Variable List by Actor
From CloudModding OoT Wiki
The List: Completed
0002:0032:0002:Stalfos 0002:0032:0003:Stalfos 0002:0032:FFFF:Stalfos 0008:0001:0284:Flame (small orange flame) 0008:0001:02F5:Flame (orange flame) 0008:0001:0395:Flame (orange flame) 0008:0001:03F0:Flame (orange flame) 0008:0001:03F3:Flame (green flame) 0008:0001:03F4:Flame (small orange flame) 0008:0001:03F5:Flame (orange flame) 0008:0001:03F6:Flame (green flame) 0008:0001:03F7:Flame (blue flame) 0008:0001:03F8:Flame (magenta flame) 0008:0001:03F9:Flame (whitish flame) 0008:0001:03FA:Flame (yellow-white flame) 0008:0001:03FB:Flame (light green flame) 0008:0001:03FC:Flame (light magenta flame) 0008:0001:03FD:Flame (lighter magenta flame) 0008:0001:03FE:Flame (light blue flame) 0008:0001:03FF:Flame (light blue flame) 0008:0001:07F5:Flame (orange) 0008:0001:83F0:Flame (small scrolling texture with light) 000A:000E:0020:Treasure Chest (holds bombs) 000A:000E:0021:Treasure Chest (holds bombs) 000A:000E:0022:Treasure Chest (holds bombs) 000A:000E:0043:Treasure Chest (holds deku nuts, from OoT) 000A:000E:007F:Treasure Chest (holds bombchu) 000A:000E:03E0:Treasure Chest (holds odd mushroom) 000A:000E:04E0:Treasure Chest (holds kokiri sword) 000A:000E:0644:Treasure Chest (holds bomb bag) 000A:000E:06AB:Treasure Chest (holds silver gauntlets) 000A:000E:07C0:Treasure Chest (holds piece of heart) 000A:000E:07C4:Treasure Chest (holds heart piece, beta map) 000A:000E:0800:Treasure Chest (holds compass) 000A:000E:0801:Treasure Chest (holds compass) 000A:000E:080B:Treasure Chest (holds compass) 000A:000E:0820:Treasure Chest (holds dungeon map) 000A:000E:0822:Treasure Chest (holds dungeon map) 000A:000E:0823:Treasure Chest (holds dungeon map) 000A:000E:082C:Treasure Chest (holds dungeon map) 000A:000E:10A6:Treasure Chest (holds slingshot) 000A:000E:10C0:Treasure Chest (holds boomerang, from OoT) 000A:000E:10C6:Treasure Chest (holds boomerang, lowers water spout 15C6 when opened) 000A:000E:1100:Treasure Chest (holds hookshot) 000A:000E:11A0:Treasure Chest (holds megaton hammer) 000A:000E:15C2:Treasure Chest (holds iron boots) 000A:000E:15E7:Treasure Chest (holds hover boots) 000A:000E:1801:Treasure Chest (holds compass) 000A:000E:1802:Treasure Chest (holds compass) 000A:000E:1805:Treasure Chest (holds compass) 000A:000E:180F:Treasure Chest (holds compass) 000A:000E:1821:Treasure Chest (holds dungeon map, from OoT) 000A:000E:182D:Treasure Chest (holds map) 000A:000E:27E4:Treasure Chest (holds boss key) 000A:000E:27E5:Treasure Chest (holds boss key) 000A:000E:27EB:Treasure Chest (holds boss key) 000A:000E:3569:Treasure Chest (holds mirror shield) 000A:000E:5041:Treasure Chest (holds deku nuts) 000A:000E:5042:Treasure Chest (holds deku nuts) 000A:000E:506A:Treasure Chest (holds bombchu) 000A:000E:507A:Treasure Chest (holds bombchu) 000A:000E:5540:Treasure Chest (holds hylian shield) 000A:000E:5541:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:5841:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:5845:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:5847:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:5848:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:5849:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:5885:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:5886:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:588A:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:588C:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:5903:Treasure Chest (holds heart) 000A:000E:5905:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:592B:Treasure Chest (holds arrows) 000A:000E:5945:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:5953:Treasure Chest (holds double arrows) 000A:000E:5982:Treasure Chest (holds green rupee) 000A:000E:5986:Treasure Chest (holds green rupee) 000A:000E:59A0:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:59A1:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:59A3:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:59C1:Treasure Chest (holds red rupee) 000A:000E:59CA:Treasure Chest (holds red rupee) 000A:000E:5AA0:Treasure Chest (holds purple rupee) 000A:000E:5AA1:Treasure Chest (holds purple rupee) 000A:000E:5AA2:Treasure Chest (holds purple rupee) 000A:000E:5AA7:Treasure Chest (holds purple rupee) 000A:000E:5AAB:Treasure Chest (holds purple rupee) 000A:000E:5AC0:Treasure Chest (holds huge rupee) 000A:000E:5CC3:Treasure Chest (holds bombs) 000A:000E:5CE6:Treasure Chest (holds bombs) 000A:000E:5D47:Treasure Chest (holds bombchu) 000A:000E:5E48:Treasure Chest (holds loser green rupee from game shop) 000A:000E:5E49:Treasure Chest (holds loser green rupee from game shop) 000A:000E:5F98:Treasure Chest (freeze trap) 000A:000E:684E:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:6852:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:6855:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:6856:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:6902:Treasure Chest (holds heart) 000A:000E:6934:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:6954:Treasure Chest (holds double arrows) 000A:000E:7066:Treasure Chest (holds bombchu) 000A:000E:70E9:Treasure Chest (holds deku sticks) 000A:000E:7522:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:7542:Treasure Chest (holds hylian shield) 000A:000E:7840:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:7842:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:7843:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:7848:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:7888:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:7889:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:794D:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:7951:Treasure Chest (holds double arrows) 000A:000E:7952:Treasure Chest (holds double arrows) 000A:000E:7979:Treasure Chest (holds triple arrows) 000A:000E:79D0:Treasure Chest (holds red rupee) 000A:000E:7AA2:Treasure Chest (holds purple rupee) 000A:000E:7AA4:Treasure Chest (holds purple rupee) 000A:000E:7AB1:Treasure Chest (holds purple rupee) 000A:000E:7ACA:Treasure Chest (holds huge rupee) 000A:000E:8020:Treasure Chest (holds bombs) 000A:000E:8023:Treasure Chest (holds bombs) 000A:000E:8045:Treasure Chest (holds deku nuts) 000A:000E:8048:Treasure Chest (holds deku nuts) 000A:000E:8063:Treasure Chest (holds deku nuts) 000A:000E:8064:Treasure Chest (holds bombchu) 000A:000E:807F:Treasure Chest (holds bombchu) 000A:000E:8522:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:8524:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:852A:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:8841:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:8843:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:8844:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:8845:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:8846:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:8848:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:884C:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:884D:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:884E:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:885B:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:885C:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:885D:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:885E:Treasure Chest (holds small key) 000A:000E:888F:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:8901:Treasure Chest (holds heart) 000A:000E:8904:Treasure Chest (holds heart) 000A:000E:8907:Treasure Chest (holds heart) 000A:000E:8909:Treasure Chest (holds heart) 000A:000E:8926:Treasure Chest (holds arrows) 000A:000E:892F:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:8940:Treasure Chest (holds double arrows) 000A:000E:8942:Treasure Chest (holds double arrows) 000A:000E:89A0:Treasure Chest (holds blue rupee) 000A:000E:8AA0:Treasure Chest (holds purple rupee) 000A:000E:A7C0:Treasure Chest (holds heart piece) 000A:000E:B08C:Treasure Chest (holds bow) 000A:000E:B120:Treasure Chest (holds longshot) 000A:000E:B141:Treasure Chest (holds lens of truth) 000A:000E:B6C6:Treasure Chest (holds golden gauntlets) 000A:000E:B7C0:Treasure Chest (holds heart piece) 000A:000E:B800:Treasure Chest (holds compass) 000A:000E:B803:Treasure Chest (holds compass) 000A:000E:B821:Treasure Chest (holds dungeon map) 000A:000E:B822:Treasure Chest (holds dungeon map) 000A:000E:B823:Treasure Chest (holds dungeon map) 000A:000E:BB24:Treasure Chest (holds ice arrow) 000B:000A:0000:Great Fairy 000C:002C:00FF:Proximity Activated Firewall 000D:0009:0000:Poe 000E:0007:0000:Octorok 000E:0007:FF00:Octorok 000F:0036:0FC5:Large Spider Web (covers hole) 000F:0036:0FC6:Large Spider Web (covers hole to 3 scrubs) 000F:0036:0FE1:Large Spider Web (covers door) 000F:0036:0FF9:Large Spider Web (cover hole) 000F:0036:19CA:Large Spider Web (covers door and torch) 000F:0036:1FC7:Large Spider Web (covers tunnel) 000F:0036:1FCB:Large Spider Web (covers switch) 000F:0036:1FCF:Large Spider Web (covers door) 000F:0036:1FD4:Large Spider Web (covers path) 000F:0036:1FD6:Large Spider Web (covers door) 000F:0036:1FE0:Large Spider Web 000F:0036:1FE1:Large Spider Web 000F:0036:1FE2:Large Spider Web 000F:0036:1FFE:Large Spider Web (blocks door) 000F:0036:1FFF:Large Spider Web (covers ladder) 0011:000B:0000:Wallmaster 0011:000B:0001:Wallmaster 0011:000B:1102:Wallmaster 0011:000B:3302:Wallmaster 0011:000B:3902:Wallmaster 0011:000B:3A02:Wallmaster 0011:000B:3B02:Wallmaster 0011:000B:3D02:Wallmaster 0012:000C:FFFF:Dodongo 0013:000D:0000:Fire Keese 0013:000D:0003:Circumstantial Keese 0013:000D:0004:Ice Keese 0013:000D:8003:Circumstantial Keese 0014:001A:FFFF:Epona 0015:0001:0100:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:0102:Collectable (red rupee) 0015:0001:0106:Collectable (heart piece) 0015:0001:0111:Collectable (small key) 0015:0001:0200:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:0202:Collectable (red rupee) 0015:0001:0206:Collectable (heart piece) 0015:0001:0211:Collectable (small key) 0015:0001:0300:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:0302:Collectable (red rupee) 0015:0001:0406:Collectable (heart piece) 0015:0001:0611:Collectable (small key) 0015:0001:0701:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:0806:Collectable (heart piece) 0015:0001:0A02:Collectable (red rupee) 0015:0001:0B06:Collectable (heart piece) 0015:0001:0D06:Collectable (heart piece) 0015:0001:0E01:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:0F01:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:1101:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:1201:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:1301:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:1406:Collectable (heart piece) 0015:0001:1803:Collectables (heart) 0015:0001:1C03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:1C11:Collectable (small key) 0015:0001:1D03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:1E03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:1E06:Collectable (heart piece) 0015:0001:2000:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2002:Collectable (red rupee) 0015:0001:2003:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2100:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2102:Collectable (red rupee) 0015:0001:2103:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2200:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2201:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:2202:Collectable (red rupee) 0015:0001:2203:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2300:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2301:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:2302:Collectable (red rupee) 0015:0001:2303:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2400:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2401:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:2403:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2500:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2501:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:2600:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2601:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:2603:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2700:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2701:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:2703:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2800:Collectables (green rupee) 0015:0001:2803:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2900:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2903:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2A00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2A03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2B00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2B03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2C00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2C03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2D00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2D03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2E00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2E03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:2F00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:2F03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:3000:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3003:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:3100:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3103:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:3400:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3403:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:3500:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3600:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3700:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3801:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:3803:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:3900:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3901:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:3903:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:3A00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3A01:Collectable (blue rupee) 0015:0001:3A03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:3B00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3B03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:3C00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3C03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:3D00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3D03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:3E00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3E03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:3F00:Collectable (green rupee) 0015:0001:3F02:Collectable (red rupee) 0015:0001:3F03:Collectable (heart) 0015:0001:FF06:Collectable (heart piece, 8th map) 0018:0001:0004:Group of Fairies 0019:0013:0004:Cucco 0019:0013:0008:Cucco 0019:0013:000B:Cucco 0019:0013:000C:Cucco 0019:0013:000E:Cucoo (main house) 0019:0013:FFFF:Cucco 001B:0016:FFFE:Blue Tektite 001B:0016:FFFF:Red Tekitite 001D:0018:0000:Peehat 001D:0018:FFFF:Peehat 0021:0001:0001:Fish 0021:0001:FFFF:Fish 0025:001B:0500:Lizafos 0025:001B:0501:Lizafos 0025:001B:0600:Lizafos 0025:001B:0601:Lizafos 0025:001B:FFFE:Dinofols 0025:001B:FFFF:Lizafos 0026:0076:FFFF:Wooden Post With Red Cloth 0027:0019:FFFF:King Dodongo 0028:001C:FFFF:Ghoma 0029:001D:FFFF:Child Princess Zelda (courtyard 3rd map) 002A:0001:08FF:Cutscene Actors 002A:002D:0404:Cutscene Actors (ganondorf’s horse) 002A:0046:0000:Cutscene Actors (zelda’s horse) 002A:0087:0101:Cutscene Actors (impa) 002A:00E1:0303:Cutscene Actors (ganondorf) 002A:00E1:09FF:Cutscene Actors (ganondorf, 115 13th map) 002A:0191:0202:Cutscene Actors (zelda) -0062 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0090 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0047 (unknown group, may not be needed) 002B:001E:0006:Ghoma Larva (laying) 002B:001E:0007:Ghoma Larva (laying) 002B:001E:0008:Ghoma Larva (hanging, circumstantial) 002B:001E:0009:Ghoma Larva (hanging, lower than 08, circumstantial) 002D:0012:FFFF:Bubble Enemy 002F:001F:FFFF:Dodongo Jr. 0034:0021:FFFF:Biri 0037:0024:0000:Skulltula 0037:0024:0001:Skulltula 0037:0024:0002:Skulltula (invisible) 0038:0025:FFFF:Torch Slug 0039:0001:010A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:050A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:060A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:0B0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:0C0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:0E0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:0F09:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:1009:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:100A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:1109:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:110A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:1209:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:120A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:1309:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:1409:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:140A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:150A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:160A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:170A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:190A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:1E0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:210A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:230A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:2B0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:2D0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:390A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:3A0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:3B0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:3C0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:3D0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:3E0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:3F0A:Gameplay_keep Objects 0039:0001:430A:Gameplay_keep Objects 003A:0026:0000:Stinger (from OoT) 003A:0026:000A:Stinger 003B:0001:0000:Ambient Sound Effects (nothing) 003B:0001:0001:Ambient Sound Effects (stream) 003B:0001:0003:Ambient Sound Effects (waterfall) 003B:0001:0006:Ambient Sound Effects (lava) 003B:0001:0007:Ambient Sound Effects (upper floor) 003B:0001:0008:Ambient Sound Effects (dripping noise) 003B:0001:000A:Ambient Sound Effects (market gibberish) 003B:0001:000B:Ambient Sound Effects (alley, near guard) 003B:0001:000C:Ambient Sound Effects (furthest proximity saria's song) 003B:0001:000D:Ambient Sound Effects (saria's song) 003B:0001:000E:Ambient Sound Effects (howling wind) 003B:0001:000F:Ambient Sound Effects (gurgling) 003B:0001:0010:Ambient Sound Effects (temple of light’s dripping noises) 003B:0001:0011:Ambient Sound Effects (CoS, 4th map) 003B:0001:0012:Ambient Sound Effects (quake/collapse) 003B:0001:0013:Ambient Sound Effects (fairy fountain) 003B:0001:0014:Ambient Sound Effects (torches) 003B:0001:0015:Ambient Sound Effects (cows) 003B:0001:00F8:Ambient Sound Effects (ganon’s organ, louder than 00F9) 003B:0001:00F9:Ambient Sound Effects (ganon’s organ, louder than 00FA) 003B:0001:00FA:Ambient Sound Effects (ganon’s organ, louder than 00FB) 003B:0001:00FB:Ambient Sound Effects (ganon’s organ, louder than 00FC) 003B:0001:00FC:Ambient Sound Effects (ganon’s organ, louder than 00FD) 003B:0001:00FD:Ambient Sound Effects (ganon’s organ, louder than 00FE) 003B:0001:00FE:Ambient Sound Effects (ganon’s organ, louder than 00FF) 003B:0001:00FF:Ambient Sound Effects (ganon’s organ) 003B:0001:0100:Ambient Sound Effects (nothing) 003C:0027:0001:Normal Horse (saddled) 003C:0027:000F:Normal Horse (bare) 003C:0027:0010:Normal Horse (saddled) 003C:0027:FFFF:Normal Horse (owl cutscene) 003D:0001:0001:Shopkeeper (potion shop) 003D:0001:0002:Shopkeeper (bomchu shop man) 003D:0001:0003:Shopkeeper (potion shop, market) 003D:0001:0004:Shopkeeper (bazaar) 003D:0001:000A:Shopkeeper (happy mask shop) 003D:00C5:0000:Shopkeeper (kokiri) 003D:00C9:0008:Shopkeeper (goron) 003D:00FE:0007:Shopkeeper (zora) 003E:002A:FFFF:Great Deku Tree’s Jaw 003F:002B:001A:Kills Link and Disappears (door inside dodongo mouth?) 0040:002C:0601:Megaton Statue (top piece) 0040:002C:0C00:Megaton Statue (middle piece) 0040:002C:0D00:Megaton Statue (bottom piece) 0040:002C:FF00:Megaton Statue 0041:002C:000E:Huge Stone Spike Platform 0041:002C:0110:Stone Pillar (megaton) 0041:002C:0211:Stone Pillar (megaton) 0043:002C:2F00:Rising Stone Platform 0043:002C:FF01:Rising Stone Platform 0045:002C:0000:Stationary Flame Thrower Statue 0046:002C:0000:Sinking Stone Platform 0046:002C:0001:Sinking Stone Platform 0047:002C:FFFF:Fire Temple Rising Stone Block 0048:008A:0000:Sheik (meadow 3rd map, desert colossus, crater 3rd map) 0048:008A:0001:Sheik (ToT, 2nd map) 0048:008A:0002:Sheik (ToT, 5th map, ice cavern, 2nd map) 0048:008A:0003:Sheik (lake) 0048:008A:0004:Sheik (ToT, 12th map) 0048:008A:0005:Sheik (kakariko) 0048:008A:0006:Sheik (meadow) 0048:008A:0007:Sheik (Crater) 0048:008A:0008:Sheik (ice cavern) 0048:008A:0009:Sheik 0049:0001:0FFF:Flame Circle 0049:0001:117A:Flame Circle 0049:0001:1378:Flame Circle 0049:0001:1FFF:Flame Circle 0049:0001:207F:Flame Circle 0049:0001:2FD0:Flame Circle 0049:0001:2FED:Flame Circle 0049:0001:2FF8:Flame Circle 0049:0001:2FF9:Flame Circle 0049:0001:2FFA:Flame Circle 0049:0001:2FFC:Flame Circle 0049:0001:2FFF:Flame Circle 0049:0001:3FFE:Flame Circle 0049:0001:3FFF:Flame Circle 0049:0001:5FF8:Flame Circle (traps zelda) 0049:0001:6FCA:Flame Circle 004A:002F:FFFF:Drawbridge Chains 004B:0030:0000:Ground Pounding Moblin 004B:0030:00FF:Moblin 004B:0030:01FF:Moblin 004B:0030:02FF:Moblin 004B:0030:03FF:Moblin 004B:0030:04FF:Moblin 004C:0031:FFFF:Bombflower 004D:0060:0000:Adult Zelda -0062 (unknown group, may not be needed) -00AD -014E (unknown group, may not be needed) 004D:0060:0001:Adult Zelda (hyrule field) -014E 004D:0060:0004:Adult Zelda -014F -0139 004E:002C:FFFF:Rising Elevator Platform 0050:0036:FF00:Moving Platform 0050:0036:FF01:Moving Platform 0051:0036:00FF:Rotating Spike Cylinder 0051:0036:0121:Ladder 0051:0036:3D02:Ladder 0052:0037:FFFF:Phantom Ganon -005A -0075 -00BD -0048 -00B0 0054:0038:0000:Armos Statue 0054:0038:FFFF:Armos 0055:0039:0000:Deku Baba 0055:0039:0001:Giant Deku Baba 0058:002B:000A:Rising Stone Platform (tallest when switch is pressed) 0058:002B:00FF:Rising Stone Platform 0059:0001:0007:Bombable Wall (starts cutscene, dodongo’s cavern) 0059:0001:2001:Bombable Wall 0059:0001:2002:Bombable Wall 0059:0001:2004:Bombable Wall 0059:0001:2005:Bombable Wall 0059:0001:2006:Bombable Wall 0059:0001:2025:Bombable Wall 0059:0001:A000:Bombable Wall (infront of map chest, dodongo’s cavern) 0059:0001:A001:Bombable Wall 0059:0001:A002:Bombable Wall (infront of stone stairs, dodongo’s cavern) 0059:0001:A006:Bombable Wall 0059:0001:A009:Bombable Wall (dodongo’s cavern) 0059:0001:A01D:Bombable Wall (infront of Gossip Stone, dodongo’s cavern) 0059:0001:A01F:Bombable Wall (infront of path to right of entrance, dodongo’s cavern) 0059:0001:A023:Bombable Wall 0059:0001:A024:Bombable Wall 005A:0040:FFFF:Lord Jabu-Jabu 005C:002B:000B:Stone Stairs 005D:0048:0003:Blue Warp 005D:0048:0006:Blue Warp 005D:0048:FFFE:Blue Warp (CoS) 005E:00A4:03C0:Golden Torch Stand (lights when silver rupees are collected) 005E:00A4:03C1:Golden Torch (lights when enemies are killed) 005E:00A4:03C2:Golden Torch Stand (activated by switch, 0200) 005E:00A4:03C3:Golden Torch Stand (activated by switch, 0300) 005E:00A4:03CA:Torch Stand (unbars door when lit) 005E:00A4:03CC:Torch Stand (unbars door when lit) 005E:00A4:03E7:Golden Torch Stand (activated by switch, 2700) 005E:00A4:03F8:Golden Torch Stand (already lit) 005E:00A4:03FC:Golden Torch Stands (lit by switch) 005E:00A4:03FE:Golden Torch Stand (lit by pressing a switch, 3E20, timed) 005E:00A4:03FF:Golden Torch Stand 005E:00A4:100F:Torch (opens coffin lid when lit) 005E:00A4:1010:Torch (opens coffin lid when lit) 005E:00A4:1011:Torch (opens coffin lid when lit) 005E:00A4:1042:Torch (unbars door when lit) 005E:00A4:1053:Torch Stand (makes slingshot chest appear) 005E:00A4:105F:Torch (unbars door when lit) 005E:00A4:1062:Torch (opens gate 0FE2 when lit) 005E:00A4:106A:Torch 005E:00A4:106B:Torch (makes hookshot platform appear when lit) 005E:00A4:107D:Torch (makes transparent platform 3D01 appear when lit) 005E:00A4:107F:Torch (lowers flame circles when lit, 207F) 005E:00A4:1085:Torch (makes transparent platform appear when lit) 005E:00A4:1089:Torch Stand (opens door when lit) 005E:00A4:1093:Torch (opens gate 0FD3 when lit) 005E:00A4:1098:Torch (opens left door when lit, training grounds) 005E:00A4:1099:Torch Stand (opens door when lit) 005E:00A4:109B:Torch (unbars door when lit) 005E:00A4:109F:Torch (makes chest appear when lit) 005E:00A4:10A0:Torch (makes chest appear when lit) 005E:00A4:10A8:Torch Stand 005E:00A4:10A9:Torch (unbars door when lit) 005E:00A4:10BE:Torch (unbars door when lit) 005E:00A4:10C6:Torch (unbars door when lit) 005E:00A4:10C8:Torch (opens gate when lit) 005E:00A4:10E7:Torch (opens gate 1FE7 when lit) 005E:00A4:110A:Torch (opens gate 1FCA when lit) 005E:00A4:111C:Torch 005E:00A4:111F:Torch (makes chest appear, B7C0) 005E:00A4:1126:Torch (unbars door when lit) 005E:00A4:1128:Torch (unbars door when lit) 005E:00A4:1137:Torch (unbars door when lit) 005E:00A4:129E:Torch (opens shadow temple gate when lit, 2nd map) 005E:00A4:129F:Torch (opens shadow temple gate when lit) 005E:00A4:13FF:Torch (graveyard, 5th map, hakaana_ouke 2nd map) 005E:00A4:2000:Torch 005E:00A4:2400:Torch (already lit) 0060:004A:0300:Deku Scrub 0060:004A:FF00:Deku Scrub 0061:004D:0015:Large Rotating Stone Ring (training grounds statue room) 0062:004D:0015:Statue Eyes (return to normal after some time, training grounds) 0063:0056:FFFF:Giant Jellyfish 0064:0059:0FD9:Floating Platform (rises/lowers with water level) 0064:0059:1FFF:Floating Platform (rises/lowers with water level) 0064:0059:2FFF:Floating Platform (rises/lowers with water level) 0064:0059:3FFF:Dragon Head Statue 0064:0059:5FC3:Dragon Head Statue 0064:0059:5FF2:Dragon Head Statue 0064:0059:7180:Sliding Platform (rises/lowers) 0065:0059:1804:Large Square of Water 0065:0059:1A02:Large Square of Water 0065:0059:3203:Large Square of Water 0065:0059:FF00:Large Square of Water 0068:0070:3F13:Twisted Hallway (1st hall, straightened, from room below) -0071 -0072 -0073 0068:0070:7F13:Twisted Hallway (1st hall, straightened, from room with blocks) -0071 -0072 -0073 0068:0070:BF18:Twisted Hallway (2nd hall, straightened from 2nd Poe room) -0071 -0072 -0073 0068:0070:FF18:Twisted Hallway (2nd hall, twisted, from room with eye switch) -0071 -0072 -0073 0069:005D:00FB:Large Green Bubble 0069:005D:01FC:Green Bubble 0069:005D:11FB:Large Green Bubble 0069:005D:30FB:Green Bubble 0069:005D:33FB:Large Green Bubble 0069:005D:40FB:Green Bubble 0069:005D:42FB:Large Green Bubble 0069:005D:52FB:Large Green Bubble 0069:005D:FFFE:Red Bubble 0069:005D:FFFF:Blue Bubble 006A:005E:0000:Temple of Time Windows 006A:005E:0001:Temple of Time Windows 006B:005F:0003:Flying Floor Tile 006B:005F:0007:Flying Floor Tile 006B:005F:0009:Flying Floor Tile 006B:005F:000D:Flying Floor Tile 006B:005F:0011:Flying Floor Tile 006B:005F:0015:Flying Floor Tile 006B:005F:0019:Flying Floor Tile 006B:005F:FFFF:Flying Floor Tile 006C:005E:FFFF:Master Sword + Cinema 006E:0061:0000:Warp Pad (ocarina) 006E:0061:0001:Warp Pad (temple of time) 006E:0061:0002:Warp Pad (shadow temple) 006E:0061:0003:Warp Pad (fire temple) 006E:0061:0004:Warp Pad (water temple) 006E:0061:0005:Warp Pad (spirit temple) 006E:0061:0006:Warp Pad (forest temple) 006F:002C:0100:Metal Gate 006F:002C:0200:Metal Gate 006F:002C:0302:Metal Gate 006F:002C:0401:Metal Gate 006F:002C:0500:Metal Gate 006F:002C:0800:Metal Gate 006F:002C:0900:Metal Gate 006F:002C:0A02:Metal Gate 0071:002C:0F00:Hammer Activated Stone Steps 0077:007C:0200:Greenery (tree) 0077:007C:0201:Greenery (tree) 0077:007C:0202:Greenery (tree) 0077:007C:0205:Greenery 0077:007C:0206:Greenery 0077:007C:0208:Greenery 0077:007C:020D:Greenery 0077:007C:0400:Greenery (tree) 0077:007C:0700:Greenery 0077:007C:0706:Greenery 0077:007C:0707:Greenery 0077:007C:0713:Greenery 0077:007C:0801:Greenery (lon lon tree) 0077:007C:0902:Greenery 0077:007C:0B00:Greenery 0077:007C:0B07:Greenery 0077:007C:0B0A:Greenery 0077:007C:0B13:Greenery 0077:007C:0D02:Greenery 0077:007C:0D06:Greenery 0077:007C:0D08:Greenery 0077:007C:2001:Greenery (kakariko tree, child, 4th map) 0077:007C:8001:Tree 0077:007C:FF00:Greenery 0077:007C:FF01:Greenery (kakariko tree) 0077:007C:FF02:Greenery (tree) 0077:007C:FF03:Greenery 0077:007C:FF05:Greenery 0077:007C:FF07:Greenery 0077:007C:FF0A:Greenery (kakariko tree, adult) 0077:007C:FF0B:Bush 0077:007C:FF0D:Greenery 0077:007C:FF13:Greenery 0080:0085:0110:Sliding Spikey Metal Trap 0080:0085:0210:Sliding Spikey Metal Trap 0080:0085:0310:Sliding Spikey Metal Trap 0080:0085:0410:Sliding Spikey Metal Trap 0080:0085:0F10:Sliding Spikey Metal Trap 0080:0085:1220:Sliding Spikey Metal Trap 0080:0085:1620:Sliding Spikey Metal Trap 0084:0088:0001:Talon (kakariko) 0084:0088:0002:Talon (stable) 0084:0088:FFFF:Talon (castle, main house) 0085:0089:0000:Dampe (and game?) 0086:0072:1500:Lowering Circular Platform 0087:0072:001B:Elevator 0088:0070:FFFF:Rotating Room -0071 -0072 -0073 0089:0072:FFFF:Forest Temple Ceiling 008A:008B:0400:Beamos 008A:008B:0401:Beamos 008A:008B:0500:Beamos 008A:008B:0501:Beamos 008A:008B:0700:Beamos 008A:008B:0A00:Beamos 008B:0093:FF05:Goddess (Nayru) -008E (helps to load whole cutscene, not needed for Nayru herself) -008F (helps to load whole cutscene, not needed for Nayru herself) -0090 (helps to load whole cutscene, not needed for Nayru herself) -0091 -0092 (helps to load whole cutscene, not needed for Nayru herself) -0094 (helps to load whole cutscene, not needed for Nayru herself) -0095 (helps to load whole cutscene, not needed for Nayru herself) 008B:0093:FF06:Goddess (Farore) -002A (helps to load whole cutscene, not needed for Farore herself) -0091 008B:00AD:0012:Spiritual Stones (ruby, death mountain) 008B:00AD:0013:Spiritual Stones (emerald, forest) 008B:00AD:0014:Spiritual Stones (balls of light, ruby, death mountain & ToT) 008B:00AD:0015:Spiritual Stones (sapphire, fountain) 008B:00AD:0016:Spiritual Stones 008B:00AD:1012:Spiritual Stones (without extra groups (balls of light, sapphire)) -0068 -0090 008B:00AD:1013:Spiritual Stones (emerald, ToT) 008B:00AD:1014:Spiritual Stones (ruby, ToT) 008B:00AD:1015:Spiritual Stone (sapphire, small, Jabu Jabu, ToT, normal) 008B:00AD:2112:Spiritual Stones (balls of light, emerald) 008B:00AD:4012:Spiritual Stones (balls of light) 008B:00AD:F404:Goddess (Din, 115 7th map) -008E -008F -0090 -0091 -0092 -0093 -0094 -0095 008B:00AD:F505:Goddess (Farore, 115 7th map) -008E -008F -0090 -0091 -0092 -0093 -0094 -0095 008B:00AD:F606:Goddess (Nayru, 115 7th map) -008E -008F -0090 -0091 -0092 -0093 -0094 -0095 008B:00AD:FF08:Triforce (115 7th map) -008E -008F -0090 -0091 -0092 -0093 -0094 -0095 008B:00AD:FF0F:Spiritual Stones 008C:005E:0000:Temple of Time Objects (triangular triforce lights) -008E -0095 -0094 -0092 008C:005E:0001:Temple of Time Objects 008C:005E:0002:Temple of Time Objects (goddess rock) 008C:005E:0003:Temple of Time Objects (goddess rock) 008C:005E:0004:Temple of Time Objects (goddess rock) 008C:005E:0005:Temple of Time Objects (goddess rock) 008C:005E:0006:Temple of Time Objects (goddess rock) 008C:005E:0007:Temple of Time Objects (ending clouds) 008C:005E:0008:Temple of Time Objects 008C:005E:0009:Temple of Time Objects (ice cavern) 008C:005E:000A:Temple of Time Objects 008C:005E:000B:Temple of Time Objects 008C:005E:000C:Temple of Time Objects 008C:005E:000D:Temple of Time Objects (door of time) 008C:005E:000E:Temple of Time Objects (light from window) 008D:002C:0039:Large Firewall 008D:002C:00FF:Large Firewall 008E:000B:0000:Floormaster 008E:000B:8000:Floormaster 008F:0000:0000:Hyrule Castle Courtyard Guard -0029 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0034 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0057 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0097 008F:0000:0001:Hyrule Castle Courtyard Guard -0029 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0034 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0057 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0097 008F:0000:0102:Hyrule Castle Courtyard Guard -0029 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0034 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0057 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0097 008F:0000:0204:Hyrule Castle Courtyard Guard -0029 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0034 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0057 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0097 008F:0000:0206:Hyrule Castle Courtyard Guard -0029 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0034 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0057 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0097 008F:0000:0303:Hyrule Castle Courtyard Guard -0029 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0034 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0057 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0097 008F:0000:0305:Hyrule Castle Courtyard Guard -0029 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0034 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0057 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0097 008F:0000:0307:Hyrule Castle Courtyard Guard -0029 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0034 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0057 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0097 008F:0000:05FF:Hyrule Castle Courtyard Guard -0029 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0034 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0057 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0097 0090:0098:0102:Redead 0090:0098:7F00:Redead 0090:0098:7F01:Redead 0090:0098:7F02:Redead 0090:0098:7FFE:Gibdo 0090:0098:8100:Redead 0090:0098:8102:Redead 0092:009A:0100:Golden Gauntlets Rock 0092:009A:0401:Golden Gauntlets Block 0092:009A:FF00:Golden Gauntlets Block 0093:0099:001F:Poe Puzzle Block 0093:0099:011F:Poe Puzzle Block 0093:0099:021D:Poe Puzzle Block (not Amy's room, in place of top picture frame) 0093:0099:031E:Poe Puzzle Block (not Amy's room, in place of top picture frame) 0093:0099:041F:Poe Puzzle Block 0094:0001:2322:Butterflies 0094:0001:2324:Butterflies 0094:0001:3322:Butterflies 0094:0001:3324:Butterflies 0094:0001:5322:Butterflies 0094:0001:5323:Butterflies 0094:0001:5324:Butterflies 0094:0001:A322:Butterflies 0095:0024:0000:Skullwalltula 0095:0024:8101:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8102:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8104:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8108:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8201:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8202:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8204:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8208:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8210:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8301:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8302:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8304:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8308:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8401:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8402:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8404:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8408:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8410:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8501:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8502:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8504:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8508:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8510:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8601:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8602:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8604:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8608:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8610:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8701:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8702:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8704:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8708:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8710:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8801:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8802:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8804:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8808:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8810:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8901:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8902:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8904:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8A01:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8A02:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8A04:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8B01:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8B02:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8C01:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8C02:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8C04:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8F01:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:8F02:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:9004:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:9020:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:9602:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:AD02:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:AD04:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:AE04:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:AE08:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B008:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B010:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B102:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B104:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B108:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B110:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B140:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B180:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B201:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B204:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B208:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B210:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B220:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B240:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B302:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B304:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B310:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B402:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B404:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B408:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B501:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B502:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B604:Golden Skulltula 0095:0024:B608:Golden Skulltula 0096:009C:FFFF:Flying Volvagia -00A5 0097:0001:0000:Fairy Sprites 0097:0001:0002:Clouds (may need 0165:0607) 0097:0001:0003:Various Visual Effects (snow, needs 0165:1402, 0165:1502 or 0165:2802) 0097:0001:0004:Clouds (while with 0165:0607) 0097:0001:0005:Visual Effects (may need 01A7:0000) 0098:009D:FFFF:Darunia (cutscene) 0099:009E:FFFF:Fire Dancer 009A:00A0:FFFF:Child Epona 009B:0002:0000:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:0003:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:0014:Hole In Ground Exit 009B:0002:0022:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:0028:Hole In Ground Exit 009B:0002:0029:Hole in Ground Exit (leads to Grotto 1) 009B:0002:007A:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:00EF:Hole In Ground Exit 009B:0002:00F2:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:00F3:Hole In Ground Exit (forest stage) 009B:0002:00F5:Hole In Ground Exit 009B:0002:00F8:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:00F9:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:00FB:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:00FC:Hole In Ground Exit 009B:0002:00FD:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:012C:Hole In Ground Exit 009B:0002:0157:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:01EB:Hole in Ground Exit (leads to Grotto with 2 sales scrubs) 009B:0002:01EE:Hole In Ground Exit 009B:0002:01F0:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:01F6:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:02E1:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:02E4:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:02E5:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:02E6:Hole in Ground Exit 009B:0002:02E7:Hole In Ground Exit 009B:0002:02ED:Hole In Ground Exit 009B:0002:10E6:Hole in Ground Exit (fairy fountain) 009B:0002:10FF:Hole In Ground Exit 009B:0002:11FF:Hole in Ground Exit (fairy fountain) 009C:00A1:0001:Gravestone (covers dampe’s grave) 009C:00A1:0002:Royal Tombstone 009C:00A1:0003:? (spot_02) 009C:00A1:0004:? (spot_02) 009C:00A1:1E00:Large Eye of Truth Engraving (2nd map) 009C:00A1:1F00:Large Eye of Truth Engraving 009C:00A1:FF00:Large Eye of Truth Engraving (5th map) 009D:00A2:0000:Gravestone 009D:00A2:0001:Gravestone (covers exits) 00A1:00A3:0001:Child Ruto (after Jabu-Jabu) 00A1:00A3:0002:Child Princess Ruto (room with holes, from OoT) 00A1:00A3:0003:Child Princess Ruto (room after she falls in hole, from OoT) 00A1:00A3:0004:Child Princess Ruto (big octo room) 00A1:00A3:0005:Child Ruto (domain) 00A1:00A3:0202:Child Princess Ruto (room with holes) 00A1:00A3:0203:Child Princess Ruto (room after she falls in hole) 00A1:00A3:0206:Child Princess Ruto (three pronged tunnel room) 00A4:00A6:FFFF:Dead Hand 00A5:00A6:FFFF:Dead Hand’s Arm 00A5:00A6:FFFF:Dead Hand's Arm 00A6:00A7:0000:Rauru 00A6:00A7:0002:Rauru (CoS, 4th map) 00A7:0001:0041:Spawner (spawns leevers) 00A7:0001:0088:Spawner (spawns leevers) 00A7:0001:00F2:Spawner (spawns leevers) 00A7:0001:10A4:Spawner (stalchildren) 00A8:009D:0000:Darunia (CoS) 00A8:009D:0001:Darunia (trail, 5th map) 00A8:009D:0002:Darunia (CoS, 4th map) 00A8:009D:0003:Darunia (city) 00A9:0087:0000:Impa (CoS) 00A9:0087:0002:Impa (CoS, 4th map) 00A9:0087:0003:Impa (courtyard 3rd map) 00A9:0087:0004:Impa (hyrule field) 00A9:0087:0005:Impa (courtyard) 00A9:0087:0006:Impa 00AE:0001:0002:Invisible L Shaped Walkway 00AE:0001:0003:Fake Objects (wall) 00AE:0001:0004:Fake Objects (wall) 00AE:0001:0005:Fake Objects (platforms in pre-boss room) 00AE:0001:0006:Fake Objects ("platform" below beamos) 00AE:0001:0007:Fake Floor 00AE:0001:0008:Invisible Platforms (2, diagonal from each other) 00AE:0001:0009:Fake Wall 00AE:0001:000A:Invisible Walls 00AE:0001:000B:Fake Stone Wall 00AE:0001:000C:Invisible Spikes 00AF:0069:0000:Invisible Platform (moves diagonally) 00AF:0069:0002:Skull Pot Rotating Platform 00AF:0069:0103:Metal Gate (shadow temple) 00AF:0069:0303:Metal Gate (shadow temple) 00AF:0069:0903:Metal Gate (shadow temple, switch 0903) 00B0:0069:3800:Shadow Temple Ship 00B1:0069:0000:Grim Reaper Spinning Statue 00B1:0069:0100:Ice Spinner 00B3:0097:FF02:Gate Guard (castle) 00B3:0097:FF05:Death Mountain Trail Guard 00B3:0097:FF06:King’s Guard 00B4:0092:0005:Falling Rocks 00B4:0092:FFFF:Falling Rocks 00B5:0092:0005:Flying Rubble 00B5:0092:0006:Flying Rubble 00B6:00AC:0014:Flobbery Muscle Block (from OoT) 00B6:00AC:00FF:Flobbery Muscle Block (large) 00B6:00AC:01FF:Flobbery Muscle Block (small) 00B7:00AB:0001:Sun Block Switch 00B7:00AB:0002:Sun Block Switch 00B7:00AB:0003:Sun Block Switch 00B7:00AB:0004:Sun Block Switch (twin rotating cobra mirrors, wtf?) 00B8:00AE:0000:Gerudo Valley Objects (water noise?) 00B8:00AE:0001:Gerudo Valley Objects (broken bridge) 00B8:00AE:0002:Gerudo Valley Objects (bridge) 00B8:00AE:0003:Gerudo Valley Objects (tent) 00B8:00AE:0004:Gerudo Valley Objects (fixed bridge) 00B9:00AF:0001:Statue Base 00B9:00AF:1100:Statue (moved forward, 2nd map) 00B9:00AF:FF00:Statue 00BA:008C:FFFF:Barinade 00BB:0069:00FF:Open Topped Skull Pot 00BC:0069:0000:Guillotine Blade 00BC:0069:0001:Lowering Spike Platform 00BC:0069:0002:Spikey Wooden Wall (right wall) 00BC:0069:0003:Spikey Wooden Wall (left wall) 00BC:0069:0004:Shadow Temple Fan 00BC:0069:0005:Guillotine Blade 00BD:008D:010F:Coffin Lid 00BD:008D:0110:Coffin Lid 00BD:008D:0111:Coffin Lid 00BE:0069:0201:Bombable Wall 00BE:0069:1000:Shadow Temple Bird Statue 00BE:0069:1302:Bombable Rubbish Pile 00BE:0069:1C02:Bombable Rubbish Pile 00BE:0069:1E01:Bombable Wall 00BE:0069:2102:Bombable Pile of Rubbish 00BE:0069:2502:Bombable Pile of Rubbish 00BE:0069:2602:Bombable Pile of Rubbish 00BE:0069:2702:Bombable Pile of Rubbish 00BE:0069:2802:Bombable Pile of Rubbish 00BE:0069:2902:Bombable Pile of Rubbish 00BE:0069:2A02:Bombable Pile of Rubbish 00BE:0069:2B02:Bombable Pile of Rubbish 00BE:0069:2C02:Bombable Pile of Rubbish 00BE:0069:2D02:Bombable Pile of Rubbish 00BF:00B1:FFFF:Crater Smoke Cone 00C0:0001:0000:Shooting Gallery Game -005B -00B7 -00BB -00BD (heart container group, may not be needed) -00BE -00CE -00D8 -0013 (cucoo group, may not be needed) -0119 -017B -017F -016B (dog group, may not be needed) 00C2:00B2:0000:Shop Shelves (bazaar) -005B (shooting gallery man group, may not be needed) -00D8 -00B7 -00C7 -00DC -00BB -00CE -00C5 (kokiri group, may not be needed) -0107 00C2:00B2:0000:Shop Shelves (bombchu shop) -00D9 -0148 -0165 00C2:00B2:0001:Shop Shelves (goron shop) -00B7 -00C7 -00CE -00EB -00F2 -00F8 -0103 00C2:00B2:0000:Shop Shelves (happy mask shop) -013E -0134 -0135 -0136 -0137 -0138 -0150 -0151 -0152 00C2:00B2:0000:Shop Shelves (kokiri shop) -00FC -00D8 -00B7 -00CB -00BB -00C7 -0119 -0101 -0102 -00FD 00C2:00B2:0000:Shop Shelves (potion shop) -0159 -00EB -0173 -0174 -0175 -00F4 -0176 -0177 -00BB 00C2:00B2:0002:Shop Shelves (zora) -005B (shooting gallery man group, may not be needed) -00B7 -00BB -00D8 -00EB -00F4 -00F2 -0104 00C3:0000:0000:Nabooru (CoS) 00C3:0000:0002:Nabooru (CoS, 4th map) 00C3:0000:0003:Nabooru (desert colossus) 00C3:0000:0004:Nabooru 00C3:0000:0005:Nabooru 00C3:0000:0006:Nabooru 00C4:00B4:FFFF:Morpha 00C5:00B5:FFFF:Shell Blade 00C7:0039:0001:Deku Baba 00C8:0096:1D03:Lord Jabu Jabu Objects (platform, lowers when link stands on it) 00C8:0096:1F00:Lord Jabu Jabu Objects (rotating platform and big octo) -015F -0090 (unknown group, may not be needed) 00C8:0096:2000:Lord Jabu Jabu Objects (rotating platform and big octo, from OoT) -015F -0090 (unknown group, may not be needed) 00C8:0096:3902:Lord Jabu Jabu Objects (rising and lowering water, works with switch 3902) 00C8:0096:3F01:Lord Jabu Jabu Objects (raising and lowering platform, from OoT) 00C8:0096:3F02:Lord Jabu Jabu Objects (switch, causes platform to lower, from OoT) 00C8:0096:FF01:Lord Jabu Jabu Objects (raising and lowering platform) 00C9:0000:0000:Saria (cutscene, CoS) 00C9:0000:0002:Saria (cutscene, CoS, 4th map) 00C9:0000:0004:Saria (cutscene) 00C9:0000:0005:Saria (cutscene) 00CA:00C9:0000:Goron (cutscene) 00CA:00C9:0001:Goron (cutscene) 00CA:00C9:0002:Goron (cutscene) 00CB:00C0:0002:Ingo (at horse gate, talk to to ride horse) 00CB:00C0:0003:Ingo (inside horse gate, talk to to stop riding horse) 00CB:00C0:0004:Ingo (front gate, blocking way out) 00CB:00C0:FFFF:Ingo 00CC:00C1:0000:Koume 00CC:00C1:0001:Kotake 00CD:00C2:04FF:Giant Boulder Blocking Dodongo’s Cavern 00CD:00C2:FFFF:Giant Boulder Blocking Dodongo’s Cavern (3rd map) 00CF:002C:0000:Cracked Stone Platform (covers hole) 00CF:002C:0701:Cracked Stone Platform (covers door) 00CF:002C:0B02:Cracked Stone Platform (covers wall) 00CF:002C:2D02:Cracked Stone Platform (covers wall) 00CF:002C:2E02:Cracked Stone Platform (covers wall) 00D0:0002:0000:2D Bombable Wall 00D0:0002:0001:2D Bombable Wall 00D0:0002:8001:Bombable Wall 00D0:0002:8002:Bombable Wall 00D0:0002:8003:Bombable Wall 00D1:0074:0001:Ice Platform 00D1:0074:0010:Ice Platform 00D1:0074:0011:Ice Platform 00D1:0074:0012:Ice Platform 00D1:0074:0020:Ice Platform 00D1:0074:0023:Ice Platform 00D1:0074:0214:Giant Ice Platform (in place of Jabu-Jabu) 00D2:00CA:0000:Adult Ruto (CoS) 00D2:00CA:0002:Adult Ruto (CoS, 4th map) 00D2:00CA:0003:Adult Ruto 00D2:00CA:1004:Adult Ruto 00D3:00CC:1E00:Deku Tree Sprout 00D4:0059:00FF:Water Noise 00D5:006A:001F:Metal Gate (lake) 00D5:006A:00FF:Metal Gate (lake, 3rd map) 00D5:006A:011F:Hookshot Switch (lake) 00D5:006A:01FF:Hookshot Switch (lake, 3rd map) 00D5:006A:02FF:Lake Hylia Water Level 00D5:006A:03FF:Ice Texture (blocks tunnel to zora’s domain) 00D6:006B:0000:Moveable Ice Block 00D7:008D:0003:Metal Gate (covers hole in floor, opens when switch is pressed) 00D9:00D0:FFFF:Adult Malon (stable, holding bucket) 00DB:00C0:0001:Malon’s Game -001A -0129 -00D2 -0100 00DB:0001:0002:Horseback Archery Game -0029 -0034 -001A -0027 -00D2 -0117 -0170 -012C -0116 (white clothed gerudo group, may not be needed) -0076 (wooden post with red cloth group, may not be needed) 00DC:00D3:FFFF:Twinrova -0048 -0075 -00BD -016D 00DD:00D4:FFFF:Like-Like 00DE:00D5:0A02:Tentacle (blue) 00DE:00D5:0B00:Tentacle (red) 00DE:00D5:0C01:Tentacle (green) 00DE:00D5:3FFF:Tentacle (from OoT) 00DF:00D5:0A82:Blocking Tentacle (blue) 00DF:00D5:0B80:Blocking Tentacle (red) 00DF:00D5:0C81:Blocking Tentacle (green) 00DF:00D5:3FFF:Blocking Tentacle (from OoT) 00E3:0070:1001:Golden Gate (opposite boss door) -0071 -0072 -0073 00E3:0070:1101:Golden Gate (blocks boss door) -0071 -0072 -0073 00E3:0070:1201:Golden Gate -0071 -0072 -0073 00E3:0070:FF00:Spinner (pillars in frozen switch room) -0071 -0072 -0073 00E4:0072:0026:Invisible Geometry 00E5:017A:FFFF:Death Mountain Cloud Ring 00E6:0096:0D00:Jabu Jabu Switch (needs to be held, opens door) 00E6:0096:0F03:Jabu Jabu Switch (makes chest appear B800) 00E6:0096:1200:Jabu Jabu Switch (opens door, needs to be held down) 00E6:0096:1902:Jabu Jabu Switch (opens door) 00E6:0096:3902:Jabu Jabu Switch (raises water level) 00E6:0096:3A02:Jabu Jabu Switch (raises water spout 0EBF) 00E6:0096:3B02:Jabu Jabu Switch (opens door) 00E6:0096:3C00:Jabu Jabu Switch (opens door, needs to be held down) 00E6:0096:3D02:Jabu Jabu Switch (makes chest appear B823, raises water spout 0F7F) 00E6:0096:3F00:Jabu Jabu Switch (opens door, needs to be held? from OoT) 00E6:0096:3F01:Jabu Jabu Switch (opens door? from OoT) 00E7:00E0:FFFF:Child Malon 00E8:00E1:0001:Ganondorf (dead) -0060 -014F -017D 00E8:00E1:FFFF:Ganondorf (battle) -017C -017D -0060 -00B0 -014C 00E9:00E2:FFFF:Bongo Bongo -0048 -0075 -00B0 -00BD 00EC:00E5:0000:Spike Enemy 00ED:00E6:0000:Frog Song Spot 00ED:00E6:0001:Frog (yellow) 00ED:00E6:0002:Frog (turquoise) 00ED:00E6:0003:Frog (green) 00ED:00E6:0004:Frog (blue) 00ED:00E6:0005:Frog (gray) 00EE:0015:0000:Deku Shield 00EF:006B:0006:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:000D:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:0021:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:0022:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:0023:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:0029:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:002A:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:002B:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:002D:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:002E:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:002F:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:003B:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:00FF:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:01FF:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:02FF:Large Red Ice 00EF:006B:0304:Large Red Ice (infront of shop) 00EF:006B:030F:Red Ice (ice sheet) 00EF:006B:03FF:Large Red Ice 00F0:0001:FFFF:Blue Flame (targetable) 00F1:00DE:0003:Ocarina of Time 00F5:0001:0000: Sages, Balls of Light (cutscene) 00F5:0001:0001:Sages, Balls of Light (cutscene, CoS) 00F5:0001:000E:Sages, Balls of Light (cutscene) 00F5:0001:000F:Sages, Balls of Light (cutscene) 00F5:0001:0010:Sages, Balls of Light (cutscene) 00F5:0001:0011:Sages, Balls of Light (cutscene) 00F5:0001:0012:Sages, Balls of Light (cutscene) 00F5:0001:0013:Sages, Balls of Light (cutscene) 00F6:0001:0002:Anubis 00F7:0069:0B00:Shadow Temple Truth Spinner (block) 00F7:0069:0B01:Shadow Temple Truth Spinner (actual statue) 00F7:0069:0B02:Shadow Temple Truth Spinner (gate, opens when statue test is passed) 00F7:0069:0B03:Shadow Temple Truth Spinner (skulls) 00F8:00F0:FFFF:Hyrule Castle Fence 00FA:00F1:0000:Moving Brick Wall 00FD:00F1:0021:Climbable Mesh Wall 00FD:00F1:002A:Climbable Mesh Wall 00FE:015B:FFFF:Fishing Pond Man and Fish 00FF:0001:0542:Large Push Block 00FF:0001:0546:Large Push Block 00FF:0001:0702:Large Push Block 00FF:0001:0706:Large Push Block 00FF:0001:09C3:Push Block 00FF:0001:09C7:Push Block 00FF:0001:0BC3:Push Block 00FF:0001:0BC7:Push Block 00FF:0001:1D02:Push Block 00FF:0001:1DC6:Push Block 00FF:0001:3FC3:Push Block 00FF:0001:FF00:Push Block 00FF:0001:FF02:Push Block 00FF:0001:FF40:Push Block 00FF:0001:FF41:Push Block 0100:0181:FFFF:Death Mountain Trail Gate 0102:00F9:FFFF:Windmill Sails 0103:00F9:FFFF:Kakariko Village Well Crossbeam 0104:00F9:FFFF:Kakariko Village Well Water (full) 0105:00A4:001C:Golden Torch Stand (Meg) 0105:00A4:011D:Golden Torch Stand (Joelle) 0105:00A4:021E:Golden Torch Stand (Beth) 0105:00A4:031F:Golden Torch Stand (Amy) 0106:0000:0000:Ganondorf Battle Platforms 0106:0000:0023:Ganondorf Battle Platform Top 0107:00F0:0004:Milk Crate 0107:00F0:00FF:Milk Crate 0108:0100:0000:Lon Lon Ranch Horse Jumping Fence 0108:0100:0001:Lon Lon Ranch Horse Jumping Fence 0108:0100:FFFF:Lon Lon Ranch Horse Jumping Fence 010F:0001:0001:Bottle 0110:0003:2A03:Small Wooden Crate 0110:0003:3009:Small Wooden Crate 0110:0003:310E:Small Wooden Crate 0110:0003:3808:Small Wooden Crate 0110:0003:3904:Small Wooden Crate 0110:0003:3908:Small Wooden Crate 0110:0003:3A03:Small Wooden Crate 0110:0003:FFFF:Small Wooden Crate 0111:0001:0203:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:0403:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4003:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4004:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:4009:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:400E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:400F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:4100:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:4101:Breakable Pot (holds rupee) 0111:0001:4103:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:410C:Breakable Pot (holds deku nut) 0111:0001:410D:Breakable Pot (holds deku stick) 0111:0001:410E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:4203:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4204:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:4209:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:420F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:4212:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:4300:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:4303:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4308:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:430C:Breakable Pot (holds deku nut) 0111:0001:430F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:433F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:4400:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:4402:Breakable Pot (holds red rupee) 0111:0001:4403:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4409:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:440E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:440F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:4500:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:4501:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:4502:Breakable Pot (holds red rupee) 0111:0001:4503:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:450C:Breakable Pot (holds deku nut) 0111:0001:450F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:4512:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:4601:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:4603:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4604:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:4609:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:460C:Breakable Pot (holds deku nut) 0111:0001:460E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:460F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:4700:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:4701:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:4703:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4704:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:470C:Breakable Pot (holds deku nut) 0111:0001:470F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:4803:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4804:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:4809:Breakable Pot (holds double arrow bundle) 0111:0001:480E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:480F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:4900:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:4901:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:4903:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4908:Breakable Pot (holds arrows) 0111:0001:490D:Breakable Pot (holds deku stick) 0111:0001:493F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:4A01:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:4A03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4A04:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:4A08:Breakable Pot (holds arrows) 0111:0001:4A09:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:4A0E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:4B00:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:4B02:Breakable Pot (holds red rupee) 0111:0001:4B03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4B09:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:4B0C:Breakable Pot (holds deku nut) 0111:0001:4C01:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:4C03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4C04:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:4C08:Breakable Pot (holds arrows) 0111:0001:4C09:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:4C0E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:4C0F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:4D00:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:4D03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4D09:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:4E02:Breakable Pot (holds red rupee) 0111:0001:4E03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4E09:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:4E12:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:4F00:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:4F03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:4F3F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:5000:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:5001:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:5003:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5009:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:500B:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:500F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:503F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:5100:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:5101:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:5103:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:513F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:5202:Breakable Pot (holds red rupee) 0111:0001:5203:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5209:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:5210:Breakable Pot (holds ammo) 0111:0001:523F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:5300:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:5301:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:5303:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:533F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:5403:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5409:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:540E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:5412:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:5500:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:5501:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:5503:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5509:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:5603:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5609:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:560E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:560F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:5700:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:5701:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:5709:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:5801:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:5803:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5809:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:580E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:5812:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:5900:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:5903:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5A01:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:5A03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5A0C:Breakable Pot (holds deku nut) 0111:0001:5A0E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:5A12:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:5B00:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:5B01:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:5B03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5C01:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:5C03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5C0A:Breakable Pot (holds triple arrows) 0111:0001:5C12:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:5D00:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:5D03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5E00:Breakable Pot (holds rupee) 0111:0001:5E03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:5E09:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:5E12:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:5E3F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:5F3F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:6004:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:6010:Breakable Pot (holds ammo) 0111:0001:6012:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:603F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:6100:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:613F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:6201:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:6203:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:6204:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:6209:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:6212:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:6300:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:6303:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:6309:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:6403:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:6404:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:640A:Breakable Pot (holds triple arrows) 0111:0001:640C:Breakable Pot (holds deku nut) 0111:0001:640E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:6412:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:6500:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:6603:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:6604:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:660B:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:660C:Breakable Pot (holds deku nut) 0111:0001:660E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:6612:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:6700:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:6701:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:6802:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:6803:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:6804:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:6808:Breakable Pot (holds deku seeds) 0111:0001:680A:Breakable Pot (holds triple arrows) 0111:0001:680E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:680F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:6900:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:690D:Breakable Pot (holds deku stick) 0111:0001:6A02:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:6A03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:6A09:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:6A0F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:6A12:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:6B00:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:6B01:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:6C03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:6C0B:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:6C0F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:6C12:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:6D00:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:6E03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:6E04:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:6E0B:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:6E12:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:6F00:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:7003:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:7004:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:7009:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:700F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:7101:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:7108:Breakable Pot (holds arrows) 0111:0001:710D:Breakable Pot (holds deku stick) 0111:0001:7110:Breakable Pot (holds ammo) 0111:0001:7203:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:7204:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:7208:Breakable Pot (holds deku seeds) 0111:0001:7210:Breakable Pot (holds ammo) 0111:0001:7212:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:7300:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:7303:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:7310:Breakable Pot (holds ammo) 0111:0001:7403:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:7409:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:740B:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:740C:Breakable Pot (holds deku nut) 0111:0001:7410:Breakable Pot (holds ammo) 0111:0001:7502:Breakable Pot (holds red rupee) 0111:0001:7503:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:750D:Breakable Pot (holds deku stick) 0111:0001:7603:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:7604:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:7608:Breakable Pot (holds arrows) 0111:0001:7609:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:760B:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:760E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:760F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:7610:Breakable Pot (holds ammo) 0111:0001:7700:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:7701:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:7708:Breakable Pot (holds arrows) 0111:0001:770E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:7710:Breakable Pot (holds ammo) 0111:0001:7801:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:7803:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:7804:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:780F:Breakable Pot (holds small magic bottle) 0111:0001:7903:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:790E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:7A03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:7A04:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:7A08:Breakable Pot (holds deku seeds) 0111:0001:7A0A:Breakable Pot (holds triple arrows) 0111:0001:7A0E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:7A12:Breakable Pot (holds fairy) 0111:0001:7B03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:7B09:Breakable Pot (holds double arrows) 0111:0001:7C03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:7C0E:Breakable Pot (holds large magic bottle) 0111:0001:7E03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:7E04:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:7E0B:Breakable Pot (holds bombs) 0111:0001:7F00:Breakable Pot (holds green rupee) 0111:0001:7F01:Breakable Pot (holds blue rupee) 0111:0001:7F03:Breakable Pot (holds heart) 0111:0001:7F3F:Breakable Pot (empty) 0112:0001:0260:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:0FE0:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1093:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:10FF:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:11FF:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1214:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1215:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:123F:Invisible Collectable (green rupee) 0112:0001:1241:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1242:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1250:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1256:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1278:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1279:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:127F:Invisible Collectable (green rupee) 0112:0001:1282:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:129F:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:12BF:Invisible Collectable (green rupee) 0112:0001:1809:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:183F:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:18A3:Invisible Collectable (makes chest 8846 appear) 0112:0001:18A5:Invisible Collectable (opens gate 0FE5) 0112:0001:18B5:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:18BF:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:18D7:Invisible Collectable (makes chest B120 appear) 0112:0001:18DB:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:18DE:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:18E5:Invisible Collectable (raises hookshot platforms 25C1) 0112:0001:18FF:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1904:Invisible Collectable (makes chest appear 8907) 0112:0001:1915:Invisible Collectable (opens door) 0112:0001:1918:Invisible Collectable (makes chest appear 8045) 0112:0001:1920:Invisible Collectable (opens door) 0112:0001:192F:Invisible Collectable (unbars door when hit) 0112:0001:193E:Invisible Collectable (raises hookshot platform 3EC1) 0112:0001:193F:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1953:Invisible Collectable (opens door) 0112:0001:1968:Invisible Collectable (makes chest appear 852A) 0112:0001:197F:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1983:Invisible Collectable (makes chest appear 8048) 0112:0001:1987:Invisible Collectable (makes chest appear 8064) 0112:0001:19A7:Invisible Collectable (raises hookshot platforms 27C1) 0112:0001:19BD:Invisible Collectable (raises hookshot platforms 3DC1) 0112:0001:19BF:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:19F8:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:19FF:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1A53:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1A7F:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1A81:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1ABF:Invisible Collectable (makes chest 1801 appear) 0112:0001:1AC9:Invisible Collectable (makes chest B822 appear) 0112:0001:1AE7:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1AF5:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1AFD:Invisible Collectable (raises hookshot platform 3DC1) 0112:0001:1AFE:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1AFF:Invisible Collectable (makes fairy appear) 0112:0001:1B3F:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:1D3F:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:2A63:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:37E3:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FC2:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FC4:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FD8:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FDC:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FE2:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FE6:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FE7:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FE8:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FE9:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FF0:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FF6:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:3FF7:Invisible Collectable 0112:0001:47C0:Invisible Collectable 0113:0106:0000:Iron Knuckle (Nabooru, 2nd map) 0113:0106:0500:Iron Knuckle (Nabooru) 0113:0106:1901:Iron Knuckle (sitting, white) 0113:0106:1A01:Iron Knuckle (sitting, white) 0113:0106:FF01:Iron Knuckle (white, sitting) 0113:0106:FF02:Iron Knuckle (black, standing) 0113:0106:FF03:Iron Knuckle (white, standing) 0114:0106:0000:Iron Knuckle Armor Pieces 0114:0106:0001:Iron Knuckle Armor Pieces 0114:0106:0002:Iron Knuckle Armor Pieces 0114:0106:0003:Iron Knuckle Armor Pieces 0114:0106:0004:Iron Knuckle Armor Pieces 0114:0106:0005:Iron Knuckle Armor Pieces 0114:0106:0006:Iron Knuckle Armor Pieces 0115:010A:03FF:Skullkid (1st map) 0115:010A:07FF:Skullkid (1st map) 0115:010A:0BFF:Skullkid (1st map) 0115:010A:17FF:Skullkid (1st map) 0115:010A:1BFF:Skullkid (1st map) 0115:010A:FFFF:Skullkid (2nd map, attacks) 0117:0001:00DB:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:0140:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:0141:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:0142:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:014B:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:0151:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:015C:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:0165:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:0177:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:018C:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:0283:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:0288:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1142:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1165:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1FC0:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1FC1:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1FC3:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1FC8:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1FCB:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1FCC:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1FD1:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1FDB:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1FDC:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:1FF7:Silver Rupee 0117:0001:2FFF:Large Rotating Pot 0118:005A:0000:Vortex (scene where koume & kotake kidnap nabooru) 0119:0001:0000:Bongo Bongo’s Shadow 011B:0001:0103:Navi Info Spot (about doors) 011B:0001:088F:Navi Info Spot (about arrows on floor) 011B:0001:0C15:Navi Info Spot (about the lava) 011B:0001:0E07:Navi Info Spot (about corners and moblins) 011B:0001:12A9:Navi Info Spot (rusted switch) 011B:0001:1691:Navi Info Spot (about wall master) 011B:0001:1791:Navi Info Spot (about wall master) 011B:0001:1F02:Navi Info Spot (about vines) 011B:0001:2091:Navi Info Spot (about wallmaster) 011B:0001:2291:Navi Info Spot (about wallmaster) 011B:0001:2791:Navi Info Spot (about wallmaster) 011B:0001:3208:Navi Info Spot (about blocks) 011B:0001:3291:Navi Info Spot (about wallmaster) 011B:0001:3432:Navi Info Spot (about blue tentacle) 011B:0001:3532:Navi Info Spot (about blue tentacle) 011B:0001:3631:Navi Info Spot (about red tentacle) 011B:0001:3731:Navi Info Spot (about red tentacle) 011B:0001:382F:Navi Info Spot (about green tentacle) 011B:0001:4689:Navi Info Spot (about blue fire) 011B:0001:47AB:Navi Info Spot (about vortexes) 011B:0001:4998:Navi Info Spot (about ceiling) 011B:0001:8001:Navi Info Spot (about webs) 011B:0001:BF14:Navi Info Spot 011C:0003:0000:Eye Switch and Flame That Follows Link 011D:0003:00F6:Flying Magic Pot 011D:0003:03F7:Flying Magic Pot 011D:0003:03FB:Flying Magic Pot 011D:0003:03FC:Flying Magic Pot 011D:0003:03FD:Flying Magic Pot 011D:0003:03FE:Flying Magic Pot 011D:0003:FFE5:Flying Magic Pot 011D:0003:FFE8:Flying Magic Pot 011D:0003:FFF6:Flying Magic Pot 011F:0112:0038:Zora’s River Waterfall 0120:0113:0000:Zora’s Domain Waterfall (main room) 0120:0113:0001:Zora’s Domain Waterfall 0121:0114:0000:Freezard (immobile) 0121:0114:FFFF:Freezard 0122:0089:0007:Dampe’s Ghost 0123:006C:00FF:Rotating Windmill Mechanism (rotating platform) 0123:006C:0134:Rotating Windmill Mechanism (thick stone door?) 0123:006C:0135:Rotating Windmill Mechanism (thick stone door?) 0123:006C:0136:Rotating Windmill Mechanism (thick stone door?) 0123:006C:0137:Rotating Windmill Mechanism (thick stone door?) 0124:00FE:FFFF:Zora Diving Game 0125:0001:0200:Grass Clump (doesn’t regrow) 0125:0001:0201:Grass Clump (doesn't regrow) 0125:0001:0210:Grass Clump (doesn’t regrow) 0125:0001:0301:Grass Clump (doesn't regrow) 0125:0001:0700:Grass Clump (doesn't regrow) 0125:012B:FF00:Regrowing Grass Clump 0125:012B:FF01:Regrowing Grass Clump 0125:012B:FF02:Regrowing Grass Clump 0125:012B:FF10:Regrowing Grass Clump 0126:011E:0003:Bean Planting Spot (crater & graveyard, adult) 0126:011E:0006:Bean Planting Spot (trail, adult) 0126:011E:0009:Bean Planting Spot (kokiri village, 2nd map) 0126:011E:0018:Bean Planting Spot (desert colossus, adult) 0126:011E:0101:Bean Planting Spot (lake, adult) 0126:011E:0103:Bean Planting Spot (gerudo valley, adult) 0126:011E:0112:Bean Planting Spot (2nd map, lost woods, near bridge) 0126:011E:0203:Bean Planting Spot (adult, river) 0126:011E:0204:Bean Planting Spot (2nd map, lost woods, near forest stage) 0126:011E:1F01:Bean Planting Spot (lake, child, graveyard, 4th map, goron city 3rd map) 0126:011E:1F03:Bean Planting Spot (child, river, gerudo, valley, crater, and graveyard) 0126:011E:1F04:Bean Planting Spot (lost woods, near bridge) 0126:011E:1F06:Bean Planting Spot (trail, child) 0126:011E:1F09:Bean Planting Spot (kokiri village, 1st map) 0126:011E:1F12:Bean Planting Spot (lost woods, near forest stage) 0126:011E:1F18:Bean Planting Spot (desert colossus, child) 0127:0163:0000:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0002:Brown Boulder (blocks entrance) 0127:0163:0003:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0004:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0006:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0007:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0008:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0009:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:000A:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:000B:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:000C:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:000E:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:000F:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0010:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0011:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0015:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0016:Brown Boulder (covers hole) 0127:0163:001A:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:001C:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:001D:Brown Boulder (covers megaton switch) 0127:0163:001E:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:001F:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0020:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0021:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0022:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0023:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0024:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0025:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0026:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0027:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0028:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:0029:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:003C:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:003D:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:00FF:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:8001:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:8004:Brown Boulder (covers floor switch) 0127:0163:8005:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:8008:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:800C:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:800E:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:8010:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:8011:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:8012:Brown Boulder (covers eye switch) 0127:0163:801D:Brown Boulder 0127:0163:801F:Brown Boulder 012A:0003:0001:Floor Switch (rusted, opens door) 012A:0003:0101:Floor Switch (rusted, makes chest appear BB24, opens gate 0100) 012A:0003:0200:Floor Switch (activates torch 03C2) 012A:0003:0300:Floor Switch (lights torch 03C3) 012A:0003:0303:Crystal Switch (makes chest appear B821, lowers water, opens gate 0303) 012A:0003:03B3:Crystal Switch (unbars door) 012A:0003:0400:Floor Switch (drops chest) 012A:0003:0401:Floor Switch (opens gate 0401, megaton) 012A:0003:0403:Crystal Switch (opens door when hit) 012A:0003:0500:Floor Switch (opens gate 0500) 012A:0003:0502:Eye Switch (makes chest 8023 or 8942 appear) 012A:0003:0502:Eye Switch (opens gate 0FC5?) 012A:0003:0712:Eye Switch (makes transparent platforms appear) 012A:0003:0782:Eye Switch (frozen, makes chest 8023 or 8942 appear, unbars door) 012A:0003:0800:Floor Switch (opens gate 00D7) 012A:0003:0803:Crystal Switch (unbars door) 012A:0003:0820:Floor Switch (unbars door, needs to be pressed) 012A:0003:0901:Floor Switch (opens gate, 0900, megaton) 012A:0003:0903:Crystal Switch (raises gate) 012A:0003:0A00:Floor Switch (raises stone platform 000A) 012A:0003:0A02:Eye Switch (drops chest) 012A:0003:0A03:Crystal Switch (opens gate 0A03, lights torch 03CA) 012A:0003:0C00:Floor Switch (lights torch 03CC) 012A:0003:0C02:Eye Switch (unbars door, makes hookshot targets appear, makes chest 8845 or 8940 appear) 012A:0003:0D00:Floor Switch (makes chest appear) 012A:0003:0D01:Floor Switch (drops chest, megaton) 012A:0003:0E00:Floor Switch (makes chest appear B141, opens gate 0EC1) 012A:0003:0F01:Floor Switch (rusted, unbars door) 012A:0003:0F03:Crystal Switch (makes hookshot platforms appear 0FC1) 012A:0003:0F82:Eye Switch (frozen, makes transparent platforms appear) 012A:0003:1000:Floor Switch (raises gate 1001, lowers flame circle 2FD0) 012A:0003:1102:Eye Switch (raises gate to boss door, 1101) 012A:0003:1203:Crystal Switch (raises gate, 1201) 012A:0003:1301:Floor Switch (unbars door, megaton) 012A:0003:1313:Crystal Switch (makes transparent platforms vanish, twists hallway) 012A:0003:1400:Floor Switch (makes chest appear) 012A:0003:1403:Crystal Switch (opens door) 012A:0003:1502:Eye Switch (unbars door) 012A:0003:1892:Eye Switch (twists corridor, frozen) 012A:0003:1900:Floor Switch (unbars door) 012A:0003:1901:Floor Switch (makes hookshot platforms appear, megaton) 012A:0003:1903:Floor Switch (makes transparent platforms appear 1901) 012A:0003:1A00:Floor Switch (unbars door) 012A:0003:1A02:Eye Switch (opens right door when shot, training grounds) 012A:0003:2000:Floor Switch (unbars door) 012A:0003:2100:Floor Switch (drops mesh wall) 012A:0003:2301:Floor Switch (lowers water spout, megaton) 012A:0003:2403:Crystal Switch (raises hookshot platform 24C1) 012A:0003:2502:Eye Switch (unbars door, drops chest) 012A:0003:2602:Eye Switch (drains well water) 012A:0003:2603:Crystal Switch (drops chest) 012A:0003:2613:Crystal Switch (makes transparent platforms vanish 2601) 012A:0003:2700:Floor Switch (lights torches 03E7) 012A:0003:2713:Crystal Switch (makes transparent platforms vanish 2701) 012A:0003:2813:Crystal Switch (makes transparent platforms vanish 2801) 012A:0003:2A00:Floor Switch (drops mesh wall) 012A:0003:2A02:Eye Switch (unbars door) 012A:0003:2C01:Floor Switch (makes hookshot platforms appear, megaton) 012A:0003:2C20:Floor Switch (unbars door, needs to be held) 012A:0003:3402:Eye Switch (drops chest) 012A:0003:3602:Eye Switch (makes transparent platforms appear 3601, opens door) 012A:0003:3613:Crystal Switch (makes transparent platform 3601 disappear) 012A:0003:3712:Eye Switch (makes transparent platform 3701 disappear when shot) 012A:0003:3800:Floor Switch (lowers flame circle) 012A:0003:3802:Eye Switch (lowers flame circles) 012A:0003:3803:Crystal Switch (makes chest appear 884E, lowers flame circles, raises water spout 0E3F) 012A:0003:3820:Floor Switch (unbars door, needs to be held, lights torch 03F8) 012A:0003:3900:Floor Switch (timed, opens gate 00F9, lowers large firewall) 012A:0003:3903:Floor Switch (turns flame circle off 2FF9, opens gate 1FF9) 012A:0003:3A00:Floor Switch (timed, opens gate 00FA, lowers flame circle) 012A:0003:3A03:Crystal Switch (opens gate 1FFA) 012A:0003:3B20:Floor Switch (needs to be held, unbars door) 012A:0003:3C01:Floor Switch (opens metal gate, megaton) 012A:0003:3C03:Crystal Switch (turns flame circle off 2FFC, makes hookshot platforms appear, lowers water spout 1F0B) 012A:0003:3C20:Floor Switch (lights torches, needs to be held) 012A:0003:3D00:Floor Switch (raises platforms) 012A:0003:3D01:Floor Switch (unknown function, megaton) 012A:0003:3E03:Crystal Switch (raises hookshot platform 3EC1, raises water spout 0FBF) 012A:0003:3E20:Floor Switch (activates timed torch stand 03FE, unbars door) 012A:0003:3E43:Crystal Switch (opens gate) 012B:011B:0001:Stone Elevator (doesn’t move) 012B:011B:1201:Stone Elevator 012B:011B:2200:Stone Elevator (under stairs) 012C:011D:0080:Square Collapsing Platform 012C:011D:FFFC:Square Collapsing Platform 012D:011C:00C1:Hookshot Tower (underground) 012D:011C:01C1:Hookshot Platform (underground) 012D:011C:05C1:Hookshot Tower (underground) 012D:011C:0CC1:Hookshot Tower (underground, appears when switch is shot 0C02) 012D:011C:0EC1:Hookshot Platform (underground) 012D:011C:0FC1:Hookshot Platform (appears after switch is hit 0F03, underground) 012D:011C:1CC1:Hookshot Tower (underground) 012D:011C:1FC1:Hookshot Platform (raised by something happened noise 7FFF, underground) 012D:011C:24C1:Hookshot Platform (raises when switch 2403 is hit, underground) 012D:011C:25C1:Hookshot Tower (underground) 012D:011C:27C1:Hookshot Tower (underground) 012D:011C:2AC1:Hookshot Platform (underground) 012D:011C:2BC1:Hookshot Target (appears when torch is lit, underground) 012D:011C:2CC1:Hookshot Platform (appears when switch is pressed, underground) 012D:011C:3CC1:Hookshot Platform (appears when switch is hit, underground) 012D:011C:3DC1:Hookshot Platform (underground) 012D:011C:3EC1:Hookshot Platform (raised when switch 3E03 is hit, underground) 012D:011C:FF40:Hookshot Platform 012D:011C:FFC0:Hookshot Platform 012D:011C:FFC2:Hookshot Stone 012E:0001:07F8:Play Ocarina here spot (Zelda’s Lullaby, slows waterfall) 012E:0001:0BC2:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:13FF:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:17FF:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1BFF:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1C7A:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1C82:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1C8D:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1C91:Play Ocarina Here Spot (makes chest 8904 appear) 012E:0001:1C9B:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1C9C:Play Ocarina Here Spot (lowest water level) 012E:0001:1C9D:Play Ocarina Here Spot (middle water level) 012E:0001:1C9E:Play Ocarina Here Spot (highest water level) 012E:0001:1CB1:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1CB3:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1CB5:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1CB8:Plat Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1CF9:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1D3B:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012E:0001:1D78:Play Ocarina Here Spot 012F:0001:0000:Horseback Archery Target (small) 012F:0001:0001:Horseback Archery Target (medium) 012F:0001:0002:Horseback Archery Target (large) 0130:011F:0301:Rolling Boulder 0130:011F:0302:Rolling Boulder 0130:011F:0C02:Rolling Boulder 0130:011F:0D00:Rolling Boulder 0130:011F:0D01:Rolling Boulder 0130:011F:0D02:Rolling Boulder 0130:011F:0D03:Rolling Boulder 0130:011F:0D04:Rolling Boulder 0132:0121:FFFF:Carpenter Boss 0133:0122:0100:Carpenter (trapped) 0133:0122:0211:Carpenter (trapped) 0133:0122:0322:Carpenter (trapped) 0133:0122:0433:Carpenter (trapped) 0133:0122:FFF0:Carpenter 0133:0122:FFF1:Carpenter 0133:0122:FFF2:Carpenter 0133:0122:FFF3:Carpenter 0136:0125:FFFF:Dark Link’s Illusion Room -0020 -0059 0138:0116:0000:White Clothed Gerudo (shoos you away) 0138:0116:0004:White Clothed Gerudo (near gate to haunted wasteland) 0138:0116:0005:White Clothed Gerudo (near cow) 0138:0116:0045:White Clothed Gerudo (horseback archery) 0138:0116:0301:White Clothed Gerudo (on top of tower near gate to haunted wasteland) 0138:0116:3A46:White Clothed Gerudo (near training grounds) 0139:0001:0005:Block Save Point (works with 0542 and 0546) 0139:0001:0007:Block Save Point (works with 0702, and 0706) 0139:0001:0009:Block Save Point (works with Block 09C3) 0139:0001:000B:Block Save Point (works with 0BC7 or 0BC3) 0139:0001:001D:Block Save Point (works with 1D02 or 1DC6) 013C:0110:FFFF:Kakariko Cucco Lady 013D:00C9:0006:Medigoron 013E:0127:FFFF:Bean Seller 013F:0128:0000:Carpenter’s Son 0140:0129:0000:Ingo's Gates 0140:0129:0001:Ingo's Gates 0140:0129:0003:Ingo's Gates 0141:012F:0026:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0027:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0304:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0307:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0308:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0309:Square Signpost 0141:012F:030A:Square Signpost 0141:012F:030B:Square Signpost 0141:012F:030E:Square Signpost 0141:012F:030F:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0310:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0311:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0312:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0318:Square Signpost 0141:012F:031A:Square Signpost 0141:012F:031B:Square Signpost 0141:012F:031C:Square Signpost 0141:012F:031E:Square Signpost 0141:012F:031F:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0320:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0322:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0324:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0325:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0329:Square Signpost 0141:012F:032B:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0333:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0334:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0335:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0336:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0337:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0338:Square Signpost 0141:012F:033C:Square Signpost 0141:012F:033D:Square Signpost 0141:012F:033E:Square Signpost 0141:012F:033F:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0340:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0341:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0342:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0344:Square Signpost 0141:012F:0345:Square Signpost 0142:0097:0001:Hyrule Castle Guard 0142:0097:FFFF:Hyrule Castle Guard 0143:0013:0001:Hopping Cucco (not solid) 0145:0180:FFFF:Stone Blocking Well Entrance 0146:00BC:0000:Saria 0147:0001:0FFF:Checkable Spot (ToT altar) 0147:0001:17FF:Checkable Spot 0147:0001:1FFF:Checkable Spot 0147:0001:27FF:Checkable Spot 0148:0130:FFFF:Rainbow Bridge -009B -0060 (adult zelda’s group, may not be needed) -0090 0149:010F:0000:Potion Shop Hag 014A:0132:0000:Lakeside Professor 014B:0160:FFFF:Bombchu Bowling Alley Lady 014D:0131:003F:Kaepora Gaebora (gerudo valley) 014D:0131:004C:Kaepora Gaebora 014D:0131:0085:Kaepora Gaebora (castle) 014D:0131:00FF:Kaepora Gaebora 014D:0131:013F:Kaepora Gaebora 014D:0131:014B:Kaepora Gaebora 014D:0131:01BF:Kaepora Gaebora (zora’s river) 014D:0131:01CA:Kaepora Gaebora (sixth owl) 014D:0131:0213:Kaepora Gaebora (top of death mountain) 014D:0131:029F:Kaepora Gaebora (desert colossus) 014D:0131:02C7:Kaepora Gaebora (before learning saria’s song, lost woods) 014D:0131:0308:Kaepora Gaebora (after learning saria’s song, lost woods) 014D:0131:0FFF:Kaepora Gaebora (desert colossus, has lines from castle) 014E:0002:0200:Small Rock 014E:0002:0210:Small Rock 014E:0002:0700:Small Rock 014E:0002:0710:Small Rock 014E:0002:0A00:Silver Boulder 014E:0002:0B00:Small Rock 014E:0002:0B10:Small Rock 014E:0002:0D10:Small Rock 014E:0002:FF01:Silver Boulder 014E:0002:FF21:Silver Boulder 014F:0002:0000:Grave Flower 014F:0002:0001:Grave Flower 014F:0002:0002:Grave Flower 0150:012A:0300:Light Activated Sun Switch 0150:012A:0E00:Light Activated Sun Switch (unbars door) 0150:012A:0F00:Light Activated Sun Switch (drops chest) 0150:012A:1600:Light Activated Sun Switch (unbars door) 0150:012A:1700:Light Activated Sun Switch (lowers platform) 0150:012A:2421:Sun Block (unbars door) 0150:012A:2B21:Sun Block (drops chest) 0150:012A:2D00:Light Activated Sun Switch (lowers flame circle) 0150:012A:3830:Light Activated Sun Switch (makes chest 8909 appear) 0150:012A:3921:Sun Block (makes transparent platform appear 3901) 0150:012A:3930:Light Activated Sun Switch (makes wallmaster 3902 appear) 0150:012A:3A21:Sun Block (drops wallmaster) 0150:012A:3A30:Light Activated Sun Switch (drops wallmaster) 0150:012A:3B21:Sun Block (drops wallmaster) 0150:012A:3B30:Light Activated Sun Switch (drops wallmaster) 0150:012A:3C30:Light Activated Sun Switch (makes chest B6C6 appear) 0150:012A:3D30:Light Activated Sun Switch (makes chest 8848 appear, drops wallmaster 3D02) 0150:012A:3E30:Light Activated Sun Switch (makes chest 8907 appear) 0151:0001:0201:Circle of Bushes 0151:0001:0202:Circle of Rocks 0151:0001:0701:Circle of Bushes 0151:0001:0702:Circle of Rocks 0151:0001:0B02:Circle of Rocks 0151:0001:0D02:Circle of Rocks 0151:0001:FF00:Circle of Bushes 0151:0001:FF01:Circle of Bushes 0151:0001:FF02:Circle of Rocks 0153:0133:0000:Windmill Man 0155:0001:0000:Treasure Chests from Game Shop -000E -0155 (treasure chest game man group, may not be needed) -00BD -00AA -017F -016B (dog group, may not be needed) 0156:00F1:0004:Large Stone Face 0157:00F1:0017:Hanging Platform 0158:00F1:0000:Large Circular Mirror 0159:00F1:000F:Light Blocking Rock 015A:00F1:FFFF:Circular Lifting Metal Door 015C:00AF:1C1F:Giant Goron Pot 015F:013A:0E3F:Water Spout (raised by switch 3803) 015F:013A:0EBF:Water Spout 015F:013A:0F7F:Water Spout 015F:013A:0FBF:Water Spout (raised by switch 3E03) 015F:013A:15C6:Water Spout 015F:013A:18D7:Water Spout 015F:013A:1F0B:Water Spout (lowered by switch 3C03) 0160:013B:0000:Whirlpool Effect 0162:013C:0001:Running Man 0162:013C:FF01:Running Man (ending dance) 0163:00C5:0003:Kokiri (boy blocking exit) 0163:00C5:D300:Kokiri (8th map) 0163:00C5:FF00:Kokiri (standing boy) 0163:00C5:FF01:Kokiri (standing girl) 0163:00C5:FF02:Kokiri (thrusting boy) 0163:00C5:FF04:Kokiri (backflipping boy) 0163:00C5:FF05:Kokiri (sitting girl) 0163:00C5:FF06:Kokiri (standing girl) 0163:00C5:FF07:Kokiri (standing boy) 0163:00C5:FF08:Kokiri (sitting boy) 0163:00C5:FF09:Kokiri (standing girl) 0163:00C5:FF0A:Kokiri (standing girl) 0163:00C5:FF0B:Kokiri (sitting boy) 0163:00C5:FF0C:Kokiri (standing blonde girl) 0164:00FF:0000:King Zora (in red ice) 0164:00FF:0100:King Zora 0165:0001:0200:? (makes map green with fog) 0165:0001:0201:Slowly Clouding Sky 0165:0001:0202:Clouds 0165:0001:0304:Darker Sky 0165:0001:0607:Rain and Lightning 0165:0001:0A00:Darkening Clouds 0165:0001:0C06:Sandstorm 0165:0001:1206:Sandstorm 0165:0001:1401:Darkneing Clouds 0165:0001:1402:Clouds 0165:0001:1405:Clouds 0165:0001:1502:Clouds 0165:0001:1804:Weather Effects (gets cloudy as you approach) 0165:0001:1805:Nothing? 0165:0001:2802:Clouds 0165:0001:2803:Rain 0165:0001:2804:Crater Smoke 0167:00EC:0000:Kakariko Village Rooftop Man 0169:016C:0000:Brick Pillar 0169:016C:0001:Brick Chair 016A:0144:0000:Magic Carpet Man 016C:0145:0000:Graveyard Boy 016D:00FB:0000:Mido 016D:00FB:0100:Mido (village) 016D:00FB:FF00:Mido (house) 016E:0000:0791:Various Market NPC’s (man in impa’s house) 016E:0000:0792:Various Market NPC’s (lady in red and black) 016E:0000:7007:Various Market NPC’s 016E:0105:0780:Various Market NPC’s (woman who lost her dog) 016E:0105:0790:Various Market NPC's (woman who lost her dog?, ending dance) 016E:0107:0782:Various Market NPC’s (bearded man in white & green) 016E:0107:0784:Various Market NPC’s (staunch man in black & green) 016E:0107:078D:Various Market NPC’s (red haired man in green & lilac) 016E:0107:0794:Various Market NPC’s (man in bazaar) 016E:0108:0008:Various Market NPC’s (thin woman in lilac) 016E:0108:0788:Various Market NPC’s (thin woman in lilac) 016E:0108:078B:Various Market NPC’s (thin woman in blue & yellow) 016E:010C:0007:Various Market NPC’s (old man in blue robe) 016E:010C:0087:Various Market NPC’s (old man in blue) 016E:010C:078F:Various Market NPC’s (bald man in brown) 016E:010C:0793:Various Market NPC’s (bald man in magenta robe) 016E:010D:0006:Various Market NPC’s (old woman in white) 016E:010D:0786:Various Market NPC’s (old woman in white) 016E:0111:0003:Various Market NPC’s (jogging man) 016E:0111:0785:Various Market NPC’s (beggar) 016E:0111:0789:Various Market NPC’s (red juggler) 016E:0111:078A:Various Market NPC’s (blue juggler) 016E:0111:078C:Various Market NPC’s (looking man in crimson) 016E:0111:078E:Various Market NPC’s (bearded, red haired man in green & white) 016E:0111:0790:Various Market NPC’s (man in light blue) 016E:018C:0781:Various Market NPC’s (fat woman in white, blues & yellow) 0171:014A:0000:Title Screen Actor 0172:014B:0A04:Metal Grate Door 0172:014B:0C01:Metal Grate Door 0172:014B:0E02:Metal Grate Door 0172:014B:0F03:Metal Grate Door 0173:0001:0705:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:0A95:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:0B95:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:0C95:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:2084:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:2181:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:2228:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:2C8D:Navi Targetable Spot (same as 3F8C) 0173:0001:2D8D:Navi Targetable Spot (same as 3F8C) 0173:0001:2E26:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:2E8D:Navi Targetable Spot (same as 3F8C) 0173:0001:2F26:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:2F8D:Navi Targetable Spot (same as 3F8C) 0173:0001:3B00:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:3C24:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:3F00:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:3F05:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:3F3A:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:3F8C:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:3F92:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:3F94:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:3F97:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0001:3FA5:Navi Targetable Spot 0173:0190:3F04:Navi Targetable Spot (ladder) 0173:0190:3F06:Navi Targetable Spot (torch) 0174:014C:0000:Castle Pieces (cutscene) 0174:014C:0001:Castle Pieces (cutscene) 0174:014C:0002:Castle Pieces (cutscene) 0174:014C:0005:Castle Pieces (cutscene) 0174:014C:0006:Castle Pieces (cutscene) 0174:014C:0007:Castle Pieces (cutscene) 0174:014C:0017:Castle Pieces (cutscene) 0174:014C:0018:Castle Pieces (cutscene) 0175:006D:0016:Big Poe 0175:006D:0017:Big Poe 0175:006D:0018:Big Poe 0175:006D:0019:Big Poe 0175:006D:001A:Big Poe 0175:006D:001B:Big Poe 0175:006D:001C:Big Poe 0175:006D:001D:Big Poe 0175:006D:001E:Big Poe 0175:006D:001F:Big Poe 0176:014D:0000:Lava Sprites 0177:0156:2000:Metal Bars 0177:0156:2102:Metal Bars 0177:0156:2204:Metal Bars 0177:0156:2306:Metal Bars 0177:0156:2401:Metal Bars 0177:0156:2503:Metal Bars 0177:0156:2605:Metal Bars 0177:0156:2707:Metal Bars 0177:0156:2808:Metal Bars 0177:0156:2908:Metal Bars 0177:0156:2A09:Metal Bars 0178:0097:FF00:Hyrule Guard 0178:0097:FF04:Hyrule Guard 0178:0097:FF07:Hyrule Guard (alley) 0178:0097:FF08:Hyrule Guard 0179:0060:2003:Zelda Walk Path -014F -0139 0179:0060:2113:Zelda Walk Path -014F -0139 0179:0060:2223:Zelda Walk Path -014F -0139 0179:0060:2333:Zelda Walk Path -014F -0139 0179:0060:2403:Zelda Walk Path -014F -0139 0179:0060:2513:Zelda Walk Path -014F -0139 0179:0060:2623:Zelda Walk Path -014F -0139 0179:0060:2733:Zelda Walk Path -014F -0139 0179:0060:2843:Zelda Walk Path -014F -0139 0179:0060:2903:Zelda Walk Path -014F -0139 0179:0060:2A13:Zelda Walk Path -014F -0139 017A:00E1:FFFF:Ganon -017E -0186 -0153 017B:0174:FFFF:Scarecrow 017C:0155:0000:Treasure Chest Game Man 017D:0001:FF10:Push Block (has save point, crashes game outside map?) 017F:0001:0001:The End Message (ToT) 017F:0001:FFFF:The End Message 0181:000E:0000:Treasure Chest (variable and treasure chosen by hole entered) 0182:0154:0000:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0001:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0002:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0003:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0004:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0009:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:000A:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:000B:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:000C:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:000D:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:000E:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:000F:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0010:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0011:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0012:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0013:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0014:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0015:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0016:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0017:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0018:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0019:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:001A:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:001B:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:001C:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:001D:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:001E:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:001F:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0020:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0021:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0182:0154:0022:Ranch NPC's (cutscene) 0183:0001:FF01:Song of Storms Fairy 0183:0001:FF40:Sun’s Song Fairy 0183:0001:FF41:Song of Storms Fairy 0185:0001:0338:Checkable Spot (disappears after use) 0185:0001:04BF:Checkable Spot (sun switch, disappears) 0185:0001:04FF:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:06B9:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:06F8:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:083F:Cheakable Spot (about snake statues, disappears) 0185:0001:087F:Cheakable Spot (about snake statues, disappears) 0185:0001:0AFF:Checkable Spot (disappears, summons poe brother) 0185:0001:0B3F:Checkable Spot (disappears. summons poe brother) 0185:0001:4226:Checkable Spot (Shadow Temple Text, disappears) 0185:0001:422B:Checkable Spot (Shadow Temple Text, disappears) 0185:0001:426A:Checkable Spot (Shadow Temple Text, disappears) 0185:0001:42A8:Checkable Spot (Shadow Temple Text, disappears) 0185:0001:42A9:Checkable Spot (Shadow Temple Text, disappears) 0185:0001:42AC:Checkable Spot (Shadow Temple Text, disappears) 0185:0001:461F:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:4705:Checkable Spot (disappears, carpenter 0100) 0185:0001:4706:Checkable Spot (disappears, carpenter 0211) 0185:0001:4707:Checkable Spot (disappears, carpenter 0322) 0185:0001:4708:Checkable Spot (disappears, carpenter 0433) 0185:0001:493C:Checkable Spot (Shadow Temple Text, disappears) 0185:0001:4BBB:Checkable Spot (disappears, about Frogs) 0185:0001:4C83:Checkable Spot (disappears, about defeating enemies in time limit, training grounds) 0185:0001:4C99:Checkable Spot (disappears, lava room, training grounds) 0185:0001:4C9E:Checkable Spot (disappears, training grounds) 0185:0001:4C9F:Checkable Spot (disappears, about defeating enemies in time limit, training grounds) 0185:0001:4CDB:Checkable Spot (disappears, about collecting silver rupees, training grounds) 0185:0001:4D16:Checkable Spot (disappears, lava room, training grounds) 0185:0001:4D95:Checkable Spot (disappears, large statue room) 0185:0001:4E5C:Checkable Spot (disappears, about collecting rupees in time limit, training grounds) 0185:0001:4F3D:Checkable Spot (Shadow Temple Text, disappears) 0185:0001:81FF:Checkable Spot (disappears, about happy masks) 0185:0001:853F:Checkable Spot (water level changing spot, disappears) 0185:0001:857F:Checkable Spot (water level changing spot, disappears) 0185:0001:867F:Checkable Spot (disappears, tells time) 0185:0001:87FF:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:88FF:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:8ABF:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:8ACD:Checkable Spot (disappears after use) 0185:0001:8AF1:Checkable Spot (Zelda's Lullaby song spot, disappears) 0185:0001:8AF3:Checkable Spot (Zelda's Lullaby song spot, disappears) 0185:0001:8AF5:Checkable Spot (Zelda's Lullaby song spot, disappears) 0185:0001:8AF8:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:8B7F:Checkable Spot (disappears, about waterfall or song spot) 0185:0001:8BFF:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:8EBF:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:8EC1:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:8EC3:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:8EDC:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:8EDD:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0185:0001:8EFF:Checkable Spot (disappears, bombable wall to nayru’s fountain) 0185:0001:FFFF:Checkable Spot (disappears) 0186:0167:0500:Patrolling Gerudo (turns around, immobile, blows whistle) 0186:0167:0800:Patrolling Gerudo (turns around, immobile, blows whistle) 0186:0167:0A00:Patrolling Gerudo (turns around, immobile, blows whistle) 0186:0167:1600:Patrolling Gerudo (turns around, immobile, blows whistle) 0186:0167:FF01:Patrolling Gerudo (won’t turn around, immobile, blows whistle) 0187:0001:07FF:Something Happened Noise (lights torch) 0187:0001:0FFF:Something Happened Noise (raises water) 0187:0001:17FF:Something Happened Noise 0187:0001:1FFF:Something Happened Noise 0187:0001:2BFF:Something Happened Noise (lowers flame circle 6FCA when stalfos are killed, blue tentacle) 0187:0001:2FFF:Something Happened Noise (red tentacle) 0187:0001:33FF:Something Happened Noise (green tentacle) 0187:0001:47FF:Something Happened Noise 0187:0001:4FFF:Secret Noise (unbars door after stalfos is killed) 0187:0001:7FFF:Something Happened Noise (raises hookshot platform 1FC1) 0187:0167:0C3C:Timer (stalfos room, training grounds) 0187:0167:643C:Timer (torch slug room) 0187:0167:705A:Timer (icicle room, training grounds) 0187:0167:783C:Timer (dinolfos room) 0187:0167:7C3C:Timer (iron knuckle room, training grounds) 0188:015E:0000:Cursed Skulltula People (skulltula) 0188:015E:0001:Cursed Skulltula People (skulltula) 0188:015E:0002:Cursed Skulltula People (skulltula) 0188:015E:0003:Cursed Skulltula People (skulltula) 0188:015E:0004:Cursed Skulltula People (skulltula) 0188:015E:0005:Cursed Skulltula People (skulltula) 0189:0001:0000:Cursed Skulltula People (human) 0189:0001:0001:Cursed Skulltula People (human) 0189:0001:0002:Cursed Skulltula People (human) 0189:0001:0003:Cursed Skulltula People (human) 0189:0001:0004:Cursed Skulltula People (human) 0189:0001:0005:Cursed Skulltula People (human) 018C:0026:0000:Stingray 018D:0161:0000:2D Water Texture 018D:0161:1F01:2D Gate Texture 0190:0162:0003:Gerudo Fortress Wooden Gate 0190:0162:00FF:Gerudo Fortress Wooden Gate (6th map) 0191:0162:0002:Gerudo Fortress Training Area Gate 0191:0162:003A:Gerudo Fortress Training Area Gate (2nd map) 0191:0162:00FF:Gerudo Fortress Training Area Gate (5th map) 0192:0164:0001:Green Deku Scrub (3rd of the "brothers") 0192:0164:0002:Green Deku Scrub (1st of the "brothers") 0192:0164:9C03:Green Deku Scrub (2nd of the "brothers") 0194:0166:0000:Drawbridge 0194:0166:0001:Square Signpost (2nd map) 0195:0168:0000:Sales Scrub (sells 5 deku nuts for 20 rupees) 0195:0168:0001:Sales Scrub (sells 1 deku stick for 15 rupees) 0195:0168:0002:Sales Scrub (sells piece of heart for 10 rupees) 0195:0168:0003:Sales Scrub (sells 30 deku seeds for 40 rupees) 0195:0168:0004:Sales Scrub (sells deku shield for 50 rupees) 0195:0168:0005:Sales Scrub (sells 5 bombs for 40 rupees) 0195:0168:0006:Sales Scrub (sells 30 arrows for 70 rupees) 0195:0168:0007:Sales Scrub (sells red potion for 40 rupees) 0195:0168:0008:Sales Scrub (sells green potion for 40 rupees) 0195:0168:0009:Sales Scrub (sells deku stick upgrade) 0195:0168:000A:Sales Scrub (sells deku nut upgrade) 0196:0001:FFFF:Dampe’s Game Collectables 0197:0169:0A00:Gerudo Fighter 0197:0169:0C00:Gerudo Fighter 0197:0169:0E00:Gerudo Fighter 0197:0169:0F00:Gerudo Fighter 019A:016A:0200:Girl Chasing Cucco -0013 019B:016B:0030:Dog 019B:016B:0050:Dog 019B:016B:0160:Dog 019B:016B:0201:Dog 019B:016B:0311:Dog 019B:016B:0421:Dog 019B:016B:0531:Dog 019B:016B:0741:Dog 019B:016B:0801:Dog 019B:016B:0910:Dog 019B:016B:0A01:Dog 019B:016B:0B10:Dog 019B:016B:0C21:Dog 019B:016B:0D00:Dog 019D:0001:0000:Potion Shop Sign 019D:0001:0001:Shooting Gallery Sign 019D:0001:0002:Bazaar Sign 019D:0001:0003:Semi-Built Shooting Gallery (4th map) 019D:0001:0203:Semi-Built Shooting Gallery 019D:0001:FF04:Built Shooting Gallery 019E:0002:FF01:Beehive 019E:0002:FF02:Beehive 019F:016F:001D:Bombable Wall (has defined xyz, blocks nayru’s fountain) 019F:016F:00FF:Bombable Wall (has defined xyz, blocks nayru’s fountain, 3rd map) 01A0:0170:6F08:Crate (holds gold skulltula) 01A0:0170:7040:Crate 01A0:0170:7080:Crate 01A0:0170:7308:Crate 01A0:0170:FFFF:Crate 01A1:0001:FFFF:Deku Mask Panel -0171 -0172 -00C7 -00BB 01A3:0001:FFFF:Deku Game (yields deku seed upgrade) -0164 -0172 (unknown group, may not be needed) -0117 (unknown group, may not be needed) -017B (unknown group, may not be needed) 01A4:0111:FFFF:Man in Purple Pants and White Top 01A5:0178:FFFF:Bombchu Bowling Alley Game -000A (great fairy group, may not be needed) -00CE -00D9 -00BF -00BD -017F -0013 -016B (dog group, may not be needed) 01A6:0128:FFFF:Carpenter’s Son (looks) 01A7:0179:0000:Ganon’s Tower Magic Barrier (may need 0097:0005) 01A7:0179:0001:Ganon’s Tower Magic Barrier (water room) 01A7:0179:0002:Ganon’s Tower Magic Barrier (light room) 01A7:0179:0003:Ganon’s Tower Magic Barrier (fire room) 01A7:0179:0004:Ganon’s Tower Magic Barrier (shadow room) 01A7:0179:0005:Ganon’s Tower Magic Barrier (spirit room) 01A7:0179:0006:Ganon’s Tower Magic Barrier (forest room) 01A8:0074:0003:Zora’s Fountain Bombable Wall (covers great fairy fountain) 01A8:0074:00FF:Zora’s Fountain Bombable Wall (covers great fairy fountain) 01A9:00B1:0001:Explodable Crater Wall 01A9:00B1:00FF:Explodable Crater Wall 01AB:0001:4005:Tower of Rupees 01AB:0001:40FF:Tower of Rupees 01AC:0182:0000:Honey & Darling 01AD:0182:0000:Haggling Townspeople (Blue/green textures, ending dance) 01AD:0182:0001:Haggling Townspeople (Green/brown textures, ending dance) 01AE:00C9:0423:Goron 01AE:00C9:0843:Goron 01AE:00C9:1404:Goron 01AE:00C9:1463:Goron 01AE:00C9:1C01:Goron 01AE:00C9:2403:Goron 01AE:00C9:FC00:Goron 01AE:00C9:FC25:Goron 01AE:00C9:FFE2:Goron 01AE:00C9:FFE6:Goron 01AE:00C9:FFE7:Goron 01AE:00C9:FFE8:Goron 01AE:00C9:FFE9:Goron 01AE:00C9:FFEA:Goron 01AE:00C9:FFEB:Goron 01AE:00C9:FFEC:Goron 01AE:00C9:FFED:Goron (bazaar) 01AF:0183:1F00:Wolfos 01AF:0183:FF00:Wolfos 01AF:0183:FF01:White Wolfos 01B1:0185:2410:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:5416:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:7411:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:9410:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF04:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF08:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF09:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF0A:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF0B:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF0C:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF0D:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF0E:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF10:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF11:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF12:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF13:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF14:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF15:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B1:0185:FF16:Ganon Battle Rubble 01B2:0186:0000:Chunk of Stone (ganon cutscene, not solid) 01B2:0186:0002:Chunk of Stone (ganon cutscene, not solid) 01B2:0186:0003:Chunk of Stone (ganon cutscene, not solid) 01B2:0186:0004:Chunk of Stone (ganon cutscene, not solid) 01B2:0186:0005:Chunk of Stone (ganon cutscene, not solid) 01B2:0186:0006:Chunk of Stone (ganon cutscene, not solid) 01B2:0186:0008:Chunk of Stone (ganon cutscene, not solid) 01B4:0179:0000:Transparent Walkway 01B4:0179:0501:Transparent Platform (appears when torch is lit) 01B4:0179:0701:Transparent Platform 01B4:0179:0801:Transparent Platforms (appear when silver rupees are gathered) 01B4:0179:0F01:Transparent Platform (appears when switch is shot 0F82?) 01B4:0179:1301:Transparent Platform (covers doorway, disappears after switch is hit 1313) 01B4:0179:1901:Transparent Platform 01B4:0179:2601:Transparent Platform 01B4:0179:2701:Transparent Platform 01B4:0179:2801:Transparent Platform 01B4:0179:3601:Transparent Platform (disappears when switch 3613 is hit, appears after switch is shot) 01B4:0179:3701:Transparent Platform (disappears when switch 3712 is shot) 01B4:0179:3801:Transparent Platform (covers door) 01B4:0179:3901:Transparent Platform 01B4:0179:3D01:Transparent Platform (appears when torch 107D is lit) 01B4:0179:FF01:Transparent Platform 01B5:0179:0A00:Web Blocked Light Window 01B5:0179:0A01:Web Blocked Light Window 01B5:0179:0A02:Web Blocked Light Window 01B6:0179:0000:2D Stone Wall 01B6:0179:0002:2D Stone Wall 01B7:0179:0000:Large Square Ice Block 01B8:0189:FFFF:Poe Collector and Surroundings 01B9:0188:3801:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3803:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3804:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3805:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3806:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3809:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:380A:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:380B:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3811:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3813:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3815:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3816:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3818:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:381A:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:381B:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:381D:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:381E:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3902:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3907:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3908:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:390D:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3912:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3917:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:391F:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3A01:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3A0C:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3A0E:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3A0F:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3A19:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3A1C:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3A20:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3B10:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3C02:Gossip Stone 01B9:0188:3E14:Gossip Stone 01BB:0059:00F9:Metal Gate (opens when switch is pressed 3900) 01BB:0059:00FA:Metal Gate (opens when switch is pressed 3A00) 01BB:0059:0FC5:Metal Gate 01BB:0059:0FC8:Metal Gate 01BB:0059:0FC9:Metal Gate 01BB:0059:0FCD:Metal Gate 01BB:0059:0FCE:Metal Gate (opens when switch is pressed 0E00) 01BB:0059:0FD1:Metal Gate (covers hole) 01BB:0059:0FD3:Metal Gate (opens when torch 1093 is lit) 01BB:0059:0FE2:Metal Gate (opens when torch 1062 is lit) 01BB:0059:0FE5:Metal Gate (opens when invisible collectable 18A5 is hit) 01BB:0059:0FF8:Metal Gate 01BB:0059:0FF9:Metal Gate 01BB:0059:0FFA:Metal Gate 01BB:0059:0FFB:Metal Gate 01BB:0059:0FFC:Metal Gate 01BB:0059:0FFE:Metal Gate 01BB:0059:0FFF:Metal Gate 01BB:0059:1FCA:Metal Gate (opens when torch 110A is lit) 01BB:0059:1FE7:Metal Gate (opens when torch 10E7 is lit) 01BB:0059:1FF9:Metal Gate (opens when switch 3903 is hit) 01BB:0059:1FFA:Metal Gate (opens when switch 3A03 is hit) 01BC:0122:0002:Carpenter 01BC:0122:0103:Carpenter 01BC:0122:FF00:Carpenter 01BC:0122:FF01:Carpenter 01BC:0122:FF02:Carpenter 01BC:0122:FF03:Carpenter 01BD:0178:0000:Bombchu Bowling Alley Wall 01BD:0178:0001:Bombchu Bowling Alley Wall 01BF:006D:0000:Haunted Wasteland Poe Guide 01C0:0008:0000:Guay 01C2:016F:0000:Pond Water (refills when song of storms is played) 01C4:00AF:001B:Goron Room Door (darunia’s room) 01C4:00AF:00FF:Goron Room Door (darunia’s room, 2nd map) 01C4:00AF:0100:Goron Room Door (door to shop, 2nd map) 01C5:00D0:FFFF:Adult Malon (ranch) 01C6:018B:0000:Cow 01C7:006B:0000:Ice Stalagmite 01C7:006B:0001:Ice Stalactite 01C7:006B:0002:Regrowing Ice Stalactite 01C8:006B:0500:2D Ice Bars 01C8:006B:FF02:2D Ice Bars 01C9:0154:017F:Scarecrow Song Spot 01C9:0154:0538:Scarecrow Song Spot 01C9:0154:0539:Scarecrow Song Spot 01C9:0154:053A:Scarecrow Song Spot 01C9:0154:053B:Scarecrow Song Spot 01C9:0154:053D:Scarecrow Song Spot 01C9:0154:053F:Scarecrow Song Spot 01C9:0154:067C:Scarecrow Song Spot 01C9:0154:0A3F:Scarecrow Song Spot 01C9:0154:18CB:Scarecrow Song Spot 01C9:0154:18CC:Scarecrow Song Spot 01C9:0154:18FF:Scarecrow Song Spot 01CA:0154:FFFF:Bonooru The Scarecrow 01CC:0060:0000:Adult Zelda -0139 (unknown group, may not be needed) 01CD:004D:0000:Circular Piece of Stone Wall 01CD:0154:0001:Piece of Stone Floor 01CE:00FE:FFC0:Zora 01CE:00FE:FFC1:Zora 01CE:00FE:FFC2:Zora 01CE:00FE:FFC3:Zora 01CE:00FE:FFC4:Zora 01CE:00FE:FFC5:Zora 01CE:00FE:FFC6:Zora (swimming) 01CE:00FE:FFC7:Zora (swimming) 01CE:00FE:FFC8:Zora 01CF:0001:4D01:Bean Spot Skulltula (kokiri village) 01CF:0001:4E01:Bean Spot Skulltula (lost woods, near forest stage) 01CF:0001:4E02:Bean Spot Skulltula (lost woods, near bridge) 01CF:0001:5001:Bean Spot Skulltula 01CF:0001:5002:Bean Spot Skulltula 01CF:0001:5101:Bean Spot Skulltula (graveyard) 01CF:0001:5301:Bean Spot Skulltula (lake) 01CF:0001:5401:Bean Spot Skulltula (gerudo valley) 01CF:0001:5601:Bean Spot Skulltula (desert colossus) 01D1:00A8:08FF:Time Block 01D1:00A8:10FF:Time Block 01D1:00A8:11FF:Time Block 01D1:00A8:19FF:Time Block 01D1:00A8:2822:Time Block 01D1:00A8:2829:Time Block 01D1:00A8:380A:Time Block 01D1:00A8:3812:Time Block 01D1:00A8:3819:Time Block 01D1:00A8:381A:Time Block 01D1:00A8:38FF:Time Block 01D1:00A8:3924:Time Block 01D1:00A8:39FF:Time Block 01D1:00A8:80FF:Time Block 01D1:00A8:81FF:Small Time Block 01D1:00A8:88FF:Time Block 01D1:00A8:9837:Time Block 01D1:00A8:A823:Time Block 01D1:00A8:B805:Time Block 01D1:00A8:B806:Time Block 01D1:00A8:B80D:Time Block 01D1:00A8:B80E:Time Block 01D1:00A8:B820:Time Block 01D1:00A8:B8FF:Time Block 01D1:00A8:B927:Time Block 01D1:00A8:B928:Time Block 01D1:00A8:B9FF:Time Block 01D2:0002:0003:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0004:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0005:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0005:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0006:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0007:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0009:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:000B:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:000D:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0010:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0011:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0012:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0014:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0015:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0016:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0017:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0018:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0019:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:001A:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:001B:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:001C:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:001D:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:002A:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:002B:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:002C:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:002F:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:0030:Bronze Boulder 01D2:0002:00FF:Bronze Boulder 01D3:0191:0000:Child Princess Zelda (courtyard) 01D4:013C:0000:Running Man (tent) 01D4:013C:0001:Running Man (lost woods) 01D5:0003:0009:Young Link Silver Block (works with Block 09C3) 01D6:0190:1106:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:1836:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:1838:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:1839:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:183A:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:183A:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:3838:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:9106:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:9836:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:9838:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:9839:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:983A:Navi Green Spot 01D6:0190:B838:Navi Green Spot