以上は、持てないよ |
12E4 | "You don't have an empty bottle to put it in..." |
"これを入れる あきビン 持ってこないと・・・" |
12E5 | You don't have enough Rupees. | ルピーが 足りないよ |
12E6 | Thanks again. | まいどあり |
12E7 | Take care. | おだいじに |
12E8 | "Mikau, haven't you seen any gold-colored fish around here?" |
"ミカウ このへんで 金色のサカナ 見かけなかった?" |
12E9 | "Gold-colored fish know this area very well. I was thinking of getting one to guide me to Pinnacle Rock..." |
"金色のサカナは このあたりのこと よく知っているから この先の トンガリ岩まで 案内してもらおうと 思ったんだけど・・・" |
12EA | "If the water wasn't so murky, I wouldn't have to rely on the guidance from a gold-colored fish." |
"あの 変なキリさえ なければ ボクだって 金色のサカナに たよったり しないんだけれどね" |
12EB | "I heard that the pirates were attacked by sea snakes near the creatures' lair. It seems they dropped something precious there. Don't you wonder what it was, Mikau? But we'd have to get through that murky water to look for it... Where are all the gold-colored fish when we need them?" |
"そこのトンガリ岩の先にある 海ヘビの住んでる穴のところで 海賊がヘビに襲われたらしいんだ なんでも その時に何か大切なモノを 落としたらしいんだけど・・・ なっ、ミカウも気になるだろ? ジャマなキリに もどされなきゃ 見に行けるんだけどね 金色のサカナどこいったんだろう?" |
12EC | "Yo, Mikau! The seawater has gradually returned to normal." |
"よう、ミカウ! 海の水が だんだん 元に もどってきたね" |
12ED | "But that weird, murky water hasn't dissipated completely..." |
"変なキリは まだ 完全には 消えてないようだけど・・・" |
12EE | "Before long, the fish will come back, too!" |
"そのうち サカナも もどってくるよ!" |
12EF | "Are you taking a relaxing sea bath? Isn't the water here too warm for it to feel good?" |
"やあ、のんびりと 海水浴かい? このあたりの海は なま温かくて 気持ち悪いだろ?" |
12F0 | "Plus, with all this murky water around, you'd better be careful!" |
"それに、変なキリが出るから 気をつけたほうがいいよ!" |
12F1 | "Can't you go for a nice swim now that the water temperature has gone down?" |
"海水の温度が 下がって 気持ちよく 泳げるように なっただろ?" |
12F2 | How is it? | どう? |
12F3 | "Ah! Mikau! What are you doing in a place like this?" |
"あっ、ミカウ! こんなところで 何してんだい?" |
12F4 | "This is the ominous Pirates' Fortress. I don't think you should get too close." |
"ここは おっかない海賊の砦だから 近づかないほうが いいと思うよ" |
12F5 | Uh...But I'm OK... | ボ、ボクは いいんだよ・・・ |
12F6 | "Well, actually... The pirates in this fortress are all women. And better yet, I hear they're all gorgeous." |
"実は・・・ この砦にいる 海賊は みんな 女の人で しかも とびきり美人らしいんだ" |
12F7 | "Heh, heh...So, I thought maybe I should check 'em out. What?? Don't look at me like that..." |
"へへッ・・・だから 一目 見ておきたいと 思ってね そんな目で ボクを見るなよ・・・" |
12F8 | "The Pirates' Fortress usually is closed off by an iron gate, so you can't get in from here." |
"海賊の砦は ふだん 鉄でできた門 で 閉ざされていて 外からは 入れないよ" |
12F9 | "And even if you did get in, it's not like the pirates would welcome you." |
"もし入れたとしても 海賊が 歓迎してくれるわけじゃ ないし いいけどね" |
12FA | "Yo, Mikau! Did you do something to the pirates?" |
"よう、ミカウ! オマエ 海賊に 何かしたのか?" |
12FB | "The pirates were just looking for a Zora dressed in green clothing." |
"さっきから海賊が 緑色の服を着た ゾーラを 探していたけど" |
12FC | Isn't that you? | それって、オマエじゃない? |
12FD | "It sounded like the pirates had some unfinished business to settle with you..." |
"海賊は オマエに 用が あるみたいだったけど・・・" |
12FE | Did you do something? | 何か したのか? |
12FF | "Is this your first time at the ocean? This is the ominous Pirates' Fortress." |
"海は はじめて? ここは、おっかない海賊の砦なんだ" |
1300 | "If you hang around too long, the pirates will see you and get you." |
"ウロウロしていると 海賊に見つかって やられちゃうよ" |
1301 | "If you came here to go swimming, you should go somewhere else." |
"海水浴なら よそにいったほうが いいよ" |
1302 | "Mikau! What are you doing? Everyone's already up on stage." |
"ミカウ 何してるんだい! みんな もう、ステージに 上がってるよ" |
1303 | "The Indigo-Go's will start rehearsing soon." |
"もうすぐ ダル・ブルーの リハーサルが 始まるよ" |
1304 | "Mikau! Man, you're guitar playing is the best!" |
"ミカウ! やっぱり お前のギター 最高だな!" |
1305 | "How'd you like The Indigo-Go's? Aren't they the best?" |
"どうだい? やっぱり ダル・ブルーって 最高だろ?" |
1306 | "How do you feel, Mikau? We can't wait to hear you!" |
"ミカウ 調子はどう? 今回も 期待してるよ!" |
1307 | I'm so excited... | 楽しみだなあ・・・ |
1308 | "Yeah! Mikau, isn't Lulu's singing the greatest?" |
"やっぱり ルルの歌声って 最高だよな! ミカウ" |
1309 | "Hey! Did you hear that? This guarantees the concert in town is gonna be a huge success." |
"ねえねえ 聞いた? これで 町のコンサートも 大成功 間違いなしさ" |
130A | "Late, Mikau? Hurry up and get on stage." |
"ミカウ 遅刻か? 早く ステージに 上がりなよ" |
130B | "Shhh! Their rehearsal is about to start." |
"シーッ! リハーサルが 始まるよ" |
130C | "Mikau! That new song has a nice feel to it. I really like it." |
"ミカウ! 新曲は いい感じだよ 気に入っちゃったなあ〜" |
130D | "What d'ya think? Doesn't the new song by The Indigo-Go's sound great?" |
"どうだい? ダル・ブルーの新曲 いい感じだろ?" |
130E | "Mikau!!! Hurry...Make your guitar gently weep for me!" |
"ミカウ〜!! 早く お前の 泣きのギターを 聞かせてくれ〜" |
130F | "Don't watch the rehearsal from here." |
"リハーサル ここから 見ていきなよ" |
1310 | "Ohh! You rock! Your guitar playing really is the best!" |
"ク〜ッ! しびれるぜ! やっぱり お前のギター 最高だぜ!" |
1311 | "Well, aren't they amazing? The concert in town...That's gonna be even better." |
"どう、スゴイだろ? 町のコンサートじゃあ きっと、もっとスゴイ演奏になるよ" |
1312 | "Mikau! I can't wait to hear the new song!" |
"ミカウ! 新曲 期待してるよ" |
1313 | "Oh, you are so lucky! I just heard that they're gonna play a new song in rehearsal." |
"あっ、キミ ラッキーだよ! さっき 聞いたんだけど リハーサルは 新曲らしいよ" |
1314 | "That's a great song! But the feel was a little different from Evan's usual songs." |
"いい曲だったよ! でも いつもの エバンの曲とは ちょっと、ちがう 感じだったな" |
1315 | "Did you hear the new song? I think it's gonna go over well in town, too." |
"新曲 聞いたかい? 町でも きっと 評判になると思うよ" |
1316 | "Hey! Hey, Mikau! Don't hang around here. Hurry up and start the rehearsal!" |
"おい、おい ミカウ こんなところで ウロウロしないで 早く リハーサル 始めてよ!" |
1317 | "I think The Indigo-Go's will start rehearsing soon. What's that Mikau been doing?" |
"もうすぐ、ダル・ブルーの リハーサルが 始まるみたいだけど ミカウのヤツ 何やってんだろう?" |
1318 | "That's uncool, Mikau. Don't be late to rehearsals. But it was a good performance." |
"ミカウ ダメだよ〜 リハーサルに 遅刻しちゃ でも、演奏は よかったよ" |
1319 | "How'd you like it? Can't wait for the concert, can you?" |
"どうだい? コンサートが 待ち遠しいだろ" |
131A | "You finally came, Mikau. The other members are standing by!" |
"やっと来たね ミカウ メンバーは もう スタンバってるよ!" |
131B | "The moon's been kinda spooky around here lately. Have you noticed it? I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks so." |
"なあ、ココ最近 月が 変な感じなのに 気がついてるかい? そんなこと言うの ボクだけかなあ?" |
131C | "That had a good feel to it. Now, if the concert goes like that... But of course it'll go that well. Sorry. Don't mind me." |
"いい感じだったよ あとは コンサートが 無事に 開けたら 言うことなしだけど あっ、ゴメン 気にしないで・・・" |
131D | "That was a perfect performance by The Indigo-Go's, wasn't it? But I have a bad feeling about something..." |
"ダル・ブルーの 演奏は カンペキだったね でも・・・ 何か フキツな予感がするんだ" |
1388 | "Leeeeave it! Leeeeave it!" |
オイテ〜ケ〜 オイテ〜ケ〜 |
1389 | "If you don't have it, I have no need for you! Awayyy!" |
"なければ 用はない! カエ〜レ〜" |
138A | "Ah! Thisss! Thissss! I bear you no remorssse!" |
"あっ、コレコレ 我が青春にくいな〜し" |
138B | "...Not enough. Leeeeave more!" |
"・・・たりない もっと、オイテ〜ケ〜" |
138C | "Leeeave me something blue that bestows health!" |
"元気が出る 青いもの オイテ〜ケ〜" |
138D | "Leeeave me something delicious to chomp on. Something that sprouts when it's watered. Preferably five of them..." |
"おいしいポリポリ できれば5つ オイテ〜ケ〜" |
138E | Leeeave me H...2...O. | "エッチ、ツー、オー オイテ〜ケ〜" |
138F | "Leeeaave me something deliciously fresh!" |
"とれたてピチピチ オイテ〜ケ〜" |
1390 | "Leeeaave me something small and creepy!" |
"小さくて ワシャワシャするやつ オイテ〜ケ〜" |
1391 | "Leeeaave me something that makes a blinding flash! Preferably ten of them." |
"ピカッと光るの できれば10コ オイテ〜ケ〜" |
1392 | "Leeeaave me ten refreshing blasts!" |
"ドカーンと10発 オイテ〜ケ〜" |
1393 | "Leeeaave me something warm that can melt ice and quench one's spirits." |
"温まって、元気が出るもの オイテ〜ケ〜" |
1394 | "Leeave me a ghost...A big one at that!" |
"オバケ、そんでもってデカイの オイテ〜ケ〜" |
1395 | "Leeeaave me something rich in calcium!" |
"カルシウムたっぷり元気のもと オイテ〜ケ〜" |
1396 | Master! You called! | 親方さま! お呼びで! |
1397 | "...!!! What are you???" |
"・・・!! きさま、なにヤツ!!" |
1398 | "R-regrettable... Although my rival, you were spectacular. I shall take my bow by opening my heart and revealing my wisdom..." |
"ム、無念なり・・・・ テキながら、見事であった 最後に 我が言葉 心して聞け・・" |
1399 | "Belief or disbelief rests with you. To die without leaving a corpse... That is the way of us Garo." |
"信じる 信じないは お前しだい 死して シカバネ 残すまじ それが 我がガロたちの おきて" |
139A | "To cross the valley of Ikana, aim at the river beasts with the arrowhead that freezes." |
"イカーナの谷を 渡りたければ 凍てつく矢じりで 川の魔物を つらぬけ" |
139B | "The soul of the composer named Flat rests in Ikana Graveyard. I have heard his brother, Sharp is here in Ikana." |
"フラットという 音楽家の霊が イカーナの 墓地に眠っている ここイカーナには その兄 シャープが いると聞く" |
139C | "That which was acquired in Ikana Castle shall open the way to Stone Tower. That is all I know." |
"イカーナ城で 手に入れたモノは ロックビルの神殿への道をひらく 知っていることは タダそれだけだ" |
139D | "Atop the hill here in Ikana, no human presence is felt, except that of the parent and child living in the house with the waterwheel." |
"このイカーナの丘には 水車のある家に住む 親子以外は 人間の気配を 感じぬ" |
139E | "Every two minutes on every day, the girl who lives in the music box house goes to the dried well to check on something. But as long as the spirits are wandering outside her house, she dares not leave her home." |
"水車のある家では、水車をまわして なにかをしようとした形跡があるが 川が 干上がって 水車が まわらなくなっている" |
139F | "To revive the dried-up river on Ikana hill, you must go to the spring water cave." |
"イカーナの丘の 干上がった川が よみがえるには わき水のホラ穴に 行ってみることだ" |
13A0 | "If one tries to enter the spring water cave without knowing the song buried in a grave, that poor visitor shall meet with disaster." |
"わき水のホラ穴に入ろうとする者は 墓にかくされた歌を知らなければ その者に 災いがおこるであろう" |
13A1 | "To save the cursed human, his soul must be healed." |
"呪われた人間を 救うには その者の魂を いやすことが 必要である" |
13A2 | "The well atop the hill and the well at Ikana Castle's inner garden are one." |
"丘の上の 井戸と イカーナ城の中庭の井戸は 一つなり" |
13A3 | "As the Gibdos in Ikana's well have regrets and long to savor items from this world, they continue to wander about." |
"イカーナの井戸にいる ギブドは この世に なにか みれんが あるため さまよい続ける" |
13A4 | "Most of that which the Gibdos regret can be found inside the well itself." |
"ギブドたちの みれんは たいがい 井戸の中にある" |
13A5 | "The ReDeads in Ikana were once members of the castle's dancing troupe..." |
"イカーナ城にいるリーデッドたちは 元は 城の舞踏会に出ていた 人々の なれのはて・・・" |
13A6 | "A hole can be opened in the ceiling of a particular room in Ikana Castle. But it cannot be broken without an explosive with incredible might." |
"イカーナ城の ある部屋の天井は 屋上から 穴を開けることが できると聞くが・・・ 破壊力のある火薬でなければ こわせない・・・" |
13A7 | "In entering Ikana Castle, there is another secret route apart from the well entrance." |
"イカーナ城に入るには 井戸を通ってくるほかに 隠し通路を通ってくる方法がある" |
13A8 | "To counter the rage of the King of Ikana Castle, burn away that which disrupts the light and shine the sacred rays on the King." |
"イカーナ城の王の怒りを静めるには 光さまたげるモノを 焼きはらい 聖なる光を 王に あびせよ" |
13AE | "To think I could be defeated... Although my rival, you were spectacular. I shall take my bow by opening my heart and revealing my wisdom..." |
"この私が やられるとは・・・ テキながら、見事であった 最後に 我が言葉 心して聞け・・" |
13AF | "If you shoot that which releases the sacred golden light into the blood-stained, red emblem outside the temple... it shall rearrange things, in which the earth is born in the heavens and the moon is born on the earth." |
"聖なる黄金の 輝きを放つモノは 血にそまった 邪悪な 赤いしるしを射ぬき・・・ 天に大地が、地に月が 生まれる 衝撃をあたえるであろう・・・" |
13B0 | "Do not forget these words... Die I shall, leaving no corpse." |
"我が言葉 忘れるでないぞ・・・ 死して シカバネ 残すまじ" |
13B1 | That is the law of us Garo. | それが 我が ガロたちの おきて |
13B2 | Brrrinnnggg them! | ツレテ〜ケ〜 |
13B3 | "Those inssside...Our friendsss... Brrrriiiiinnnng them!" |
"中のヤツ〜オレたちの なかま〜 ツレテ〜ケ〜" |
13EC | Huh? | うん? |
13ED | "[sound 3AA8]Aah! Captain, sir!!! Excuse me, sir! Everyone, give the captain your attention!" |
"[sound 3AA8]ああっ! 隊長〜どの!! し、失礼しました みなのもの 隊長に敬礼!!" |
13EE | "We haven't seen you in some time, captain, sir! As per your orders, sir, we've been guarding these graves closely." |
"おひさしぶりです 隊長どの! 隊長の命令どおり 墓は、しっかり守っておりました!" |
13EF | "We have all been expecting your next order, sir." |
"みな、隊長どのの 次の命令を 心待ちに しておりますぞ" |
13F0 | "What shall we do? Guard the grave Open the grave" |
"どういたしましょう? 墓を守れ 墓をあばけ" |
13F1 | "Yes, sir! We'll continue with this strategy, sir!" |
作戦続行ですね! |
13F2 | Yes, sir! | イエッ サー! |
13F3 | O-open it? | あ、あばけ? |
13F4 | "Everyone! Follow me!" |
"みなのもの! われに 続け〜!" |
13F5 | "Captain! What is your next command?" |
"隊長どの! 次の命令ですか?" |
13F6 | Huh? | あん? |
13F7 | "[sound 3AA8]Oh, Captain! E-excuse me, sir!" |
"[sound 3AA8]うわっ 隊長どの!! し、失礼しました!!" |
13F8 | "The squad leader is in front of that grave over there, sir." |
"分隊長は、アチラの 墓の前に いらっしゃいます" |
13F9 | "The melody that summons the tears of angels rests here." |
"天使のナミダ いざなうメロディー ここに眠る" |
13FA | "A vessel that holds wandering spirits rests here." |
"さまよえる魂 封じ込める ウツワ ここに眠る" |
13FB | "A piece that heals the wounded soul rests here. When one who possesses eyes that can see the truth arrives, the piece far below shall awaken." |
"傷ついた魂 いやすカケラ ここに眠る 真実の目を持つものが 現われし時 カケラは めざめん" |
13FC | "Ye who awaken me, battle me. Then shall I extinguish the furious flame." |
"我が魂を 目覚めさせる者 我と戦い 燃えさかる炎を消したもう" |
13FD | "[sound 6943]Aaaaieeee!!! Th-they're out! Why are they out when it's not even night?" |
"[sound 6943]ひ、ひ〜!! で、でた〜! まだ、夜になってないのに ど、どうしてダ〜" |
13FE | "[sound 6944]I am Dampe, the grave keeper, who watches over this graveyard. My face is frightening, but I am not a bad person!" |
"[sound 6944]オラ、この墓地を守っている 墓守のダンペイだ〜 顔はコワイけど、悪人じゃねえゾ!" |
13FF | "All the graves here belong to the family members of the King of Ikana Castle, a place that lies beyond the mountains. Even nowadays, the ghosts come out at night. It is a frightening graveyard." |
"ここにある墓は み〜んな 山むこうの イカーナ城の 王さんの家の墓ダ 今でも夜になると、ユーレイが出る おっかねえ〜墓なんだゾ" |
1400 | "Did you see the huge skeleton at the back of this graveyard? My father once said that was all that was left of the former Royal Soldier who once guarded this graveyard. Even though he is dead, his remains still block the way. In a sense, he is still guarding the Royal Family's treasure. He must have been a fine soldier, indeed." |
"この墓の奥にある でっけぇ〜 ガイコツみたダか? あれは、この墓を守っていた 王家の兵隊の なれのはて だって オラのオヤジが言ってたダ 死んじまった 今でも ああやって 道をとおせんぼして 王家の宝を守っているとこみると きっと、りっぱな 兵隊だったんだろうな・・・・" |
1401 | "[sound 6945]Do you want see the dancing bones? If you do, then just wait here until night comes. I don't want to see something evil like that, though..." |
"[sound 6945]おどる ガイコツって 見てみたいダか? それなら、このまま ココで 夜になるのを待っててみるダ オラ、そんなキモチの悪いもん 見たかねぇけどな・・・" |
1402 | "Don't bother me! Soon, a whole lot of frightful ghosts will appear. You should go home, too... Before you get attacked!" |
"ジャマ すんでねぇ! もうすぐ おっかねぇ ユーレイが いっぱい出てくるダ おめえも、襲われないうちに 早く、家に帰るダ" |
1403 | "There are a lot of bats out today. I don't like bats. I wish they'd go away." |
"今日は やけにコウモリが多いダ オラ、コウモリは にがてなんダ アイツら 早く どっかいってほしいダ" |
1404 | "[sound 6943]Aaaieeee!!! Th-they're out! Go away!" |
"[sound 6943]ひ、ひ〜!! で、でた〜! あっち行ってくれ〜" |
1405 | "You? Wh-who are you? I can't see 'cause it's too bright...You're not a ghost...are you?" |
"ダ、ダレだ? おめえ? ま、まぶしくて よく見えねえんだけんど・・・・・ ユーレイ・・・じゃねえよな?" |
1406 | "[sound 6945]...A fairy? Oh, it was the fairy's light. In that case, it's just perfect. I came looking for the Royal Family's legendary treasure, but my torch has gone out. I'm sorry, but could you walk in front of me and light the way?" |
"[sound 6945]・・・妖精? そうか、妖精の光だったんだな そんなら、ちょうどいいダ オラ、王家の伝説の宝を探しに 来たんだけど、タイマツが消えて こまってたダ 悪いけんど オラの先を歩いて 道案内してくれねえダか?" |
1407 | "Please? Yes No" |
"たのむだ! はい いいえ" |
1408 | "[sound 6944]I'm not going to give up. I'll keep asking you until you say yes. That's how I courted my current wife, you know. So...Will you lead me through the dark?" |
"[sound 6944]いや、オラ あきらめねえダ はい って言ってくれるまで 何度でも たのむダ 今のかーちゃんも こうやって 口説き落としたダ どうだ、道案内してくれねえダか?" |
1409 | "[sound 6945]You will? In that case, I'll use your light as I walk. Just lead me to the place where you think the treasure chest is buried." |
"[sound 6945]やってくれるダか? そんなら、オラは おめえの光を たよりに歩くから おめえは宝箱の 埋まってそうな場所をさがすダ" |
140A | "I'll even split the treasure with you...I'm counting on you now." |
"宝は 山分けにするし・・ たのんだゾ" |
140B | "[sound 6945]Where were you? You suddenly vanished, so I got worried. Your light is all I have to go on." |
"[sound 6945]おめえ、どこ行ってたダ? 急にいなくなったもんだから 心配してたダ オラには、おめえの光だけが たよりなんだからよ" |
140C | "[sound 6945]Hey! Where'd you go? I wish you'd walk a little slower." |
"[sound 6945]お〜い どこいったダ? もう少し、ゆっくり 案内して ほしいダ" |
140D | "Oh! There's something strange about this spot. You want me to dig here? Yes No" |
"おっ! ここは あやしい感じがするダ ここ掘って いいダか? はい いいえ" |
140E | "[sound 6944]...In that case, take me to another spot." |
"[sound 6944]・・・そんなら ほかのところ 案内するダ" |
140F | "[sound 6944]Nothing's turning up. Take me to another spot." |
"[sound 6944]何も でてこないダ ほかのところ 案内するダ" |
1410 | "[sound 6944]Something strange is here, but it isn't any treasure. Show me another spot." |
"[sound 6944]変なもん でてきたけど コレは 宝じゃねえダ ほかのところ 案内するダ" |
1411 | "[sound 6943]Waah!!! It's the leader of the ghosts!" |
"[sound 6943]わぁ〜!! ユ、ユーレイのオヤブンがでたダ!" |
1412 | "The soul of a brave soldier from Ikana rests here." |
"イカーナの勇敢なる兵士の魂 ここに眠る" |
1413 | "Was it you who chased those bats away? That's a big help... It isn't much, but here's 30 Rupees for your trouble. Take it!" |
"もしかして、おめえが コウモリ 追っ払ってくれただか? 助かったダ・・・ 少ないけんど オラのキモチだ 30ルピー とっといてくれ!" |
1414 | "I...I ain't seen nothing and I d-don't know nothing..." |
"オ、オラは な、何も見てねえし な、何もしらねえダ・・・" |
1450 | "Hey, that's a nice sword you have...Heh, heh... You know...Lately, frightening ghosts have been appearing in swarms in Ikana Village across the river. It seems they're the ghosts of Ikana's Royal Family or something. There's no one living there anymore, so I moved nearby. Heh, heh... Now there's only a curious parent and child living there while they research the ghosts...Did I mention that is one niiiiice sword?" |
"おにいちゃん いい剣 持ってるね やっぱり、武器は それっくらい 立派じゃないとねえ うんうん 川向こうの イカーナの村だけど 最近 おっかねえ 死霊が わんさか出てねえ なんでも、イカーナの王家の 亡霊とかなんとか・・・ よくわかんねえけどね もう、住めやしねえんで 引っ越してきたんだ・・・へへっ 今は、モノ好き親子が 亡霊の研究とか しながら 住んでるだけさ・・・ それにしても、いい剣だねえ・・・" |
1451 | "Can I see it for a second? Yes No" |
"ちょいと、見せてくんねえか? はい いいえ" |
1452 | Oh, fine! | あ、そう! |
1453 | "Huh?!? Really? I don't want to trouble you, but..." |
"え!? そう? 悪いねえ" |
1454 | "Wha? S-s-some red thing?!? What is it? It s-s-seems hostile!" |
"あ、な、なんか 赤いのが たかってきましたよ てっ、敵意を感じますねえ" |
1455 | "Wha? S-s-some red thing?!? What is it? It seems h-hostile!" |
"あ、な、なんか 赤いのが たかってきましたよ てっ、敵意を感じますねえ" |
1456 | "Yeah, the parent and child in Ikana Village succeeded in driving off the spirits with some giant music box." |
"そうそう、イカーナの村の親子 なんか、でっかい オルゴールで 亡霊退治に 成功したってね" |
1457 | "But I can't afford something that ridiculously huge..." |
"けど、あんなバカデカくっちゃ オレのフトコロに入らねえ・・・" |
1458 | But that's just me...Heh, heh. | い、いや こっちの話・・・へへっ |
1459 | "Of course, they need the river's current to power the music box." |
"しかしね オルゴール 回すのに 川の流れが いるんだって たいそうだねえ" |
145A | "The river's all dried up, so there's no value in stealing the music box or ransacking the place..." |
"川 干あがってるから 盗む価値もねえけど・・・" |
145B | Uh...Just rambling...Heh, heh. | い、いや こっちの話・・・へへっ |
145C | ...... | ・・・・・・ |
145D | I found him, green hat boy... | "ミドリの帽子くん・・・ ヤツを見つけたよ" |
145E | "He's using this place as his safe house for keeping his stolen goods. Apparently, his name is Sakon. He came to the shop last night, and I followed him." |
"ヤツは、このあたりを 狩り場にしている スリで サコンって いうらしい ゆうべ、店に来たんで 後を つけてきたんだ・・・" |
145F | "His storage for the things he's stolen is on the other side of this rock door. Only Sakon can open it. The only way in is to wait for Sakon to arrive." |
"この 岩戸のむこう側に 盗んだモノの 倉庫がある これは、サコンしか 開けられない サコンがあらわれるのを 待って 入るしか方法がない" |
1460 | "I'll wait...I've made a promise to Anju. He will show up." |
"待つさ・・アンジュと約束したんだ ヤツは きっとあらわれる" |
1461 | [sound 2925]Ah! | [sound 2925]あっ! |
1462 | "[sound 6845]Look! There's a mask there!!!" |
"[sound 6845]ちょっと 見て! お面が かざって あるわよ!!" |
1463 | It's the Sun's Mask! | 太陽のお面だ! |
1464 | Now I've done it! | しまった! |
1465 | Step on that switch!!! | "たのむ そのスイッチを ふんでくれ!!" |
1466 | "[sound 2925]What?? Are you telling us what to do?!?" |
"[sound 2925]なによ 命令するつもり!?" |
1467 | "It's some setup where the door stays open only while the switch is pressed!" |
"ふんでる間だけ ドアが開く仕組みだ!" |
1468 | "There should be some device in this room that also opens the door! Ohhh! The mask!" |
"ドアを開けるシカケが この部屋にもあるはずだ あっ! お面が!" |
1469 | "He's trying to pull it out of our reach and make his escape... We've got to hurry!" |
"回収して 逃げるつもりだな? 急がなきゃ!" |
146A | "That's no good. This isn't the switch... Go check that room. There should be some sort of mechanism. Please! There's no time!!!" |
"ダメだ このスイッチじゃない・・ そっちの部屋を調べてくれ なにか シカケがあるはずだ 頼む! 時間がないんだ!!" |
146B | "[sound 6846]I don't like him... But is there a choice? Should we help him? Not moving ahead in the face of danger when you know it's for the better is just like Tael. ...That's it...Let's go!" |
"[sound 6846]あいつ、気に入らないけど・・・ しょうがない 協力する? あの、怖がりのクセに むこう見ずなところ トレイル そっくりなのよ さあ、いくわよ!" |
146C | "Yesss! My security system is impenetrable" |
"さすが、わが セキュリティー システム 安心です" |
146D | ...We're locked in. | ・・・閉じこめられたな |
146E | "I'm sorry you got caught up in all this. If you can get out, then do it. Anju is already fleeing to Cremia's ranch." |
"まきこんじゃって 悪かった 逃げれたら 逃げてくれ アンジュも 今ごろ クリミアの牧場へ逃げているころだ" |
146F | "[sound 2935]You did great. She'll...understand. C'mon, let's go. Play your ocarina and get us outside. Let him be alone." |
"[sound 2935]アンタは よくやったよ 彼女も・・・わかってくれるよ ねえ、もう行こう オカリナ吹いて 外に出よう アイツを 一人にしてやろうよ" |
1470 | I got the Sun's Mask back! | 太陽のお面を とりかえした! |
1471 | "There's still time! I must get back to town!" |
"まだ 間に合う! 町へ 行かなきゃ!" |
1472 | "Huh? Not yet? I don't stand out at all? ...That's weird. But I'm trying so hard... Oh, well." |
"えっ? まだ? ぜんぜん 目立たない? ・・・・おかしいな がんばってますよ・・・まあ" |
1473 | "Huh? Don't tell me...That's..." |
"えっ? まさか・・・そんな・・・" |
1474 | "I'm shocked. You're the first person who's ever spoken to me. I've been here for many years, waving my arms around and asking for help, but everyone ignores me and passes me by. It's 'cause I'm about as impressive as a stone, right?...I'm used to it, though." |
"おどろいたな はなしかけてくれたのは キミが はじめてだ もう、何年も 手をふって 助けを もとめているのに みんな ムシして通っていく オイラ 石コロみたいに カゲが うすいから・・・ もう、なれているけどね" |
1475 | "Umm...I have a request...Can you give me some medicine that would make even an unnoticable stone like me feel better?" |
"あの・・・お願い 石コロでも、元気になるクスリ オイラに くれない?" |
1476 | "...After all, I'm a stone, so like a stone, I won't move. I'll just wait right here." |
"・・・どうせ、オイラは 石コロさ 石コロらしく じっとしてるよ" |
1477 | Ah, that...Is that it? | あ、ソレ・・・かな? |
1478 | ...I feel better, I think. | ・・・・元気になった かも |
1479 | "Thanks... Oh...here... In gratitude..." |
"ども・・・ あ・・・コレ・・・お礼・・・" |
147A | "Now...Let me practice standing out..." |
"さあ・・・ちょっとは 目立つ 練習でも・・・しよ" |
147B | "[sound 6954]I am no longer part of the living...My sadness to the moon... I haven't left my dance to the world...I am filled with regret. [sound 6955](Translation) I am disappointed, oh moon. I have died! Oh, I planned to bring the world together and stir it into a giant melting pot with my dance! If only I had taught my new dance to someone..." |
"[sound 6954]われ 死して・・・ 月になげき・・・我が 舞いを 世に残せず・・ただ悔いるばかり [sound 6955](訳) くやしいぜ お月さんよ オレは 死んじまったぜ! あ〜あ、オレのダンスで 世界中を 熱狂のルツボにする 予定だったのによ〜 この新作 ステップ ダレかに レッスンしときゃ よかったよな〜" |
147C | "[sound 6954]Spread my dance across the world... Train its followers... [sound 6955](Translation) I have taught it to you, now make it into a popular dance craze!" |
"[sound 6954]わが舞いを 世にまき・・・ 育てよ・・・ [sound 6955](訳) あんたに おしえたからな 流行らしてくれよ な!" |
147D | "[sound 6954]I am counting on you. [sound 6955](Translation) I am counting on you." |
"[sound 6954]たのんだぞ・・・・ [sound 6955](訳) たのんだぜ・・・・" |
14B4 | "Are you the one who freed my soul?" |
"私の魂を解放してくれたのは お前か?" |
14B5 | "I served the Ikana Royal family. I am the composer called Flat." |
"私は イカーナ王家に 仕えていた 作曲家の フラットと申す者である" |
14B6 | "The songs connected to the Royal Family that remain here were all composed by my brother and I." |
"この地に残る 王家ゆかりの曲は 私と兄の シャープが全て 作曲したもの" |
14B7 | "Oh...Sharp, my dear brother." |
"おお・・・シャープ わが いとしき兄よ" |
14B8 | "He sold his soul to the devil and was the one who locked me in here..." |
"悪魔に魂を売り 私を こんな所に閉じ込めた 張本人・・・・" |
14B9 | "You who do not fear the dead, learn well the song that is inscribed behind me..." |
"死者をおそれぬ者よ 私の後ろに刻まれた曲を よくおぼえてほしい・・・" |
14BA | "And if you ever meet my brother, I'd like you to inform him..." |
"そして どこかで兄に会ったら 告げて ほしい" |
14BB | "The thousand years of raindrops summoned by my song are my tears. The thunder that strikes the earth is my anger!" |
"わが歌が いざなう 数千の雨粒は 私のナミダ 大地に とどろく カミナリは 私の怒り だと!" |
14BC | ...I have made my request. | ・・・たのんだぞ |
14BD | "The thousand years of raindrops summoned by my song are my tears. The thunder that strikes the earth is my anger!" |
"わが歌が いざなう 数千の雨粒は 私のナミダ 大地に とどろく カミナリは 私の怒りなり" |
14BE | "Here is written the song that shall cleanse his cursed, black soul." |
"呪われし 暗黒の魂を浄化する メロディーを ここに記さん" |
14BF | "What business have you in Ikana Kingdom, land where only the dead roam?" |
"死者のみの生きる地 イカーナ王国に なんの用だ" |
14C0 | "This is no place for one as full of life as you." |
"ここは お前のような 生にみちた者の 来るところではない" |
14C1 | "Or do you say that you wish to join the dead? That is fine..." |
"それとも、死者の仲間に 入りたいとでも いうのか それも よかろう・・・" |
14C2 | "If that is the case, then sleep gently to the melody of darkness that the great composer, Sharp, shall play... and join the ranks of the dead." |
"ならば、この偉大な作曲家 シャープさまの奏でる 暗黒のメロディーで 安らかに眠り 死者の 仲間入りを するがいい" |
14C3 | "I understand your desire... You don't give up. I see you really do wish to join the ranks of the dead." |
"私には お前のことが 手に取るようにわかるぞ・・・ こりないやつめ よほど、死者になりたいとみえる" |
14C4 | "Hmm? Somehow, my heart is eased. This melody has a serenity to it... And yet..." |
"ふむ? なにやら 心がいやされる ここちのよい メロディーだ ・・・だがな" |
14C5 | "[sound 38EC]To one of the dead and darkness, like myself, a song like that no longer holds meaning for me. You shall end your futile resistance and quickly join the ranks of the dead." |
"[sound 38EC]暗黒の亡者と なった私には もはや そんな曲は 通用しない 悪あがきをせず 早く 死者の仲間に 入るのだ" |
14C6 | "W-What is this? ...This song?" |
な・・なんだ この曲は? |
14C7 | "...N-No, it can't be. This song..." |
"・・・・ま、まさか この曲は・・・・" |
14C8 | "Flat, my dear brother. Forgive your foolish brother who dreamt of the revival of the Royal Family..." |
"フラットよ わが愛しき 弟よ 死して なお 王家の復活を 夢見た おろかな兄を ゆるしてくれ・・・" |
14C9 | ...Ye who do not fear the dead... | ・・・死者を恐れぬ者よ |
14CA | "With my brother's song, you have broken the curse that was placed upon me. It is all thanks to you." |
"弟の歌により 私にかけられた 呪いは解けた 全ては、お前の おかげだ" |
14CB | "We dead should not be lingering here in this land. It was all a trick of the masked one who had upset things." |
"我ら 死した者は この地に よみがえっては ならぬはず それを狂わせたのは 全ては 仮面をつけた者の 策略である" |
14CC | "If you truly do not fear the dead... I wish for you to go to the temple in this land and sever the root of the evil curse that torments us." |
"お前が ほんとうに 死者を恐れぬなら この地の 神殿におもむき 我らを 苦しめる呪いの根源を 断って欲しい" |
14CD | To do that... | そのためには・・・ |
14CE | "I, the only one who knows the way into the temple, shall direct you to the King. The King is in the ruins of Ikana Castle, awaiting the coming of the one who will break the curse." |
"神殿に入る方法を 唯一知っている 我が 王に会うのだ 王は、滅びたイカーナの城で 呪いを解いてくれる者が来るのを 待っておられるはず・・・" |
14CF | ...I have made my final request. | ・・・たのんだぞ |
14D0 | "Eee-hee-hee... Ikana Kingdom was founded on this land, stained with a history of darkness, drenched in blood... Even now it is a place where troubled, regretful spirits gather." |
"イーッヒッヒ この地方にあった イカーナ王国は 血塗られた 闇の歴史を持ち 今も、この世に 恨みや みれん を持った魂が 集まりし ところ・・・" |
14D1 | "If you are seeking the one who is stronger than you are, you may find strength here... from a group of spirits plagued by lingering regrets." |
"ここにいる ヤツラは 自分たちより 強い者を求め みれんを残して 死んでいった 魂のかたまり" |
14D2 | "If you have faith in your skills and might... then try saving these wandering spirits. Yee-hee-hee..." |
"もし、お前さんが 体力と腕に 自信があるなら この さまよえる魂を 救ってやって おくれ イーッヒッヒ" |
14D3 | "It is impossible in your current state, but once you have eased your weariness and have gained faith in your skills... You must try saving these wandering spirits. Yee-hee-hee..." |
"今のお前さんでは ムリだが 疲れをとって 腕に 自信がついたら この さまよえる魂を 救ってやって おくれ イーッヒッヒ" |
14D4 | "But the earthly price you must pay is 30 Rupees!" |
ただし、30ルピーいただくがな! |
14D5 | "Will you still do it? I'll do it I won't do it" |
"それでも、やるか? やる やらない" |
14D6 | "This is the kind of world we are in, so this is the kind of business that we must do. Yee-hee-hee!" |
"こんな 世の中だから こんな 商売が 成り立つのさ ヒヒヒッ" |
14D7 | "Oh, but you haven't enough Rupees. Well, that is too bad." |
"おっと、 だけどルピーが たりないようだ ザンネン だったねえ" |
14D8 | "You are a boy of much vigor. Defeat the ladies within the time limit and rest their souls in peace." |
"なかなか 威勢のいい ニイさんだ 時間内に 彼女らを倒して 成仏させておくれ" |
14D9 | "But if your life energy drops below three hearts, I will stop the match. Mercy is the least I can offer." |
"ただし、お前さんの体力が ハート 3つ以下になったら 中止させてもらうよ せめてもの お情けだ" |
14DA | "Are you prepared? Yes No" |
"かくごは いいか? はい いいえ" |
14DB | "Gripped by fear? Yee-hee-hee!" |
"おじけづいたのか? イーッヒッヒ" |
14DC | "It seems their souls have been healed." |
彼女らの魂は いやされたようだ |
14DD | "I give to you the earthly possession which the ladies kept. Take it, [Link]." |
"お前さんに 渡すよう 彼女たちからの あずかり物だ 受けとれ、[あ?]" |
14DE | "That is your name, correct? I can read people's hearts... I knew you would be coming here..." |
"たしか、その名前 だったな? 人の 心の中が 読めるんでね・・ お前さんが ココに来ることは 知っていたさ・・・" |
14DF | "Now, my own soul has been healed, too. With that... Yee-hee-hee!" |
"これで 私の魂も いやされる それでは・・・・ イーッヒッヒ" |
14E0 | "Regardless of what mystical powers you possess, you may not fight any longer." |
"お前さんが どんな不可思議な力を 持っていても コレ以上 戦うのは ムリみたいだな" |
14E1 | "Whatever mystical powers you possess will not help you... If it takes you that long, you cannot ease their souls..." |
"お前さんが どんな不可思議な力を 持っていても そんなにかかっていては 彼女らの魂は いやされないよ・・ " |
14E2 | "Try again with that much energy? Yes No" |
"もう1度その体力でやってみるか? はい いいえ" |
14E3 | "Gripped by fear? Yee-hee-hee." |
"もう、おじけづいたのか? イーッヒッヒ" |
14E4 | "You cannot heal all souls with that song." |
"だから、その曲では 魂のすべてを いやすことは できない" |
14E5 | "The earthly cost to you will be 30 Rupees! I'd like to be able to take that much... But I shall take 10 Rupees..." |
"ただし、30ルピー いただく! と、いいたいところだが 10ルピーで いいよ" |
14E6 | "Yee-hee-hee. That's a nice mask you're wearing." |
"イーッヒッヒ お前さん いいお面をつけてるねえ" |
14E7 | "That is the mask of those who roam this world with the most lingering regrets!" |
"それは この世に一番みれんを 残しているヤツの お面だな" |
14E8 | "Use it to ask them their regrets... Perhaps you may be able to save the souls that wander beyond here. Yee-hee-hee!" |
"そいつで ヤツラの みれん を 聞いてやりな・・・ お前さんなら この先で さまよう 魂たちを 救えるかも しれないな イーッヒッヒ" |
14E9 | "That is the mask of the leader of the ninjas who once spied on the hilltop castle with the blood-stained history." |
"それは 血塗られた歴史を持つ 丘の上の城で 隠密活動をしていた 忍者の首領の お面だな" |
14EA | "With that, you may be able to call out their spirits that even now are still wandering. Perhaps you may be able to save the souls that wander beyond here... Yee-hee-hee." |
"そいつで 今もなお さまよう ヤツラの魂を 呼び出せるかも しれないな・・・ お前さん この先で さまよう魂を 救ってやって おくれ イーッヒッヒッ" |
14EB | "Yee-hee-hee. You are wearing an interesting mask." |
"イーッヒッヒ お前さん おもしろい お面を つけてるねえ" |
14EC | "That is the mask of the captain of the soldiers who once served to protect the castle on the hilltop." |
"それは 丘の上にある城に つかえていた 兵士の 隊長のお面だな" |
14ED | "Now it is the gathering place for the spirits of those with lingering regrets. Until now they wander, seeking one who can save them. You cannot save them with that mask...Have you no other? It is unfortunate, but I cannot let you pass. Yee-hee-hee." |
"この先は この世に 恨みや みれんを 残した者の魂が 集まりし ところ 今も 魂を救う者を求めて さまよっている そのお面だけでは ヤツラを 救うことは できないよ・・・ 他には ないのかい? ザンネンだが ココを 通すわけには いかないな イーッヒッヒッ" |
14EE | "Yee-hee-hee. Do you have your own horse? And if you are not wearing the mask that houses the wandering spirits, which the black-hearted one near the ranch has... I will not let you pass. Yee-hee-hee." |
"イーッヒッヒ お前さん 自分の馬を 持っているかい? 牧場にいる腹黒いヤツラが 持っている さまよえる魂の宿る面 を かぶってなければ ココを 通すわけにはいかないな イーッヒッヒッ" |
14EF | "Yee-hee-hee. What are you doing in a place like this?" |
"イーッヒッヒッ お前さん こんなところで 何してる?" |
14F0 | "Ikana Hill beyond here is the place where spirits with troubles and lingering regrets wander." |
"この先の イカーナの丘は この世に 恨みや みれんを残して 死んでいった 魂のさまよえる地" |
14F1 | "Even now, the spirits wander in search of one who can save them. It is unfortunate, but it is no place for one such as you..." |
"今も 魂を救う者を 求めて さまよっている ザンネンだが お前さんのような者が 来るところ では ないな・・・" |
14F2 | "But if you must enter, then you must obtain the mask containing wandering spirits that can be found near the ranch." |
"でも、どうしても というのなら 牧場あたりでさまよえる魂の宿る面 を 手に入れることだ" |
14F3 | "Without that mask, you cannot save their souls... Until then, I will not let you pass by here. Yee-hee-hee!" |
"その面がなければ ヤツラの魂を 救うことは できないよ・・・ それまで、ここを通すわけには いかないな イーッヒッヒッ!" |
14F4 | "Yee-hee-hee! Do you have your own horse? And if you are not wearing the mask containing wandering spirits which the black-hearted one near the ranch has... I will not let you pass. Yee-hee-hee!" |
"イーッヒッヒ お前さん 自分の馬を 持っているかい? 牧場にいる腹黒いヤツラが 持っている さまよえる魂の宿る面 を かぶってなければ ココを 通すわけにはいかないな イーッヒッヒッ" |
14F5 | "Yee-hee-hee. It seems, somehow, you have managed to send the Ikana's wandering spirits into peace..." |
"イーヒッヒッヒ お前さん どうやら イカーナに集まる さまよえる魂たちを 成仏させてやったようだね・・・" |
14F6 | "But outside of Ikana... There are still swarms of wandering spirits with lingering regrets..." |
"でもな、この世界には イカーナ以外にも この世に恨みや みれんを 残した魂たちが ウジャウジャ いるんだよ" |
14F7 | "The ones in this room want to meet you again and have been waiting here for quite a while. Go see them if you feel like it..." |
"この部屋の中にいる ヤツラは お前さんに もう一度 会いたくて ずっと ここで待っていたんだ・・ お前さんに その気があるのなら 会っておやり・・・" |
14F8 | "I'm sure they'll welcome you. Yee-hee-hee!" |
"きっと 歓迎してくれるよ イーヒッヒッヒ!" |
14F9 | "Yee-hee-hee. You really are an amazing person, [Link]." |
"イーヒッヒッ やっぱり お前さんは すごい人だね [あ?]" |
14FA | "It seems you've somehow managed to heal their souls... Maybe I shall vanish soon myself." |
"どうやら、ヤツラの魂は いやされたようだね・・・ 私も そろそろ 消えるとするか" |
14FB | "Well, then... Yee-hee-hee-hee!" |
"それじゃあ・・・ イーヒッヒッヒッ!" |
14FC | "Yee,-hee-hee! If you want to meet the ones in this room, then extend your life energy more." |
"イーヒッヒッヒッ! この部屋の中にいるヤツに 会いたいのなら もっと、寿命をのばしてからおいで" |
1518 | "Oh, insolent one who has brought the unthinkable into a land as dark as Ikana..." |
"暗黒の地 イカーナに いまわしき 光を持ちこむ ふとどき者よ・・・" |
1519 | "My servants have fallen namelessly before the light that guides you." |
"お前が みちびく 光の前に わが シモベは なすすべもなく たおれた" |
151A | However... | だが、しかし |
151B | "You shall see with your own eyes..." |
真の暗黒が どのようなものか |
151C | "[sound 3A36]You're blocking me! Get out of the way! I can still get him!" |
"[sound 3A36]ジャマだ どいてろ! また、やられるだろ!!" |
151D | "[sound 3A39]B-blocking you?! [sound 3A39]The reason he beat us is because you were so feeble! Don't blame this on me!" |
"[sound 3A39]ジャ、ジャマ〜? [sound 3A89]やられたのは お前がヘボだからだ オレのせいに するな!!" |
151E | "[sound 3A35]What?! [sound 3A88]Just try saying that again to my bony face!" |
"[sound 3A36]なにっ! [sound 3A88]もういっぺん 言ってみろ!" |
151F | "[sound 3A39]Feeble! [sound 3A39]Feeble! Feeble! Feeble! Feeble! [sound 3A39]Feeble! Feeble! Feeble! Feeble! [sound 3A39]Feeble! Feeble! Feeble! Feeble!" |
"[sound 3A39]ヘボ [sound 3A89]ヘボ ヘボ ヘボ ヘボ ヘボ [sound 3A89]ヘボ ヘボ ヘボ ヘボ ヘボ" |
1520 | "[sound 3A88]Shut up, already! [sound 3A36]Grrrr!!! Don't look at me--I was once called the best swordsman in all of Ikana..." |
"[sound 3A88]もう、言うなー! [sound 3A36]ク〜! イカーナ王国いちの 剣の使い手と いわれた このオレにむかって・・" |
1521 | "[sound 3A89]The greatest swordsman in all of Ikana? You? Feeeeeeeeble." |
"[sound 3A89]イカーナ王国いちの 剣の使い手? オマエが・・?" |
1522 | ...[sound 3A36]Draw your weapon! | ・・・[sound 3A36]抜け! |
1523 | [sound 3A39]Huh? | [sound 3A39]へっ? |
1524 | "[sound 3A88]I'm telling you to draw your sword!" |
[sound 3A88]剣を抜けと 言ってるんだ! |
1525 | "...... [sound 3A39]How?" |
"・・・・・・・ [sound 3A39]どうやって?" |
1526 | [sound 3A36]Rrrrrr-Ah!!! | [sound 3A36]ムゥ〜ッ!! |
1527 | "[sound 3A30]Will you stop?!!? What fools! Haven't you begun to understand?" |
"[sound 3A30]よさぬか! このバカモノ お前たちは まだわからんのか!" |
1528 | "The kingdom being ruined and us left in this state... Isn't it petty, little battles like this that have caused it?" |
"王国が 滅びて われらが こんな姿に なってしまったのは・・・ このような 小さい争いのつみかさねが 原因だったではないか・・・" |
1529 | "Believing in your friends and embracing that belief by forgiving failure... These feelings have vanished from our hearts." |
"仲間を 信じ それに応え 失敗を許す・・・そんなキモチが われわれの 心から消えたのは" |
152A | "It all happened after somebody thrust open the doors of that Stone Tower." |
"何者かによって あの ロックビルの扉が 開けはなたれた 時からだ" |
152B | "You who bring light into darkness, I am the King of Ikana Kingdom, Igos du Ikana." |
"闇に 光をもたらす者よ 私は イカーナ王国の王 イゴース・ド・イカーナ" |
152C | "The spellbinding that had been cast upon us was broken by that light which you carry." |
"お前の もたらした光によって われわれに かけられた 呪縛はとけた" |
152D | "To return true light to this land, you must seal the doors of Stone Tower where the winds of darkness blow through." |
"この地に 真の光を 取り戻すには 暗黒の風がふきだすロックビルの扉 を封印しなければならぬのだ" |
152E | "But Stone Tower is an impenetrable stronghold. Hundreds of soldiers from my kingdom would not even be able to topple it." |
"だが、ロックビルは わが国の 数百の兵をして 落とせなかった 難攻不落(なんこうふらく)の場所" |
152F | "It is far too reckless for one to take on such a challenge. ...And so..." |
"一人でいどむには ムボウすぎる ・・・・そこでだ" |
1530 | "I grant to you a soldier who has no heart. One who will not falter in the darkness." |
"お前に 神殿の闇にまどわされぬ 心を持たぬ兵を さずけよう" |
1531 | "This soldier who has no heart is your twin image. A shell of yourself that you will shed when your song commands it." |
"心を持たぬ兵 すなわち、自らの ぬけがらを 生み出す ことのできる力だ・・・" |
1532 | "On my kingdom...shine the light of justice..." |
わが王国に 真の光を・・・ |
1533 | "The darkness in which my servants live is, after all, fleeting." |
"シモベの住む 暗黒は しょせんは かりそめのモノ" |
1534 | "just what kind of thing true darkness really is." |
おのれの目で 確かめるがいい! |
1535 | "Wait! It is my loss! Sheathe your weapon..." |
"待て! 私の 負けだ! 武器を しまわれよ・・・" |
1536 | "I commanded the Ikana Army of Ikana Kingdom atop the hill. I am called Skull Keeta." |
"私は 丘の上のイカーナ王国で イカーナ軍を指揮していた スタル・キータ と申す者" |
1537 | "Since being shamed by loss in a battle within my kingdom... I have waited here for one to come and awaken my soul." |
"王国で起きた戦いに敗れ 屍となってからも 我が魂を 呼び起こしてくれる者が訪れるのを ここで 待ち続けていた" |
1538 | "Young swordsman who has awakened and deftly defeated me... I shall rely on your power to fulfill my request." |
"私を呼び起こし 見事うち倒した 若き剣士よ そなたの力を見込んで 頼みがある" |
1539 | "I ask you to take my soul, which rests in the fiercely burning flame... And convey my words to my men, who, even in death, remain loyal to me." |
"燃えさかる 炎の中にある 我が魂を 手にし 死してなお 私への忠誠を つらぬき通す 我が部下たちに 私の言葉を 伝えて欲しい" |
153A | Tell them the war has ended... | もう、戦いは終わったのだと・・・ |
153B | "Then I shall be able to drift quietly into sleep..." |
"これで、私は 安らかな眠りに つくことができる・・・" |
153C | "Captain, sir! May I take leave, sir?" |
"隊長どの! しばらく 休暇を いただいても よろしいでしょうか?" |
153D | [sound 3AC5]Yes, sir! | [sound 3AC5]イエッサー! |
153E | "[sound 3A2E]Ohhh! Keeta! Is it not Captain Keeta?!?" |
"[sound 3A2E]おお、キータ! キータ隊長では ないか!!" |
153F | ...............But you're so... | ・・・・・・・・・・・にしては、 |
1540 | "I was nearly fooled by what you have done..." |
"私としたことが もう少しで ダマされる ところであった・・・" |
1541 | "If you could not even catch me, then that must be all the strength you have." |
"私に 追いつくことすらできぬとは しょせんは その程度の力で あったか・・・・" |
1542 | ...T-Tiny!!! | ち、ちいせーー!!! |
157C | [sound 693B]Stop it! | [sound 693B]やめて! |
157D | "[sound 6930]Who are you? What are you doing just walking into people's houses like this?" |
"[sound 6930]あなた ダレ? 勝手に 人の家に入りこんで 何してるの!" |
157E | "[sound 6930]You again? Didn't I tell you to leave us alone?!" |
"[sound 6930]また、あなた なの? 私たちのことは ほっといてって 言ったでしょ!" |
157F | "[sound 693B]Don't! It's me! It's Pamela!" |
"[sound 693B]ダメ! 私よ! パメラよ!" |
1580 | "[sound 6930]Get out! Forget everything you've seen here and get out!" |
"[sound 6930]出てって! ここで 見たことは 全部忘れて 早く 出てって!" |
1581 | ...Father? | ・・・お父さん? |
1582 | Pamela! | パメラ! |
1583 | [sound 6931]Father! | [sound 6931]お父さーん! |
1584 | "What have I been doing this whole time?" |
私は今まで 何をしていたんだ・・ |
1585 | "[sound 6932]You...haven't been doing anything... You had a bad dream. You were just having a little nightmare." |
"[sound 6932]なにも・・・してないよ・・・ 悪い夢を見て 少し うなされていただけ" |
1586 | [sound 6962]...Pamela. | [sound 6962]・・・パメラ |
1587 | "Um...What you did for my father... Thank you." |
"あの・・・・お父さんのこと ・・・・ありがとう" |
1588 | "But... You helping us...It's a secret from my father." |
"・・・でも キミが 助けてくれたことは お父さんには ナイショなの" |
1589 | "Whenever anything strange happens, my father immediately starts talking about doing research... and he does all kinds of crazy things, so..." |
"だって、お父さんは ちょっと、フシギなことが起こると すぐに 研究 研究って ムチャなことばかり するから・・" |
158A | "Once he calms down a bit, I think I'll try convincing him to quit researching in this dangerous place and to go back to town." |
"もう少し、おちついたら こんな キケンな場所で研究 するのをやめて 町に帰るように 説得してみようと 思っているの" |
158B | "So... If my father sees you again... ...I'm sorry." |
"だから・・・ お父さんが、キミを見たら きっと、また・・・・ ・・・ゴメンね" |
158C | "Your strange power... If father sees that, he'll surely want to research it." |
"キミの フシギな力・・・ それを見たら お父さん、きっと 研究したいって言うに決まってるわ" |
158D | "That's why... I don't really want... you to meet my father... I'm sorry to say such a thing..." |
"だから 本当は・・・ あまり、お父さんに 会って・・・ ほしくないの・・・ 勝手なこと 言って ゴメンね・・" |
158E | "Who are you? Don't just walk into people's houses!" |
"アナタ だれ? 勝手に 人の家に入ってこないで!" |
158F | "[sound 6963]Oh! Isn't this a fairy? Is this yours, young man?" |
"[sound 6963]おおっ! これは、妖精じゃないか! これは キミのか? 少年!" |
1590 | "I am the famed academic who researches fairies, ghosts and similar so-called supernatural phenomena." |
"私は 妖精やゴースト その他、 ありとあらゆる フシギなモノを 研究している 高名な学者であ〜る" |
1591 | "By the way, the song, Farewell to Gibdos, which the music box is now playing, drives away Gibdos. I discovered it after many years of researching Gibdos." |
"ちなみに、今 オルゴールから 流れている 「さらばギブドのテーマ」は 長年ギブドを研究し続けて ついに たどりついた ギブドを 追い払う曲なのであ〜る" |
1592 | "In regards to ghosts, there isn't another academic who can match my knowledge, so ask me anything you like." |
"まっ、ゴーストに関して 私の右に出る 学者はいないので なんでも 聞いてくれたまえ" |
1593 | "[sound 6964]...It's been some time since I've a seen a fairy this lively." |
"[sound 6964]それにしても・・・・ こんな 元気な妖精はひさしぶりだ" |
1594 | "Say, young man! Would you permit me to do research on this fairy?" |
"どうだ 少年! 私に この妖精のことを 研究させてくれないか?" |
1595 | "[sound 6963]Oh! Hmmmm! My Ghost Radar is reacting fiercely." |
"[sound 6963]おっ ムムムッ! 私の ゴーストレーダーが モウレツに反応しているのであ〜る" |
1596 | "But... This is minutely different from its usual response." |
"だが・・・・ いつもと、チト、反応がちがうな?" |
1597 | "[sound 6964]This is a verrrry intriguing response!" |
"[sound 6964]これは、ヒジョ〜に キョウミぶかい 反応であ〜る!" |
1598 | "Hmmm...You seem to be both similar to a ghost and different from one at the same time..." |
"フムッ キミは ゴーストのようで ゴーストで ないようだ・・・" |
1599 | "[sound 6964]This is verrry intriguing. Could you remain here a while and permit me to research you?" |
"[sound 6964]これは、ヒジョ〜にキョウミぶかい どうだ、キミ しばらく ここで 私に 研究されてみないか?" |
159A | "Are you curious about that picture? That is a mummified man. Its scientific name is Gibdo." |
"その絵に キョウミがあるのか? そいつは、ミイラ男で 学名を ギブドというのであ〜る" |
159B | "A tale in Ikana tells of a treasure that rests at the bottom of the well on the hilltop. It seems the spirits of those who became Gibdos upon entering the well in search of that treasure still linger inside" |
"この先の 丘の上にある井戸には イカーナ王国に 伝わる宝が 眠っているという ウワサがあって お宝 欲しさに 井戸に入って ギブドにされてしまった者の魂が ウヨウヨしているらしい" |
159C | "It's been said going down there is a petrifying experience. So even the mummy hunter may become mummified!" |
"ミイラ取りが、ミイラになるとは よく いったもんだ!" |
159D | "I even tried to go into that well once myself..." |
"私も いっぺんだけ あの井戸に 行ってみたことが あるのだが・・・・" |
159E | "[sound 6964]Strangely enough, though, I don't remember anything that happened there." |
"[sound 6964]フシギなことに あそこで 起きたことを まったく、おぼえていないのだ" |
159F | "Well, you never know what might happen, so it's simply best not to approach it." |
"まあ、何が起こるかわからないので 近づかないほうが 身のためだな" |
15A0 | "Are you curious about that picture? That is the ghost of a ninja. Its scientific name is Garo Robe." |
"その絵に キョウミがあるのか? そいつは、忍者のゴーストで 学名を ガロ・ローブと いうのであ〜る" |
15A1 | "They are merely shells that are empty on the inside. They're the shells of spies from an enemy nation sent to investigate Ikana. They have been unable to forget their living days. Even now their spirits--emptiness cloaked in darkness--continue to spy." |
"もともとは、イカーナ城を さぐりに来た テキ国のスパイの なれのはて・・・ 生きていた時の ことが忘れられず 今もなお、魂だけが スパイ活動を 続けてるらしい・・・" |
15A2 | "According to rumor, those Garos frequently appear near the ranch on the far side of town." |
"ウワサじゃ、そのガロが 町向こうの 牧場あたりに 出没するらしいけどね" |
15A3 | "Although they are said to be shells, Garos are still ninja and they will not show themselves in front of people." |
"なれのはて といっても ガロは、忍者のはず 人前に 姿は あらわさない" |
15A4 | "[sound 6964]Yet there are many sightings near the ranch... That's strange." |
"[sound 6964]なのに それが、牧場で よく目撃されるなんて・・・ ヘンな はなしだ" |
15A5 | "[sound 6963]Oh! That mask is certainly a Gibdo! Young man! Where did you get that?" |
"[sound 6963]おおっ! その面は まさしくギブド! 少年! いったいそれをどこで・・?" |
15A6 | "[sound 6964]Hmmmm...The more I look at it, the more this mask looks like a real Gibdo to me. With this mask, you probably could convey your feelings to Gibdos. Perhaps you could even investigate the Gibdo life-form itself!" |
"[sound 6964]ムムムッ 見れば見るほど 本物のギブドそっくりの面であ〜る それがあれば、 ギブドたちと心を通わせ ギブドの生態(せいたい)を 探ることができるかも 知れないのであ〜る!" |
15A7 | "Say, young man! Would you permit me to do research on that mask?" |
"どうだ! 少年 私に その面の研究を させてくれないか?" |
15A8 | "[sound 6930]Aieeyeaaah! Get out! ...It's already too much!" |
"[sound 6930]キャー!! 出てって! ・・・もうたくさんよ" |
15E0 | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping! You're not from here, are you?" |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! お客さん この辺の人じゃ ないね" |
15E1 | "[sound 39A7]I sell Magic Beans to Deku Scrubs, but I'd really like to leave my hometown. I'm hoping to find some success in a livelier place!" |
"[sound 39A7]ワシ、デクナッツ専門で ココで 魔法のマメ 売っているんだけど ホントは、ふるさとを 離れて もっと にぎやかな所で ひとはた あげたいッピ!" |
15E2 | "But to open a business in another place... You need to go through the proper channels first. [sound 3AD2]Do you know what I mean?" |
"でも、よそで商売するには それなりの スジを通さないと 店が 持てないッピ・・・ [sound 3AD2]わかるかい お客さん?" |
15E3 | "[sound 39A7]Sorry...but I must get back to business. You didn't understand my problem. Oh, well. Don't pay it any heed." |
"[sound 39A7]悪い 悪い 商売してなきゃ わからねえ話だったッピ・・・ 別に 気にしないでくれッピ" |
15E4 | "[sound 3880]Oh! That's a Town Land Title Deed! I wish you'd let me have that." |
"[sound 3880]あっ、それは 町の土地の権利書だッピ! お客さん ソレゆずって欲しいッピ" |
15E5 | "[sound 3AD2]I'll give you this land in return! Deal?" |
"[sound 3AD2]かわりに、ここの土地 ゆずるッピ!" |
15E6 | "I'm going off to town right now! [sound 3880]I'll leave the rest up to you!" |
"さっそく、町に行くッピ [sound 3880]そんじゃあ、後は よろしくッピ!" |
15E7 | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! I'm doing business with a focus on a Deku Scrub clientele." |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! ワシ、デクナッツ専門で 商売してるッピ" |
15E8 | "[sound 398C]Actually, I want to do business at the palace, but there's this big octopus...and... Nothing really can be done about it, so I set up shop here." |
"[sound 398C]ホントは、お城の中で商売しようと 思ったけど、でっかいタコがね・・ いてね・・・・ ・・・しょうがないから ここで 商売してるッピ!" |
15E9 | "[sound 3AD2]Do you know what magic beans are, sir? I'll sell you one for 10 Rupees." |
"[sound 3AD2]お客さん、 魔法のマメって知ってる? 1コ 10ルピーで売ってやるけど" |
15EA | "Do you need any? Yes No" |
"いるッピ? はい いいえ" |
15EB | "[sound 3881]Ah, well, that's too bad. If you ever want any, look me up." |
"[sound 3881]なんだ、ザンネン じゃあ、また 欲しくなったら 声かけてくれッピ" |
15EC | "[sound 3881]Oh, you don't know how to use magic beans? Then, I guess I can't sell you any..." |
"[sound 3881]あれ、なんだ オマエ マメの使い方 知らないッピ? それじゃあ、売れないッピ・・・" |
15ED | [sound 3881]You don't have enough Rupees! | [sound 3881]ルピー 足りないッピ! |
15EE | "[sound 3881]You can't hold any more magic beans!" |
"[sound 3881]それ以上 魔法のマメは 持てないッピ!" |
15EF | [sound 3880]Thanks again! | [sound 3880]まいどッピ! |
15F0 | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! Oh! You're the one who gave me the land deed." |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! あっ、 権利書くれた お客さんだッピ!" |
15F1 | "[sound 398C]Thanks to you, I've been able to do business in the place I've always dreamed of. But there aren't many places to plant beans around here..." |
"[sound 398C]おかげで 念願の場所で 商売 できるように なったッピ だけど、ココは マメを植える所が 少ないッピ・・・" |
15F2 | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! I just opened for business! I hope you'll do business with me!" |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! オープンしたばかりですので よろしくッピ!" |
15F3 | "[sound 3AD2]Do you know what magic beans are? I'll sell you one for 10 Rupees." |
"[sound 3AD2]お客さん 魔法のマメって 知ってるッピ? 1コ 10ルピーで売ってやるけど" |
15F4 | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping! Who'd have thought I'd meet a fellow Deku in a place like this?" |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! こんなところで 仲間に会えるとは" |
15F5 | "I sell bomb bags, but I'm focusing my marketing efforts on Gorons. What I'd really like to do is go back home and do business where I'm surrounded by trees and grass." |
"ワシ、ゴロン専門で ボム袋 売っているんだけど ホントは、地元にもどって 草や木に かこまれて 商売したいッピ・・・" |
15F6 | "But I can't open a business back home without following the proper procedures... Do you know what I mean?" |
"[sound 3AD2]でも、地元で商売するには それなりの スジを通さないと 店が持てないッピ わかるかい?" |
15F7 | "[sound 39A7]So sorry. You're not the one I should be talking to. Pay no attention to me." |
"[sound 39A7]悪い 悪い 思わず グチを 言ったッピ 別に 気にしないでくれッピ" |
15F8 | "[sound 3AD2]That's the deed needed to do business in town. I don't like places that busy..." |
"[sound 3AD2]それは 町で商売するのに 必要な 権利書だッピ そんな にぎやかな場所は やだッピ・・・" |
15F9 | "[sound 3880]Ah! That's a Swamp Title Deed! I wish you would give that to me!" |
"[sound 3880]あっ、それは 沼の土地の権利書だッピ! それゆずって 欲しいッピ!" |
15FA | [sound 3AD2]I'll give you this land in exchange! | "[sound 3AD2]かわりに、ここの土地 ゆずるッピ!" |
15FB | "[sound 3880]I'm going right back to the swamp!" |
"[sound 3880]さっそく、沼にもどるッピ! そんじゃ、あとは よろしくッピ!" |
15FC | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! I'm doing business with a focus on a Goron clientele!" |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! ワシ、ゴロン専門で 商売してるッピ!" |
15FD | "[sound 398B]I'm sorry, but I can't do business with you if you're not a Goron. It's a regulation of the Business Scrub Association. It can't be helped. ...It hurts, I know." |
"[sound 398B]悪いけど ゴロンさんじゃなけりゃ 商売しちゃ いけないって アキンド協会の キマリだッピ これだけは ワシでも どうにもならないッピ ・・・つらいッピ" |
15FE | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! I'm doing business with a focus on a Goron clientele. And that, sir, makes you a customer." |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! ワシ、ゴロン専門で商売してるッピ いわば アナタは お得意様だッピ" |
15FF | "[sound 398C]Right now, I've got a special trade-in offer just for you." |
"[sound 398C]今なら お得意様だけ 買い取りキャンペーンをしてるッピ" |
1600 | "[sound 3881]I'll give you my Biggest Bomb Bag, regularly priced at 1000 Rupees... In return, you'll give me your Big Bomb Bag and just 200 Rupees!" |
"[sound 3881]ふつうなら、1000ルピーする 最大のボム袋を 今なら、お客さんの持ってる 大きなボム袋と200ルピーで コウカンするッピ" |
1601 | "What? But you already have the Biggest Bomb Bag!" |
"なんだ・・・・ お客さん もう最大のボム袋 持ってるッピ!" |
1602 | "If you don't have a Big Bomb Bag, I have to sell it for 1000 Rupees." |
"大きなボム袋 持ってないと 1000ルピー でしか 売れないッピ" |
1603 | "Too bad. You don't have enough Rupees!" |
"ザンネン ルピーが 足りないッピ!" |
1604 | "[sound 3881]Oh, too bad. Come again!" |
"[sound 3881]なんだ ザンネン また、来るッピ!" |
1605 | "[sound 39A7]Thanks to you, I was able to come back home and do business. I am really happy!" |
"[sound 39A7]お客さんのおかげで 地元にもどって 商売できるように なったッピ ワシ、ホントにうれし〜ッピ!" |
1606 | "[sound 3881]I'll give you my Biggest Bomb Bag, regularly priced at 1000 Rupees, for your Big Bomb Bag and just 200 Rupees!" |
"[sound 3881]お客さん 普通なら 1000ルピーする 最大のボム袋を 今ならナント お客さんが持ってる 大きなボム袋と200ルピーで コウカンするッピ!" |
1607 | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! Oh! You're from the mountains." |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! お客さん 山の人だッピ" |
1608 | "[sound 39A7]I'm selling Green Potions, but I'm focusing my marketing efforts on Zoras. Actually, I'd like to do business someplace where it's cooler and the air is clean." |
"[sound 39A7]ワシ ゾーラ専門で 緑のクスリ 売ってるんだけど ホントは もっと すずしくて 空気のうまい ところで 商売したいッピ" |
1609 | "[sound 3880]That's a... [sound 3881]...Oh, that's a Town Title Deed. The air's not very good in cities." |
"[sound 3880]それは! [sound 3881]・・・なんだ 町の土地の権利書だッピ 都会は、空気がうまくないッピ" |
160A | "[sound 3880]That's a... [sound 3881]...Oh, that's a Swamp Title Deed. I'm not going back home, yet." |
"[sound 3880]それは! [sound 3881]・・・なんだ 沼の土地の権利書だッピ まだ、ふるさとにはもどらないッピ" |
160B | "[sound 39A7]So sorry. I've been talking away. I'm sure this heat is making it hard to concentrate." |
"[sound 39A7]悪い 悪い グチばかり いって きっと、この暑さで 意識が モウロウとしているんだッピ" |
160C | "[sound 3880]Oh, that's a Mountain Title Deed! Thank you!" |
"[sound 3880]おっ それは 山の土地の権利書 お客さん ありがとうッピ!" |
160D | "[sound 3880]Yahoo! I'm off to the resort! The mountains are calling me!" |
"[sound 3880]ヤッホ〜 いざ リゾート地へ 山が ワシを呼んでるッピ!" |
160E | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! I am doing business with a focus on Zoras!" |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! ワシ、ゾーラ専門で 商売してるッピ!" |
160F | "[sound 398B]Sorry, but if you're not a Zora, I can't do business with you. It's a regulation of the Business Scrub Association. There's nothing I can do..." |
"[sound 398B]悪いけど ゾーラさんじゃなけりゃ 商売しちゃいけないって アキンド協会の キマリだッピ コレだけは、ワシでも どうにも ならないッピ・・・" |
1610 | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! I'm doing business with a focus on Zoras. That makes you a potential customer." |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! ワシ、ゾーラ専門で商売してるッピ だから、アナタは お得意様だッピ" |
1611 | "[sound 3AD2]Is this your room? I'm awfully sensitive to the sea breeze, so I'm sorry, but I'd like you to rent this room to me. ...But, my, this is a messy room! Did something happen in here? Well, I really can't do anything about it..." |
"[sound 3AD2]アンタ、この部屋の人? ワシ、潮風に めっぽう弱くって 悪いけど、ちょっとだけ ここの場所 かして欲しいッピ ・・・それにしても ずいぶん ちらかった部屋だッピ 何か あったッピ? まあ、そんなことは どうでもいいッピ! それより" |
1612 | "[sound 398C]I'll sell you a Green Potion for 40 Rupees!" |
"[sound 398C]お客さん 緑のクスリ 1パイ 40ルピー で売るッピ!" |
1613 | "[sound 3881]You get the potion only! If you don't have an empty bottle, I can't sell it to you." |
"[sound 3881]クスリは 中身だけ! あきビンがなけりゃ、売れないッピ" |
1614 | "[sound 3880]Ah, you're the one who gave me the title deed!" |
"[sound 3880]あっ、権利書くれた お客さんだッピ!" |
1615 | "...[sound 398B]Thanks to you, I'm doing business on a mountain so cold I could die! ...What a swindle. Even if it's just out of pure stubbornness, I'm going to keep the shop going..." |
"・・・[sound 398B]おかげで 死にそうなぐらい 寒い山で 商売ができるようになったッピ! ・・・サギだッピ 意地でも 店を続けるッピ・・・" |
1616 | "Brrrrrr...[sound 398B]Welcome. P-please buy something. G-G-Geeesh...It's...c-cold..." |
"ううううう、[sound 398B]まいどッピ よ、よろしくッピ さ・・・寒い・・・" |
1617 | "[sound 398C]I'll s-sell you one Green P-Potion for 40 Rupees." |
"[sound 398C]お、お客さん 緑のクスリ 1パイ 40ルピーで 売るッピ" |
1618 | "D-Do you need one? Yes No" |
"い、いるッピ? はい いいえ" |
1619 | "[sound 3881]You don't?!? Y-You know, it's c-c-cold... D-Don't t-t-talk to me until you w-want one." |
"[sound 3881]いらないの! じゃあ、欲しくなるまで 寒いから、声かけないでくれッピ" |
161A | "Th-th-[sound 398B]thanks... Brrrrrrrrr..." |
"ま、ま [sound 398B]まいどッピ・・・ うううううう・・・・" |
161B | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! You're from the ocean, aren't you?" |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! お客さん 海の人だッピ?" |
161C | "[sound 39A7]I'm here to sell Blue Potion. Actually, I want to do business in the sea breeze while listening to the sound of the waves." |
"[sound 39A7]ワシ、この辺で 青いクスリ 売ってるんだけど ホントは 潮風にあたり 波の音を聞きながら 波をバックに 商売が したいんだッピ" |
161D | "[sound 3880]That's a..! ...[sound 3881]Oh, that's a Town Title Deed. The town is too loud to hear the sound of waves." |
"[sound 3880]それは! ・・・[sound 3881]なんだ 町の土地の権利書だッピ 町は うるさくて波音なんか 聞こえないッピ" |
161E | "[sound 3880]That's a... ...[sound 3881]Oh, that's a Swamp Title Deed. Big waves don't reach the swamp." |
"[sound 3880]それは! ・・・[sound 3881]なんだ 沼の土地の権利書だッピ 沼地には、大きな波が こないッピ" |
161F | "[sound 3880]That's a... ...[sound 3881]Oh, that's a Mountain Title Deed. Sea breezes don't blow on tall mountains." |
"[sound 3880]それは! ・・・[sound 3881]なんだ 山の土地の権利書だッピ 高い山には 潮風なんか ふかないッピ" |
1620 | "[sound 39A7]So sorry. I guess I've just been talking about a dream of mine... Don't mind me..." |
"[sound 39A7]悪い 悪い ワシの ユメばかり はなして 気にしないで くれッピ・・・" |
1621 | "[sound 3880]Oh! If that isn't an Ocean Title Deed. Let me have that!" |
"[sound 3880]おっ それは 海の土地の権利書じゃないかッピ それ、ゆずってくれッピ!" |
1622 | "[sound 398C]Please. If I have that, my dreams will come true! I'm not asking for it for free. I'll give you this!" |
"[sound 398C]たのむ それがあったら ワシの ドリームが かなうッピ! タダとは いわん これやるッピ!" |
1623 | "[sound 3880]Oh, yeeeeah! The nut-brown beauties are waiting!" |
"[sound 3880]ヤッホー! 小麦色した 美女たち 待ってるッピ!!" |
1624 | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! I'm doing business here in this canyon." |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! ワシ、この谷で商売してるッピ" |
1625 | "[sound 398B]You should give up going to the far side of the canyon. That place is cursed. If you don't have something that drives away demons, they'll catch you. Rumor has it, demons aren't afraid unless they see something that looks the same as themselves." |
"[sound 398B]お客さん 谷のむこうに行くのは やめておいたほうがいいッピ あそこは、呪われているッピ 悪魔ばらいの かぶりモノが なければ 悪魔に とりつかれてしまうッピ ウワサじゃ 悪魔は 同じ姿の者でないと 怖がらないらしいッピ" |
1626 | "[sound 3AD2]Don't you need any Blue Potion in case you get cursed? One drink is 100 Rupees." |
"[sound 3AD2]呪われた時に 効く 青いクスリ いらないッピか? 1パイ 100ルピー だけど" |
1627 | "[sound 3AD2]You should give up going beyond here. If you don't have something that drives away demons, you'll be cursed." |
"[sound 3AD2]この先に行くのは やめるッピ 悪魔ばらいの かぶりモノが なければ 呪われてしまうッピ〜" |
1628 | "[sound 3881]Oh, really? You'll be cursed!" |
"[sound 3881]あっ そう! 呪われるッピよ〜!" |
1629 | "[sound 3880]Thanks again! Drink it right away if you're cursed!" |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! 呪われたら すぐに 飲むッピ!" |
162A | "[sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! Oh, you're the customer who gave me the title deed!" |
"[sound 3880]まいどッピ! あっ、権利書くれた お客さんだッピ!" |
162B | "[sound 398B]Well, technically it is the ocean... But I'm doing business inside somebody's room at the ocean. Well, I don't care whose room this is. I'm running a business here." |
"[sound 398B]たしかに 海は 海だけど ここって・・・・ ダレの部屋でも かまわないッピ もう、ここで 商売するッピ" |
162C | [sound 3880]Thanks for stopping by! | [sound 3880]まいどッピ! |
162D | "[sound 398C]I'll sell you one Blue Potion for 100 Rupees." |
"[sound 398C]お客さん 青いクスリ 1パイ 100ルピーで 売るけど" |
162E | "[sound 3881]Well, if you want one, come back! ...Unless I get thrown outta this place." |
"[sound 3881]じゃあ、欲しくなったら ここに来るッピ! だけど、つまみ出されているかも しれないけれど・・・・" |
162F | [sound 3880]Ah! What are you doing here? | "[sound 3880]あっ!アンタ こんなところで なにしてるッピ!!" |
1630 | "This is my secret storage unit. It's a problem if you come in here without permission!" |
"ここは、ワシのヒミツの倉庫だッピ 勝手に入ってもらっては こまるッピ!!" |
1631 | "[sound 3AD2]Please! I'll sell you a Piece of Heart if you just keep this place a secret..." |
"[sound 3AD2]たのむッピ! ハートのカケラを 売ってやるから ナイショに してほしいッピ・・・" |
1632 | "150 Rupees for one! I'll buy it No thanks" |
"1コ 150ルピーで いいッピ! 買う 買わない" |
1633 | "...[sound 398B]Hmmm...No good? In that case, you leave me no choice..." |
"・・・・[sound 398B]う〜ん ダメかッピ そんなら おおまけにまけて" |
1634 | "What about one for 100 Rupees? I'll buy it No thanks" |
"1コ 100ルピーで どうッピ? 買う 買わない" |
1635 | "[sound 3885]Well, fine! I'll make a new storage unit somewhere else!!!" |
"[sound 3885]もう、いいッピ! そんなら、ココじゃないところに 新しく 倉庫つくるッピ!!" |
1636 | "[sound 3881]That's not enough Rupees! Fine! This place isn't safe, so I'll move somewhere else!" |
"[sound 3881]ルピーが 足りないッピ! もういいッピ! ここは 不用心だから ほかに うつるッピ!" |
1637 | "[sound 398B]It's not that I don't believe you, but just to be safe, I'm moving my storage! You hurry up and get out, too!" |
"[sound 398B]アンタを信じないわけじゃないけど 用心のため 倉庫をほかにうつすッピ! アンタも 早く 出てくッピ!" |
1638 | [sound 3880]Ah, you... | [sound 3880]あっ、アンタ・・・ |
1644 | "Yo! Hey, baby! I'm a stylin' scarecrow wandering in search of pleasant music. Time will pass in the blink of an eye if you dance with me." |
"よう、ベイべ〜! オラ、ナイスな楽器を求めて さすらう こいきなカカシだ" |
1645 | "If you like, baby, we can forget the time and dance until night!" |
"ベイベが、望むなら 時間を忘れて 夜までダンシングだ!" |
1646 | "Oh, baby! That's a nice thing you got there! Let me hear a song you wrote on that!" |
"oh ベイべ〜! いいモノを 持ってるな! そいつで ベイベが作った曲を 聞かせてくれよ!" |
1647 | "No, no, daddy-o! That song doesn't sing to my heart, baby!" |
"そんな曲じゃ カカシのハートにゃ ひびかないぜ ベイベ〜!" |
1648 | "Yow! Oh, yeah! That's a nice tune, baby. By the way..." |
"アウッ! oh イヤーッ! なかなか ナイスな曲だったぜ ベイベ〜 ところで・・・" |
1649 | "I know of a mysterious song that allows you to manipulate the flow of time..." |
"この世の中には 時を思ったように 変えられる曲が あるらしいな" |
164A | "Oh, yeah! Now listen up! If you play that mysterious song backward, you can slow the flow of time. And if you play each note twice in a row, you can move a half day forward in time!" |
"オラが聞いた話じゃ その曲を さかさに演奏すると 時の速さを ゆっくりにできたり 一つの音を 2回づつ演奏すると 半日時間が 進められる" |
164B | "How's that? Pretty interesting, isn't it? But I like the song you played for me better, baby!" |
"そんな 曲があるらしいんだが・・ オラは、べイべの聞かせてくれた さっきの 曲がお気に入りさ!" |
164C | "If you want to see me again, play that song you wrote for me here or somewhere else! See ya, baby!" |
"また、オラに会いたくなったら どこかで さっきの曲 演奏してくれよ! じゃ〜な ベイベ!" |
164D | "Yowza! Oh, yeah! We meet again, baby! What great playing, as usual!" |
"アウッ! oh イヤーッ! また会ったな ベイベ〜! いつもながら ナイスな曲だったぜ" |
164E | "If you like, baby, we can forget the time and dance 'til dawn!" |
"ベイベが、望むなら 時間を忘れて 朝までダンシングだ!" |
164F | "But outside it seems to have gotten kind of...dangerous. Yikes...I'm gettin' outta town!" |
"でも、なんだか・・・外が やばいフンイキに なってきたんで オラ ココをはなれるぜ! そんじゃ、シーユー ベイベ!" |
1650 | "Shall we dance? No Yes" |
"シャル ウィ ダ〜ンス? いいえ はい" |
1651 | "Oh, sorry. That's too bad. In that case, come back anytime if you do decide you want to dance." |
"oh ソーリー そいつはザンネン それなら ベイベが作った曲を オラに聞かせてくれよ!" |
1652 | "Oh, yeah! In that case, forget the time. Let's dance!" |
"oh イヤーッ! そんなら 時間を忘れて レッツ ダ〜ンス!!" |
1653 | "Oh, yeah! How was it? It went by in an instant, right? I'm still full of energy!" |
"oh イヤーッ! どう? アッという間だったろ? オラは まだまだ 元気いっぱい!" |
1654 | By the way... | |
1655 | "I know of a mysterious song that allows you to manipulate the flow of time..." |
1656 | "Do you want to learn it? No Yes" |
1657 | "Oh, sorry. That's too bad. In that case, let me hear a song written by you, baby!" |
1658 | "Oh, yeah! Now listen up! If you play that strange song backward, you can slow the flow of time. And if you play each note twice in a row, you can move a half day forward through time." |
1659 | "How's that? Pretty interesting, isn't it? But I'm sure I'd like any song written by you better, baby! If you like, you can play one for me!" |
165A | Take care... | |
165B | "I know of a mysterious song that allows you to manipulate the flow of time..." |
165C | "Would you like to learn it? No Yes" |
165D | "Oh, sorry! That's too bad. In that case, see you later!" |
165E | "Oh, yeah! Now listen up! It seems that if you play that mysterious song backward, you can slow the passage of time. And if you play each note twice in a row, you can move a half day forward through time." |
165F | "How's that? Pretty interesting, isn't it? If you learn a new song, come try it on me. Until then, I'll see ya later, baby!" |
1660 | "Want to learn it? No Yes" |
1661 | "Oh, sorry. That's too bad. If you'd like to see me again, play that song you just played for me. See you later, baby!" |
1700 | "Ocarina of Time This musical instrument is filled with memories of Princess Zelda. Play it with [A] and the four [C] Buttons. Press [B] to stop." |
"時のオカリナ ゼルダ姫との思い出の楽器 [A]と4つの[C]で演奏[B]でやめる" |
1701 | "Hero's Bow Press [C] to shoot an arrow. Use [Control Stick] to aim." |
"勇者の弓 [C]を押すとかまえて、 はなすと 矢を発射" |
1702 | "Fire Arrow Set to it to [C] to arm your bow with arrows that burst into flame." |
"炎の矢 [C]にセットで 弓矢が変化 命中すれば、火ダルマになる" |
1703 | "Ice Arrow Set it to [C] to arm your bow with arrows that freeze." |
"氷の矢 [C]にセットで 弓矢が変化 命中すれば、敵も凍る 鋭い矢" |
1704 | "Light Arrow Set it to [C] to arm your bow. Aim its sacred light at evil." |
"光の矢 [C]にセットで 弓矢が変化 聖なる光が、悪を射る" |
1705 | "Deku Nut Press [B] while flying to drop a bomb. Upon impact, it makes a blinding flash that will stop nearby enemies in their tracks." |
"デクの実 飛行中に[B]を押して、空中爆弾 光って 敵の動きを止められる" |
1706 | "Bomb Light and place it with [C]. Press [C] while running to throw it!" |
"バクダン [C]でかついで、セットする 走って[C]で 投げられる!" |
1707 | "Bombchu Arm and launch this wall-crawling bomb with [C]." |
"ボムチュウ [C]でかついで、セットする カベをのぼる 新型バクダン" |
1708 | "Deku Stick Use [C] to swing it. Stand still and press [A] to put it away." |
"デクの棒 [C]にセットし、[C]で振る しまう時は 立ち止まって[A]" |
1709 | "Deku Nut Press [C] to throw it. Upon impact, its flash blinds enemies, stopping them in their tracks." |
"デクの実 [C]を押して、投げて目くらまし 敵の動きを止める" |
170A | "Magic Beans Use [C] to plant them. Plant them in soft soil." |
"魔法のマメ やわらかい土を さがして、 [C]でまく" |
170B | ||
170C | "Powder Keg Carry and place it with [C]. Both its power and size are immense!" |
"大バクダン [C]でかついで、セットする 大だけに、イリョクもデカイ!" |
170D | "Pictograph Box Use it with [C] and snap pictographs with [A]. You can keep only one shot at a time." |
"写し絵の箱 [C]で 使って [A]で写す とっておけるのは 1枚だけ" |
170E | "Lens of Truth Use [C] and magic to see what the naked eye cannot. Press [C] again to stop gazing and stop using up magic." |
"まことのメガネ 魔法を使って、真実が見えて も一度押すと効果が消える" |
170F | "Hookshot Aim with [Control Stick]. Press [C] to fire the hook and grapple objects." |
"フックショット [C]を押しながら[Control Stick]でねらい はなすと 発射" |
1710 | "Great Fairy's Sword The most powerful sword has black roses etched in its blade. Brandish it with [C]." |
"大妖精の剣 [C]にセットして使う 黒バラが刻まれた 最強の剣" |
1711 | ||
1712 | "Empty Bottle Carry various items in this. Contain or release them with [C]." |
"あきビン いろいろ入れて、[C]で使う" |
1713 | "Red Potion Replenish your life energy by using it with [C]." |
"赤いクスリ [C]で使えば、体力回復" |
1714 | "Green Potion Use it with [C] to replenish your magic power." |
"緑のクスリ [C]で使えば、魔力回復" |
1715 | "Blue Potion Use it with [C] to replenish both life energy and magic power." |
"青いクスリ [C]で使えば、体力、魔力も全回復" |
1716 | "Fairy Use it with [C] to recover life energy. If you run out of all life energy, you'll automatically use this." |
"妖精 [C]に セットして使えば 体力を 回復してくれる" |
1717 | "Deku Princess Press [C] to release her." |
"デク姫 [C]で使えば、外に出せます" |
1718 | "Milk Use it with [C]. Recover five hearts with one drink. This contains two helpings." |
"ミルク [C]で使い 1回飲めば ハート5コ回復 2回飲める" |
1719 | "Milk (1/2) Drink it with [C] to recover five hearts." |
"ミルク(1/2) [C]で使い 飲めば ハート5コ回復" |
171A | "Fish It's freshly caught and still jumping. Use it with [C]." |
"サカナ とれたて ピチピチ [C]で使う" |
171B | "Bug Press [C] to release it so it can crawl into a small hole." |
"ムシ [C]で 出すと 小さな穴に もぐる" |
171C | ||
171D | "Poe If you drink it with [C], you may recover hearts... or you may lose some hearts." |
"ポウ [C]で使って飲むと ハートが 回復する時と 減る時とがある" |
171E | "Big Poe You can sell this with [C]." |
"ビッグポウ [C]で 売るコトも できる" |
171F | "Spring Water Try using it with [C] on things that need watering." |
"泉の水 水をほしがっているモノに [C]で使ってみる" |
1720 | "Hot Spring Water Use it with [C] before it cools." |
"温泉のお湯 さめないうちに [C]で使ってみる" |
1721 | "Zora Egg Use it with [C]. It doesn't look very healthy." |
"ゾーラのタマゴ [C]で使う 少し、元気がない" |
1722 | "Gold Dust Use [C] to give it to someone. It's very high quality." |
"砂金 [C]で わたす かなり 極上品" |
1723 | "Magical Mushroom Give it away with [C]. It's very aromatic." |
"魔法のキノコ [C]で わたす かぐわしいカオリのするキノコ" |
1724 | "Sea Horse Use it with [C]. It wants to go back home to Pinnacle Rock." |
1725 | "Chateau Romani Drink it with [C] to get lasting stamina for your magic power." |
1726 | "タツノオトシゴ [C]で使う 住んでいた トンガリ岩に帰りたがっている" | |
1727 | "シャトー・ロマーニ [C]で飲むと 魔法の力が わいてくる スタミナ持続力" | |
1728 | "Moon's Tear A shining stone from the moon. Use it with [C]." |
"ハイラルどじょう [C]で使う めったに釣れない幻のサカナ" |
1729 | "Land Title Deed The title deed to the Deku Flower in Clock Town. Use it with [C]." |
172A | "Swamp Title Deed You traded the Land Title Deed for this. Use it with [C]." |
172B | "Mountain Title Deed You traded the Swamp Title Deed for this. Use it with [C]." |
172C | "Ocean Title Deed You traded the Mountain Title Deed for this. Use it with [C]." |
172D | "Room Key With this, you can go in and out of the Stock Pot Inn at night." |
172E | "Special Delivery to Mama Press [C] to give it someone. It's a parcel for Kafei's mother." |
172F | "Letter to Kafei Use it with [C]. Drop it into a mailbox." |
1730 | "Pendant of Memories Use it with [C]. Kafei asked you to give it to Anju." |
"月の涙 美しい輝きの中に あやしさを ただよわせる月の石 [C]で使う" |
1731 | "土地の権利書 クロックタウンのデク花の 権利書 [C]で使う" | |
1732 | "Deku Mask Wear it with [C] to assume Deku form. Use [C] to change back." |
"沼の権利書 町の土地の権利書とコウカン [C]で使う" |
1733 | "Goron Mask Wear it with [C] to assume Goron form. Use [C] to change back." |
"山の権利書 沼の権利書とコウカン [C]で使う" |
1734 | "Zora Mask Wear it with [C] to assume Zora form. Use [C] to change back." |
"海の権利書 山の権利書とコウカン [C]で使う" |
1735 | "Fierce Deity's Mask Wear it with [C]. Its dark power can be used only in boss rooms." |
1736 | "Mask of Truth Wear it to read the thoughts of Gossip Stones and animals." |
1737 | "Kafei's Mask Wear it with [C] to inquire about Kafei's whereabouts." |
1738 | "All-Night Mask When you wear it with [C], you don't get sleepy." |
1739 | "Bunny Hood Wear it with [C] to be filled with the speed and hearing of the wild." |
173A | "Keaton Mask The mask of the ghost fox, Keaton. Wear it with [C]." |
"宿のカギ 持っているだけで ナベかま亭 の夜間の出入りができる" |
173B | "Garo's Mask This mask can summon the hidden Garo ninjas. Wear it with [C]." |
"母への速達 [C]でわたす カーフェイの母へのお届けもの" |
173C | "Romani's Mask Wear it with [C] to show you're a member of the Milk Bar, Latte." |
173D | "Circus Leader's Mask People related to Gorman will react to this." |
173E | "Postman's Hat You can look in mailboxes when you wear this with [C]." |
173F | "Couple's Mask When you wear it with [C], you can soften people's hearts." |
1740 | "Great Fairy's Mask The mask's hair will shimmer when you're close to a Stray Fairy." |
1741 | "Gibdo Mask Use it with [C]. Even a real Gibdo will mistake you for its own kind." |
1742 | "Don Gero's Mask When you wear it, you can call the Frog Choir members together." |
1743 | "Kamaro's Mask Wear this with [C] to perform a mysterious dance." |
1744 | "Captain's Hat Wear it with [C] to pose as Captain Keeta." |
"カーフェイへの手紙 [C]で使う お届け先は 三角ポスト" |
1745 | "Stone Mask Become as plain as stone so you can blend into your surroundings." |
"思い出のペンダント [C]で使う カーフェイから アンジュに渡すように頼まれた" |
1746 | "Bremen Mask Wear it with [C] so young animals will mistake you for their leader." |
1747 | "Blast Mask Wear it with [C], then detonate it with [B]... Losing hearts from the explosion is a side effect." |
1748 | "Mask of Scents Wear it with [C] to heighten your sense of smell." |
1749 | "Giant's Mask If you wear it in a certain room, you'll grow into a giant." |
"デクナッツの仮面 [C]でかぶると デクナッツに 乗り移る もう1度[C]でもどる" | ||
"ゴロンの仮面 [C]でかぶると ゴロンに 乗り移る もう1度[C]でもどる" | ||
"ゾーラの仮面 [C]でかぶると ゾーラに 乗り移る もう1度[C]でもどる" | ||
"鬼神の仮面 [C]でかぶる 邪悪な力が 宿るボス部屋のみ 使用可能" | ||
"まことのお面 [C]でかぶるとゴシップストーン や 動物の心を見通せる" | ||
"カーフェイのお面 [C]でかぶって ゆくえ不明の カーフェイの聞きこみができる" | ||
"夜更かしのお面 [C]でかぶると 眠れなくなる" | ||
"ウサギずきん [C]でかぶると よく聞こえ よく走る野生の力がわいてくる" | ||
"キータンのお面 化けキツネ キータンのお面 [C]でかぶる" | ||
"ガロのお面 隠れているガロを 呼び出せる お面 [C]で かぶる" | ||
"ロマ−ニのお面 [C]で かぶるとバー「ラッテ」 の会員証に" | ||
"座長のお面 [C]でかぶって 聞きこみ ができる" | ||
"ポストハット [C]でかぶると ポストをのぞく事ができる" | ||
"めおとの面 [C]でかぶると 人々の心を なごませる" | ||
"大妖精のお面 神殿に捕われている妖精を探す 妖精が隠れている所で髪が反応" | ||
"ギブドのお面 [C]でかぶると 本物のギブド さえ仲間と間違える" | ||
"ゲーロのお面 [C]でかぶるとカエル合唱団の 団員を呼び集められる" | ||
"カマロのお面 [C]でかぶると キミョウな ダンスが踊れる" | ||
"隊長のボウシ [C]でかぶると 隊長に なりすませる" | ||
"石コロのお面 [C]でかぶると 石コロになり まわりの景色になじむ" | ||
"ブレー面 [C]でかぶると 動物の子供が リーダーと間違える" | ||
"バクレツのお面 [C]でかぶって [B]で爆発! ハートが減るのがタマにキズ" | ||
"ブーさんのお面 [C]でかぶると ニオイを かぎわける力が するどくなる" | ||
"巨人の仮面 ある部屋でかぶると 体が巨大になる" | ||
1784 | "Kokiri Sword The trusty sword you're familiar with that's from Kokiri Forest." |
"コキリの剣 コキリの森にある 使い慣れた 思い出の剣" |
1785 | "Razor Sword The Kokiri Sword reforged at the smithy. Use it up to 100 times." |
"フェザーソード コキリの剣をカジ屋で鍛えた剣 100回までなら刃こぼれせず" |
1786 | "Gilded Sword Forged from gold dust and the Razor Sword, it's unbreakable." |
"金剛の剣 フェザーソードに砂金を混ぜて さらに鍛えた絶対折れない剛剣" |
1787 | "大妖精の剣 [C]にセットして使う 黒バラが刻まれた 最強の剣" | |
1788 | "Hero's Shield Use with [R]. Press [R] while Z Targeting to defend while moving." |
"勇者の盾 [R]でかまえて防御 Z注目中に [R]で移動しながら防御も可能" |
1789 | "Mirror Shield Used like the Hero's Shield, it can reflect certain rays of light." |
"ミラーシールド 使い方は 勇者の盾と同じ 特定の光を 反射できる" |
178A | "Quiver This can hold up to a maximum of 30 arrows." |
178B | "Large Quiver This can hold up to a maximum of 40 arrows." |
"矢立て 矢を持てる数が 最高30本 まで持てる" |
178C | "Biggest Quiver This can hold up to a maximum of 50 arrows." |
"大きな矢立て 矢を持てる数が 最高40本 まで持てる" |
178D | "Bomb Bag This can hold up to a maximum of 20 Bombs." |
"最大の矢立て 矢を持てる数が 最高50本 まで持てる" |
178E | "Big Bomb Bag This can hold up to a maximum of 30 Bombs." |
"ボム袋 バクダンを持てる数が 最高20コ まで持てる" |
178F | "Biggest Bomb Bag This can hold up to a maximum of 40 Bombs." |
"大きなボム袋 バクダンを持てる数が 最高30コ まで持てる" |
"最大のボム袋 バクダンを持てる数が 最高40コ まで持てる" | ||
1798 | "Odolwa's Remains The remains of the boss in Woodfall Temple." |
"オドルワの亡骸 ウッドフォールの神殿にいた ボスの亡骸" |
1799 | "Goht's Remains The remains of the boss in Snowhead Temple." |
"ゴートの亡骸 スノーヘッドの神殿にいた ボスの亡骸" |
179A | "Gyorg's Remains The remains of the boss in Great Bay Temple." |
"グヨーグの亡骸 グレートベイの神殿にいた ボスの亡骸" |
179B | "Twinmold's Remains The remains of the boss in Stone Tower Temple." |
"ツインモルドの亡骸 ロックビルの神殿にいた ボスの亡骸" |
17AA | "Pieces of Heart Four pieces form a Heart Container... And a new Heart Container will extend your life energy supply. " |
"ハートのかけら 4つのかけらで 1つの器 器がふえれば ライフがふえる" |
17AC | "Big Key Use it to enter the room in the dungeon where the boss lurks." |
"ボス部屋のカギ ダンジョンに潜むボスの部屋へ 入れる" |
17AD | "Compass Use it to find locations of various things hidden in the dungeon." |
"コンパス ダンジョン内に かくされた いろんな物の場所が わかる" |
17AE | "Dungeon Map You've been to the blue rooms... The flashing room is your current location." |
"ダンジョンマップ 青い部屋は 行った場所 点滅するのは 現在地" |
17AF | "Stray Fairies Save the 15 trapped in the temple. Take them to the Fairy's Fountain that matches their color." |
"はぐれ妖精 神殿に捕まった15人を助け 同じ色の妖精の泉に連れていく" |
1800 | [sound 6845]It won't budge! | [sound 6845]ビクともしないわ! |
1801 | "[sound 6845]Aaargh! These strong iron bars are blocking the way! Think of another way out..." |
"[sound 6845]あーあ、ガンジョウな てつごうし まで降りちゃって・・・ ほかの方法を考えましょ!" |
1802 | [sound 6845]You don't have the key! | [sound 6845]カギを持ってないじゃない! |
1803 | [sound 6845]Your key doesn't fit this lock! | "[sound 6845]カギあなのカタチが、 ふつうのカギあな と違うわ!" |
1804 | "[sound 6845]If you try to ride the horse in that form, you'll flatten the poor thing!" |
"[sound 6845]その姿で乗ったら、 馬がつぶれちゃうわ!" |
1805 | "[sound 6845]In that form, you won't be able to get your whole body on the horse!" |
"[sound 6845]その姿じゃあ、体がすべって 乗れないわよ!" |
1806 | "[sound 6845]You can't even reach the horse in that form!" |
"[sound 6845]その姿じゃあ、 馬にとどかないでしょ!" |
1807 | "Who's there? I am focusing my spirit now. If you need something, come back later!" |
"ダレじゃ?今は精神を集中しておる 用があるのなら、後で来なさい!" |
1808 | "Currently out delivering mail. Please wait a while." |
"ただいま 手紙 集配中 しばらく お待ちください" |
1809 | "Post Office 9 a.m. to 3 p.m." |
"ポストハウス 朝 9時〜昼 3時まで" |
180A | "Curiosity Shop Open at 10 p.m." |
"マニ屋 夜10時から" |
180B | "On break. Back in 1 hour." |
ただいま 1時間ほど 休憩中 |
180C | It's locked... | カギが かかっている・・・・ |
180D | "Magic Hags' Potion Shop Preparing for business. Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m." |
"魔法オババのクスリ屋 ただいま準備中 営業時間 朝6時〜夜6時まで" |
180E | "Tourist Information Closed for the day Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m." |
"観光案内所 本日は終了しました 営業時間 朝6時〜夜6時" |
180F | "Shooting Gallery 6 a.m. to 10 p.m." |
"射的場 朝 6時〜夜 10時まで" |
1810 | "Treasure Chest Shop 6 a.m. to 10 p.m." |
"宝箱屋 朝 6時〜夜 10時まで" |
1811 | "Target Range Honey & Darling's Shop 6 a.m. to 10 p.m." |
"マト当て屋 ハニーとダーリンの店 朝 6時〜夜 10時まで" |
1812 | """Latte"" The Members-Only Milk Bar Open from 10 p.m." |
"会員制ミルクバー 「ラッテ」 夜10時開店" |
1813 | "Stock Pot Inn Check in begins at 8 a.m." |
"ナベかま亭 チェックインは 朝8時から" |
1814 | "[sound 6845]It says... Employees Only. No Admittance!" |
"従業員室 関係者以外 立ち入り禁止 [sound 6845]だって・・・" |
1815 | "The Mayor's Official Residence Open to the public from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m." |
"町長公邸の一般公開のおしらせ 一般公開は 朝10時〜夜8時まで クロックタウン町長" |
1816 | "[sound 6845]Sneaking into other people's rooms? You're the worst!" |
"[sound 6845]他人の部屋を のぞくなんて アンタ、サイテーね!" |
1817 | "This ranch opens at 6 a.m. Romani Ranch" |
"当牧場は、朝6時からです ロマニー牧場" |
1818 | "? It's locked from the inside." |
"? 中から カギが かかっている" |
1819 | "Cucco Shack We're open 6 a.m. to 8 p.m." |
"コッコ小屋 朝6時〜夜8時までだぜ" |
181A | "Mamamu Yan's Doggy Racetrack 6 a.m. to 8 p.m." |
"ママム・ヤンのドッグレース場 朝6時〜夜8時までよ あらやだ" |
181B | ロマニーは お休み中 | |
181C | "Closed for the day. Ticket Sales: 6 a.m. ~ 5:59 p.m. Exchanges: 6 p.m. ~ 11 p.m." |
"本日の営業時間は終了しました くじ販売 朝6時〜夜5時59分 引き換え 夜6時〜夜11時まで" |
181D | "Keep away from our house! My father is not one of you!" |
"私の家に 近よらないで! お父さんは、アンタたちの 仲間なんかじゃない!" |
181E | ............ | ・・・・・・・・ |
181F | "I'm asking you... Please, forget what you saw here. Leave us alone!" |
"お願いだから ここで見たことは忘れて・・ 私たちのことは ほっといて!" |
1820 | "[sound 6845]The door's locked, so no one must be home!" |
"[sound 6845]カギが かかってるから きっと、いないわよ!" |
1821 | "Ah...You are a member. Please come in." |
"会員の方ですね どうぞ お入りください" |
1822 | "Welcome. Please show proof of membership." |
"いらっしゃいませ 会員証を お見せください" |
1823 | "Swamp Shooting Gallery 6 a.m. to 10 p.m." |
"沼の射的場 朝 6時〜夜 10時まで" |
1824 | ||
1883 | "I'm closing the shop now. Out you go!" |
"はい、もう店じまいするよ 出てってねー!" |
1884 | "It's time ta close me shop. Git out, already!" |
"もう、閉店の時間だから 出てってちょ〜よ!" |
1885 | "It is 8:30 p.m. and the Stock Pot Inn will now be locking the door. Thank you for joining us." |
"とう ナベかま亭は 夜8時30分 を持ちまして 閉館となります まことに ありがとうございました" |
1886 | "It's time for the two of us to be alone. Sorry, but get out!" |
"もう、2人っきりになる時間だから 悪いけど 出てって!" |
1887 | "Business is done for the day. Please come again." |
"本日の営業は終了しました また、どうぞ" |
1888 | "[sound 6845]It looks like the lady is taking a break. Let's not bother her." |
"[sound 6845]レディーは お休みみたいよ おジャマ虫は 退散しましょ" |
1889 | "[sound 6845]It looks like this place is about to close. Let's go outside." |
"[sound 6845]もう、ココ 閉めるみたいよ 外に出るわよ!" |
188A | They came!!! | 来たわ!! |
188B | "We're closing the shop, so you have to leave." |
"ちょっと、店を閉めるから 出てってね" |
188C | "Well, I have to get things ready for tonight's business... Please take care." |
"さ、今夜の開店の準備を しなくては・・・ おひきとりください" |
188D | "I'm openin' the shop... Sorry, but ya gotta go." |
"店がはじまる・・・ 悪いけど 帰ってくれ" |
188E | "[sound 6845]He's opening the shop! We're in the way, so let's go." |
"[sound 6845]お店 はじまるみたいよ! ジャマだから いきましょ" |
188F | "OK, it's closing time. See ya!" |
"はい、もう 店じまいの時間だ またな" |
1890 | "[sound 6960]OK, it's closing time. Quick! Get outta here!" |
"[sound 6960]はい、もう 店じまいの時間だ はやく、逃げな・・・" |
1891 | "Soon, I will unite my spirit to cut the moon, so you must leave here." |
"そろそろ、月を斬るための精神統一 をするので 悪いが出ていってくれ" |
1892 | "Oh, I'm sorry. It's already time to close up shop. Come again." |
"ごめんなさ〜い もう、お店を閉める 時間なの また、遊びましょ" |
1893 | "That's all for today, so hurry up and go home!" |
"もう、時間だから はやく、おウチに かえりなさい!" |
1900 | わからない! | |
1901 | "It's a Snapper! The way these things move, they never expose the weak part of their body!" |
"スナッパーよ こいつの動きは 自分の体の 弱い部分を見せないように動くの!" |
1902 | "That's a Mini Baba. It won't attack unless you get too close to it, so watch your step!" |
"ミニババよ こっちから 近づかないと攻撃して こないんだから ビビらないでよ!" |
1903 | "You've run inside a Mad Jelly. Since its body is so soft, normal attacks won't do any good! Figure out another way!" |
"マッドゼリーの中に逃げ込んだわ 体をやわらかくしてるから 攻撃 してもダメよ!この体なんとかして" |
1904 | "What?! You don't even know about the Skulltula? It's protected by a hard shell, but its stomach is soft!" |
"スタルチュラも 知らないの? カタイ体に守られてるけど、お腹 だけは、やわらかいのよ!" |
1905 | "That's a Red Chuchu. It's nothing really to be afraid of! It's not unusual to find something in its stomach that might be of use." |
"レッドチュチュよ どうってことないヤツじゃん!胃に 何かを飲みこんでいるのが特徴ね" |
1906 | "Blue Chuchu... This doesn't have anything inside of it, so it's really just a blob of water." |
"ブルーチュチュ・・・・ 胃の中に何も飲みこんでないから これじゃあ タダの水の固まりだわ" |
1907 | "Don't tell me you don't know about the Deku Baba! Cut it down when it has extended its body and Deku Nuts or Sticks will come out." |
"デクババも 知らないの? のびきった時、斬るのがコツね 棒や実は コイツからできてるのよ" |
1908 | "Bio Deku Baba... Just calm down and aim carefully! And don't blame me if one hit doesn't get rid of it!" |
"バイオデクババ・・・ 落ち着いてよく狙って!一発で 倒さないと 私 知らないからね!" |
1909 | "Isn't that a Deku Baba? But it looks a little withered... Just cut it. You should at least get a Deku Stick out of it." |
"デクババじゃない ちょっと 枯れかけてるけど・・・ 斬れば棒ぐらいにはなるんじゃない" |
190A | "It's a Dexihand. Just be careful... Look, it's not my fault if you get too close and it grabs you!" |
"デキシーハンドよ しんちょうにね・・・近づきすぎて 捕まっても 知らないわよ!" |
190B | "That's a Nejiron. Don't get too close to it. Sniff...Sniff... It smells like gun powder!" |
"ネジロンよ あまり 近づかないほうがいいわ コイツ火薬のニオイがキツイから!" |
190C | "That's a Giant Bee. Don't ask me! You can either fight or run... It's up to you." |
"ジャイアントビーよ なんでもかんでも 私に聞かない! 倒すなり逃げるなり 好きにしたら" |
190D | "What?! Don't you know about the Dodongo? It moves slowly, so you can circle around to its backside. Got that?" |
"ドドンゴも 知らないの? 動きが のろいんだから 後ろに 回りこめばいいのよ わかった?" |
190E | "It's a Deep Python. Get close to it and stun it. If you fail, it'll getcha!" |
"ディープパイソンよ うまく近づいて シビレさせるのよ しくじったら ヤラレルからね!" |
190F | "Death Armos, a temple guard... Look at that red mark on its chest! I know you've seen something like that before..." |
"デスアモス・・・神殿の衛兵よ 見なさい ムネの赤いマークを! どこかで 見たこと あるでしょ" |
1910 | "What?! Don't you know about the Dinofols? Use targeting methods while defending. And watch out for its fiery breath!" |
"ダイナフォスも 知らないの? 防御しながら Z注目をうまく使う それと、コイツ 火を吹くからね!" |
1911 | "Don't tell me you don't know about the Fire Keese! Defeat it before it swoops down on you. I do not want to roast!" |
"ファイアキースも 知らないの? 突っ込んでくる前に 絶対倒してよ 私 燃やされたくないんだから!" |
1912 | "What?! Don't you know about the Keese? Use Z Targeting when it gets close. Even if it flies off, I'll follow it for you." |
"キースも 知らないの? 接近したらZ注目ぐらいしなさいよ 逃げられても注目し続けられるから" |
1913 | "You know about the Armos, right? Shhhh! Don't touch it! Blow it up before it wakes, please!" |
"アモスも 知らないの? 静かに!触らないで! 倒すなら 目覚める前に破壊して 頼むから" |
1914 | "That's an Eeno. It's persistent! ...And it's susceptible to heat!" |
"イーノーよ コイツ しつこいのよね! 熱さに 弱いくせに!" |
1915 | "Isn't that a Dragonfly? As long as you stay away from its tail, it's no big danger." |
"ドラゴンフライじゃない こんなのシッポさえ気をつけてれば たいしたコトないわよ" |
1916 | "Stick with using the basic target methods while defending. ...He's a different rank than those other two lackeys, though..." |
"基本通り 防御しながらZ注目を うまく使うのよ ・・・今度のは あの二人とは格がちがうわ!" |
1917 | "It said that it's a Garo... Just concentrate on blocking and dodging those sharp swords!" |
"ガロって いったわ・・・ あのスルドイ剣さばきを防いで かわすことだけ 考えなさい!" |
1918 | "That's the Garo Master... You can't fight him like an ordinary Garo. Just dodge those swords..." |
"ボス・ガロって いうところね・・ 普通のガロのようにはいかないわよ あの剣をかわすことだけ考えなさい" |
1919 | "It's a Wart. Once you've gotten rid of the spheres that shield the main body, you can attack the eye." |
"ワートよ この気持ち悪いのは 中身を守る ために 外側にくっついているのよ" |
191A | "It's Gomess. There'll be no end to it if you can't get those bats away from it. Does that shed any light on the situation?" |
"ゴメスよ まとわりつくコウモリを まとめて 引き離さないと きりがないわ!" |
191B | "Hurry! Chase after it. Even if it means throwing your own body into it, do it so it'll stop!" |
"早く 追っかけて! 逃げるわよ 自分の体を張って体当たりしてでも ヤツの暴走を 止めるのよ!" |
191C | "That's a Blue Bubble! Quick! Run! Don't let it curse you! If it comes after you, defend yourself to block it!" |
"青バブルだ! 早く 逃げなさいよ 呪われるわよ 向かってきたら 防御してはね返す" |
191D | "Use Z Targeting methods while defending...The ""Unthinkable?"" What could that possibly be in a place as dark as this?" |
"防御しながら Z注目をうまく使うのよ! ねえ、いまわしき光って・・・何?" |
191E | "Just keep defending and watch his movements. I think I'm starting to see his weak point!" |
"そのまま 防御しながら聞いてよ ねえ、ヤツラの動きをよく見て! 苦手なものが 見えてきたわ!" |
191F | "What?! Don't you know about the Skullwalltula? ...Just don't touch it, all right?" |
"スタルウォールも 知らないの? ・・・とにかく 触らないように しなさいよ!" |
1920 | "黄金のスタルチュラも知らないの? 呪いのクモと恐れられ、呪われた人 は 全部倒さないと元に戻らないの" | |
1921 | "Hurry! Chase him until you get your chance at him! But if you get too close, you might regret it!" |
"早く追いかけて スキを見つけて! だけど、調子にのって 近づくと 痛い目にあうわよ!" |
1922 | "It's a Yellow Chuchu. That's nothing to sweat about. It usually has something in its stomach that's of use..." |
"イエローチュチュよ どうってことないヤツじゃん!胃に 何かを飲みこんでいるのが特徴ね" |
1923 | "It's a Takkuri. Run! This bird steals your items! C'mon! What are you doing just standing around?!" |
"タックリーよ 逃げて! 持ってるモノ スラれるわ! はやく なにやってるの!" |
1924 | "What?! You don't know about the Red Bubble? If it comes at you, get in the defensive position to bounce it back...Got it?" |
"赤バブルよ 知らないの? 向かってきたら 防御して はね返す!・・・・わかってる?" |
1925 | "Hiploops are hotheaded, so they'll charge if you look it in the eye. If it comes at you, assume the defensive position." |
"ヒップループは 血の気が多いから 目をあわすと 突進してくるわよ! 向かって来たら 防御してはね返す" |
1926 | "It's a Hiploop. Quickly dodge it if it charges at you. But can't you first do something about that mask it's wearing?" |
"ヒップループよ 突進して来たら すぐよける! その前にあの仮面を何とかしたら?" |
1927 | "Don't tell me you don't know about the Shell Blade! It's impossible to beat it if you aim for anything but its ligament inside the shell." |
"シェルブレードも 知らないの? 貝柱以外をねらっても ムダよ" |
1928 | "If you go near it now, you'll be eaten! Aim at it from afar to weaken it." |
"今 近づいたって食われるだけよ 水面から 襲って来るアイツを 遠くから狙って まずは弱らせる" |
1929 | "What are you doing?!? There's no time to lose! Dive underwater and attack it! Hurry!" |
"今よ 何やってるの! 早く 潜って ヤツに一撃 くらわすのよ! 早く!" |
192A | "ReDead... If it catches you in its paralyzing glare, you won't be able to move. Shake it off if you get caught!" |
"リーデッド・・・ にらまれると動けなくなるから、 捕まったら ふりはらうのよ!" |
192C | "It's a Black Boe... Just calm down and attack it! Look, there are just a lot of them, that's all." |
"クロボーじゃない・・・ 落ち着いて 倒せばいいだけよ! なによ たんに数が多いだけじゃん" |
192D | "It's a Gibdo. You won't be able to move if it glares at you, so be careful! Got it?" |
"ギブドよ にらまれると動けなくなるから 気をつけるのよ! わかった?" |
192E | "Just its head and tail aren't protected by its hard exoskeleton, so aim carefully. If only you were the same size as it..." |
"ここだけ カラに守られていないわ よく狙って! せめて同じ大きさに なれたら ゴカクに戦えるのに・・" |
192F | "魔力がドンドン 減っていくわ! ちょっと アンタ 短時間で 勝負を 決めるのよ!" | |
1930 | "It's a Wallmaster! Keep an eye out for it by watching for its shadow on the floor. Get it before it goes back up to the ceiling." |
"フォールマスターも 知らないの? 床に落ちたカゲに気をつけて! 天井にもどる前に スキができるわ" |
1931 | "You know the Floormaster, right? If you don't do something about its pieces before they can reunite..." |
"フロアマスターよ 知らないの? 分裂して復活するまでに 何とか しないと、私 知らないからね" |
1932 | "Remember your battles! When something resistant would deflect your weapons, what was its backside usually like?" |
"今までの戦いを 思い出しなさい! 硬くて武器をはね返すモノの裏側は 必ずその逆のことがいえたじゃない" |
1933 | "Remember your battles! When you fought things that ran around, didn't you battle them using your own body?" |
"自分の戦いを 思い出しなさい! 逃げ回る敵を 自分の体を使って 食い止めたじゃない!" |
1934 | "Think about battles and weapons! When you had the chance before an enemy was about to attack, didn't you usually try shooting it?" |
"自分の武器と全ての戦いを思い出して 敵が攻撃する前にできる一瞬のスキ を見ぬき 射抜いて来たじゃない!" |
1935 | "You know about the Iron Knuckle, right? Stay away from its ax attack, then look for a chance to retaliate." |
"アイアンナックも 知らないの? 大ダメージを与える斧に注意する 後は よく見て スキを見つける" |
1937 | "You know about the Like Like, right? It eats whatever you're carrying. You'd better defeat it if you want your stuff back." |
"ライクライクも 知らないの? 持ってるモノ 食べられるわよ そしたら 自分で取り返しなさいよ" |
1939 | "What?! You don't know about the Beamos? Don't let its beam scare you. Just give it a good blast!" |
"ビーモスも 知らないの? ビームごときで ビビらないでよ! ドカーンと一発 破壊するのよ!" |
193A | ||
193B | "Don't tell me you don't know about the Freezard! Watch out for its icy breath! I hate the c-c-cold!" |
"フリザドも 知らないの? あの 凍りつく息に注意してよ! 私 寒いの イヤなのよ!" |
193C | "It's a White Boe... Just calm down and attack it! Yeah, yeah, yeah...There are just a lot of them, OK?" |
"シロボーじゃない・・・ 落ち着いて 倒せばいいだけよ! なによ たんに数が多いだけじゃん" |
1942 | "You know about the Octorok, right? All you have to do is deflect that rock it spits out." |
"オクタロックも 知らないの? 吐いてくる石は はね返せば いいだけじゃない" |
1944 | "What?! You don't know about the Poe? If you try to use Z Targeting, it vanishes." |
"ポウも 知らないの? Z注目すると姿をかくすわ" |
1945 | "That's a Gekko. And it's pretty angry! It's pretty weak, too. It really shouldn't be making a fool of you." |
"ゲッコーよ 挑発されてるわよ!こんな弱いのに アンタ、なめられてるんじゃないの" |
1946 | "Don't you know about the Blue Tektite? Use Z Targeting to follow it as it bounces!" |
"青テクタイトも 知らないの? はねる動きはZ注目でロックして!" |
1947 | "You know about the Leever, right? It actually moves pretty fast. That's not exactly good news, is it?" |
"リーバも 知らないの? 意外と 動きが速いし・・・ ほんと、うっとうしいのよコイツ!" |
1948 | "Don't tell me you don't know about the Pea Hat! Just remember that its root area is soft!" |
"ピーハットも 知らないの? この根っこの部分は 柔らかいわ!" |
1949 | "Pea Hat Larva...You don't know about it? If it comes at you, get in the defensive position to knock it back!" |
"幼生ピーハットよ 知らないの? 向かってきたら 防御して はじき返せば いいだけよ!" |
194A | "It's an Eyegore. Simply attacking it is no good. I say you should pay attention to the subtle changes in its eye." |
"アイゴールよ 適当に攻撃してもダメ ヤツの目の 微妙な変化を見逃すんじゃないわよ" |
194B | "It's a Wizrobe. You'll get your chance right when it starts to attack. Be on the lookout for it!" |
"ウィズローブよ 攻撃態勢にはいった時に、スキが できるから、目をはなさないでよ!" |
194C | "So you don't know about the Wolfos? Lure it in and watch its movements. It doesn't like its tail to be touched..." |
"ウルフォスも 知らないの? 相手を引きつけて 動きを見なさい シッポを触られるのがイヤみたいね" |
194D | "That's one Mad Scrub! Even though it's weak, it sure likes to attack!" |
"オコリナッツよ 弱いくせに 攻撃的なのよね!" |
1950 | "It's Meg, eldest of the ghost sisters. When she multiplies, look for the real one!!! Is this it?" |
"四姉妹の幽霊 長女メグよ 分身したら 本物をさがしてよ!! こいつが 本物?" |
1951 | "It's Jo, second of the four ghost sisters!. Aim when she appears. Hurry! There's no time!" |
"四姉妹の幽霊 次女ジョオよ 姿を現わした時をねらって 時間が ないわよ!" |
1952 | "It's Beth, third of the four ghost sisters. Aim when she appears! Hurry up! There are still more!" |
"四姉妹の幽霊 三女べスよ 姿を現わした時をねらって! まだ 次がいるのよ 早く!" |
1953 | "It's Amy, youngest of the four ghost sisters. Target her when she appears! You got that?" |
"四姉妹の幽霊 末妹エイミーよ 姿を現わした時をねらって! ちゃんと、わかってるの?" |
1954 | "The pirate found you! Use Z targeting and look for your chance. You're caught if you don't win." |
"海賊に 見つかっちゃったわね! Z注目を使って スキを見つけてよ 倒さないと 捕まっちゃうんだから" |
1955 | "It's a Stalchild. They were the cursed soldiers of the Kingdom of Ikana...What are you gonna do?" |
"スタルベビーよ 元は 呪われたイカーナ王国の兵士 なんだって・・・どうする?" |
1956 | "You know about the Ice Keese, right? Destroy it before it swoops down on you. I hate the c-c-cold!" |
"アイスキースも 知らないの? 突っ込んでくる前に 倒してね! 私 冷たいの イヤなのよ!" |
1957 | "It's a White Wolfos. Lure it in and watch its movements. It doesn't like its tail to be touched..." |
"ホワイトウルフォスも 知らないの? 相手を引きつけて 動きを見なさい シッポを触られるのがイヤみたいね" |
1958 | "It's a Guay. You don't know about this one? Just attack it before it swoops down on you. That's all there is to it." |
"グエーよ 知らないの? 突っ込んでくる前に 倒す! それだけよ・・・・" |
1959 | "Don't tell me you don't know about the Big Octo! If you don't want to be sucked in, keep your distance. Aim from afar!" |
"ダイオクタも 知らないの? 吸われたくないなら 近づかない! 遠くから 狙えばいいのよ!" |
195A | "You know about the Big Poe, right? Knock it back to stop it, then take your shot!" |
"ビッグポウも 知らないの? はじきとばして 動きを止めて! そのスキを狙うの! 聞いてる?" |
195B | "Isn't that a Skullfish? Look, don't ask me about everything, all right?" |
"スカルギョじゃない こんなのぐらいで、 いちいち私に 聞かないの!" |
195C | "It's a Desbreko. Once it bites you, it's not gonna want to let go. I haaaate this thing!" |
"デスプレコじゃない こいつ、食らいついたら なかなか離れないから 私キライよ" |
195D | "That's a Green Chuchu. It's nothing to be afraid of...It usually has something in its stomach that's of use." |
"グリーンチュチュよ どうってことないヤツじゃん!胃に 何かを飲みこんでいるのが特徴ね" |
195E | "If you get close to him, you'll be beaten! Do you understand me?" |
"近づいたって やられるだけよ! アンタ わかってるの?" |
195F | "That's a Gekko. It gets itself all worked up and then it just runs around. I hate it." |
"ゲッコーよ 自分から挑発しといて 逃げ回って ばかりいる やなヤツよ!" |
1960 | "It's a Bad Bat. If you don't do something before it swoops down on you...Well, just don't come running to me!" |
"バッド・バットよ 突っ込んでくる前に なんとかしないと知らないわよ!" |
1961 | "That's a Real Bombchu! It runs at you with its pack of explosives, so protect yourself or else!" |
"本物のボムチュウよ 火薬の固まりが走って来るんだから 体を防御しないと、ヤラレルわよ!" |
1962 | "If he starts dancing and you don't run...Well, then I really can't help you!" |
"アイツが 踊りだしたら逃げないと 私 知らないからね!" |
1963 | "Look closely! The bugs seem to gather around fire!" |
"よく見なさいよ! ムシは 火に 集まるみたいよ" |
1964 | "The power of this mask allows you to see what you can smell... If it's possible, put the scent in something and take it to the Magic Hags' Potion Shop." |
1B58 | [failed song] | [failed song] |
1B59 | Play it with [A] and [C]. | [A]と[C]で演奏 |
1B5A | Play with [A] and [C]. | [A]と[C]で演奏、[B]でやめる |
1B5B | ||
1B5C | Open your ears and listen hard! | 耳をすませて、よく聞いてくれ! |
1B5D | I'll sing the next part. | オラ、つづきを歌うコロ |
1B5E | Match how the children lined up... | ゾーラの子のならび方に合わせてみ |
1B5F | You shall remember this song! | さあ、この曲を覚えるがいい! |
1B60 | Could this be the song? | こんな メロディーかしら・・・? |
1B61 | Play after me. | ワタクシのあとに 吹いてください |
1B62 | This reminds me of us... | あなたと出会った思い出の歌を |
1B63 | Follow along after me. | ワタクシのあとに 吹いてください |
1B64 | The horse seems to like this song. | このコ この歌がスキみたい |
1B65 | May the soaring wings take flight. | 大空に羽ばたく 翼を その胸に |
1B66 | Keep this song in your heart... | 嵐の歌を その胸に・・・ |
1B67 | ||
1B6A | I'll just teach you the beginning... | とりあえず、出だし だけでも・・ |
1B6B | You played the Scarecrow's Song! | 録音案山子の歌 |
1B72 | "You played the Sonata of Awakening!" |
目覚めのソナタを 奏でた! |
1B73 | You played the Goron Lullaby! | ゴロンのララバイを 奏でた! |
1B74 | "You played the New Wave Bossa Nova!" |
潮騒のボサノバを 奏でた! |
1B75 | "You played the Elegy of Emptiness!" |
ぬけがらのエレジーを 奏でた! |
1B76 | You played the Oath to Order! | 誓いの号令を 奏でた! |
1B77 | ||
1B78 | You played the Song of Time! | 時の歌を 奏でた! |
1B79 | You played the Song of Healing! | いやしの歌を 奏でた! |
1B7A | You played Epona's Song! | エポナの歌を 奏でた! |
1B7B | You played the Song of Soaring! | 大翼の歌を 奏でた! |
1B7C | You played the Song of Storms! | 嵐の歌を 奏でた! |
1B7D | ||
1B7E | "You played the Inverted Song of Time!" |
時の逆さ歌を 奏でた! |
1B7F | "You played the Song of Double Time!" |
時のかさね歌を 奏でた! |
1B80 | You played the Lullaby Intro! | 半分だけの子守歌を 奏でた! |
1B81 | ||
1B89 | [failed song] | [failed song] |
1B8A | "Save and return to the Dawn of the First Day? Yes No" |
"セーブして最初の朝にもどりますか? はい いいえ" |
1B8B | But nothing happened... | しかし、なにも起きなかった・・・ |
1B8C | "Slow the current flow of time? Yes No" |
"時の流れを、今より遅くしますか? はい いいえ" |
1B8D | "Return the flow of time to normal? Yes No" |
"時の流れをふつうにもどしますか? はい いいえ" |
1B8E | "Proceed to the Dawn of the Final Day? Yes No" |
"時を「最期の朝」まで進めますか? はい いいえ" |
1B8F | "Proceed to the Night of the Final Day? Yes No" |
"時を「最期の夜」まで進めますか? はい いいえ" |
1B90 | "Proceed to the Night of the 2nd Day? Yes No" |
"時を「次の日の夜」まで進めますか? はい いいえ" |
1B91 | "Proceed to the Night of the First Day? Yes No" |
"時を「最初の夜」まで進めますか? はい いいえ" |
1B92 | "Proceed to the Dawn of the 2nd Day? Yes No" |
"時を「次の日の朝」まで進めますか? はい いいえ" |
1B93 | "Soar to [soar destination]? Yes No" |
"[soar destination]へ飛びますか? はい いいえ" |
1B94 | "You cannot proceed any further through time..." |
"これ以上 時を進めることは できなかった・・・" |
1B95 | "Your notes echoed far... but nothing happened." |
"遠くまで音色は 響いたが・・・ しかし、何も起こらなかった" |
1B96 | ||
1B98 | "Now saving and returning to the Dawn of the First Day..." |
セーブして最初の朝にもどります |
1B9E | "You learned the Sonata of Awakening! This melody awakens those who have fallen into a deep sleep!" |
"目覚めのソナタを おぼえた! 深い眠りについたモノを 目覚めさせるメロディーだ!" |
1B9F | "The Lullaby Intro became the Goron Lullaby... This lullaby blankets listeners in calm while making eyelids grow heavy." |
"半分だけの子守唄が ゴロンのララバイ になった・・・ 聞いていると、気持ちが落ち着き まぶたが閉じてしまう 子守歌" |
1BA0 | "You learned the New Wave Bossa Nova! It's the melody taught by the Zora children that invigorates singing voices." |
"潮騒のボサノバを おぼえた! ゾーラの子が 教えてくれた 歌声を いざなうメロディー" |
1BA1 | "You learned the Elegy of Emptiness! It's a mystical song that allows you to shed a shell shaped in your current image. By playing the song while wearing masks to assume different forms, you'll be able to leave up to four empty shells--one for each form!" |
"ぬけがらのエレジーを おぼえた! 今の自分の姿を残せるフシギな曲だ 仮面で乗り移った姿で 奏でれば 4つの ぬけがらを残せるぞ!" |
1BA2 | You learned the Oath to Order! | 誓いの号令を おぼえた! |
1BA4 | "You remembered the Song of Time! This melody, lingering on the edges of your mind, is a song of memories of Princess Zelda." |
"時の歌を 思い出した! 記憶のカタスミに残る このメロディー ゼルダ姫との思い出の曲" |
1BA5 | You learned the Song of Healing! | いやしの歌を おぼえた! |
1BA6 | "It is Epona's Song! The song of two who are bound by trust." |
"やっぱり エポナの歌だ! 信頼で結ばれた ふたりのメロディー" |
1BA7 | "You learned the Song of Soaring! This melody swoops you up and sends you soaring to a stone bird statue in an instant." |
"大翼の歌を おぼえた! 大翼の石像に一瞬にして 飛んでいける メロディーだ" |
1BA8 | "You remembered the Song of Storms! This melody that you've heard before is the turbulent tune that blows curses away." |
"嵐の歌を 思い出した! 聞き覚えのあるメロディー 呪いを吹き飛ばす 嵐の曲だ" |
1BAA | 時の逆さ歌を おぼえた! | |
1BAB | 時のかさね歌を おぼえた! | |
1BAC | "You learned the Lullaby Intro! The soothing melody of a thoughtful father." |
"半分だけの子守歌を おぼえた! 父親の思いのこもった 安らぎのメロディー" |
1BB2 | "Dawn of the Second Day -48 Hours Remain-" |
"次の日の朝 ーあと48時間ー" |
1BB3 | "Dawn of the Final Day -24 Hours Remain-" |
"最期の朝 ーあと24時間ー" |
1BB4 | "Night of the First Day -60 Hours Remain-" |
"最初の夜 ーあと60時間ー" |
1BB5 | "Night of the Second Day -36 Hours Remain-" |
"次の日の夜 ーあと36時間ー" |
1BB6 | "Night of the Final Day -12 Hours Remain-" |
"最期の夜 ーあと12時間ー" |
1C00 | "The Indigo-Go's, the Zora Band that's revived the deep-sea sound with its famous song, will be playing at the Carnival of Time!!! Contact Madame Aroma regarding performances and details." |
"深海のサウンド あの名曲が蘇る ゾーラバンド ダル・ブルー 刻のカーニバル 公演決定!! くわしくは 興行係 アロマまで" |
1C01 | "Urgently Recruiting! Workers wanted to build the festival tower for the carnival. See Mutoh." |
"急募! カーニバル恒例 月見やぐら 建設作業員募集中 ムトーまで" |
1C02 | "Patron Guidelines for the Milk Bar, Latte: We offer our customers limited- run milk. Thus, we are a members- only establishment. Those who do not have proof of membership will be refused service. The Owner" |
"ミルクバー ラッテ ご利用案内 当店は 手に入りにくい ミルクを お客さまに ご提供するため 会員制と なっております 会員証を お持ちでない方の ご利用を お断りしております ラッテ オーナー" |
1C03 | "Open the chest for something splendid! The thrill of surprise... Treasure Chest Shop" |
"箱をあけると ステキなモノが! 中身は 見てのお楽しみ 宝箱屋" |
1C04 | "Kafei's Diary The wedding ceremony is soon. It might be early, but I finished my wedding mask. I wonder if Anju has made hers? She tends to do things at the last minute, so probably not. There is a gathering of the fellows at the Milk Bar tonight. I plan to show off my wedding mask and talk about my sweetheart as best I can." |
"カーフェイの日記 もうすぐ結婚式だ 少し 気が早いけど 式に使う 婚礼の面 が 完成した アンジュは もう、作ったかな? のんびり屋だから、まだだろう 今夜は、ミルクバーで 男友だちだけの 集まりがある 婚礼の面を見せびらかして せいいっぱい のろけ話を 聞いてもらう予定" |
1C05 | "Granny's Diary It was my granddaughter who cooked again today. Putting that to the lips shortens the life! I thought of a way to get by without eating. I'll try it tomorrow. I just hope I'm not caught." |
"オババの日記 今日も 孫が 食事当番だった ああ、早く終わってくれないものか アレを口にすると 寿命がちぢむ 食べずにすむ 方法を 考えついた 明日から やってみようと思う ダマすのは 気がひけるが" |
1C06 | "Recruiting Soldiers! Protect peace and uphold justice with us! Corps Recruiter, Viscen" |
"町兵団員 募集! 正義と平和を われわれと守ろう! 人事担当 バイセン" |
1C07 | "Those with business, please ring bell. No solicitors. Curiosity Shop" |
"ご用の方は ベルを鳴らして下さい 押し売り おことわり マニ屋" |
1C08 | "Planned Moon Trip Experiment Memo: Try using bomb-powered flight" |
"月旅行計画 実験メモ バクダンを バクハツさせて 飛ぶ力を 利用する実験" |
1C09 | "My History of Tools Not for Sale" |
"ワシの道具の歴史 もち非売品" |
1C0A | "Enter all disciples and those who choose to be enlightened with the way of the sword. Mighty Training Center" |
"来たれ 門下生 親切 ていねい 就職OK 最強の道場" |
1C0B | "This Week's Schedule Morning: Collection Afternoon: Delivery Evening: Practice The Week's Motto: Don't slack off --the heavens and the wife are watching. --Mayor Dotour" |
"今週の集配 スケジュール 朝ー回収 昼ー配達 夜ー練習 今週の標語 気をぬくな、お上とヨメは 見ているぞ ドトール町長 作" |
1C0C | "Honey & Darling's Shop A Gaming Center. Changing Daily!" |
"日替わり 遊技場 ハニーとダーリンの店" |
1C0D | Post Office | ポストハウス |
1C0E | Bomb Shop | バクダン屋 |
1C0F | Curiosity Shop | マニ屋 |
1C10 | Trading Post | 雑貨屋 |
1C11 | The Stock Pot Inn | 宿屋 ナベかま亭 |
1C12 | Mayor's Residence | 町長公邸 |
1C13 | Lottery Shop | 宝くじ屋 |
1C14 | Clock Town Bank | クロックタウン銀行 |
1C15 | Town Shooting Gallery | 町の射的場 |
1C16 | "Granny's Diary We're going to take refuge at Romani Ranch tomorrow. I guess it really will fall. Leaving my lifelong home and fleeing is unbearable, but nothing can be done... I think I'll take several of Gampy's favorite books." |
"おばばの日記 明日 ロマニー牧場に 避難することになった やはり 落ちてくるらしい 住みなれた家をはなれ 逃げるのは しのびないが しかたない・・・ おじいさんの愛読書を 何冊か もっていこうと思う" |
1C17 | "Romani Ranch Village of Milk 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m." |
"ミルクの里 ロマニー牧場 朝6時〜夜8時まで" |
1C18 | "Absolutely Guaranteed! We shall guard your assets! Clock Town Bank" |
"万全の保証! あなたの財産を必ず守ります クロックタウン銀行" |
1D00 | "[sound 6979]What's this? Green clothes...White fairy... Sir, could you, by chance, be a forest fairy? Oh my!" |
"[sound 6979]ムムッ? 緑の服 白い妖精・・・ オヌシ、もしかして、もしかすると 森の妖精さんでは? なんと!" |
1D01 | "[sound 697A]My name is Tingle! I think I am the same as you, sir. A forest fairy! Alas, though I am already age 35, no fairy has come to me yet... My father tells me to grow up and act my age, but why? I tell you...Tingle is the very reincarnation of a fairy!" |
"[sound 697A]ボクの名前は、チンクル! オヌシと同じ森の妖精だと 思うんだが・・・ 35才になった今でも ボクのところには妖精が来ないんだ オヤジは、いいトシこいて 目をさませっていうけれど・・・ ゼッタイにチンクルは 妖精の生まれ変わりさ!" |
1D02 | "Now while I stand here waiting for a fairy of my own, I sell maps to help out my father." |
"今は こうやって オヤジの 手伝いで マップを売りながら 妖精さんを 待っているのさ" |
1D03 | "[sound 697B]Lucky! Lucky! You're so lucky to have a fairy! I know! I know! We should be friends! Yes! Yes! In exchange, I will sell you a map for cheap as a sign of my friendship." |
"[sound 697B]いいな〜! いいな〜! ねえねえ 友だちになってよ そうだ、そのかわり 友情のしるしに マップを 安く売ってあげるよ" |
1D04 | Will you buy one of Tingle's maps? | チンクルの描いたマップ買う? |
1D05 | "[sound 6979]Huh?...A white fairy? The way you look? Ohh...Magic, isn't it, sir?" |
"[sound 6979]あれ?・・・白い妖精? その姿は・・・? オヌシ、さては・・・魔法だな" |
1D06 | "...I see! Well, call again!" |
"・・・あっそ! じゃあ、また呼んでね!" |
1D07 | "[sound 697C]Tingle, Tingle! Kooloo-Limpah!" |
"[sound 697C]チンクル〜 チンクル〜 クルリンパッ!" |
1D08 | "[sound 697A]...These are the magic words that Tingle created himself. Don't steal them!" |
"[sound 697A]・・・コレはチンクルが考えた 魔法の呪文 まねするなよ!" |
1D09 | "[sound 697B]...Huh? But you already have that map..." |
"[sound 697B]・・・あれ? そのマップは、すでに持ってるゾ" |
1D0A | "[sound 697B]Sir, you don't have enough Rupees!" |
[sound 697B]オヌシ、ルピーが足りないぞナ! |
1D0B | Yippee! | イエ〜イ! |
1D0C | [sound 6979]Uh, sir? | [sound 6979]あっ、オヌシ? |
1D0D | [sound 697A]Hello, Mr. Fairy! | [sound 697A]こんにちは、妖精さん! |
1D11 | "Clock Town 5 Rupees Woodfall 40 Rupees No thanks" |
"クロックタウン 5ルピー ウッドフォール 40ルピー 買わない" |
1D12 | "Woodfall 20 Rupees Snowhead 40 Rupees No thanks" |
"ウッドフォール 20ルピー スノーヘッド 40ルピー 買わない" |
1D13 | "Snowhead 20 Rupees Romani Ranch 40 Rupees No thanks" |
"スノーヘッド 20ルピー ロマニー牧場 40ルピー 買わない" |
1D14 | "Romani Ranch 20 Rupees Great Bay 40 Rupees No thanks" |
"ロマニー牧場 20ルピー グレートベイ 40ルピー 買わない" |
1D15 | "Great Bay 20 Rupees Stone Tower 40 Rupees No thanks" |
"グレートベイ 20ルピー ロックビル 40ルピー 買わない" |
1D16 | "Stone Tower 20 Rupees Clock Town 40 Rupees No thanks" |
"ロックビル 20ルピー クロックタウン 40ルピー 買わない" |
1D17 | [sound 697A]Well, call again! | [sound 697A]じゃあ、また呼んでね! |
1F40 | "Hee, hee. You two fairies did great! I wonder if he has anything good on him... Huh? This guy... ...Well, that shouldn't be a problem." |
"ヒヒッ、 オマエたち、うまくやったな! なにか いいモノ 持ってそーか? あれ? こいつ・・・ ・・・まあ、いいか" |
1F41 | "[sound 6847]Ooh, ooh! What a pretty ocarina... Hey, Skull Kid, lemme touch it! I wanna see!" |
"[sound 6847]キッ・・・キレイなオカリナ・・・ ねえ、スタルキッド ・・・ボクにも・・・さわらせて!" |
1F42 | "You can't, Tael! What would we do if you dropped it and broke it? No way! You can't touch it!!!" |
"アンタはダメよ、トレイル! 落として、ケガでもしたら どうするの あぶないから、さわっちゃダメ!!" |
1F43 | "[sound 6847]...Aw, but sis... W...Why can't I try it out, too?" |
"[sound 6847]・・・だけど,ネエちゃん・・・ ボッ・・・ボクも さわりたい・・" |
1F44 | "[sound 3A7B]What's with that stupid horse of yours?! It doesn't listen to a word that's said to it..." |
"[sound 3A7B]なんだ あの バカ馬は! ぜんぜん 言うことを きかないなあ" |
1F45 | "There's no point in riding a thing like that, so I did you a favor and got rid of it... [sound 3A75]Hee, hee..." |
"あんなの 乗ってても しかたがないから 捨てといてやったよ [sound 3A75]ヒヒッ" |
1F46 | "Hee, hee! Now, that's a good look for you! You'll stay here looking that way forever!" |
"ヒヒッ なかなか、ユニークな姿だ! オマエは、ずーっと その姿でココにいろ!" |
1F47 | "Whoa! Whoa! Skull Kid, wait for me! I'm still here!!! Tael, you can't leave without me!" |
"あっ、待ってよスタルキッド! 私がまだいるのにー! トレイル、行っちゃダメよー!" |
1F48 | S-s...Sis! | ネ・・・ネエちゃーん! |
1F49 | "[sound 2925]You! If I wasn't dealing with you, I wouldn't have gotten separated from my brother! Well, don't just sit there, Deku boy! Do something!!!" |
"[sound 2925]ちょっと! アンタの相手してたら、弟とはぐれ ちゃったじゃないの! どうしてくれるのよ!!" |
1F4A | "[sound 6850]...Why are you looking at me like that? What, is there something stuck on my face? Will you stop staring and just open that door for me?!? Please!!! C'mon, a helpless, little girl is asking you... So hurry up!" |
"[sound 6850]・・・なによ、その顔は? 私の顔に なんかついてる? あんまり ジロジロ見ないでよ ねえそれより、あの扉 どうにかして開けなさいよ! かよわい女の子が たのんでるのよ! 早くしてよ!" |
1F4B | "[sound 2935]Ohhhh, Tael... I wonder if that child will be all right on his own?" |
"[sound 2935]あーん、トレイル! あのコ、一人で大丈夫かしら?" |
1F4C | "Hey, wait for me! Don't leave me behind! So, um... That stuff back there... I...um...apologize, so... So take me with you!" |
"待ってよー! おいてかないでよ〜 ねえー、 さっきのコトは、あやまるからさぁ〜 いっしょに連れてって〜!" |
1F4D | "You wanna know about that Skull Kid who just ran off, right? Well, I just so happen to have an idea of where he might be going. Take me with you and I'll help you out. Deal? Please?" |
"アンタだって、 さっき逃げたスタルキッドのコト 知りたいでしょ? 私 アイツの 行きそうな場所に 心当たりが あるわ 私を連れていった方が 何かと役に立つわよ だからお願い ねっ、ねっ、いいでしょ!" |
1F4E | "[sound 6850]Good! So then it's settled! Now then, I'll be your partner... or at least until we catch that Skull Kid... My name's Tatl. So, uh, it's nice to meet you or whatever." |
"[sound 6850]はい、キマリ! じゃあ、とりあえずスタルキッドを 捕まえるまでアンタの相棒に なってあげるわ! 私、チャット よろしくね!" |
1F4F | "Now that we've got all that straightened out, can we stop messing around and get moving? If I figure something out, press [C Up] and I'll tell it to you. Hopefully, you'll manage to get by without my help until then!" |
"そーと決まったら、 グズグズしないで 急いでここから出るのよ! もし、何かわかったコトがあったら [C Up]で教えてあげるから、それまで 一人でがんばんなさい!" |
1F50 | "Aww, boo-hoo. Why the sad face? [sound 3A79]I just thought I'd have a little fun with you..." |
"なんだ その顔は? [sound 3A79]せっかく 遊んでやろうと 思ったのに・・・" |
1F51 | "Oh, come now... Do you really think you can beat me as I am now? Fool!" |
"今のオイラに 勝てると思っているのか マヌケなヤツめ!" |
1F52 | "In the land of Hyrule, there echoes a legend. A legend held dearly by the Royal Family that tells of a boy..." |
"ハイラルに伝わる 王家の伝説 そこに 一人の少年が 登場する" |
1F53 | "A boy who, after battling evil and saving Hyrule, crept away from the land that had made him a legend..." |
"巨悪と戦い ハイラルを救ったのち 彼は、伝説から 姿を消した・・・" |
1F54 | "Done with the battles he once waged across time, he embarked on a journey. A secret and personal journey..." |
"時をこえた戦いを終え 彼は 人知れず 旅に出た" |
1F55 | "A journey in search of a beloved and invaluable friend..." |
冒険の終わりで 別れた |
1F56 | "A friend with whom he parted ways when he finally fulfilled his heroic destiny and took his place among legends..." |
かけがえのない 友を探す旅に・・・ |
1F5F | "[sound 281B]Aah! He's awake!" |
"[sound 281B]あっ! 気がついた" |
1F60 | "You guys... You hadn't forgotten about me?" |
"オマエたち・・・オイラのこと 忘れて なかったのか・・・" |
1F61 | "You still thought of me as a friend?" |
"まだ、友だちだと 思っていて くれたのか・・・" |
1F62 | "Did you... Did you save me?" |
"オマエが 助けてくれたのか・・・?" |
1F63 | "I thought they didn't want to be friends with me..." |
"アイツら オイラを 相手にしてくれないと 思っていた・・・" |
1F64 | "But... They hadn't forgotten about me..." |
"だけど・・・ オイラのこと 忘れていなかった" |
1F65 | "Friends are a nice thing to have... [sound 3A7E]Heh, heh." |
"友だちって いいよな・・・・[sound 3A7E]へへッ" |
1F66 | Could you be my friend, too? | "オマエも オイラの友だちに なってくれるか?" |
1F67 | "Eh-hee-hee...You have the same smell as the fairy kid who taught me that song in the woods..." |
"ウヒヒッ・・・オマエ 森で オイラに歌を教えてくれた 妖精の子と 同じニオイがする" |
1F68 | "I know, I know! Let's do something!" |
"じゃあ、じゃあ、 何して 遊ぶ!" |
1F69 | "Oh...So the evil has left the mask after all..." |
"おお、やはり 仮面から 邪気が 無くなっている・・・" |
1F6A | Well, now...I finally have it back. | たしかに 受け取りましたよ |
1F6B | "[sound 697F]Since I am in the midst of my travels... I must bid you farewell." |
"[sound 697F]さて、ワタクシは 旅の途中ですので これで・・・" |
1F6C | "Shouldn't you be returning home as well?" |
"アナタも そろそろ お帰りになられたほうが よろしいのでは・・・?" |
1F6D | "Whenever there is a meeting, a parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever... Whether a parting be forever or merely for a short time... That is up to you." |
"出会いがあれば 必ず 別れは 訪れるもの ですが、その別れは 永遠では ないはず・・・ 別れが 永遠になるか 一時になるか・・・ それは アナタしだい" |
1F6E | [sound 697F]With that, please excuse me... | [sound 697F]では、失礼します・・・ |
1F6F | "...But, my, you sure have managed to make quite a number of people happy." |
"おや、アナタ ずいぶん たくさんの人を しあわせに してあげましたね" |
1F70 | "The masks you have are filled with happiness. This is truly a good happiness." |
"アナタの持っている お面には しあわせが いっぱい詰まっている これは 実に いい しあわせだ" |
1F71 | "Well, both of us have gotten what we were after... So this is where you and I part ways, isn't it?" |
"おたがい 目標は 達成したんだし アンタとは、ここでお別れね!" |
1F72 | You know...it was kind of fun. | まあまあ、楽しかったわよ |
1F73 | "Well...it's almost time for the carnival to begin... So, why don't you just leave and go about your business? The rest of us have a carnival to go to." |
"さあ、そろそろ カーニバルが はじまる時間だわ さっさと 行ったら?" |
1F74 | [sound 6850][Link]! | [sound 6850][あ?] ! |
1F75 | ...Thank you.[sound 6846] | ありがとう[sound 6846] |
1FA4 | "[sound 697D]You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" |
[sound 697D]大変な目にあいましたねえ・・・・ |
1FA5 | "[sound 697D]I own the Happy Mask Shop. I travel far and wide in search of masks... During my travels, a very important mask was stolen from me by an imp in the woods. So here I am at a loss... And now I've found you." |
"[sound 697D]ワタクシは、しあわせのお面屋 古今東西、しあわせのお面を 求める行商人・・・ 旅の途中、森でキミョウな小鬼に 大切な仮面を 盗まれ 途方に くれていたところ アナタを 見つけまして" |
1FA6 | "[sound 697F]Now don't think me rude, but I have been following you..." |
"[sound 697F]失礼と 思いながらも ずっと、後を つけさせてもらいました・・・" |
1FA7 | "...For I know of a way to return you to your former self." |
"・・・実は ワタクシ アナタを 元の姿にもどす方法を 知っているのです" |
1FA8 | "If you can get back the precious item that was stolen from you, I will return you to normal." |
"アナタが 盗まれた 大切な物 ソレさえあれば 元の姿に もどしてあげますよ" |
1FA9 | "In exchange... All I ask is that you also get back my precious mask that the imp stole from me." |
"・・・そのかわり ついでに あの小鬼から ワタクシの 大切な仮面を とりかえして もらえませんか?" |
1FAA | "[sound 697E]What? Is it not a simple task? Why, to someone like you, it should by no means be a difficult task." |
"[sound 697E]な〜に カンタンなことじゃ ないですか アナタにとって けして、悪い話では ないはず" |
1FAB | "Except... The one thing is... I'm a very busy fellow... And I must leave this place in three days. How grateful I would be if you could bring it back to me before my time here is up..." |
"ただ・・・ あいにく ワタクシも 忙しい身でして あと、3日で ここを 去らねば ならないのです できれば それまでに 取り返していただけると ありがたい のですが・・・" |
1FAC | "[sound 697D]But yes...You'll be fine. I see you are young and have tremendous courage. I'm sure you'll find it right away." |
"[sound 697D]大丈夫 アナタは お若いのに たいそう 勇気のあるお方だ きっと、すぐに見つかりますよ" |
1FAD | Well then, I am counting on you[sound 697F]... | では、よろしく[sound 697F]・・・ |
1FAE | "[sound 697D]Why, hello... Did you find that little imp? If you can get back the precious item that was stolen from you, I will return you to normal. Surely, you should be able to find him right away. Time continues to pass even as we speak. There are only [hours remaining E7] left. Please... Do not forget my precious mask." |
"[sound 697D]おや、アナタ あの 小鬼は 見つかりましたか? アナタが盗まれた 大切な物 ソレさえあれば 元の姿に もどしてあげますよ アナタなら きっと すぐに 見つけられるはずです さあ、こうしている間にも 時間は 過ぎていくばかり・・・ 後 [hours remaining]しかありませんよ ワタクシの 大切な仮面も 忘れないで くださいね・・・・" |
1FAF | "[sound 6982]How did you do? You'll be fine. Surely, you should be able to recover Majora's Mask. I believe in you. Ah, but time passes even as we speak... There are only [hours remaining E7] left. Ho, ho, ho..." |
"[sound 6982]どういたしました? 大丈夫 アナタなら きっと ムジュラの仮面をとりかえせるはず ワタクシは 信じていますよ あ、こうしている間にも 時間は 過ぎていくばかり・・・ 後 [hours remaining]しかありませんよ フォッ フォッ フォッ" |
1FB0 | "[sound 697E]Were you able to recover your precious item from that imp?" |
"[sound 697E]あの小鬼から、アナタの 大切な物 とりかえせましたか?" |
1FB1 | "Oh! Oh! Ohhh!!! You got it! You got it! You got it! You got it!!!" |
"よく見ると アナタ、 とりもどしてるじゃ ないですか!" |
1FB2 | "Then listen to me. Please play this song that I am about to perform, and remember it well..." |
"ではどうぞ、ワタクシの奏でる曲を 吹いて、おぼえてください" |
1FB3 | "This is a melody that heals evil magic and troubled spirits, turning them into masks. I am sure it will be of assistance to you in the future." |
"この歌は、邪悪な魔力や うかばれぬ魂を いやし 仮面にかえる曲 この先きっと、 お役に立つと思います" |
1FB4 | "Ah, yes. I give you this mask in commemoration of this day. Fear not, for the magic has been sealed inside the mask. When you wear it, you will transform into the shape you just were. When you remove it, you will return to normal." |
"そうそう、記念に この仮面も 差し上げます 安心してください 魔力は仮面に 封じ込めました かぶると先ほどの姿に 乗り移れますが はずせば 元の姿に戻ります" |
1FB5 | "[sound 697D]Now, I have fulfilled my promise to you..." |
"[sound 697D]これで アナタとの約束は はたしましたよ・・・" |
1FB6 | "So, please, give me that which you promised me..." |
"では、 約束の物を こちらへ・・・" |
1FB7 | Don't tell me... | まさか・・・ |
1FB8 | My mask... | アナタ |
1FB9 | You did... | ワタクシの 仮面を・・・ |
1FBA | get it back...Didn't you? | とりかえして・・・いないとか? |
1FBB | What have you done to me!!! | なんてことを してくれたんだ!! |
1FBC | "If you leave my mask out there, something terrible will happen!" |
"このまま あの仮面を のばなしに していたら 大変なことになる!" |
1FBD | "The mask that was stolen from me... It is called Majora's Mask." |
"実は ワタクシの盗まれた あの仮面・・・ ムジュラの仮面といって" |
1FBE | "It is an accursed item from legend that is said to have been used by an ancient tribe in its hexing rituals." |
"太古の とある民族が 呪いの儀式で 使っていたとされる 伝説の 呪物なのです" |
1FBF | "It is said that an evil and wicked power is bestowed upon the one who wears that mask." |
"その仮面をかぶった者には 邪悪で すさまじい力が宿ると 言い伝えられています" |
1FC0 | According to legend... | 伝説では・・・ |
1FC1 | "the troubles caused by Majora's Mask were so great..." |
"ムジュラの仮面が もたらす 災いの あまりの大きさに" |
1FC2 | "the ancient ones, fearing such catastrophe, sealed the mask in shadow forever, preventing its misuse." |
"それを恐れた 先人たちが 仮面を悪用 されないよう 永遠の闇に 封じ込めたといいます" |
1FC3 | "But now, that tribe from the legend has vanished, so no one really knows the true nature of the mask's power..." |
"その力が どんな力なのか 伝説に 記された その民族が 滅びた 今では わかりません" |
1FC4 | ...But I feel it. | ・・・しかし、ワタクシは感じます |
1FC5 | "I went to great lengths to get that legendary mask. When I finally had it... I could sense the doom of a dark omen brewing. It was that unwelcome feeling that makes your hair stand on end." |
"苦労して手に入れた伝説の仮面 あれを 手にした時感じた 身の毛もよだつ まがまがしい力" |
1FC6 | "And now... that imp has it..." |
"あれが 今 あの小鬼の手にある・・・" |
1FC7 | "I am begging you! You must get that mask back quickly or something horrible will happen!" |
"お願いです! はやく あの仮面を取り返さないと とんでもないコトがおきます!" |
1FC8 | Oh, you? | おや、アナタ? |
1FC9 | "Were you able to get Majora's Mask back?" |
"ムジュラの仮面は とりもどせましたか?" |
1FCA | "You still haven't done it! I keep telling you that if you don't get it back soon, terrible things will happen!!!" |
"まだじゃ ないですか! はやく とりかえさないと 大変なことになるって あれほど 言っているのに!!" |
1FCB | "Only [hours remaining E7] remain. But time is not eternal. Please make the most of your time." |
"後 [hours remaining]しかありません 時は 永遠でないのです 時間を 大切にしてください" |
1FCC | "Surely you should be able to do something. Believe in your strengths... [sound 697F]Believe..." |
"アナタなら きっと うまく いくはずです 自分の力を 信じなさい・・・ [sound 697F]信じなさい・・" |
1FCD | "You'll do fine. Surely you will be able to recover Majora's Mask. Only [hours remaining E7] remain. But time is not eternal. Please make the most of your time. I believe in you. I will be waiting here for you. [sound 697F]Ho, ho, ho." |
"大丈夫 アナタなら きっと ムジュラの仮面を とりかえせるはず 後 [hours remaining]しかありません 時は 永遠では ないのです 時間を 大切にしてください ワタクシは 信じて アナタをココで 待っていますよ [sound 697F]フォッ フォッ フォッ" |
1FCE | "Oh, yes. You... You have the spirit of the Goron who could not be healed..." |
"おや、その お姿? アナタ、いやされぬ ゴロンの魂を お持ちで・・・" |
1FCF | "So then... Have you recovered Majora's Mask?" |
"ところで・・・ ムジュラの仮面は とりもどせましたか?" |
1FD0 | "Oh, that shape? You have the spirit of the Zora who could not be healed..." |
"おや、その お姿? アナタ、いやされぬ ゾーラの魂を お持ちで・・・" |
1FD1 | [sound 6982]That mask... | [sound 6982]その お面・・・ |
1FD2 | [sound 6982]Why that's... | [sound 6982]それは・・・ |
1FD3 | "Unfortunately, that's not the mask I am looking for." |
"ただ、ザンネンながら そのお面は ワタクシの 探しているお面じゃ ありません" |
1FD4 | [sound 697D]You have done some good work... | "[sound 697D]アナタは いい仕事を しましたね・・・" |
1FD5 | "Keep up that pace. I am counting on you to get my mask..." |
"その調子で ワタクシの仮面も 頼みますよ・・" |
1FD6 | "[sound 6983]That's the Great Fairy's Mask, isn't it?" |
[sound 6983]大妖精のお面ですね |
1FD7 | "That is quite rare. Normally, you wouldn't be able to get one of those." |
"これは めずらしい ふつうでは 手に入りませんよ" |
1FD8 | [sound 6983]That's the Gibdo Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]ギブドのお面ですね |
1FD9 | "That is a fine mask. It is filled with the love of a father and child." |
"これは いいお面だ 親子の愛が いっぱい つまっている" |
1FDA | "[sound 6983]That is the Mask of Truth, isn't it?" |
[sound 6983]まことのお面ですね |
1FDB | "You have a frightful mask. But being able to see into people's hearts and minds seems useful..." |
"人の心を 見通せる べんりなようで 恐ろしいお面を お持ちで" |
1FDC | [sound 6983]That's the Giant's Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]巨人の仮面ですね |
1FDD | That truly is a rare mask... | "いや 実に めずらしい お面を お持ちで" |
1FDE | [sound 6983]That's Kafei's Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]カーフェイのお面ですね |
1FDF | "The worry of a concerned mother is expressed quite well in that mask." |
"そのお面には 母親の心配したキモチが よく あらわれています" |
1FE0 | "[sound 6983]That's Don Gero's Mask, isn't it?" |
[sound 6983]ゲーロのお面ですね |
1FE1 | "That mask has a very operatic feel about it." |
"そのお面には 芸術的な フンイキが ただよっています" |
1FE2 | [sound 6983]That's the Blast Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]バクレツのお面ですね |
1FE3 | "That is a fine mask. It is filled with feelings of gratitude." |
"これは いいお面だ 感謝のキモチが いっぱい つまっている" |
1FE4 | [sound 6983]That's the Couple's Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]めおとの面ですね |
1FE5 | "That is truly a very fine mask. It's overflowing with powerful feelings of love and gratitude." |
"これは、ほんとうに いいお面だ 二人の強い愛と 感謝のキモチが あふれんばかりに つまっている" |
1FE6 | "[sound 6983]That is the Mask of Scents, isn't it?" |
[sound 6983]ブーさんのお面ですね |
1FE7 | "You've done well to get that mask. Looking at its condition, I can tell that its previous owner was neat and tidy." |
"よく手入れしてあるお面だ 前の持ち主の方は キチョウ面な お方のようですね" |
1FE8 | [sound 6983]That's Kamaro's Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]カマロのお面ですね |
1FE9 | "That is a fine mask. It is filled with the joy a teacher has in finding a good student." |
"これは いいお面だ 後継者が見つかった 喜びが いっぱい つまっている" |
1FEA | [sound 6983]That's the Stone Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]石コロのお面ですね |
1FEB | "That is a fine mask. It is filled with an appreciation for things that go unnoticed." |
"これは いいお面だ 小さな喜びが いっぱい つまっている" |
1FEC | [sound 6983]That's the Postman's Hat, isn't it? | [sound 6983]ポストハットですね |
1FED | "That is a fine thing. It is filled with the joy of freedom." |
"これは いいモノだ 自由への 喜びが いっぱい つまっている" |
1FEE | [sound 6983]That's the Bunny Hood, isn't it? | [sound 6983]ウサギずきんですね |
1FEF | "That is a fine thing. It is filled with kindness towards animals." |
"これは いいモノだ 動物への やさしさが いっぱい つまっている" |
1FF0 | [sound 6983]That's the Captain's Hat, isn't it? | [sound 6983]隊長のボウシですね |
1FF1 | "That is a splendid thing. It earns the respect and sworn allegiance of legions of soldiers." |
"部下たちが 敬意を持って 忠誠を誓う リッパなモノですが" |
1FF2 | [sound 6983]That is the Bremen Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]ブレー面ですね |
1FF3 | "If you have that, then it would appear you have the qualities of a leader." |
"それを持っている ということは アナタ リーダーの素質が あるようですね" |
1FF4 | "[sound 6983]That's the Circus Leader's Mask, isn't it?" |
[sound 6983]座長のお面ですね |
1FF5 | "That is a fine mask. It is filled with the feelings of tenderness left behind in the back of one's heart." |
"これは いいお面だ 心の奥に忘れかけた 純粋なキモチが つまっている" |
1FF6 | [sound 6983]That's a Keaton Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]キータンのお面ですね |
1FF7 | "It carries a lot of nostalgia. It was popular with children long ago." |
"昔 子供たちに 人気のあった なつかしいお面です" |
1FF8 | That's the Garo's Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]ガロのお面ですね |
1FF9 | "If you have that mask, you must be one with quite a bit of courage." |
"そのお面を 持っているとは なかなか 勇気のある お方だ" |
1FFA | [sound 6983]That's the All-Night Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]夜更かしのお面ですね |
1FFB | That looks like an expensive mask. | 高そうな お面ですね |
1FFC | [sound 6983]That's Romani's Mask, isn't it? | [sound 6983]ロマーニのお面ですね |
1FFD | "That is a nice mask. It is a sentimental item that exudes a lot of maturity." |
"これは いいお面だ オトナのフンイキがただよう愛が いっぱい つまっている" |
1FFE | "[sound 697E]You have done some good work... You went to a great deal of trouble, didn't you?" |
"[sound 697E]アナタは いい仕事を しましたね・・・・ 苦労したでしょ" |
1FFF | "I'm begging you! I'm begging you! You must do it!" |
"お願いです! お願いです! アナタなら できる!" |