From CloudModding TWW Wiki

Control codes within the game's text can change the text's color. The colors that it can be changed to are defined in the BMC format, and they are referenced by their index.

File Header

//0x20/32dec bytes long

/*0x00*/ const string Magic = "MGCLbmc1";

/*0x08*/ int UnknownField1; //Twenty-two

/*0x0C*/ int UnknownField2; //One


The CLT1 section contains the entries which house the RGBA color data.


//0xC/12dec bytes long

/*0x00*/ const string Magic = "CLT1";

/*0x04*/ int SectionSize;

/*0x08*/ short EntryCount;

/*0x0A*/ short Padding;


//4 bytes long

/*0x00*/ byte RedValue;

/*0x01*/ byte GreenValue;

/*0x02*/ byte BlueValue;

/*0x03*/ byte AlphaValue; //Not used

See Also

  • BMG, the text bank format