From CloudModding OoT Wiki

Back to year 2010 when i started to make mods for OoT/MM (First my name was Katz and finally ChriisTiian) ...

I started with GS Codes, and then, i've written apps to make things more easier, i still doing some apps wich i will release when they will done.

Zelda ROM Fixer: This can fix various errors ONLY of the Debug ROM, done in 9/07/2014, A LOT of problems here, bug, crashes, total shit :/
Screen 1:
Screen 2:
Screen 3:

Zelda64 Ram2Rom: This can (maybe not) search GameShark codes in ROM.

Zelda ToolKit: This is the -MOST- powerfull tool that i'm making, this can:

· ANY decompressed Ocarina of Time / Majora's Mask ROM ...
· Damage Charts Table
· Entrance Cutscene Table
· Entrances Data Table
· Instrument Set Table
· Scene Restriction Table
· Scene Table
· ALL Commands of Scene/Rooms (Exept 0x03, 0x0A & 0x17, wich still in progress)

Include Tools:
· ROM Decompressor
· Resource Extractor
· ROM Patcher (Make your own patches with a simple .txt file)
· Debug ROM Mod Maker (Disable ALL Debug stuffs to release your mod)
· Debug ROM Bugs Fixer (Fixes ALL errors from Debug ROM)
· N64 ROM CRC Fixer

Lacking things:
· Add a FUCKING Map Render with OpenGL (i tried and always can't do this)
· Add full support to Majora's Mask (there are undocummented things).
· Add support to Tunic, Navi, Sword colours.
· Add support to Colision, Mesh & Cutscene.


YouTube Channel:
Skype: ChriisTiian_Zelda