From CloudModding OoT Wiki

ZIFE is a command-line utility by politerust for extracting the internal files from ROM images of the two Zelda titles for the Nintendo 64 (i.e. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask).

Currently, ZIFE supports extracting files from the following ROMs: - Debugger's build of Ocarina of Time (a.k.a Debug ROM)


To compile ZIFE, navigate into the "source" directory and run the `make` command. Similarly, a static binary can be compiled if needed by running the `make static` command in the "source" directory.

The Makefile doesn't include a target for building Windows executables presently. A pre-compiled Windows binary can be found, however, in the "binaries" directory, along with pre-compiled dynamic and static Linux binaries.


To use ZIFE, run it with the following command structure: zife /path/to/ROM [/output/directory/]

If an output directory is not specified, the files will be extracted to the current directory. Note, however, that more than 1,500 files are generated by the extraction process.

