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There are two file formats related to text in The Wind Waker: BMG and BMC. The BMG files contain the actual text data, while the BMC files contain RGB color data for changing the font's color. The specs of these two formats are discussed below.


The Wind Waker stores all of its main text in zel_00.bmg, located at res/Msg/bmgres.arc, and the Shift-JIS-encoded Katakana text for the game's Hylian textboxes in zel_01.bmg located at res/Msg/bmgresh.arc. Although they are BMG files, they have a slightly different format than that of the BMG files found in Twilight Princess and Super Mario Galaxy. There are three parts to the BMG format that The Wind Waker uses: the file header, the INF1 section, and the DAT1 section.

File Header

Size: 0x20 bytes

Offset Field Description
0x00 const string "MESGbmg1"
0x08 int fileSize
0x0C const int 0x02
0x10 const int 0x01000000
0x14 const int 0x00
0x18 const int 0x00
0x1C const int 0x00

The only variable present in the file header is fileSize.


The INF1 section has a header followed by a specified number of message entries.

INF1 Header

Size: 0x10

Offset Field Description
0x00 const string INF1
0x04 int inf1Size
0x08 short numMessageEntries
0x0A short messageEntrySize
0x0C const int 0x00

Message Entries

Size: 0x18

Offset Field Description
0x00 int dat1TextOffset
0x04 short messageID
0x06 short unknown1
0x08 short unknown2
0x0A short unknown3
0x0C byte textboxType
0x0D byte defaultDrawType
0x0E byte textboxPosition
0x0F byte itemImageID
0x10 byte unknown4
0x11 byte unknown5
0x12 byte unknown6
0x13 byte unknown7
0x14 const short 0x00
0x16 byte numLinesPerBox
0x17 const byte 0x00

The offset given by dat1TextOffset is the offset of the text data relative to the end of the DAT1 header. It appears that the unknowns are grouping IDs that may or may not be used by the engine. In any case, changing them does not have any visible effect in-game.


DAT1 starts with a 0x08-byte-long header, followed by the ASCII-encoded text data. Each individual message is separated by a null terminator. The actual text data starts at offset 0x01 from the end of the header; at 0x00 is a single null terminator used to prevent crashing from undefined text offsets.

DAT1 Header

Size: 0x08

Offset Field Description
0x00 const string "DAT1"
0x04 int dat1Size


The file color.bmc can be found at both res/Msg/bmgres.arc and res/Msg/bmgresh.arc. Both files are identical. They contain RGB data in an array that the game uses to color the font when prompted by the Set Font Color control code. This control code takes an integer as an argument, and this integer is the index of the color settings to use within the color data array. There are two parts to the BMC format: the file header and the CLT1 section.

File Header

Size: 0x20 bytes

Offset Field Description
0x00 const string "MGCLbmc1"
0x08 const int 0x22
0x0C const int 0x01
0x10 const int 0x00
0x14 const int 0x00
0x18 const int 0x00
0x1C const int 0x00

The BMC file header has no variable information.


There are two components to the CLT1 section: a header and an array of RGB colors.

CLT1 Header

Size: 0x0C bytes

Offset Field Description
0x00 const string "CLT1"
0x04 int clt1Size
0x08 short numColors
0x0A const short 0x00
0x0C ColorArrayElement[numColors] colorArray

The CLT1 header contains two variables: clt1Size, which is the size of the CLT1 section, and numColors, which is the number of colors within the color array. It should be noted that while numColors is set to 0x0100/256 dec by default, only the first 9 slots of the array contain actual color data. Color 0x09 and beyond are simply white, and can be made into different colors and referenced by the Set Font Color control code.

Color Array Element

Size: 0x04 bytes

Offset Field Description
0x00 byte redValue
0x01 byte greenValue
0x02 byte blueValue
0x03 const byte 0xFF

Each element in the array of colors follows this format. The field at 0x03 is padding, not an alpha value. Changing this value does not change the opacity of the font.