From CloudModding OoT Wiki

DZR and DZS files contain The Wind Waker's entity data. This includes actors (such as NPCs and enemies), exits, lighting, waypoints, paths, and several other things. DZR files are specific to individual rooms of a worldspace, while DZS files contain entity data that applies to all of the rooms within a worldspace. However, they share the same format.

Header Format

The integer at 0x00 in a DZR or DZS file is a count of all of the chunks contained within the file. Starting at 0x04 are the chunk headers, which are described here:

Size: 0x0C bytes

Offset Field Description
0x00 string chunkType
0x04 int chunkElementCount
0x08 int chunkElementsOffset

Each chunk has a chunk type that describes what the chunk does and how its chunk elements are formatted. The first chunk element is located at chunkElementsOffset within the file.

Chunk Element Formats

It is not common that different chunks share exactly the same element format, though there are cases where they are similar. This section will describe the data layout of each of the chunks' elements.




The ACTR chunk deals with actors within a map, such as enemies, NPCs, pots, grass, flowers, and switches.

Size: 0x20 bytes

Offset Field Description
0x00 string name
0x08 byte param1
0x09 byte param2
0x0A byte param3
0x0B byte param4
0x0C float xPosition
0x10 float yPosition
0x14 float zPosition
0x18 short xRotation
0x1A short yRotation
0x1C short killFlag
0x2E short enemyNumber

name is the identifier that the game uses to know what the actor that should be loaded is. The four parameter bytes can be for different variables depending on the actor; they could be behaviors, switch IDs, path IDs, and more. killflag is a flag that is set when the actor is killed; this may only be applicable to enemies. enemyNumber is a short value that increments with every enemy in the actor chunk. It is sometimes set to null (0xFF) even for enemies, so the purpose of this value isn't known.