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Internal Scene Table

Code (File)
Internal Scene Table
J 1.011751000C7651000C76C20801BEBB0801BF2C0
J 1.11177E000C767E000C76EF0801BEDC0801BF4D0
U 1.011E1E000C5A1E000C5A8F0801C3CA0801C43B0
PAL 1.011E86000DA886000DA8F70801C45C0801C4CD0
PAL 1.111E98000DA898000DA9090801C4960801C5070
JP GC11BF7000C60F7000C61680801C2390801C2AA0
USA GC11BF5000C66F5000C67660801C2390801C2AA0
PAL GC11C98000DB598000DB6090801C2F20801C3630

The internal scene table defines the game's scenes, assigns an internal numeric ordering used for checks on the current scene, and defines certain graphical effects.


There are 113 entries in the scene table in all versions of Majora's Mask.

Offset Value
0x00 Scene VRom Start
0x04 Scene VRom End
0x08 Entrance Message ID
0x0B Scene Configuration?
0x0C 00000000 padding (?)
# Filename Translation Identification
000 00 Z2_20SICHITAI2 Zelda 2 - 20 Damp Area 2 Southern Swamp (Clear)
001 01 null
002 02 null
003 03 null
004 04 null
005 05 null
006 06 null
007 07 KAKUSIANA Hidden Grottos Grottos
008 08 SPOT00 Spot 00 Cutscene Map
009 09 null
010 0A Z2_WITCH_SHOP Zelda 2 - Witch - Shop Magic Hags' Potion Shop
011 0B Z2_LAST_BS Zelda 2 - Last - Boss Majora's Lair
012 0C Z2_HAKASHITA Zelda 2 - Under Grave Beneath the Graveyard
013 0D Z2_AYASHIISHOP Zelda 2 - Suspicious Shop Curiosity Shop
014 0E null
015 0F null
016 10 Z2_OMOYA Zelda 2 - Main Building Ranch House & Barn
017 11 Z2_BOWLING Zelda 2 - Bowling Honey & Darling's Shop
018 12 Z2_SONCHONOIE Zelda 2 - Mayor's House Mayor's Residence
019 13 Z2_IKANA Zelda 2 - Ikana Ikana Canyon
020 14 Z2_KAIZOKU Zelda 2 - Pirates Pirates' Fortress
021 15 Z2_MILK_BAR Zelda 2 - Milk - Bar Milk Bar
022 16 Z2_INISIE_N Zelda 2 - Ancient - Normal Stone Tower Temple
023 17 Z2_TAKARAYA Zelda 2 - Treasure Shop Treasure Chest Shop
024 18 Z2_INISIE_R Zelda 2 - Ancient - Reversed Stone Tower Temple (Inverted)
025 19 Z2_OKUJOU Zelda 2 - Rooftop Clock Tower Rooftop
026 1A Z2_OPENINGDAN Zelda 2 - Opening Dungeon Before the Portal to Termina
027 1B Z2_MITURIN Zelda 2 - Jungle Woodfall Temple
028 1C Z2_13HUBUKINOMITI Zelda 2 - 13 Blizzard Path Path to Mountain Village
029 1D Z2_CASTLE Zelda 2 - Castle Ancient Castle of Ikana
030 1E Z2_DEKUTES Zelda 2 - Deku Test Deku Scrub Playground
031 1F Z2_MITURIN_BS Zelda 2 - Jungle - Boss Odolwa's Lair
032 20 Z2_SYATEKI_MIZU Zelda 2 - Shooting Gallery - Water Town Shooting Gallery
033 21 Z2_HAKUGIN Zelda 2 - Snow Snowhead Temple
034 22 Z2_ROMANYMAE Zelda 2 - Before Romani Milk Road
035 23 Z2_PIRATE Zelda 2 - Pirate Pirates' Fortress Interior
036 24 Z2_SYATEKI_MORI Zelda 2 - Shooting Gallery - Forest Swamp Shooting Gallery
037 25 Z2_SINKAI Zelda 2 - Deep Sea Pinnacle Rock
038 26 Z2_YOUSEI_IZUMI Zelda 2 - Fairy - Fountain Fairy's Fountain
039 27 Z2_KINSTA1 Zelda 2 - Gold Skulltula 1 Swamp Spider House
040 28 Z2_KINDAN2 Zelda 2 - Gold Skulltula Dungeon 2 Oceanside Spider House
041 29 Z2_TENMON_DAI Zelda 2 - Astral - Observatory Astral Observatory
042 2A Z2_LAST_DEKU Zelda 2 - Last - Deku The Moon - Deku Trial
043 2B Z2_22DEKUCITY Zelda 2 - 22 Deku City Deku Palace
044 2C Z2_KAJIYA Zelda 2 - Blacksmith Mountain Smithy
045 2D Z2_00KEIKOKU Zelda 2 - 00 Valley Termina Field
046 2E Z2_POSTHOUSE Zelda 2 - Post Office Post Office
047 2F Z2_LABO Zelda 2 - Laboratory Marine Research Lab
048 30 Z2_DANPEI2TEST Zelda 2 - Dampé 2 Test Dampé's House
049 31 null
050 32 Z2_16GORON_HOUSE Zelda 2 - 16 Goron - House Goron Shrine
051 33 Z2_33ZORACITY Zelda 2 - 33 Zora City Zora Hall
052 34 Z2_8ITEMSHOP Zelda 2 - 8 Item Shop Trading Post
053 35 Z2_F01 Zelda 2 - Field 01 Romani Ranch
054 36 Z2_INISIE_BS Zelda 2 - Ancient - Boss Twinmold's Lair
055 37 Z2_30GYOSON Zelda 2 - 30 Fishing Village Great Bay Coast
056 38 Z2_31MISAKI Zelda 2 - 31 Cape Zora Cape
057 39 Z2_TAKARAKUJI Zelda 2 - Lottery Lottery Shop
058 3A null
059 3B Z2_TORIDE Zelda 2 - Fortress Pirates' Fortress Exterior
060 3C Z2_FISHERMAN Zelda 2 - Fisherman Fisherman's Hut
061 3D Z2_GORONSHOP Zelda 2 - Goron Shop Goron Shop
062 3E Z2_DEKU_KING Zelda 2 - Deku - King Deku King's Chamber
063 3F Z2_LAST_GORON Zelda 2 - Last - Goron The Moon - Goron Trial
064 40 Z2_24KEMONOMITI Zelda 2 - 24 Beast Path Road to Southern Swamp
065 41 Z2_F01_B Zelda 2 - Field 01 - B Doggy Racetrack
066 42 Z2_F01C Zelda 2 - Field 01 C Cucco Shack
067 43 Z2_BOTI Zelda 2 - Graveyard Ikana Graveyard
068 44 Z2_HAKUGIN_BS Zelda 2 - Snow - Boss Goht's Lair
069 45 Z2_20SICHITAI Zelda 2 - 20 Damp Area Southern Swamp (Poisoned)
070 46 Z2_21MITURINMAE Zelda 2 - Before Jungle Woodfall
071 47 Z2_LAST_ZORA Zelda 2 - Last - Zora The Moon - Zora Trial
072 48 Z2_11GORONNOSATO2 Zelda 2 - 11 Goron Village 2 Goron Village (Spring)
073 49 Z2_SEA Zelda 2 - Sea Great Bay Temple
074 4A Z2_35TAKI Zelda 2 - 35 Waterfall Waterfall Rapids
075 4B Z2_REDEAD Zelda 2 - Redead Beneath the Well
076 4C Z2_BANDROOM Zelda 2 - Band Room Zora Hall Rooms
077 4D Z2_11GORONNOSATO Zelda 2 - 11 Goron Village Goron Village (Winter)
078 4E Z2_GORON_HAKA Zelda 2 - Goron - Grave Goron Graveyard
079 4F Z2_SECOM Zelda 2 - Sakon Sakon's Hideout
080 50 Z2_10YUKIYAMANOMURA Zelda 2 - 10 Snowy Mountain Village Mountain Village (Winter)
081 51 Z2_TOUGITES Zelda 2 - Contest Test Ghost Hut
082 52 Z2_DANPEI Zelda 2 - Dampé Deku Shrine
083 53 Z2_IKANAMAE Zelda 2 - Before Ikana Road to Ikana
084 54 Z2_DOUJOU Zelda 2 - Dojo Swordsman's School
085 55 Z2_MUSICHOUSE Zelda 2 - Music House Music Box House
086 56 Z2_IKNINSIDE Zelda 2 - Ikana Inside Igos du Ikana's Lair
087 57 Z2_MAP_SHOP Zelda 2 - Map - Shop Tourist Information
088 58 Z2_F40 Zelda 2 - Field 40 Stone Tower
089 59 Z2_F41 Zelda 2 - Field 41 Stone Tower (Inverted)
090 5A Z2_10YUKIYAMANOMURA2 Zelda 2 - 10 Snowy Mountain Village 2 Mountain Village (Spring)
091 5B Z2_14YUKIDAMANOMITI Zelda 2 - 14 Snowball Path Path to Snowhead
092 5C Z2_12HAKUGINMAE Zelda 2 - 12 Before Snow Snowhead
093 5D Z2_17SETUGEN Zelda 2 - 17 Snowfield Path to Goron Village (Winter)
094 5E Z2_17SETUGEN2 Zelda 2 - 17 Snowfield 2 Path to Goron Village (Spring)
095 5F Z2_SEA_BS Zelda 2 - Sea - Boss Gyorg's Lair
096 60 Z2_RANDOM Zelda 2 - Random Secret Shrine
097 61 Z2_YADOYA Zelda 2 - Inn Stock Pot Inn
098 62 Z2_KONPEKI_ENT Zelda 2 - Deep Blue - Entrance Great Bay (Cutscene)
099 63 Z2_INSIDETOWER Zelda 2 - Inside Tower Clock Tower Interior
100 64 Z2_26SARUNOMORI Zelda 2 - 26 Monkey Forest Woods of Mystery
101 65 Z2_LOST_WOODS Zelda 2 - Lost - Woods Lost Woods
102 66 Z2_LAST_LINK Zelda 2 - Last - Link The Moon - Link Trial
103 67 Z2_SOUGEN Zelda 2 - Field The Moon
104 68 Z2_BOMYA Zelda 2 - Bomb Shop Bomb Shop
105 69 Z2_KYOJINNOMA Zelda 2 - Giants' Chamber Giants' Chamber
106 6A Z2_KOEPONARACE Zelda 2 - Child Epona Race Gorman Track
107 6B Z2_GORONRACE Zelda 2 - Goron Race Goron Racetrack
108 6C Z2_TOWN Zelda 2 - Town East Clock Town
109 6D Z2_ICHIBA Zelda 2 - Marketplace West Clock Town
110 6E Z2_BACKTOWN Zelda 2 - Back Town North Clock Town
111 6F Z2_CLOCKTOWER Zelda 2 - Clock Tower South Clock Town
112 70 Z2_ALLEY Zelda 2 - Alley Laundry Pool

External Scene Table

The external scene table defines an alternate scene ordering used by the entrance index system, and defines the location of each scene's individual entrance table

Code (File)
External Scene Table
J 1.0118F8400C77F8400C784AC801C0624801C0B4C
J 1.111925400C7825400C7877C801C0834801C0D5C
U 1.011FC6000C5BC6000C5C188801C5720801C5C48
PAL 1.01202E000DAA2E000DAA808801C6040801C6568
PAL 1.112040000DAA40000DAA928801C63E0801C6908
JP GC11D9F000C629F000C62F18801C3E10801C4338
USA GC11D9D000C689D000C68EF8801C3E10801C4338
PAL GC11E40000DB740000DB7928801C49A0801C4EC8


struct //External Scene Table record
    /* 0x00 */ s8?               num_entrances;
    /* 0x04 */ z_EntranceRecord* entrances[]; //pointer to array of ptrs
    /* 0x08 */ char*             filename;
} //size 0x0C

typedef struct //z_EntranceRecord
    /* 0x00 */ s8   sceneId; //abs(sceneId) = internal scene id; value sign = ?
    /* 0x01 */ S8?  spawnId;
    /* 0x02 */ s16? variable; //see below

    // Note: Taken from OoT, untested
    // & 8000 = Continue playing background music when exiting. 0 stops it, 1 continues playing it. 
    // & 4000 = Displays title card. (Also sets property in Link?)
    // & 3F80 = Fade In Transition Animation
    // & 007F = Fade Out Transition Animation
} z_EntranceRecord; //size 0x04

Entrance Index

Majora's Mask's Entrance Index is actually a composite value.

  & 0xFE00 = External Scene Index
  & 0x01F0 = Spawn Index
  & 0x000F = Offset

The external scene index is used to index the table below. The spawn index component is used to index the z_EntranceRecord* array defined by the external scene table record that was looked up, giving a pointer that points to a z_EntranceRecord array. Lastly, the offset looks up a specific z_EntranceRecord within the z_EntranceRecord array. If the cutscene number is set, the offset is incremented by 1 + the cutscene number.


Scene Ent. Name Translation Identification
Zelda 2 - Mayor's House Mayor's Residence
01 01 Z2_LAST_BS Zelda 2 - Last - Boss Majora's Lair
02 01 Z2_WITCH_SHOP Zelda 2 - Witch - Shop Magic Hags' Potion Shop
03 02 Z2_OMOYA Zelda 2 - Main Building Ranch House & Barn
04 01 Z2_BOWLING Zelda 2 - Bowling Honey & Darling's Shop
05 02 Z2_HAKASHITA Zelda 2 - Under Grave Beneath the Graves
06 0B Z2_20SICHITAI2 Zelda 2 - 20 Damp Area 2 Southern Swamp (Clear)
07 04 Z2_AYASHIISHOP Zelda 2 - Suspicious Shop Curiosity Shop
08 00
09 00
0A 11 KAKUSIANA Hidden Grottos Grottos
0B 00
0C 00
0D 00
0E 0A SPOT00 Spot 00 Cutscene Map
0F 00
10 10 Z2_IKANA Zelda 2 - Ikana Ikana Canyon
11 0F Z2_KAIZOKU Zelda 2 - Pirates Pirates' Fortress
12 01 Z2_MILK_BAR Zelda 2 - Milk - Bar Milk Bar
13 02 Z2_INISIE_N Zelda 2 - Ancient - Normal Stone Tower Temple
14 02 Z2_TAKARAYA Zelda 2 - Treasure Shop Treasure Chest Shop
15 03 Z2_INISIE_R Zelda 2 - Ancient - Reversed Stone Tower Temple (Inverted)
16 03 Z2_OKUJOU Zelda 2 - Rooftop Clock Tower Rooftop
17 05 Z2_OPENINGDAN Zelda 2 - Opening Dungeon Before the Portal to Termina
18 03 Z2_MITURIN Zelda 2 - Jungle Woodfall Temple
19 02 Z2_13HUBUKINOMITI Zelda 2 - 13 Blizzard Path Path to Mountain Village
1A 07 Z2_CASTLE Zelda 2 - Castle Ancient Castle of Ikana
1B 02 Z2_DEKUTES Zelda 2 - Deku Test Deku Scrub Playground
1C 01 Z2_MITURIN_BS Zelda 2 - Jungle - Boss Odolwa's Lair
1D 02 Z2_SYATEKI_MIZU Zelda 2 - Shooting Gallery - Water Shooting Gallery (Town)
1E 02 Z2_HAKUGIN Zelda 2 - Snow Snowhead Temple
1F 07 Z2_ROMANYMAE Zelda 2 - Before Romani Milk Road
20 10 Z2_PIRATE Zelda 2 - Pirate Pirates' Fortress Interior
21 01 Z2_SYATEKI_MORI Zelda 2 - Shooting Gallery - Forest Shooting Gallery (Swamp)
22 02 Z2_SINKAI Zelda 2 - Deep Sea Pinnacle Rock
23 0A Z2_YOUSEI_IZUMI Zelda 2 - Fairy - Fountain Fairy's Fountain
24 01 Z2_KINSTA1 Zelda 2 - Gold Skulltula 1 Swamp Spider House
25 01 Z2_KINDAN2 Zelda 2 - Gold Skulltula Dungeon 2 Oceanside Spider House
26 03 Z2_TENMON_DAI Zelda 2 - Astral - Observatory Astral Observatory
27 01 Z2_LAST_DEKU Zelda 2 - Last - Deku The Moon - Deku Trial
28 0B Z2_22DEKUCITY Zelda 2 - 22 Deku City Deku Palace
29 01 Z2_KAJIYA Zelda 2 - Blacksmith Mountain Smithy
2A 0F Z2_00KEIKOKU Zelda 2 - 00 Valley Termina Field
2B 01 Z2_POSTHOUSE Zelda 2 - Post Office Post Office
2C 01 Z2_LABO Zelda 2 - Laboratory Marine Research Laboratory
2D 02 Z2_DANPEI2TEST Zelda 2 - Dampé 2 Test Dampé's House
2E 00 null
2F 04 Z2_16GORON_HOUSE Zelda 2 - 16 Goron - House Goron Shrine
30 09 Z2_33ZORACITY Zelda 2 - 33 Zora City Zora Hall
31 02 Z2_8ITEMSHOP Zelda 2 - 8 Item Shop Trading Post
32 0C Z2_F01 Zelda 2 - Field 01 Romani Ranch
33 Z2_INISIE_BS Zelda 2 - Ancient - Boss Twinmold's Lair
34 0E Z2_30GYOSON Zelda 2 - 30 Fishing Village Great Bay Coast
35 0A Z2_31MISAKI Zelda 2 - 31 Cape Zora Cape
36 01 Z2_TAKARAKUJI Zelda 2 - Lottery Lottery Shop
37 00 null
38 07 Z2_TORIDE Zelda 2 - Fortress Pirates' Fortress Exterior
39 01 Z2_FISHERMAN Zelda 2 - Fisherman Fisherman's Hut
3A 01 Z2_GORONSHOP Zelda 2 - Goron Shop Goron Shop
3B 04 Z2_DEKU_KING Zelda 2 - Deku - King Deku King's Chamber
3C 01 Z2_LAST_GORON Zelda 2 - Last - Goron The Moon - Goron Trial
3D 03 Z2_24KEMONOMITI Zelda 2 - 24 Beast Path Road to Southern Swamp
3E 02 Z2_F01_B Zelda 2 - Field 01 - B Doggy Racetrack
3F 02 Z2_F01C Zelda 2 - Field 01 C Cucco Shack
40 06 Z2_BOTI Zelda 2 - Graveyard Ikana Graveyard
41 01 Z2_HAKUGIN_BS Zelda 2 - Snow - Boss Goht's Lair
42 0B Z2_20SICHITAI Zelda 2 - 20 Damp Area Southern Swamp (Poisoned)
43 05 Z2_21MITURINMAE Zelda 2 - Before Jungle Woodfall
44 02 Z2_LAST_ZORA Zelda 2 - Last - Zora The Moon - Zora Trial
45 05 Z2_11GORONNOSATO2 Zelda 2 - 11 Goron Village 2 Goron Village (Spring)
46 03 Z2_SEA Zelda 2 - Sea Great Bay Temple
47 04 Z2_35TAKI Zelda 2 - 35 Waterfall Waterfall Rapids
48 02 Z2_REDEAD Zelda 2 - Redead Beneath the Well
49 07 Z2_BANDROOM Zelda 2 - Band Room Zora Hall Rooms
4A 05 Z2_11GORONNOSATO Zelda 2 - 11 Goron Village Goron Village (Winter)
4B 02 Z2_GORON_HAKA Zelda 2 - Goron - Grave Goron Graveyard
4C 01 Z2_SECOM Zelda 2 - Sakon Sakon's Hideout
4D 09 Z2_10YUKIYAMANOMURA Zelda 2 - 10 Snowy Mountain Village Mountain Village (Winter)
4E 03 Z2_TOUGITES Zelda 2 - Contest Test Ghost Hut
4F 03 Z2_DANPEI Zelda 2 - Dampé Deku Shrine
50 03 Z2_IKANAMAE Zelda 2 - Before Ikana Road to Ikana
51 01 Z2_DOUJOU Zelda 2 - Dojo Swordsman's School
52 01 Z2_MUSICHOUSE Zelda 2 - Music House Music Box House
53 01 Z2_IKNINSIDE Zelda 2 - Ikana Inside Igos du Ikana's Lair
54 03 Z2_MAP_SHOP Zelda 2 - Map - Shop Tourist Information
55 04 Z2_F40 Zelda 2 - Field 40 Stone Tower
56 02 Z2_F41 Zelda 2 - Field 41 Stone Tower (Inverted)
57 09 Z2_10YUKIYAMANOMURA2 Zelda 2 - 10 Snowy Mountain Village 2 Mountain Village (Spring)
58 02 Z2_14YUKIDAMANOMITI Zelda 2 - 14 Snowball Path Path to Snowhead
59 04 Z2_12HAKUGINMAE Zelda 2 - 12 Before Snow Snowhead
5A 03 Z2_17SETUGEN Zelda 2 - 17 Snowfield Path to Goron Village (Winter)
5B 03 Z2_17SETUGEN2 Zelda 2 - 17 Snowfield 2 Path to Goron Village (Spring)
5C 02 Z2_SEA_BS Zelda 2 - Sea - Boss Gyorg's Lair
5D 01 Z2_RANDOM Zelda 2 - Random Secret Shrine
5E 06 Z2_YADOYA Zelda 2 - Inn Stock Pot Inn
5F 01 Z2_KONPEKI_ENT Zelda 2 - Deep Blue - Entrance Great Bay Coast (Cutscene)
60 07 Z2_INSIDETOWER Zelda 2 - Inside Tower Clock Tower Interior
61 01 Z2_26SARUNOMORI Zelda 2 - 26 Monkey Forest Woods of Mystery
62 03 Z2_LOST_WOODS Zelda 2 - Lost - Woods Lost Woods
63 01 Z2_LAST_LINK Zelda 2 - Last - Link The Moon - Link Trial
64 01 Z2_SOUGEN Zelda 2 - Field The Moon
65 02 Z2_BOMYA Zelda 2 - Bomb Shop Bomb Shop
66 01 Z2_KYOJINNOMA Zelda 2 - Giants' Chamber Giants' Chamber
67 06 Z2_KOEPONARACE Zelda 2 - Child Epona Race Gorman Track
68 03 Z2_GORONRACE Zelda 2 - Goron Race Goron Racetrack
69 0D Z2_TOWN Zelda 2 - Town East Clock Town
6A 0A Z2_ICHIBA Zelda 2 - Marketplace West Clock Town
6B 08 Z2_BACKTOWN Zelda 2 - Back Town North Clock Town
6C 0B Z2_CLOCKTOWER Zelda 2 - Clock Tower South Clock Town
6D 03 Z2_ALLEY Zelda 2 - Alley Laundry Pool